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  1. Being the Parental Advisory Champion meant that you were an all around badass. A versatile champion who could wrestle, brawl, with your fists and with a weapon. Or at least that’s how Jamal Payne took the role on a special level. The rest was just basic fare for a champion. Taking on all comers, not ducking opponents, not looking for cheap ways out, and being nothing short of violent when that bell rang. After all, the term “parental advisory” alone carried weight and responsibility. Something that Jamal was capable of living up to. Jamal was a no-nonsense wrestler and easily the biggest version of that. He didn’t have a flashy, abstract gimmick and there were more vocal trash talkers in Ik0n Wrestling Entertainment than him but that was cool. He was a big-ass, grown-ass man who’d been wrestling for nearly 30 years and backed it up in the ring on any given night. And he converted that into checks and championships and it was going to take more than two men like his opponents for Ward; Brandon Kendricks & Jake Ryan to change that. So this scene started with a recap of Jamal’s Parental Advisory Title segment at Ward last month and his statements against Brandon Kendricks and Jake Ryan. How he made it clear that he wasn’t backing down from the two rising stars and how he was ready and willing to take them both on. Just to put the fans up to speed and make his title match more important. And once that was done we saw Jamal himself in the comfort of his private locker room. In his street clothes and the Parental Advisory title on his shoulder looking directly into the camera. Ready to speak to the fans that were sure to be watching Jamal Payne: I up and did it. I’m your Parental Advisory champion and it feels like I just won it. I've gone to interviews with it, had my pictures taken with it, did all that usual champ things. That was easy. No problem. It’s what I’m supposed to do and I got no problems doing it and it felt kinda good seeing fans come out for my autograph, my picture, being in front of a camera, getting interviewed. Never had a problem doing it. But that was all while wondering who the hell my first victims were going to be. Who would be run over by the Freight Train. Turns out I got two opponents just like I wanted. Brandon Kendricks and Jake Ryan…Damn. Yeah nobody said a champion’s run would be easy but a’ight no problem. I’ll beat em’ both tonight because I don’t run from people I run em’ over! Jamal kept things to the point. He was settling into the role of being a champion and the responsibilities that it entailed. IWE wasn’t a flashy mainstream promotion but champions had to do media and other tasks to spread the word about the company while meeting and greeting their fans. Which Jamal was used to. This wasn’t his first title reign in his long career after all. And he never had an issue with it. Though he was waiting for his first defense this whole time only to have the odds stacked against him in a triple threat match. He needed to verbally tear them apart after what went down at Ward. Jamal Payne: I must be a bad (BEEP) to have not one but two opponents take me down. This may not be a handicap match but imma treat it like it is because Brandon Hendricks, Jake Ryan, y’all boys made a mistake wanting to fight me right now dammit. I ain’t got this Parental Advisory Championship for nothin’ I got it by beating the hell out of boys like y’all two. Yeah I remember what y’all said at Ward about me. Y’all gonna shut me up huh? Brandon you call yourself “The Don” like you’re some kind of boss but you ain’t a boss. You’re just another loudmouth who thinks they deserve the title just because you got a couple of nice wins. You didn’t fight like I fought to get this, you ain’t climb your way out of the gutter to get to the top. And Jake you ain’t no better! You say you ruthless and yeah you’ve ran through some people here in IWE. The fans sure fell for you but I ain’t. Like Brandon, you ain’t been tested before me. This is them deep waters. A title fight that neither of y’all are ready for! Jamal couldn’t help but run his mouth with the occasional muscle flex and point at the championship belt on his shoulder just to emphasize that he was the champ. As if his tone of voice and facial expressions didn't sell it enough. The African-American wrestler was feeling the championship swagger and wad letting the AWS Ward fans know exactly what he thought of his inferior opponents. His self-confidence was running wild and given the way he looked. All mean, musclebound, and ready to kick ass. Jamal Payne: The bottom line is this. I still remember those days where I got my ass kicked a lot here in AWS. Losing more than I won. Wondering if I should retire. Pack it in. But then I started winning, and winning, and winning piece by piece, match by match until I earned this Parental Advisory title. And yeah I got balls willin to fight not one but two wrestlers in a triple threat match but the way I see it is if I win and I drop Brandon and Jake. Shiiit that means I got two contenders taken down for the price of one. Cuz’ this Freight Train is just startin’ to rumble down the tracks and I got a lot of people I plan to run the hell over. Now that’s a Parental Advisory warning for your ass. See y’all tonight at Ward.
