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Everything posted by TJAlexander14

  1. TJAlexander14 posted a post in a topic in Lunatic Profiles
    Updated: New theme music, "Death Defier" By Skillet
  2. (The scene opens up with a KORE Sunday Morning Assault backdrop, where we see TJ Alexander standing in front of, as we see TJ Alexander dressed in blue jeans, and a white short sleeved t-shirt and a gold chain around his neck) “You know normally I don’t like tournaments, especially if it’s not worth it, that a title or a cash reward is on the line, but right now something that is even more intriguing that I am taking part in Kore’s Assault show, where yours truly will be part-taking in the trail blazing tournament, and I am that in every sense of the word, a true trail blazer, the only thing that I need now is the trophy that goes with it, but first I need to focus and concentrate on my first opponent of the tournament.” (TJ pauses) “My first opponent is someone who I’ve never wrestled before, someone who is literally brand new to America looking to start his career, unfortunately for him, he starts his career against me, “The game Changer”, Kaito Ishikawa, gets his first taste on American soil and in the American wrestling scene, but his actually facing a Brit, “The Best brit In The Business”, and if anyone is an International Ace it’s me.” (TJ cracks his knuckles) “Kaito Ishikawa I know you have the entire country of Japan on your shoulders, that this is your biggest chance you could possible ever get, I know you are training hard, you’ve made a make shift gym and you are putting in the hard work, which is all good, but none of it will make a difference in the end, you see Kaito, I need this more than you, and I am going to through a rough patch but my mind has never been more clear, my body is in peak physical condition.” (TJ smiles) “Kaito the only thing you might have a chance is if I get distracted, but Kaito even with that, I’m better than you, your gonna find out why AWS paid the big money to get me and didn’t reach out and scout you, because they know I can bring more eyes and more attention to the company than you.” (TJ pauses) “Kaito this is a dream match for you, I understand that, but for me, not so much, for me it’s an inconvenient, for me I should have been given a free pass, I’ve done enough to credit that, while you Kaito gets your big dream against me, but Kaito it’s not gonna go down the way you think, this is not gonna be a long dual between us, I’m gonna make this as quick as possible, but Kaito I want you to take this opportunity and savour it, savour the feeling against me because it will be a very long time before we meet again. Kaito I know you’ve got a style like mine, we both have educated feet, we both have technical prowess, but you’re a little heavier than me, I know I have an advantage over you with aerial combat, with speed, and with agility.” (TJ pauses) “Kaito I hope you have the experience of a lifetime against me, but really pound for pound, you’re not even on my level, I’m on another level that you cannot fathom.” (TJ pauses) “Kaito when I beat you at Sunday Morning Assault, you can rack this up as a life lesson, that you are not ready for the wrestling scene over here in the United States, that staying in Japan is your best option, and also staying out of my way is even better, see you at assault.” (Scene ends)
  3. (The scene opens up with an AWS backdrop, as we see TJ Alexander standing in front of it, we see TJ dressed in blue jeans, and a white and blue flannel shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, and a gold chain around his neck) “So here we are another week has past and another week I’m appearing on Monday Night Ward, right now here in Las Vegas, but last time on Monday Night WARD, I went toe-to-toe with Ethan Murphy, we both went to war in a ladder match, and in the end of it, Ethan Murphy was the better man, on that night, just. On that night Ethan Murphy was slightly better and he got the win, congratulations Ethan, someday soon though bruv I want a rematch.” (TJ pauses) “But now I need to focus and I need to dust of that loss with a win, and this week on Ward, I’m in a triple threat, and some are saying considering who’s my opponents are, that I’m out of my depth, that I’m inept, and that I should bow out. My opponents are bigger and stronger in me in every way, for a normal opponent of my size and stature; everyone should be saying that I need to bow out. Everyone should be warning me that I need to bow out of this match, but I’m not a normal opponent, in my career I’ve already done the impossible, many times over, and I’m on another level. Sure my opponents are bigger and taller than me, but I’ve bested opponents that are bigger and taller than me before, and I’ll do it again.” (TJ winks) “Damien Kostich, just look at you man, a sheer monster in every definition of the word, your name sounds through the history books of AWS, from its old actually being an asylum to when it was transformed into a wrestling company, your name rings through. I bet you are used to people just walking away from you just to avoid you, from the average Joe on the street to even the staff in the asylum that you were in, even they didn’t want to go anywhere near you, you are the embodiment of a pure monster, but Damien I slay monsters.” (TJ pauses) “ Damien believe me bruv, I’ve always been in this position my entire life, where I’m the underdog, where I’m up against the wall, and where I need to find the fight in me to win, and that’s exactly what I’ll do this time, no matter what, but with you Damien, with you, the little that I’ve knowledge I’ve got on you, I know how to beat you, you like to control the chaos, you’re a master on that, the majority of the time, the majority of the time, you can control your own anger and use that as a weapon against your opponents, a lot of people can’t do that, if they do, they’re sloppy at best. But you do it with perfection, it’s a gift, until you’ve been in the ring with me bruv, until you look me in my eyes across the ring, and you’ll know, that I’m one annoying bastard, that I can get under your skin like a flash of lightening and remain there until you crack and make a mistake.” (TJ pauses) “Damien when you start to make those mistakes, when you realise that you’re not controlling the chaos or the situation, you’re gonna realise that I’m not just the underdog in this situation, that I’m different than your average Joe wrestler, that I’m on another level, and there’s reasons why I’ve been the global champion, while you was away Damien, I was pulling up trees and kickin’ arse, and now I’ve hit a little slump, I am fully focused more determined than ever to get back on track, with a win over you and Kyle Stevenson. “ (TJ smiles) “Damien I know that your gonna bring everything you have, because you have a point to prove, that you’re the monster, that your returning to become the horror of AWS, but even horrors can be conquered.” (TJ pauses) “And then we have Kyle Stevenson, the man who has more experience than me, but his ceiling was hit years ago, the potential isn’t there anymore, and right now, Kyle Stevenson, you’re just hanging on, hanging onto something to latch onto to stay relevant, Kyle Stevenson you’re a bad smell and I’ll be glad to disinfect you from the business.” (TJ pauses) “Kyle Stevenson, sure you are bigger and taller than me, but if it was just me versus you, I’d have your number each time, because I’m smarter, because I’m faster and mostly because I’m on another level, while I’ve been in the business I’ve done so much more than you, you’re just a never was.” (Scene ends)
  4. (The camera slowly fades into a local gym. The atmosphere is heavy, the kind of place people likes to go and fight, not for glory but out of necessity. The walls are cracked and stained through blood and sweat, and the scent of metal and leather covers the air, the sounds of clanging weights and the thuds of punching bags egos through. In a corner we see TJ Alexander, dressed in gym gear sitting on a weight bench, training.) “It’s been several weeks now since Day Zero, since my last loss in that triple threat with Ethan Murphy and Drake Nygma, and now we are here in days away from another special Monday Night Ward show, it’s not just any Monday night ward show, it’s a special event where I have an opportunity to gain something that could propel me into position for a Elite championship title shot, so while Daron Smyth and Vin Halstead fight for the chance to become the new Elite champion of AWS, I am in the ring, to fight Ethan Murphy for the demon case championship, a briefcase that contains a title shot that is for a whole year, anytime and anywhere a person can use this demon case championship.” (TJ rubs his hands) “And to say that I NEED this win is an understatement, in the last several weeks prior to Day Zero, I had loss after loss dealing with Vin Halstead, and with the loss at Day Zero in that triple threat, I desperately NEED this win on Monday night ward, but I know it’s not gonna be easy, I know it’s gonna be a fight with Ethan Murphy.” (TJ looks into the camera) “And Ethan I hear your blaming me for your loss at Day Zero, that you had to fight against two fronts, bruv, the difference between you and I is, that I take responsibility, sure you lost at Day Zero, but it wasn’t down to me, I lost at Day Zero and that was down to me, but you just didn’t have enough fight in you I guess, at least be a man about it, at least have the balls and the backbone to hold your hands up and just say, my loss was my fault, but I guess it’s easier to blame me, so keep blaming me if it makes you feel better bruv, I’m man enough to take the brunt of the accusations from you, because in reality I know a triple threat, all bets are off. I know in a triple threat that you gotta have your head on a swivel, and you didn’t, so I’ll take the blame for your short comings on that one, don’t you worry.” (TJ laughs) “But Ethan you say your furious at the fact that you lost at Day Zero, but bruv you should look into the mirror and be furious with yourself, but I know you won’t.” (TJ pauses) “Ethan you expect better from me, well guess what bruv, I expect better from me, and in recent times I’ve had a lot of losses, and a lot of them are down to Vin Halstead, no matter how hard I’ve trained or studied my opponent, Vin Halstead has managed to get the win over me, but guess what, I took responsibility, that’s the difference.” (TJ pauses) “Ethan you’ve questioned why AWS rolled out the red carpet for me, that I was given