  2. There has been so much going on with Ik0n Wrestling Entertainment lately. Roster drafts, new wrestlers, new shows, new events. It was an interesting time to be involved in the company without a shadow of a doubt. But out of all the wrestlers who were doing something lately and even had frequent ring action the more savvy wrestling fans had one question on their minds regarding Womens eXtreme Wrestling. Where in the hell was Mallory Hale at in all of this? Where did she go? Mallory went from a rising star in Ikon’s women’s wrestling scene to being off of television, off of the house show circuit, away from an Ik0n wrestling ring entirely. But luckily Mallory had an answer in mind herself in the way of her promo. So the scene was set in a recording studio. Gold and platinum records decorated the wall with various awards and accolades as well in some secure cabinets just for proof of a musician’s success. But the person in the studio wasn’t a regular musician. It was Mallory Hale! In a stylish black, red, and silver outfit waiting for the camera to focus on her while she sat in a comfy chair in thought. Mallory Hale:You know who I am but you don't know where I've been. But that's cool I’ll catch you up. I’m Mallory Hale and I’m a rockstar and a professional wrestler. A star in both worlds and doing damn good at both. I was winning matches, beating up on other women and the occasional man, and was working my way to title shots until my record label got stingy and booked me for a world tour. Traveling the world with my band Maiden’s Voyage, promoting our album Savage Soul and going to every continent but Antartica to perform it. But here’s the thing. No matter where I went I always made sure to watch wrestling. Whether it was on my TV or my phone or if I was damn lucky I’d catch a show in whatever city my band was in that night live in person while squeezing in whatever workouts I could. I may not have had a match in almost a year but wrestling never left my heart! Mallory spent this time reintroducing the WXW fans on who she was, what she did, and most importantly what the hell was she doing this whole time away from the ring. Mallory may not have had a match since April but she wasn’t necessarily away from wrestling. Mallory Hale was one of those modern wrestlers that had multiple passions aside from just wrestling. Which led to responsibilities outside of wrestling. Luckily IWE management understood that and let her tour with her band while still being signed to IWE. Thus flowed into her next point. Mallory Hale: So now that I'm getting back into the ring here's what I'm getting into. A Queen of the Ring Championship Battle Rumble Match at WXW Stardom. Main event match too. Damn. Well that’s one way to welcome me back to WXW but hell if I win a title I won’t complain. It’s been too long since I beat somebody up anyway. So lets (BEEEP) go. Mallory stayed chill and calm until the last part of her statement. That was when her fire began to come out. Mallory Hale: I look at the field of women. The girls who are in WXW and they should be grateful that I had to go on tour because I would’ve beaten every single one of them! Cherokee Ryder, Jessica Fyre, AJ McKay. Three women who don’t have the hunger and drive that I do to succeed. I already know I can beat them in a regular match but throwing them over the top rope will be a piece of cake if they get in my face! Sabrina Rossi, Petra Schreiber, Maeve Russo. Those three girls are cool, I’ve gotten some drinks with them, but I don’t care if you’re my friend or not. If you come towards me I’m throwing you out. Why? Because my mission isn’t just to be Queen Of The Ring Champion it’s to make up for lost time. Those eight months I’ve been gone was time I could already be champion. But now it’s time to make it right when I compete at WXW Stardom! Also…buy the Maiden’s Soul album Savage Soul. Also available to download on streaming. And with a smug smile while raising her CD up for the cameras to see the camera faded to black
  3. The scene opened with Olympia Waybright and Desiree Forte in the Centre Of Attention Clubhouse, their usual hangout and setting to speak to the Asylum Wrestling Society where they conducted their business and business was indeed BOOMING for the team lately. Or at least half of it. Olympia Waybright had excelled in singles booking lately. Racking up wins on her own including the WXW Lady Rose Championship! Bringing more money and fame to the Centre Of Attention. With the support of her teammates including Desiree Forte. And even though Desiree had a big ego with swagger to spare there was no infighting or jealousy here. She was undeniably proud of Olympia and her recent success. However she did miss getting in the ring with her fellow Canadian. It had been a while since they tore things up in a tag team match and she felt a little left out. No hate towards Olympia but Desiree was itching to fight. And that was where Stardom came to play. They were getting back into action together against the Lady Hooligans. A team that they haven't faced in ages. They likely thought that Olympia and Desiree were easy targets now since they haven't had a tag match in a while. With both women doing their thing as singles stars. And it was up to the two women of the COA to prove them wrong. Which was what was going through their minds as they entered the clubhouse. Still in their street clothes. Olympia and Desiree wore Centre Of Attention shirts but Olympia wore hip-hugging blue jeans and black shoes, Desiree wore a skirt that stopped right at the knees and dark purple shoes. Looking hot in their civilian clothes to give the AWS audience something nice to look at while they addressed the fans and their opponents the Lady Hooligans. Desiree Forte: Attention!~ It's been sooooo long since we teamed together mon ami. You and me in action together. Fighting against a clearly inferior tag team. I’m excited just thinking about it! Olympia Waybright: You always were excited for a fight but yes Olympia Waybright and Desiree Forte are back together, representing the Centre Of Attention and that’s a problem for everyone in the tag team division. Since our mission is to remind them just how good we are. Desiree Forte: Simply put idiots we're the best tag team in AWS history. We've had the best matches, won a lot of titles, elevated a team, made a lot of money. All the important stuff to make a wrestling career matter. Olympia Waybright: All all it took was winning matches against teams and letting them know where they stand. Desiree Forte: Yeah nothing personal, we just like to remind teams of their place. Lady Hooligans you all will find out just what we mean by that~ Olympia and Desiree went back to work with their classic chemistry. Covering ground with their introduction and trash talk together. Bragging about themselves and leading into the trash talk about their opponents. And it was only just beginning. Olympia Waybright: Vera Eames and Sophie Masterson. Been a while since we kicked your asses. You two have made names for yourselves lately. Looking to establish yourselves as a team in Women's eXtreme Wrestling just like me and Desi are. And while things are definitely different the Centre Of Attention knows what it’s like to be hungry. Chasing gold and knocking down every opponent in our way. It may have been a while since I teamed up with my badass, beautiful, best friend but I remember when we used to run the tag team scene. Desiree Forte: And it's time to do it again tout le monde. We’re back! And it’s not enough to win the match. No we both know that’s going to happen but we’re going to look good doing it. Nobody wants to see Vera and Sophie, the ugly she-beasts defeat us. All eyes will be on us like they should be. I won't be surprised if they boo them out the building in Stardom. Since they will be seeing real stars in Olympia and I. Olympia Waybright: I couldn’t agree more Desiree and that’s really the endgame goal. To win and look good doing it. To dominate in style, to let everyone know watching Saturday Morning Stardom who is the best tag team between us…and the Lady Hooligans. Another hotshot team of wrestlers who are talented… Desiree Forte: But not talented ENOUGH. Olympia Waybright: So see you in Mexico for Stardom girls. Do we have your attention now?