so many chances, and that I was positioned to be the global champion, it’s simple really, that AWS saw and continue to see the high potential I have for this company, the fact is I just don’t stick to one company, I will always test myself with the best around, and whether I win or loss, bruv, I’ll always be ready to do just that, test myself, and test my limits.” (TJ pauses and looks into the camera) “But Ethan even though we are very similar in many ways, were also polar opposite, because you see while we both come from a big family, my family have not been in the wrestling business, your has, you’re a first generation wrestler, which means you have a lot more on your shoulders to live up to the pressure, and it doesn’t help that you have siblings more successful than you. And Ethan you questioned my red carpet experience, it’s because you’ve never got it. You’ve never tried your luck in other companies, you’ve stayed put in AWS, because you felt comfortable, you’ve tasted wins early in your career and you’re too scared to try new places, but Ethan that’s ok bruv, but don’t try and belittle me for broading my horizons and actually being successful at it, you just wished you could be me.” (TJ smiles) “I’ve just said that in many ways were similar, but also in many ways were polar opposites, and in polar opposites comes in-ring style, you say you’re looking forward to our match because you can take all your anger out on me, that in our singles match, in our one-on-one match that you are gonna kick my arse, I say you’re full of shit mate, I say the fact is I’m gonna be using my speed and agility against you that you will not be getting anywhere near me, that I’ll be too fast for you, and when I see that your head is ready to explode, then I will target you, I will exploit and expose your flaws, and yes you have them Ethan. And the fact is, I’m gonna use your anger against you, make you make a mistake, and then watch as you fall, see you at Ward bruv.” (Scene ends)
  5. TJAlexander14 posted a post in a topic in Out-of-Character
  6. TJAlexander14 posted a post in a topic in Out-of-Character
    Yeah its Xtreme Hardcore Wrestling
  7. (A video package rolls as we see the highlight year of TJ Alexander, as he captures the global championship from Octavia Nectra Kane, the video packages continues to highlight his in ring ability, then suddenly the screen turns black. A few seconds later we zoom out and see TJ Alexander, standing at the side of a TV monitor, dressed in a smart suit.) “You know I look back and I reflect, I look back and I think, and I look back and I ponder, I look back at the opportunities I’ve had, I’ve looked back at the opportunities I missed, and I look back at what I could have done differently, I look back at what I did do right, and I’m proud of them, but one thing has been a thorn in my side is Vin Halstead, he has had my number each time, and resulting me not getting back the global championship, ok, there’s always another time next year for that, but right now another opportunity has risen, at day zero I am in a triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the new Elite championship, a recently created championship, and a championship that will be crowned a new champion also at Day Zero.” (TJ rubs his hands together) “But knowing that I missed out at recapturing the global championship has buried deep in my head, it haunts me and the only way to erase that memory is by becoming a champion again, by becoming the ELITE champion, and I know I have an uphill struggle, what else is new, but I will eventually get that shiny new elite championship in my hands, but first I have to deal with this triple threat match, where I am against Ethan Murphy and “The Sphinx” Drake Nygma. Both of which are “elite” in their own way, but they are not in need, but I am. “ (TJ pauses looking into the camera) “I am in need of wearing gold here in AWS and nobody is going to stop me, but I know there gonna try, but they will fail. Drake Nygma, you will fail in stopping me, because you wanna know why, you have already given up your strategy, you have already spoken through the mist of your cryptic bullshit, that you have made it absolutely clear on what you plan on doing, and right now Drake, you do not put fear in me, and you never will. Drake I know that your skilled in the ring, but so am I, and frankly I’ve learned a lot in the last few months, and I’ve learned to adapt in way you don’t know about, and Drake bruv, you’re gonna find out how different I am.” (TJ pauses) “Ethan Murphy you on the other hand are the one guy that I am looking dead straight in the eyes at and telling you right now, that your dreams of becoming the number one contender are already turned to ash, I know you’ve had an unbelievable year, I know you was the television champion and I know you was the world heavyweight champion, both of which should be highly regarded, YOU did that, fair play, but that was then, and right now we are going to step in the ring, and fight, you and I Ethan are very similar in many way, through our upbringing, through how we adopted and beloved the wrestling life, from every little bit we wanted to sponge every little bit of knowledge, and we did it ourselves, and even in training, we are very similar, we both train our bodies to the fullest, and now we are in top tier shape, ready to take on the challenge, but you Ethan Murphy are just lacking something else to carry the weight and the burden, your shoulders are weak and will not hold the pressure.” (TJ smiles) “You have a heart full of confidence like me Ethan, but you lack something else, and that is the determination to get it, the drive to get the job done, and more importantly the sheer will power to get over the line and push your limits, that is something you damn well lack, and I’m gonna enjoy stretching those limits of yours and seeing you break, seeing you pull apart and seeing you strip down to your core and know that you are just out of your depth.” (TJ pauses) “I know what you’re thinking Ethan, that I’m talking crap, that I’ll full of shit, that you have as much determination and drive than I do, but were gonna find out, you see I am not walking into this match blind, I have studied and studied everything you and Drake have ever done here in AWS, frame by frame, and I know how you work in the ring, and brick by brick I am gonna tear your house down.” (TJ smiles) “Ethan your wrong about one thing, as 2024 is coming to an end, I NEED this win, I need the momentum, and I need to go into 2025 with the number one contender in my back pocket, ready to use against whoever walks out of Day Zero as the new elite champion out of Daron Smythe or Vin Halstead because really it should already be me, and not Vin Halstead. I should be walking into Day Zero still technically the global champion, and getting ready to merge the titles to become the new Elite championship, Ethan life has a way of going full circle at times, and right now is the time for me as I walk into 2025 the number one contender, I will become ELITE in the new year.” (TJ grins) “Being the AWS Global champion meant a great deal to me, it meant the world to me, to know that I am up there on the level that I should be, to have it stolen from me, it burns in my stomach, and it boils my piss, and now I am gonna rectify my mistakes, and take that number one contendership from underneath the pair of you, each of you brought something to this triple threat that makes you worthy of being in it, but actually getting the win, I am gonna push myself further than each of you, to show the world I WANT and NEED it more, 2025 is gonna be my year believe that bruv.” (Scene ends)
  8. TJAlexander14 posted a post in a topic in Out-of-Character
    I’m in several places, lol, I know, In fact I did have another that I’m in, but I ditched that fed. ECWF DPW ECE ICW IIW AAW CPW XHW xWo AWS PWS-Legacy
  9. (The scene opens up and we see TJ Alexander, standing in front of an AWS backdrop, as we se TJ wearing blue jeans, and a white short sleeved t-shirt with a gold chain around his neck) “Everyone knows the saying, everything happens for a reason, but I don’t like that saying, because five times now that Vin Halstead has beaten me and the last time, he won the global championship off me, but as we all saw, I didn’t hand it over, I still have it, and now I am going to bring it to reindeer games and I am gonna, but the saying everything happens for a reason can fuck right off, Vin Halstead is my thorn in my side, he is a noose around my neck, and that saying everything happens for a reason doesn’t apply to me, because I make things happen. I have done that all my life and I’ve done pretty well so far, but this rivalry between me and you VIN has almost driven me insane, insane to the point of just walking away for my mental health, at least walking away from AWS, but then I look in the mirror and I see the man standing in front of me, I see the man standing in front of me and he is saying don’t quit.” (TJ frowns) “Don’t let them win, you are gonna overcome and win, and that has instilled some believes and fire back into me, knowing that the saying everything happens for a reason doesn’t apply to me, but it only applies to normal people, the men and women who are working regular jobs and are not getting anywhere in life, just working to pay the bills, that’s there saying, everything happens for a reason, for them. For me I make things happen, and every match we’ve had, I’ve not only collected every piece of information, but I’ve chipped and chipped away at your body. Vin Halstead there’s going to be a time soon that I do beat you, and it is gonna happen before the year’s end.” (TJ frowns) “That is why I have kept the global championship, you may be the new champ, but I still have it because I know it’s gonna revert back to me very soon, and at a grandeur stage like Reindeer games, it’s gonna be a extraordinary way to end the year with you beaten to a pulp, showing the world that I can do beat, and proving my mental health the sanity it needs. But Vin I know your gonna come out swinging for the fences and wanting to get your hands on the global championship, but it’s gonna be futile, because I am gonna get that win against you.” (TJ pauses) “Vin I’ll admit there’s veterans and then there’s you, you are above most of the veterans who claim to be veterans in this business, but even the greats get beat, even the greats get their arses handed to them, and even the greats lose the spotlight, and what are you gonna do when I finally get that win over you? Are you gonna suck it up and take it on the chin, or are you gonna crumble and dwindle down? Vin believe me I will get that win?” (TJ pauses) “VIN this match favours you, a candy cane match, pretty much everything available to use, and I’m sure you will use everything you can get your hands on. But so am I, I am gonna do the same, any and everything I can get my hands on that I can use as a weapon, I will do so. But ultimately this is a candy cane match, and those candy canes are gonna end up down your throat, and you are gonna choke.” (TJ pauses) “Vin this isn’t going to be a wrestling master class, this is gonna be a fight, and the fight has been instilled in me to come at you with every ounce of fibre, every inch of steel I have in me and I will, VIN you are gonna know exactly how it feels to lose, and I’m sure you’ve not had that feeling for a long time, but you will, you will lose at reindeer games.” (TJ pauses) “So Vin Halstead as we are days away from this, I hope to put a nail in the coffin to our rivalry, I hope that I balance the scale my way and I hope to keep the global championship, see you at reindeer games.” (Scene ends)
  10. (The scene opens up in an open plan living room, in a rented hotel in Las Vegas. The dim lighting and the luxury black leather couch in the middle of the room, sits there, a few seconds later in walks TJ Alexander. Dressed in blue jeans and a white short-sleeve T-Shirt with a gold chain around his neck, more importantly the AWS Global championship over his shoulder) “Four is an even number, but to me it’s an unbalance number, it favours one person against me, and it’s been a curse, a nightmare that I have had to deal with inside my head, it screams at me a lot of the days, it’s something that I can’t push away, but this Monday Night on the special edition of Monday Night Ward, I get the ultimate chance at doing so, you see if you don’t know what I’m talking about, the number four is the amount of times Vin Halstead has beaten me since I‘ve returned to AWS in a row, four times we’ve faced off in the ring, and every time his been able to be a little bit better, slightly better and I do mean slightly.” (TJ frowns) “But in between those defeats to Vin Halstead I’ve become the global champion, and now I stand here with gold in my hands defending this title at Monday Night Ward, not by choice, definitely not by choice, but I can’t deny that you haven’t earned this title shot Vin, because in reality, you have, four times over. But by my choice you wouldn’t be touching distance with my title. But here we are Vin, on this special edition of Monday night Wad, I am ready to end this losing streak, I am ready to full stop end you besting me over and over again, and more importantly when it matters, keep my title and not let you have that fifth in a row.” (TJ adjusts his global championship that’s on his shoulders) “When it matters like now dig deeper than I’ve ever had to before to retain my title, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it, and if that also means ending your career then so be it, but I know it’s not gonna be an easy feat to do it, I know how tough you are, even at your age in the game, you’re still going strong, more so than most veterans, most veterans can barely bend down to tie their laces up without bones crackling, but being in the ring with you, I see it, that your different Vin, but I also know me, I know me inside and out and when I’m desperate enough, I’ll do ANYTHING to win.” (TJ smirks with the global championship on his shoulder) “And I mean anything, but Vin when I do break the camel’s back and break this chain around my ankles, and I see you on the mat looking up at me, I’ll finally be free, free from you, free from the number four and I would have cemented my first title defence victory, and with it being you, it will have substance, it will have meaning, it will show the rest of AWS that I’m a true champion. That my victory over Nectra Octavia Kane wasn’t a fluke, that I stand tall as champion.” (TJ smirks) “Vin the four times we’ve wrestled, I haven’t been just losing to you, as it infuriates me to say, I’ve been collecting, I’ve been collecting every little thing that you can do in the ring, and I’ve been storing it in my head, and now I’ve rewatched over and over again in my head, now I know how to beat you. I have had it down in muscle memory of what you can do in the ring, and all of my senses are ready to tear you down, strip away at you, bit by bit, brick by brick. Vin you walk around like you’re a god, and even against me, you’ve got some leverage to that claim. But now all gods come to an end, I am gonna be a god slayer, and bring you down from the mountain you sit at, this match Vin will be my salvation against you.” (TJ adjusts his global championship) “The desert that surrounds Las Vegas must have some stories to tell, because once a lifetime ago, the city of sin was ruled by mob law, they ruled the city and killed anyone who stood in their way or tried to cheat, they would get wacked and carted off into the desert, but none of them stories or deaths are gonna measure up to yours Vin, this is your final resting place, when I put you down into the mat, and plant your head straight to hell, it’s gonna be Game-Over for you sunshine. And Vin you can take it with grace, you can take it with honour, and you can take it to your grave.” (TJ smiles) “Vin I know your gonna come out with the utmost confidence and the arrogance that you’ve already beaten me, that you think that this separate match for my global championship is gonna be a walk in the park for you, but your totally and utterly wrong, I’ve learned my lessons from our previous matches, I’ve studied you more than I’ve studied any of my opponents, I have you engraved in my head, from move to move, I know how to beat you and I WILL.” (TJ smirks adjusting his global championship) “So Vin Halstead come out and chip away at how many times you’ve beaten me, we all know now, but we also know that the only win that matters is the win I have over you to retain my global championship this week on Monday night Ward. So Vin Halstead this time it’s gonna go my way and it’s game over for you.” (Scene ends)
  11. (The scene opens up in darkness, as we hear a low humming sound of an air conditioner buzzing in the background, a few seconds later, a light switches on from a nearby desk lamp, as we see, TJ Alexander, sitting at the end of a bed, just in some black boxer shorts, TJ takes a breath before speaking) “Everyone watched Wicked Games a few weeks ago didn’t they? Yes you all did, you all saw that yours truly became the new global champion, after I bested and defeated Nectra Octavia Kane, in my hometown and in front of my friends and family, in London, I became the new global champion, and as the weeks have gone by since, it’s now back to reality, it’s now back to keeping my eye on all enemies, at first-sight, and the enemies that are not at first sight, and right now as the celebrations have ended, it’s time to get back to work, and right now, I am a few days away from Saturday Night Throwdown, where I am in the ring against Vin Halsted.” (TJ Blinks during a pause) “At throwdown I am in the ring with Vin Halstead, and it’s a none-title match, and this isn’t the first time I’ve been in the ring with Vin, a few times I have actually, and I’m man enough to admit it, Vin got the better of me on both occasions, but on both occasions, he was only slightly better, and I do mean slightly. But things have changed now Vin, most definitely, I’m not the guy that’s chasing gold anymore, I am the guy defending, just not in this match, but in general, I am defending gold, and I am defending my spot, and right now, you’re a threat, there’s no ifs or butts about it, you are a threat, I’ve learned from the previous times when I got in the ring with you, I’ve watched our matches and I’ve spotted flaws, for both, I know where I stepped wrong, and I know where you have stepped wrong, the difference is, I’ll learn from my previous mistakes, I’ll rectify them, and I’ll change the direction, whereas most opponent would still do the same thing over and over again, but not me, not me sunshine, this time Vin your gonna be on the end of a defeat.” (TJ eyes softened as he is feeling more awake as he speaks on) “I know how much experience you have on me Vin, and before that would have gotten you through each match you par take in, and that experience actually helped you best me on two previous occasions, but that experience, only last for a while, until it becomes dry and stale, until it becomes so irrelevant, that the experience you have turns to dust and smoke, and right now Vin that experience, hasn’t got a leg to stand on, it will not be the advantage that you have over me again, that experience has flown out the window, and right now Vin, you only have your hands and legs to fight, and I see a target that I can exploit and it’s those legs of yours.” (TJ sinks more comfortably on the end of the bed that he is sitting on) “We are both champions in our own right Vin, and while I’m a new champion in AWS, I’m not a new champion overall, I know the responsibilities that being a champion of any kind has to bare, but I have taken a lot of reasonability being the global champion, I need to win, no scratch that bruv, I will win. I will finally get the win over you Vin and I will then watch for other enemies coming my way. But Vin, don’t be so hard on yourself bruv, it’s been a long time coming that I put your shoulders to the mat and get a win, that’s for sure.” (TJ chuckled while he sits there in his boxer shorts) “Vin I know that your gonna come out with an abundance of confidence and try and dismiss my claim, but you can dismiss it all day long, my claim of getting a win over you is gonna happen at throwdown, there’s nothing you can do about it, the minute I became the global champion, I knew I had to be the guy that sets the new standard for MY global championship, and it starts at throwdown, beating you and getting the win, I also have an abundance of confidence just pulsing through, and as I sit here, as I am sitting here, I am more prepared than ever to get in the ring and go against you, and the outcome at throwdown, will be me walking out with the victory, and there’s nothing you can do about it bruv.” (Scene ends)
  12. TJAlexander14 posted a post in a topic in Manager Profiles
    Name: John Dixon Hometown: London, England Client: TJ Alexander Pic Base: Don Callis Gimmick: Legendary promoter during the king of sports era of British wrestling, later on turned to second hand car sales/management, now back into wrestling.