  4. Kaito Ishikawa had been absent from AWS TV for a while but not necessarily absent from the ring. He had been back and forth to Japan. Visiting family, friends, and most importantly training at his old dojo while keeping in tune with his people. And appearing at a few Japanese wrestling events. AWS didn’t have any ties with Japan YET but if they needed an ambassador they could hype up the crowd and put asses in seats. He was seen as a superstar in Japan as this was the place where he built his wrestling foundation and when AWS first decided to look for international stars Kaito was high on their list. But just as high, if not higher, was TJ Alexander. “The Game Changer” was a hyped up prospect for AWS, had a fat contract, and had largely returned on his investment by wrestling strong opponents like Kaito Ishikawa. And as for Ishikawa himself? He just wanted to prove he could live up to the moment at hand. Wrestle and defeat a big star like TJ in his first televised match in ages. This match meant a lot to him. He had the utmost respect for TJ and we're even a part of the same companies and show cards but they just never had a match. That’s what made this Asylum Rules match special for him. So the scene started with Kaito Ishikawa stepping into a Japanese combat gym that was vacant and immediately began a workout. Starting some clapping-push ups with perfect rhythm and timing. Up and down with the camera focused on him on this sunny day with just the right amount of lighting on him while his voice played in the background. With subtitles translating it from Japanese to English. Kaito Ishikawa: My name is Kaito Ishikawa. I am here in Japan. Getting my body in order and my mind as well in my home country. It has been too long since I wrestled for the Asylum Wrestling Society but I’m back and I’m going to make up for lost time with a victory at Assault. And it all starts with the preparation. Especially with an opponent like TJ Alexander who I’m honestly excited to fight! Kaito was never a big talker. At least not in the sense of ego and bravado. No he was one of the most straightforward, down-to-business men in all of the Asylum Wrestling Society. No cryptic, mysterious, crap about his intentions and plans for his opponent. Nor did he use a lot of swaggering cheap talk either. But what people would hear from Kaito is sincere passion and a love for wrestling and how there wasn't an opponent that unnerved him. And he made that clear as he hit the ropes, did forward rolls and did back bumps. The fundamentals to get ready. Sure he do damage with a steel chair, lead pipe, or any other weapon in his hand. As was expected for an Asylum Rules match. But Kaito didn’t need it to hurt a man and would even prefer NOT TO when fighting TJ. Kaito Ishikawa: TJ Alexander. I heard about you even before I came to America. The times when I wrestled in Europe I hoped to compete against you but we never had a match. Luckily at AWS Ward that changes as for the first time we finally meet! This is a dream match for me. That’s why I had to go home to my old dojo to get my mind right before fighting TJ. Because I don’t just want to win but I want you to get the best version of me while you do! That’s why I’m training like I am so when I beat you I will leave no doubt that I was the better man at Sunday Morning Assault! Now Kaito made it clear what his intentions were with a bit of a personal connection. He and TJ were like proverbial ships in the night. Around each other but they never had a match and Kaito was absolutely pumped! And then Kaitos training got a little more direct. A sparring match against a young lion who’s physique was just like TJ Alexander’s. Complete with a grizzled senior of the dojo working as a referee before Kaito’s voice was heard again. Kaito Ishikawa: I am doing all of this. Training in my old dojo, getting connected to my people so I can become the best wrestler that I can be. So when I defeat TJ Alexander I can get one step closer to becoming a champion. I want to be worthy of gold and be the best wrestler I can be and it starts with a victory at Assault! I believe that I can defeat you and while I will do it with honor and respect I will make it clear that I am the better man! With or without a weapon Kaito said all of this during his match. Going strike for strike, move for move until BAM!He hit a Noshinto in the corner, dropping the younger wrestler. Putting him down for the three count with his hand being raised in victory. Perhaps it was a sign of things to come from a man who didn’t need a weapon to hurt a wrestler. This was the kind of athleticism and action TJ had to look forward to at Sunday Morning Assault. Kaito Ishikawa: Respectfully. I will defeat you TJ at Sunday Morning Assault. Count on it.