  13. (The scene opens up inside of a disused commercial warehouse, as the camera view is from above, we can see in the middle of the room, there is a wrestling ring, with black ring ropes, and three letters imprinted in the centre saying “LUW – London Underground Wrestling”, also we can see from above, a man standing in the corner of that ring. The camera then changes angle at a normal view point, as we see that the man who is standing in the corner, looking down at those three letters is TJ Alexander. TJ who is wearing some blue jeans, a white and blue flannel shirt with his sleeves rolled up and the top button undone, showing a gold chain, on his left wrist there is a gold Rolex, a pair of black converse shoes on his feet. He looks intensely at those three letters) “It’s been several weeks now since I lost the 5150 championship to Rebecca Storm, since now it has been unified with the death match championship and now Rebecca Storm is the first ever Manic champion, I’ve taken my time to reflect and ponder, to revisit everything, and I stand here now, totally contempt, I’m contempt with losing the 5150 championship to Rebecca Storm, and losing to her in generally, I’ve watched the match over and over again, and I did nothing wrong, she did nothing wrong, she was just slightly better than me that night, and I do mean slightly, so I stand here after a lot of contemplating, and I’ve must have done something right in that match because now I am days away from becoming the AWS global champion, I have earned myself a title shot at the global championship, against Necra Octavian Kane, at Wicked Games, in my hometown.” (TJ smiles with a glowing grin) “But as I stand here, I have reminisced , I have remembered the hard times, and I’ve remembered the good times, right here in this building, those three letters imprinted on the ring, is where I started, London Underground Wrestling, ran by John Dixon, who spotted me out of all of his other wrestlers and gave me the chance I needed, the hard times here, I had veterans try and bully me out, I had veterans try and do everything in their power to stop me getting better, and eventually nothing they could do amounted to nothing, I am here now because I have betted on myself, I have accomplished so much because I have hunger, drive and unbelievable passion that has kept me in the business, nothing they could do ever stopped me, and now as I’ve looked back at my time here, those who were here, are no longer in the business, they’ve disappeared. They saw the upwards trajectory that I was on and they was never gonna be able to stop it, and now I am still here, lacing up my boots, and in a few days I will lace up my boots once again and go and fight for something that I’ve been eyeing for a long time...The Global championship” (TJ looks at his gold Rolex and checks the time) “Right now at wicked games, from top to bottom the show is stacked full of high intense matches, but everyone will see me win that Global Championship, Necra, do you realise where you’re at right now? You’re in London honey, and even though you’re out here enjoying the countryside and the impressive historical castles that we’ve got, they don’t represent where I’m from, where I am moulded by and developed this grit and steel that I have, you need to understand something that us Brits, and us Londoners are built differently, those spirits that roam those castles, there not the only thing they roam, they roam these streets, they fuel us, I am fuelled with determination, I am determined to get that championship, and like the veterans of this place, you will not stop me.” (TJ grins from ear to ear) “Necra Octavia I see you, I see how you have manipulated your career and your opponents time and time again in thinking that your some kind of demon, a goddess of death, shrouded in darkness, but I see through that darkness like I saw the ugly truths of those so-called veterans trying to stop me, I saw how in all honesty, I was better than them, like how I see I am better than you, because I see through that darkness, I see through the monikers, I see you as flesh and bone just like every other opponent, and your flesh and bone are gonna get thrown around like a rag-doll, Necra, you’ve asked what’s the difference that this time I am not gonna fail at a title shot? Because I have took a deep dive into your title reign since winning it, I have also took a deep dive into the global championship itself, and I saw how it embodies me down to a Tee, but let me ask you a question Necra, since wining it, what have you done? Absolutely nothing, a month you’ve been global champion, and it’s only been an accessory to you.” (TJ pauses) “While WHEN I become the global champion, I will elevate that championship to never before heights, I will have opponents coming far and wide, and I will beat them too, because I will fight with every fibre for that championship, Necra, I know you’ve got the experience over me, but I’ve beaten veterans and showed them their place before too, right now, you are gonna be stopped, right now you will be reflecting, and contemplating, and when you see me with the global championship in my hands, those reflections and contemplation will be crystal clear, that you were just a fraud champion.” (TJ smiles while still standing in the corner of the ring) “Necra I am gonna become the global champion, and it will help that your pulling double duty, being in the goddess championship match against Carlotta Paine, and then having to deal with me, will show the world that you really are flesh and bone and there’s nothing supernatural about you, you will be battered and broken in that strait-jacket match, and then I will finish the job and beat your arse. You’ve asked what have I done for you to take notice, a lot, you should take notice, when a guy like me comes around, your full attention needs to be on me, but now you’ve taken notice, and now you’ll sit back and watch as you will lose to me.” (TJ pauses) “Necra this is our first ever meeting inside a ring, and while you stand there pretending to be a champion, I am here salivating at the chance of being a REAL champion, in front of my friends and family that will be in attendance, after wicked games, you will remember the name TJ Alexander, he changed the game, he took what you had, and now he is making it better, I am gonna elevate that global championship, because I can, and you can’t. Necra Octavian, I haven’t rushed myself to voice my intentions, I’ve thought long and distinctly on what I was gonna say, and now that I have, just know that every intention in my body has me ripping that global championship away from you, into my hands in front of my family and friends, and I will become the global champion, see you at wicked games.” (Scene ends)
  14. (The scene opens up with TJ Alexander, standing in front of an AWS backdrop, TJ who is wearing blue jeans, a short –sleeve black t-shirt with a gold chain around his neck. On his left shoulder is the ECE Intercontinental championship, on his right shoulder is the IIW Hollywood championship, and around his waist, is the PWS-Legacy Collateral Damage championship, and in his right hand is the 5150 championship.) “Rebecca Storm you’ve asked for me so here I am, standing in front of you right now, but as you can see, not only do I have the 5150 championship in my hand, I am also dripping in gold from other companies I wrestle in, the ECE Intercontinental championship, the PWS-Legacy Collateral Damage championship, the recently won IIW Hollywood championship, and yes soon the AWS Manic championship, because you see doll face, you can walk and strut beauty in front of your opponents and distract them and win, that’s a weapon you can use, but you see me, I use proper skill, I use proper talent, and in just a few days time we’ll go to war at XL, that’s for damn sure. But Rebecca Storm you must be delusional or just stupid, to actually think that you have more talent than me, that your pinkie toe has more talent than me, that’s a laugh out loud moment for sure.” (TJ laughs out loud while holding his championships) “Rebecca let me tell you something completely honest and true, no bullshit, you’ve sold your soul for nothing love, you see when we are across the ring from one another, there’s gonna be a feeling’ that you’ll feel, and that’ feeling is you way out of your league, your entire body will succumb to a shivering coldness, and that’ coldness will turn you wobbly at the knees, and not just because you fancy me, but you will be scared of me, that fear knowing you’ve ran your mouth off too much has come around and bit you on your arse, and It will, you see I have my own set of goals, and it lines up with yours in a way, you think you are the future of AWS, wrong you little cunt, I am.” (TJ smirks while holding all his championships) “Rebecca Storm I’m the future of AWS, heck, I’m the future of the entire wrestling business, at only twenty four years old, I have been a world champion, right now I currently hold championship gold from other companies, my schedule is Rockin with dates and appearances, that I have to keep up, that is true pressure, and the only way a person really and truly knows himself, is how he is dealing with pressure, what have you done? Sure you’ve been death match champion, and you’ve probably beaten lesser opponents, but I’m not a lesser opponent, far from it, I’m on another level, a level that you are far too out of reach, if you were that good, you’d be doing what I am doing, not just wrestling in AWS, but testing yourself time and time again, in other companies, but right here in AWS you’re a big fish, in your own head, but in reality, not so much, in reality your slightly better than the rest of the women in AWS, but not by much, but when you step into the ring with a real athlete, a real man and I am, your gonna realize that you are not worthy of being the first ever Manic champion, I am worthy though.” (TJ pauses with all his championships) “Rebecca Storm your little play-acting with your BBF’s Taylor Matthews isn’t scaring me, pretending to torture her, well done, all that would probably put enough fear in most men, but not me, I can see right through it, I can see how you’re not the prom queen of your group, you’re there money maker, and when that money stops coming in, Taylor Matthews will have enough backbone of her own to set herself free, and that money will soon dry up for you Rebecca Storm, when I win the Manic Championship, I am gonna do more than you could ever wished to do.” (TJ stands there with all his championships smiling) “Rebecca Storm I don’t need you to give me anything, especially an easy way out, because the minute that bell rings, the literally second of that bell ringing from the ring announcer, your done sweetheart, you have no idea what you’ve stepped in, my goals I am gonna achieve, and the ball is always in my court, not just with the options you’ve gave me, but in everything, and the options you’ve gave me, I couldn’t give a monkey’s, those options are irrelevant, and so are you. Your gonna find out the hard way exactly how miniscule and irrelevant you actually are, I am gonna run circles around you, and then when I see it in your eyes, the realization that you put your foot and mouth right in it, then I’ll hurt you. I’ll hurt you in ways that in the next ten years of your life you will still feel the pain I have caused. “ (TJ smirks with all his championships) “And I will haunt you, while my career is flourishing and I am worldwide the god-damn best in the business, you will hate yourself that you couldn’t beat me, and you can’t, and more importantly, you will never beat me, I am gonna be the first AWS Manic champion, your dreams of taking over AWS has already been dashed and squashed, the second your name was across mine, it was game over for you, and when I hit “The Game Over” then you’ll be done, bitch.” (Scene ends)
  15. (The scene opens up with a camera shot of the 5150 championship in the right hand of TJ Alexander, as the camera zooms out we see TJ Alexander, dressed in blue jeans, and a grey buttoned shirt with the top button undone and a gold chain around his neck, we are in an unknown location.) “You know I thought I would have to get used to saying the words “5150” on a repetitive scale, I thought I would have to get used to saying those words over and over again, but it seems that management has had a bright spark idea, where the 5150 championship and the death match championship are to be unified, where when myself and Rebecca Storm come face-to face and we are to be in an extreme round match to unify both titles and the winner will become the new AWS Manic champion, with a brand new manic championship. That sounds good to me, even though I have only gotten used to saying the words 5150 for my championship, becoming a brand new champion is history making.” (TJ puts the 5150 championship over his left shoulder and looks into the camera) “Rebecca Storm allow me to introduce myself my name is TJ Alexander, and I know you already knew that, because you have been eyeing me haven’t you? Not just because I’m a handsome geezer, because I am, but because you see me as a threat, and you bloody well should do, you see, nobody has handed me anything, I have earned everything I have right now, through mud and guts I have walked through, every single locker room I have walked through I have been blasted and I have been singled out for not gonna last that long, but I did, and I surpassed their opinions of me, I surpassed them, while I have worked from the bottom and risen, they walked out and couldn’t handle with the fact that someone like me is in the business, someone with as much hunger and passion then them, they got scared and bolted, now five years into my career and I’ve accomplished so much, there’s so much I’m proud of, but coming back to AWS for a second run and becoming the 5150 champion is up there, and now I have to hand over my title and unify it, ok, because now there’s a bigger prize to win and that’s becoming the first ever Manic champion, and I will.” (TJ winks into the camera while holding the 5150 championship over his left shoulder) “Rebecca Storm you are probably already prepared for your opponents to come out and start talkin trash about you, but I’m not gonna do that, but what I’m gonna do is applaud you, you see you use your womanly ways to confuse your opponents, men or women, but you see I won’t be confused, I want be distracted, sure you’re a gorgeous women, but that is not giving you a free-pass for the win, what happens in our match is all legal love, and believe me I am not holding back. Rebecca Storm your womanly ways won’t be a problem for me to ignore, and hurt you, but I know you’ve got some skill in the ring, because you cannot be the death match champion just on looks alone, that’s why I am watching your previous matches and studying you, knowing everything you can do in the ring, and knowing what to step aside and evade I will know too, Rebecca Storm, you’ve got no earthly idea what’s coming your way, because when I have gold in my sights I am hungrier than ever.” (TJ smiles into the camera) “You’ve asked me why I am claiming to be the best in the world, when I don’t have the AWS world heavyweight title; it’s as simple as this because I haven’t had a title shot against Ethan Murphy but when I do, I will be the new world heavyweight champ, but there’s more ways than being the best than just having the world heavyweight title, when I say I’m the best it’s because I am all over the world, not just in AWS, but I am champion across five other companies, I am a belt collector, and that is being best in the world, yet you Rebecca are only in the waters of AWS, where you are a big deal, but I’m a big deal everywhere else, everywhere I go, I start from the bottom and I soon enough start getting opportunities, and I excel, not only do I excel, I achieve, I become a champion everywhere I go, and I will again now in AWS when I beat you, when I outclass you, and when I out-smart you, and I’m not saying you’re not a smart women, because you are, but you’re not smarter than I especially inside the ring.” (TJ smiles into the camera) “Congratulations for winning the death match title at throwdown all by your lonesome, but I won the 5150 all on my own against a tougher opponent than whoever you had, I was up against Blackthorne, I broke his record, and I promise to myself that I would surpass his record of twenty eight days as 5150 champion, but now I can’t even do that because of this unified match, but what I will do in return, is make a promise to myself again that I will become the first AWS Manic champion, that I will do sweat heart.” (TJ while holding the 5150 championship still stares into the camera) “Rebecca you may think you have no limitations and that you’ll bring pride and honour to the manic championship, but you won’t and you wanna know why, it isn’t because you’re a women, it’s because your only acknowledged here in AWS, as I have said before, I am acknowledge everywhere and when I win the manic championship I will be able to give that manic championship more eyes and attention than anyone else, I have a wider reach for the manic championship to attract competition, while you don’t. Rebecca I am going to beat you and I will show you that you are really limited.” (TJ smiles while staring into the camera) “You may really think that you’re ready to die for the manic championship but you haven’t been pushed as far as that yet, but with me you will be, with me I am gonna push and push you until I tap you out or you scream “I Quit” and it’s not even an “I Quit” match, so I can go as further as I want to hurt you and I will, not to make an example out of you, but to simple win, and I want to win. No I am gonna win, and you have got nothing to stop me.” (TJ pauses while he stares into the camera) “Rebecca Storm on Ward XL you may think you can handle the pressure, but it will come crumbling down on you like a tonne of bricks what real pressure is like, while me, I have been handling real pressure, I’ve been shouldering real pressure on my shoulders and I’ve been not only carrying the weight of that pressure, but excelling, and the power of that will push me to win, sorry love, but not sorry, that manic championship will be mine.” (Scene ends)
  16. [Our scene opens up somewhere, with the camera-man being harassed by TJ Alexander. “The Game Changer” TJ Alexander shoes the camera man and points despite absolutely no sound coming through at first. Seconds later, we can finally hear TJ Alexander who is dressed in blue jeans and a short-sleeve black self-merch t-shirt with a gold chain around his neck] “Since becoming the 5150 champion and beating Blackthorne I have been doing my research on the championship I now hold, and I know everything from its beginning to right now, and from its beginning it was forged in fire and blood, it’s only been active for a year but during that year it has had six other champions and with those six other champions came the blood, came the fire and now it is my turn, my turn to do what those other six competitors did and that’s put this title [TJ looks down at his 5150 championship that’s on his shoulder] on the line no matter what, and this week on Monday Night Ward, I am going to do just that.” [TJ looks deeply into the camera] “As I have done my research I know that my 5150 championship isn’t defended normally inside the ring, it is defended in the most brutal and dangerous matches that can be imaginable, it is defended in any and all types of cage matches, where myself and my opponents will be locked in until either I retain or my opponents beat me for my 5150 championship, and while other champions are more familiar with this type of combat, I am not, my opponents will have more of an advantage against me through their desire to withstand pain and their lust for blood, I am not like them, I am different, my body is not moulded yet to be ready for pain, my mind is not ready to endure that physicality but they will be, both my mind and body have been training long and hard for my first ever title defence and that first title defence is this week on Monday Night Ward against Ricky Rhodes.” [TJ smirks as he looks deeply into the camera] “As Monday Night Ward is just a few days away myself and Ricky Rhodes will be dropped into a fight pit, where we will compete for my 5150 championship, and Ricky Rhodes this isn’t the first time we have met, but it is the first time we’ve met in a fight pit, and in all honesty you are the favoured one to walk out as champ, I mean just look at you, you’re six foot four and weigh-in at two hundred and eighty pounds of pure muscle, there is not a flab piece of weakness on your body, you have everything in your arsenal to beat me, size and strength, experience, you have everything you can possible need to beat me on my first title defence, but you won’t and you’re probably wondering why, because I have a few things against you, that you don’t have. Mostly I have time, time that you don’t have, while your body looks like it holds up, you age doesn’t, at forty years old your days must be coming to an end pretty damn soon.” [TJ smiles into the camera] “Time is something you desperately wish you can have back, and time is something that is against you just like I am, Ricky I know secretly you wish you didn’t wasted your career, I know that you wished to have grabbed every opportunity you could have back in the day, but now the time is dwindling down and now you’re up against someone half your age, someone who has time on his side, and now is the 5150 champion, Ricky when we step down into the fight pit, and those doors are locked, I bet your thinking that I’m getting scared? Well I will never be scared of any man especially not you, but I will not be scared of what’s to come either, the pain that you will inflict on me I will sound it out and feel numb to it, I will fear no pain, because in this fight pit, I am not the one to be scared, it should be you.” [TJ very arrogantly saying that, he continues to look into the camera deeply] “Ricky Rhodes with everything you got going on against me in this match, you also have some big targets where I can exploit and where I can expose and I WILL, and one of those targets are your knees, because despite your upper body having almost no weakness, your knees do, your knees are seen to be wobbling every match your in, every match your in Ricky and every time you hit the ropes, I see them knees of your wobbling, and that too me is the pressure they have on themselves, and with that pressure, it won’t take me long to dissect your knees from its limbs and have you crawling in this match. You will be screaming for more time that you don’t have and you certainly don’t have the time against me those knees I will pull and pull until you cannot walk, and if that means I retire you, then so be it.” [TJ smiles while looking deeply into the camera] “Ricky Rhodes I’m sure that before I was in even born that you was something special, being a member of the Rhodes family should mean something special, but right now, while I’m alive and kicking, you’re not something special, you’re a just a carbon copy, and you’ve hanged around the business for far too long thinking that your something special, well, if it’s down to me to retire you in this fight pit match then so be it bruv, Ricky Rhodes this may be your last ever match, revel in it, because you’re not walking out with my 5150 championship I am.” [TJ pauses as he taps the glass of the camera] “Do you hear me? When I became the 5150 champion I made a promise that I would surpass Blackthorne’s title reign, that’s only twenty eight days, but my title reign starts with you Ricky Rhodes and I’ll be damn to let you take it from me on my first title defence, it’s not happening. Six other champions of my 5150 championship have made my belt mean something, through the forge of fire and blood; they did it on their own ways, they laid the foundation, but it will be me overshadowing them all, so Ricky, as you walk into the fight pit, just know, it’s your last ever match.” [Scene ends]