  5. JGB posted a post in a topic in Promo Archives
    Xander may not have been at the Day Zero event. Whether it was in a match or as a guest. In fact, he was still with family and friends overseas in England. But so many people alerted him of what Ace Sky said. Public posts, DMs, text messages, even phone calls from everyone. Even his Centre Of Attention teammates let him know about this. He couldn’t relax in his homeland without somebody, somewhere telling him about Ace’s bold statement but honestly he wasn’t surprised that he couldn’t keep his gob shut about him and his title. In fact it made Xander smile just a little when he thought about it. Since arriving in the Asylum Wrestling Society the one wrestler Xander never went too far from facing in one way shape or form was Ace Sky. Singles competition, multi-person matches, mostly for title shots too. But it was wrestlers like Ace Sky that brought out a special drive from Xander. Ace may have loved the sound of his own voice most American wrestlers did with his little segment at Day Zero being proof but he wrestled a high-impact and intense style that was harder than what the average American could bring to the table. The kind of shite that Xander grew up on watching his dad do. The kind of style Xander himself was used to when he wrestled across the Atlantic. He’d never admit it publicly to avoid feeding Ace’s ego but he respected him. Xander just didn’t like him and with arrogant statements like what he said at Day Zero, that he was ducking Ace Sky. That was what infuriated him He didn’t even wait until he came back to America to let his emotions and thoughts go through his voice on the way to AWS Ward XLIII. He needed to fire back at Ace Sky as soon as possible! Which is why the scene took place in the basement of his childhood home which had a wrestling ring in it. No surprise there. As he was ready to speak to the world and more importantly to his opponent. Xander Croft: Do I have your attention Ace Sky? Because you certainly have mine after what you said at Day Zero. I couldn’t even spend time with my family in the UK without finding out you’ve been running your mouth so time to get facts straight Ace. The only reason why I’ve been ducking you was because I was hoping someone fresh, someone new, who I haven’t fought and beaten before could step up and fight me but I guess that won’t be happening but oh well. Now I have to show everyone watching that I am better than you undeniably as I put my C4 Division Championship on the line at AWS Ward. Very well then let's get down to it.... Xander introduced himself and his current status to the AWS fans with his first statement. Bringing them up to speed on where he’s been and a summary of his thoughts on Ace Sky as well as building up the fans for more. Xander Croft: I’ll give you this bit of compliment you can take peace with Ace. You are a talented wrestler. One of the best I’ve faced in America in fact. Singles match, matches with other people who can’t hold a candle to our collective talents. You’ve encouraged me to elevate my game and be a better wrestler for the Centre Of Attention team which I lead but also for myself and my own success. You’re kind of like a little brother to me as a professional wrestler you know? I couldn’t imagine my AWS career without you but your place Ace Sky is below me. Literally as I am capable of standing over you with my hand raised in victory. Xander was the king of the backhanded compliments and humble-bragging. Basically saying “you’re good but I’m better.* Which was his style of humor in the Centre Of Attention. And he had the track record. Ace hadn’t beaten Xander in a one on one competition. Ace has always outlasted him, gotten lucky, or saw Xander take the pin from another wrestler. So if Xander had it his way the result would be the very same. Xander Croft: I redefined what it means to be the AWS C4 Division Champion. How it’s not about who’s the best high flyer or the best striker which you may very well be Ace Sky but I made it clear that it’s all about who has the most explosive fury in that ring. Where it doesn’t matter your opponents size, skill, or experience, if you have that fire in your heart, dynamite in your soul, you deserve this title but quite frankly Ace. I don’t think you have it in you bruv. You’re good at talking a good talk, and fighting a good fight, just not enough to defeat me when that bell rings. Just thought I’d make that clear before I fly over to Las Vegas. I’d say good luck Ace but luck won’t be enough.