  17. (The scene opens up and we are inside of a hotel room, its luxury and spacious, we see TJ Alexander, sitting on a beige coloured chair, TJ who is wearing blue jeans, and a self-merch short-sleeve black t-shirt with a gold chain around his neck) “As you all saw I am now the 5150 champion, I said the minute I came back that this time I would become a champion, and now that I am, I want more, my win against Blackthorne has gave me a buzz that I cannot shift, and I want the feeling of winning championship again, and my win against Blackthorne has put me into conversation for the legacy championship, this Monday on ward I will be up against Vin Halsted for the legacy championship.” (TJ smiles while holding the 5150 championship on his shoulder) “But Blackthorne you had a good run as the 5150 champion with an impressive twenty eight days, but now that I’m the 5150 champion, I’m gonna surpass your title reign, in fact I will not let this championship out of my hands until I see fit, so if I reach 50 days, if I reach 100 days then I will, I will fight like no others before me to keep the 5150 championship, but you were an impressive champion, but I will be a better champion, and the 5150 championship will not be alone, soon I will have the legacy championship as well.” (TJ pauses) “Vin Halsted it wasn’t long ago that you and I faced off in the ring on a previous Monday Night Ward where you got the victory, at that time it was a none-title too, but you got the victory anyway, but during that match I studied you, I watched your movements, and I know exactly how to beat you now. I know what steps you make and what steps you were slow at, and yes even with your vast experience, you have flaws and can still make the wrong steps, Vin Halsted this match we’ve got on Monday night Ward is not gonna be like the last time we faced off.” (TJ Pauses) “Vin Halsted when we meet it’s gonna be completely different and your gonna not know what to do, you are gonna be floored with confusion on how different I am in this match against you than the previous match we had, but Vin you are not like other opponents, you are a very unique competitor, you have all the tools in your arsenal, for someone of your size, you shouldn’t be pulling out moves like you’re a Lucha, but you do, you have a uniqueness about you, but Vin so do I.” (TJ smiles) “I am very unique myself but you may not see it, you may look at me and say that I’m just another cruiserweight, that there isn’t anything unique about me, but you’re wrong, and at Monday night Ward you will see how unique I am when I systematically take you down, not only take you down, but win the legacy championship adding double gold to my shoulders, adding a friend to my 5150 championship.” (TJ pauses) “Vin you’ve had seventy five days as the legacy champion, that’s impressive too, really it is, but soon you’ll end up like Blackthorne, gold less and empty handed, you see what you’ve done as legacy champion has been mid level, when I’m legacy champion, I’ll put the legacy championship on another level, just like what I am, I will elevate both championships equally to the highest level possible, surpassing your title reign and surpassing Blackthorne’s title reign too, Vin Halsted you better believe my words bruv, I’m not letting this opportunity go by, I will not let you get the upper hand over me again, Vin Halsted your gonna need the power of the gods to beat me, and then ask for more power too because I am focused, primed and ready to take the legacy championship from you.” (TJ smirks) “Vin Halsted your gonna say “Thank you” to me after our match and you wanna know why? When I beat you, you will no longer need to be around, you can quietly retire, go off into the sunset and put your boots away and never lace them up again, because when I become the legacy champion, I will carry the burden, I will bear the pressure of being the legacy and the 5150 champion, you will say “Thank you” to me when I beat your arse bruv, and I will just give you a nod of acknowledgement and let you walk into the sunset, but you will say “Thank you” Vin, I’m doing you the biggest favour of your life winning the legacy championship from you (TJ winks into the camera).” (TJ pauses) “This match is a submission match and you might have a slight advantage your gonna have to cut my limbs off to stop me coming, I have more than enough willpower to withstand any submissions you try and lock me in, I can counter any submission you try too, Vin I have your number this time around, see you at Ward.” (Scene ends)
  18. (The scene opens up with TJ Alexander standing in front of an AWS backdrop, TJ who is wearing some blue jeans, a black hood with the hood over his head, and a gold chain around his neck) “It’s only a few days now that we are in for the next pay-per-view in AWS, where we are at clash at the beach, a pay-per-view stacked with top tier matches and all matches have championship titles on the line, but none are more important to my own match, for the first time since I have returned to AWS, I am getting a championship title shot at the 5150 championship, now normally the 5150 championship isn’t something I would usually pursue, it’s not the style that I am, but nether less a championship is a championship and I WANT GOLD. I want gold so much that I can taste it, I can feel it on my fingertips I am so close to it, and literally now I am, now it’s just a few days time, I step foot not just in a wrestling ring in the asylum but a damn pit fight match, both myself and Blackthorne step into this pit and see who walks out.” (TJ scoffs) “Blackthorne you’ve been the 5150 champion now for a very long time, but why is that? It’s because you’ve only faced-off with opponents who are lesser than you, who are inferior than you, but now you’re up against a man that is by freakin’ far superior than you in every way, I have stepped foot into the unknowns before and I have walked out without even a scratch and I will do it again, this pit steel cage match is gonna lock us both in with one another and you actually think that it scares me.” (TJ laughs) “It doesn’t not one little bit, because I am gonna change the game around here and I am gonna knock you off your pedestal in your favoured match, you have collected a nice little collection of wins against opponents, but you will not collect a win from me, I am different. You say I am gonna come face to face with destiny, but bruv I already have done so, my destiny wasn’t being in this business, my destiny was being stuck in a boring arse nine-to-5 job back in the United Kingdom, but I had a dream, and more importantly I have willpower, I have passion, I have drive and I have heart to pursue my dream and overcome the odds stacked up against me, I changed my destiny once before, and I will do it again. You do not know who you’re going up against, it’s not just some cruiserweight style guy who thinks’ his better, I know I’m BETTER. And this match is gonna set things aside and everyone is gonna realise that I am the new 5150 champion, that I’ve knocked you off your high pedestal, that I’ve beaten you at your own game, at your favoured match, and the Blackthorne is now a crumbling pile of broken petals. “ (TJ pauses) Blackthorne my body is not used to know what pain is to the extent that you know, but believe me I have trained my mind to know exactly how to deflect the amount of pain that you are intending to inflict, my mind is ready, and so will my body, my body is younger, my body is honed differently to what others can hone their bodies, I have a strict rules on what I input my body, and because of that, I have more stamina than most, because of that I have more endurance than most, and because of that my body will not tire easily, I know what my body can do and in this match everyone will be surprised, everyone will be shocked to their core that I not only have I beaten the so-called great Blackthorne, but I have done it so easily, that I have done it at your own very game, in your favoured match, you will be the most surprised.” (TJ pauses) “Because Blackthorne I will not be staring down into the abyss like you think, but you will be looking up at me with the 5150 championship in my hands as I am raised as the new 5150 champion, you will be looking up at me with sheer disgust not just with me, but with yourself knowingly because you have had it easy as champion, you have not had the opponent to the calibre that is me. And you Blackthorne will know exactly what my calibre is when I run circles around you in this steel cage.” (TJ pauses) “When you think Blackthorne that you were above everyone as the 5150 champion and then it’s taken from you, it’s ripped away from you, out of your hands, you will realise that you weren’t as special as you thought, that you weren’t as tough as you thought, and more importantly that the pedestal you were placed on, didn’t belong to you in the first place, you Blackthorne will know why I am “The Game Changer” at Clash At The Beach, at Clash at the Beach, I will steal the show and I will steal your pedestal and more importantly I WILL EARN the 5150 championship just know that.” (TJ pauses) “Just know it doesn’t matter what type of match it is, the outcome would be the same, me becoming the new 5150 champion, see you at Clash at the Beach bruv.” (Scene ends)
  19. (The scene opens up with TJ Alexander standing in front of a AWS backdrop, we see TJ wearing street clothes, blue jeans and a black t-shirt with a gold chain around his neck) “Here we are another week and another opportunity here in the asylum, here in AWS I’m teaming up with Ricky Rhodes, the cowboy, both me and Ricky Rhodes are teaming up to go against Drake Nygma and Dark Matter. Our opponents are gonna be in for a shock when myself and Ricky Rhodes have come together and become a unit, we are a unit that will dominate our opponents.” (TJ pauses) “And Drake Nygma we’ve battled before haven’t we, and you was ever-so lucky to not only get the win over me but not have the American championship on the line, but this match is different, this match we are gonna destroy you and Dark matter. Drake everything seems to be on your side, because not only are you still the AWS American champion, you have Dark Matter who is a complete unknown factor, nobody and their dog doesn’t have a club who it is. And with Dark matter only speaking a few tiny words recently nobody has seen him inside the ring.” (TJ pauses) “I am standing here to tell you pair of clowns that it doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t matter to me that I have to team up with Ricky Rhodes, but I will have too, it doesn’t matter to me that the advantage is on your side, because the minute I step in the ring, the minute the bell rings, I am taking your heads clean off bruv. When backed into a corner I am an animal ready to strike and I will go for the necks and I will go for the heads of my enemies just believe that.” (TJ frowns) “I am sick and tired to see my opponents spouting off cryptic speeches after speeches when their boring and dull, where as I am standing here telling the truth, speaking the truth, and giving out the truth, and the truth is this week on Madness, myself and Ricky Rhodes are taking the win.” (TJ pauses) “I stand here to make a promise that myself an Ricky Rhodes are working as a team with no hate towards each other, but with one goal, and that is to win, myself and Ricky Rhodes will win.” (Scene ends)
  20. (The scene opens up with the AWS backdrop, with TJ Alexander standing in front, TJ who is dressed in street clothes) “Drake do you know something, since I’ve been here, I’ve been watching, I’ve been watching from afar on everyone who has a championship, and I see you there, standing in front of everyone with the AWS American championship on your shoulders, but as I listen to your little annoying voice, I cannot believe that you have somehow fooled everyone, you talk absolute nonsense from the minute I have watched you.” (TJ grins) “Drake you have found yourself sitting there that you cannot stand with heavy shoulders, I can see those shoulders of yours weighing heavy on you, with that American championship you stand there knowing you have not fulfilled the responsibilities of a champion, you stand there with that American championship as decoration, but I’m gonna give you a chance. I’m gonna give you a little preview bruv, because this week on Monday night Ward, you and I meet in the ring and it’s gonna be a banger bruv, but your one lucky geezer, that the American championship is not on the line, because I would have walked out with the AWS American championship, Drake, I bet you think that I’m just a new face.” (TJ pauses) “Well I’m not, I’ve been around and I’ve built a reputation, and my one goal is to get gold, so it doesn’t matter to me how much time goes past, I will get my title shot against you, and I will be in the ring across from you again but for the American title. Drake do you think your evil? You think you are above everyone but you’re not, you see Drake this week on Ward you’re gonna find out exactly how damn good I am, but keep your knickers dry love, when you get in the ring with me, you’ll find out that I’m on another level.” (TJ pauses) “Drake I will not be broken and I will not be defeated by you, my heart and my passion will drive me to the win and it will continue to drive me until I get my title shot, until I am the one carrying the burden of being the AWS American champion, the only difference is, my shoulders are broader enough to carry the weight, to carry the responsibilities, and to carry gold.” (TJ pauses) “When I see you coming Drake, I won’t back down, I won’t side-step and I won’t shiver intensely, I’ll chin up, clench my fists and get ready to knock you on your arse sunshine, you have never had an opponent like me against you, you have never had someone who can measure up and more importantly surpass you. You have everyone fooled but me, and now I get the opportunity to best and beat you and I WILL.” (TJ pauses) “The deal you made to the devil for you to portray you are evil hasn’t worked, you Drake are just a man with the weight on your shoulders, but soon enough I’ll help you out. Soon enough I’ll put you in a state of reality when I kick your head complete off, get the win, and earn myself a title match. Drake you won’t be able to stop me doing so, you won’t be able to keep up with me inside the ring, Drake I have seen your matches and most of the time, you have skated by, miraculously got the wins and become American champion but sheer luck, but that luck will run out and it will start against me on Ward when I beat you, when I run circles around you and I get the win.” (TJ pauses) “Drake believe me when I say this, I am stepping in that ring with full intent not only to win, but to knock you complete out, like a dead fish out of water, you are gonna lay in that ring, lucky up at the ceiling seeing stars, seeing little birds and catching some z’s, Drake I am locked in on getting that win, and I will, you’ve got nothing against me, I will expose you this week as a fraudster.” (TJ grins) “You have frauded the fans long enough, you have frauded AWS long enough, more importantly you have frauded being a champion long enough, your time now is running out and it will be me putting the stop on everything you have done, so Drake, you’ve been warned at Ward I’m getting the win, then soon, the American championship.” (TJ winks as the scene ends)
  21. (The scene opens up with TJ Alexander, standing in front of an AWS backdrop, TJ who is wearing blue jeans, a short-sleeve buttoned shirt, with a gold chain around his neck) “Here I am on Monday Night Madness, it’s been a while, I have had two weeks off, time to reset and recharge, and now I am back ready for action, this week, I return to the asylum, inside the ring, on Monday Night Madness, against a champion, against a legend, against Vin Halsted, and Vin I say the word legend loosely, because to most you are, but to me, not so much, but you have been around, from 2003 up until now you are still collecting championships, but Vin you’re havin’ a laugh bruv, if you think for one measly second that you actually deserve to be the legacy champion, you’re only holding that title, because I wasn’t given the chance, I wasn’t in considered for the chance to fight for the legacy championship, but you were, because of your status.” (TJ scoffs) “But Vin no matter how big your status here in AWS is, and how you are regarded as, it’s gonna be an absolute pleasure sunshine to beat you, to knock the legend of the mountain, and put you back on planet earth, but silly me, I haven’t introduce myself, I’m TJ Alexander, “The Game Changer”, and every time I step into the ring, I put people on notice, I put people in their place, and I am gonna’ put you on notice, you’re in my spot, and I’m coming for it, maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, I’ll come knockin’ for a title shot, and I’ll get one, because I’ would have earned it, while you was given, everything I do is through earning my chances, I’m cocky and arrogant for a reason because I can back it up, and Vin, you’ll find out, you’ll find out how hard I can fight, this Monday on Madness.” (TJ pauses) “But Vin I bet most of your opponents’ quake and quiver in their boots when they see their names aside from yours don’t they? And I bet you love it, it has fed your ego all these years in thinking that you are a legend, and it has allowed you to think that you’re an all-round athlete, but no, you’re not, you are a heavyweight, and you might have been able to perform high-risk moves against subpar opponents, and believe you’re a high-flyer, but you are not, and I’m no sub-par opponent, I’m “The Game Changer”, I have built a reputation, collected a few championships of my own and now I want championship gold here in AWS, fuck it’ I want the legacy title, and you’re damn lucky that our match is a non-title match, because it would be coming home with me.” (TJ pauses) “Our match Vin isn’t just any match; it is a two-out-of three falls match, and I can imagine how favoured you would be, in the eyes of the fans, in the eyes of management, through your experience, even in your own mind, you think that this is a walk in the park for you, and against anyone else, it would be, but I’m not anyone else, I’m younger, faster, and I have endurance and stamina for days, and I am gonna’ outlast you, stretch every limb of your body and putting it in their place, that this is my ring now, that I’m the future legend, you cannot keep up with me.” (TJ smiles) “Your gonna come out with all the bravado in the world, and spew all the none-sense that you’re used to spewing, but none of that phases me, because my eyes are dead locked in on you and that win that I NEED, and I NEED IT MORE. When I am desperate for something, I don’t let go, I hold on and I chew to the bone until I get it, I am above anyone of my age that you’ve faced before Vin Halsted, I’m on another level, a level that you with all your experience cannot fathom. You are gonna’ get a shock to your core when you’re up against me bruv.” (TJ smiles) “But Vin I have watched you and I have studied you, every match I could find and I know you’re flaws and I’ gonna expose them, I’m gonna pull at the strings of those flaws and pull and pull again until they are thread bare, until you’re on your wobbly knees looking up at me and then I’ll hit you with the “Game Over” and it will be game over for you sunshine, Vin you really are one lucky man, for this match not being a title shot for the legacy championship, because I would be the new legacy champion.” (TJ pauses) “Vin Halsted get used to seeing me, get used to seeing me win, and get used to seeing me challenge for gold, because I’m taking everything that I can get my hands on, and even though this match is a none-title believe me, I’m considering it as good as, and bringing my “A” game against you, see you on Monday bruv.” (Scene ends)
  22. (The scene opens with the AWS backdrop, a few seconds later a familiar person steps in front of the camera, it is TJ Alexander, who is dressed in a black and green tracksuit with a gold chain around his neck) “The minute I thought of coming back to the asylum it was a no-brainer, my first little stint here didn’t go as according to my plan as I would have liked, I thought I would come in and shake things up on the roster and get myself title matches, but in the end, I ended up lost in the shuffle, which is unusual for me because everywhere I’ve been, I’ve stuck my two feet firmly planted into conversation, conversations that led to championship matches and those championships matches, I’ve won, I’ve grown since I’ve been here and now I can showcase what I’ve learned.” (TJ smirks) “My first match back is already coming up quick right here on Tuesday night Madness, I guess when a star like me is coming back to a place like this, then the first thing you do is get me in that ring, and AWS management is right to do so, I will be bringing eyes and dropping jaws with what I can do in the ring. It won’t be long until I have a championship title around my waist, but first I have to go through my first opponent and it’s the so-called “Irish King” Declan McGinnis, around these parts Declan McGinnis is a hard-hitting bastard who likes to a fight, but around these parts there aren’t many real fighters like me and you are they McGinnis? No there isn’t and as much as you like to use those bear like fists at your opponents, there are many types of fighters. Some I bet you do even know about, you see I am a fighter, just not in the way you are, I use my heart, I use my never say die attitude and I use my in-ring talents to overcome whatever is placed in front of me.” (TJ smiles) “Guess what McGinnis you’re in front of me now bruv, and from what I understand is that you’re the hardest in the yard only because the yard is full of pups, and I’m not saying I’m the hardest in the yard now, but damn it McGinnis I’m ready to find out, there isn’t anything impressive about you, from what I understand your a one-trick pony and that’s throwing fists, not using your brain.” (TJ laughs) “Which is why when we meet in the ring, I am gonna use