  6. A different side of Ethan emerges.
  7. JGB posted a post in a topic in Promo Archives
    Xander Croft may have been a professional wrestler but he carried himself like a proud warrior. That’s how he gained so much success in his life as a wrestler and as a man. He wanted to be a wrestler like his dad was ever since he was a kid and he knew that the art of being a professional wrestler wasn’t just a physical game which everybody knew about. How to give and take pain from your opponent or opponents. Physically helping your tag team partner or any other allies you had in that ring. The stamina. The old blood, sweat, and tears cliche. Except growing up in the wrestling business like Xander it wasn't a cliche it was a way of life. Xander was also told about the nuances of professional wrestling and that was in the mental game of it all. Keeping focused, blocking distractions, and not letting opponents psyche you out. Working with partners and building your strategies to success. All while enduring every win and loss and mark of battle that came with it Those were all things that Xander Croft had to factor in when it came to a war games match like what Xander was going to get in at Day Zero. Mental and physical preparation were important but you needed to know MORE. You had to have a sense of teamwork, a sense of strategy, you had to know how to fight off against multiple opponents at once. And you couldn’t be afraid to fight with weapons and take some shots with them as well. All while keeping two things in mind. Don’t give up, don’t surrender. Luckily you’d have to damn near kill Xander before he did either one of those things. The scene was per usual in the Centre Of Attention clubhouse but this time Xander was by the bar. The bartender poured him up a shot of straight Irish whiskey with the camera angles showing them off before one angle simply focused on him. Ready to speak to the AWS fans. Xander Croft: I have no problems sharing my attention with teammates in the Centre Of Attention. Not by any stretch of the imagination. They are my siblings in battle. My true companions in this violent, brutal wrestling promotion that is the Asylum Wrestling Society. I trust them more than anyone here. So stepping into a War Games match against people I dislike intensely with wrestlers by my side that while I may respect I don't know makes me…uneasy. That is the feeling I'm dealing with on my way to Day Zero. Streamers, Dimter, Feigel, I either don’t like you or don’t like you. You know where you stand with me. Ace Sky, Scum Of The Earth, Hendrix, Roberts same thing but twice as bad since you have the punishment of facing me and my team in our match. Xander Croft made it clear about his situation at hand and he didn’t like it. Teaming up with random people fighting against people he didn’t like. He did have tag team experience. His time in the Centre Of Attention was proof of that. But teaming up with men who he’d usually call his opponents? This wasn’t comfortable. Xander was going in with a simple mentality of “just win.” No wonder he was pounding straight liquor. But perhaps there was something more than that… Xander Croft: So gentlemen on my team let me make this clear. I’m not interested in doing any extra bonding with you outside of the ring, joining whatever team you have after we’re done, or letting you in the Centre Of Attention. Especially you Dimter. However just the fact that you have me on your team means that our opponents are in danger. I am the reigning C4 Division Champion. The BEST technical wrestler in the entire Asylum Wrestling Society and my experience in the best faction in the Asylum Wrestling Society shows that I am an asset to our war games team and everyone of our opponents are in trouble. We won’t lose this match just because I’m with you! Xander couldn’t help but explain what made him special and why his team was going to win at Day Zero just by the sheer fact that he was going to be in action. Even if he wasn’t going to go the extra mile to make any friendships. In fact, after Day Zero he was expecting to have to fight his teammates in this team match for his title. But right now he was going to be a team player at the very least. Xander Croft: But I’m not that cold. If we win I’ll invite you to the clubhouse and you all can get a pint or two. He raised up his refilled whiskey cup with a small smile. Ending the promo with the Centre Of Attention logo fading into view.