my brain, use my speed and use my agility to slice you down to size and watch as I pick up my first win back, you McGinnis are in my way and right now I have in my future a very important match at Anarchy to ready myself. So while you think this is gonna be a one-sided affair that favours you, no sunshine, it isn’t, but it does gonna be a one-sided affair on my side, because I know already how to beat you.” (TJ winks into the camera) “Firstly I am gonna stand toe-to-toe with you and go blow for blow, and see how I do, then I am gonna use my technical ability to shock you, and then the aerial assassin comes out, he comes out to play and while I am making the fans jaws drop through my aerial ability, your confusion will lead me to win.” (TJ pauses) “And while that dumbfounded loom of confusion is on your stupid mug face that is why I am gonna hit you with the game-over and plant your face into the mat, and get the win. But McGinnis don’t be too mad to yourself though, I have already told you how I am gonna beat you, now it’s just the waiting game.” (TJ smiles) “You probably won’t believe it at first and you probably deny it, but it will happen, I am getting my first win against you Declan McGinnis because I made a promise to myself, that when I return to AWS that I am gonna be champion, and I cannot start my second go-around off with a loss, it’s just isn’t happening bruv, it’s too bad for you really too, because everywhere I go I make things happen, while since you have started in the business, I’ve heard nothing about you.” (TJ pauses) “Not a single word, maybe it was so damn quite in Ireland that you wasn’t getting that much exposure, but now right here in AWS, you will get the exposure you needed, and that’s taking a loss to TJ Alexander.” (TJ smiles) “The only piece that I am gonna get is when I stand tall with AWS gold, and it doesn’t matter who I have to go through to get it, unlucky for you McGinnis you’re the first, and you’d probably seat back and wonder how did this kid beat me, through heart and determination, something you lack.” (TJ smiles) “For someone who has been around since 2011 you haven’t done much, yet I have been around since 2018 and my list of accolades is ever growing, it must burn your stomach knowing that a kid is overtaking you, well I am, tenfold. While you can sit and drink as much beer in a bar as you like, you can watch me win championship gold as I take your spot, but blame yourself old-man because you lack something that has kept you away from championship gold, while I chase for it, I sniff it out and I go after no matter how hard, no matter who is in front of me, I go after what I want.” (TJ pauses) “So Declan McGinnis we are gonna fight but the outcome isn’t gonna go the way you planned, it’s gonna go the way I said, with my standing tall.” (Scene ends)
  23. TJAlexander14 posted a post in a topic in Lunatic Profiles
    - Picbase - Will Ospreay - Character Name - TJ Alexander - Nicknames - "The Game Changer" "The Aerial Assassin" "KIDD KRAZY" "The Kid without Fear" "The Best Brit In The Business" - Height - 6'1 - Weight - 188LBS - Hometown - London, England - Alignment - Neutral - Theme Music - "Death Defier" By Skillet - Entrance Description - Entrance: As "Death Defier" By Skillet blares out of the PA speakers, TJ Alexander walks onto stages and raises his hands out to the side, he walks down the ramp with a cocky arrogance and chip on his shoulder, and TJ runs into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle and looks into the crowd with a smile on his face. - Wrestling Styles - Technician/High Flyer - Strengths - Agility Striking Speed British Catch- wrestling Endurance Stamina Hybrid - Weakness - Impatience Tag-Teaming doesn't know when to quit - Similar To - Will Ospreay AJ Styles The Amazing Red Jerry Lynn Kurt Angle Bryan Danielson Perry Saturn Taz Low-Ki - Favourite Moves - 1) 1.Multiple Suplex Variations - Sheerdrop Brainbuster - Overhead Belly-to-belly Suplex - Snap Suplex - Stalling Suplex - Snap Dragon Suplex - German Suplex - Saito Suplex - Northern Lights Suplex - Half and Half Suplex - Taz-Plex - Regal-Plex 2. Jumping Arm Breaker 3. DDT Variations (Impaler, Snap, Tornado, Hammerlock, Cradle) 4. Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker 5. Hurricanrana (Standing, Poison Rana, Frankensteiner, Springboard) 6. Russian leg Sweep 7. Inverted Atomic Drop 8. Springboard Cutter (Oz Cutter) 9. Snap Powerslam 10. Swinging Neckbreaker 11. Tiger Driver 91' 12. Step Up Enziguri 13. Shinning Wizard 14. Dragon Screw 15. Crucifix Driver 16. Kicks Kick strikes (Overhead Pele, Tiger Feint, Muay Thai, Roundhouse, Hook, Spinning Wheel, Leg Lariat, Superkick, Thrust) 17. Shooting Star press 18. 450 Splash 19. Phoenix Splash 20. Sky Twister Press 21. Corkscrew Plancha 22. Suicide Dive 23. Tope Con Hilo 24. Moonsault (Tope Rope, Asai, Standing) 25. Sharpshooter 26. Crossface 27. Figure Four Leg Lock 28. Fujiwara Armbar 29. Heel Lock 30. Missile Dropkick 31. Sling Blade - Signature Moves - 1. Crash Landing - The Standing shiranui 2. Perfection 10 - Fireman's Carry Cutter (TKO) 3. KKD - Kid Krazed Driver - One-Winged Angel 4. The Game Changer - Superkick/Falcon Arrow - Finisher(s) - Game Over - Angel Wings Career Accomplishments: ECWF - Horror-Core Champion (x2) ECWF - 2021 Gold Rush Briefcase Winner ECWF - Next-Gen Champion (2x) ECWF - World Heavyweight Champion (1x) (Current) ECWF - Chamber Of Horrors Winner (2024) IIW - Television Champion (2x) IIW - Hollywood Champion (1x) ECE - United States Champion (1x) ECE - Intercontinental Champion (1x) ECE - Southern Champion (1x) (Current) ICW - World Heavyweight Champion (1x) ICW - Intercontinental Champion (1x) PCW - Tag Team Champion W/Nobi (1x) XHW - The Breakout Challenge Winner (2024) XHW - Lucky 7 Medallion Winner (2024) NEW - Trans-Atlantic champion (1x) (First and Last - Defunct) AWS (Asylum Wrestling Society) - 5150 Champion (1x) (Defunct) AWS (Asylum Wrestling Society) - Global Champion (1x) PWS-Legacy - Collateral Damage Champion (1x) (Current) Biography A young kid from London living out his dream, making his way through the wrestling scene and making a name for himself.
  24. (Scene opens with TJ Alexander standing in front of the AWS backdrop) “I know the world is a very strange place at the moment, I know that the world is swaying from left to right every single day and I know that the world is very dark for some, mental health is at a all time high and if your someone like me who is in their early twenties the future is looking bleak in the real world. But in this world, the wrestling world the ring is the safe place for a lot of people. But here in Asylum Wrestling Society is a crazy place in general, hence the name. But my match this week is something that I’ve never thought I’d have in a million years. My match this week on Turmoil is against Cross-Dresser Michelle.” (TJ frowns) “Cross-Dresser Michelle I saw you’re promo and to be honest It didn’t register into my head, because I don’t see you as a threat, I don’t see you as a pro-wrestler and I don’t see you lasting very long in AWS let alone the wrestling business, I don’t know your future plans but I can see them being not in my ring. I can see your future plans being under a rock somewhere because you know you don’t deserve to be in the wrestling world.” (TJ scoffs) “I am gonna make sure that you Cross-Dresser Michelle feel pain and regret for ever stepping into the ring with me, all your smack-talk can be thrown away into the rubbish bin, because when I beat you in the middle of the ring, you’ll sense that you don’t belong in the ring with me.” (Scene ends)
  25. (The scene opens up and we are inside of the buffalo state hospital inside of a cold hallway, with two double doors swinging, as one of the double doors swing open in walks TJ Alexander, TJ who is wearing some skinny black jeans, black converse shoes, and a black V-neck T-Shirt with a pair of sun-glasses hanging from the v-neck, TJ walks into the hallway looking frustrated and jittery) “You can see upon my face right now I’m not in the best of moods, in fact I’m been very pissed off, since my time here in AWS it hasn’t gone to my plans, it has taken a detour and I’ve not had the best of starts, in fact I’ve lost every match so far, which for some reason I don’t know why, because my previous opponents haven’t been better than me they’ve just been luckier than me. Every turn since I’ve arrived in AWS it’s fallen for my opponents, no matter what. And now I find myself out of any opportunities around here and I have to now earn them again, which is fine because I thrive on that, I thrive on proving people wrong and I may have lost so far but I will win in the end.” (TJ frowns) “While I watch losers from the age of the fallen walk around here thinking they’re the top guys in any place that we seem to end up in I guarantee that none of them are not, I guarantee that when the dusts settles that I’ll have a championship in my hands in this place real soon, it should be me against Diamond Rose in the legacy tournament, not Jay Reynolds. Jay Reynolds is not better than me, his just luckier than me, on that day he was the luckiest man on the planet, but now I have to move past that little blip and look ahead to my next opponent.” (TJ smirks) “My next opponent is someone who has also had everything handed to him, from doors opening in the MMA and wrestling world to everything else in his life, things have just fallen for you JonnyTrip, and even your name because let’s face it, how can anyone forget such an idiotic name like that. But I digress our match isn’t about names it’s about what we do in the ring. It’s about what thrives us and what thrives me is the fact that I need to pick up a massive victory and that will happen...it’s inevitable.” (TJ pauses) “I have been silent for this time round because I wanna get this right, I wanna come into this match fully focus ad fully pre-pared, ya see JonnyTrip my silence doesn’t mean I’m lost for words, it doesn’t mean that I’m worried or concerned, it means you should be. It means when an animal is backed into a corner that’s when the animals because more dangerous than you can imagine and I’m that animal. Fate has pushed me down the pecking order and I am now backed up into the corner, and unlucky for you this animal is gonna’ attack with velocity. You’re not gonna know what has hit you before it’s too late.” (TJ smirks) “I know JonnyTrip that you’re more experienced than me but that isn’t gonna’ help you, your gonna have this story to tell your kids and grandkids about how you got bested by the future of this business...TJ Alexander. You’re gonna’ tell them how I took pity on you and showed mercy and bested you clean and in the middle of the ring, and JonnyTrip there’s no amount of experience that you got ahead of me to balance this in your favour.” (TJ smiles) “You say wrestling is all about tone of words, well how is my tone now? Because you shouldn’t be thinking about my tone of words, it my actions that you need to worry about and my actions this week on Monday night Ward will show you how much my tone is to be taken seriously. When you’re lying on your back looking up at the lights, with your eyes twirling around, that’s gonna be my actions in this match.” (TJ smiles) “So JonnyTrip those are my words for our match and now you have to wait for my actions, and believe me my actions will be greater than my words, my actions will defy your words and whatever actions you bring because I am taking this win and putting you down.” (Scene fades)

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