  8. Ethan Murphy had gone too long without championship gold of any kind and it, simply put, SUCKED. Make no mistake, his life outside of the ring was great. He got in touch with good friends and family over Christmas. His love life was strong as can be with his loving and gorgeous girlfriend to come home to. Plus professionally any paranoia he had of suddenly being released after losing the Asylum Heavyweight Championship were unfounded as he was still gainfully employed by one of the best professional wrestling companies in the world. And yet because Ethan was not a champion anymore it still added a bit of sourness to every day just by the principle of the matter. Even by the standards of AWS Ethan gave everything he had to every bit of training he had and you had to damn near kill him just to beat him in a match. There was no doubt to any AWS fan that he was one of the biggest stars in the company, if not the wrestling world! But his lack of a championship to verify all of his hard work STUNG. It also didn’t help that he came up short at Reindeer Games either… So what was Ethan to do? He was a big enough deal to compete for gold and in marquee matches but he knew he EARNED that right. Nothing was given in AWS. Enter the Elite Championship. A brand new title which Ethan Murphy was chosen to compete for. Along with Drake Nygma who he had prior history and was becoming his latest nuisance and TJ Alexander who he never wrestled against but knew about and respected. This was looking to be a truly athletic, aggressive, and exciting match and the closer Ethan got to Day Zero where the Elite Championship match took place the more excited he was! So the promo scene started with Ethan being in the gym in his workout gear which he always kept similar to his wrestling gear. Wrist tape, workout shorts, athletic shoes. He hadn’t started working out just yet but that looked like it was going to change real soon after he finished speaking while he sat on his bench press Ethan Murphy: You all know how I am by now. I’m one of the most direct, honest, and straightforward men in the Asylum Wrestling Society. So believe me when I say that I haven’t gone a day since Day Zero was announced without training. Getting myself ready to wrestle, ready to FIGHT in the last event of the year which means a lot to me since this is my last chance to end 2024 on a good note. I’ll give you all a little rundown. I was the AWS Television Champion coming into the year. It was my first title for the AWS and I LOVED being on TV for all of you. Knowing that just holding that championship meant that my work, my effort, would at the very least be seen by my fans who make all of AWS possible. Then I became the AWS Asylum Heavyweight Champion not long after losing my Television Title. And that’s an even bigger reward! Because it showed that everyone who truly mattered. That my fans, to AWS management, and myself were ready to lead this company as the MAN. The franchise star! And I still am! Ethan gave a passionate rundown of his events and it was a breakthrough year for him. Two titles, multiple main events, heated rivalries, and a lot of money and a lot of fans to reward his work. All of which was shown in a video package with rock music to support it all that the people watching saw. Just in case they needed a reminder of how big of a deal that the “Red Rocket” was. Most of 2024 was a great year for him! MOST of 2024… Ethan Murphy: Then I lost the Asylum Heavyweight Championship in singles competition to Summer Rayne. And then I lost it in a triple threat match to Drake Nygma. I went from a pretty big high, to a pretty bad low this year. From thriving champ back to starving contender. And I was insecure enough to believe that me losing a title would mean I’d be released as soon as possible. Glad I know that’s not the case at least but it still sucks. Because I immersed myself as a champion. Any champion really. Because I love the prestige and power and importance of being a champion. To show my fans and my family that my work is seen with a big shiny title belt as proof! I had more money, more importance, and a worthy reward for the work I’ve put in like any wrestler should. If you don’t want to be a champion of any kind then you don’t need to be a wrestler. That’s why I’m grateful that I have a match for the brand new AWS Elite Championship against TJ Alexander and Drake Nygma at Day Zero. Ethan was not only seen talking about his craving to be champion again after his decline in the tail end of 2024 but why being a champion was important to him. Complete with mentioning his upcoming match at the Day Zero event and his two opponents. He didn’t know about how TJ and Drake felt about being champion but he doubted they had the same desire that he had on top of that. Ethan Murphy: You don’t have a lot of chances for a “first” in pro wrestling so when a brand new title is made everybody who thinks they even have a little bit of what it takes should get it and I know I do. At least more than you TJ Alexander. Don’t get me wrong I know you’re not a bum TJ you are a former AWS Global Champion. You’ve been in big matches and can win in the ring but you don’t need to end 2024 on a golden note like I do! You won’t be beating me at Day Zero. And as for you Drake Nygma…yo I’m running out of things to say about you since we keep on seeing each other in action so I’ll make this short and sweet. Your luck is going to run out at Day Zero because I am determined to win and become the very first AWS Elite Champion. You two may need championship gold but I LIVE championship gold and I miss it and while I know for a fact that you two are going to fight like hell. I’m expecting to bleed and get hit with move after move, weapon after weapon, I will give that same pain back and then some. Why? Because I’m Ethan Murphy and I will leave Day Zero as the FIRST AWS Elite Champion! To close the promo fiery promo Ethan would start doing his barbell bench press. Getting his body ready for what was sure to be one hell of an AWS Elite title fight at Day Zero. The last event of the AWS calendar year!
  9. Things were looking very busy these days for the Centre Of Attention. All four members; Xander Croft, Mason Hurst, Desiree Forte, and Olympia Waybright were getting active wrestling work. Televised shows, major matches, title bouts, the things that wrestlers built their legacies on and Olympia personally LOVED IT. She was a devoted wrestler who wanted to be a part of the art ever since she was a little girl. With athletics in her blood as both of her parents were Canadian Olympians she could’ve applied her skills in track & field, weightlifting, or in gymnastics but she carved her own path into professional wrestling. Blazing a trail of victory from the northern promotions of Canada to the United States in the Asylum Wrestling Society. Along the way she met Desiree Forte, Xander Croft, and Mason Hurst in order to build the Center Of Attention and they were damn near running AWS. Since the four of them became a unit there has rarely been a time where nobody in that team was holding gold. Singles or tag. Especially Olympia Waybright who had become a tag team superstar with Desiree. But now she was wondering one thing on the way to the Reindeer Games given her match. “How can I show off my skills without my tag team partner?” Olympia Waybright was in a triple threat match against Carlotta Paine and Avery McCullen. It was for the AWS Lady Rose Championship. It was a Miracle on 34th Street Fight. And it would be her first singles title win in AWS if she was to win this match. Olympia Waybright spent all that time before the event training herself for her first singles match in so long. Of course Desiree helped her out as well as the men of her team through her training.but the pressure was all on her. But Olympia thrived under Pressure. And she was going to show the fans just how much in that ring. She was even going to let it show in her promo. For the first time in a long time Olympia Waybright entered the Centre Of Attention clubhouse all alone. Wearing a black and red women’s leather jacket, hip-hugging jeans and red shoes with her hair done in a warrior braid, made by Desiree who figured if she couldn’t wrestle alongside her best friend and teammate the least she could do is make her look good for her promo as the camera caught a good view of her body walking into the building of the clubhouse through the front door, and facing the camera. Olympia Waybright: Okay. Time for ME to shine again and COMMAND your attention. My name is Olympia Waybright and even though my tag team partner the beautiful Desiree Forte and I have some history working together going back to our days in Canada and we are the most dominant tag team in AWS history with her but my mission is to remind all of you that I am not a “tag team specialist.” I can kick ass and win matches on my own and this triple threat match is a good place to start and a bad place for Carlotta and Avery to be in. Especially with the AWS Lady Rose championship on the line. Olympia introduced herself with fervor. Stating her match and goal directly from the start. It was simple. Win the AWS Lady Rose title and show people that she could do more than just wrestle with a damn good tag team partner. But she was only getting started. Olympia Waybright: And it’s not that hard for me really considering who my opponents at Reindeer Games are. I mean look at Carlotta Paine. I respect that she’s from one hell of a wrestling family. My teammate Xander is a second generation wrestler just like you. Plus just like me you’ve gotten some wins as a tag team with Dakota Storm. But the difference is that Xander actually has talent just like me and you don’t. Yeah you’ve had a couple of lucky wins including that lucky victory at Wicked Games a couple of months ago that would make your overrated wrestling family proud and you do need some luck to not lose a Triple Threat match especially in a street fight like ours. But I'm not looking to be lucky. I’m looking to WIN. Best case scenario for you is that you’ll be on the outside of the ring, just a little too late while I beat Avery in it. Olympia meant every word she had to say about Carlotta. She understood where the second generation wrestler came from and their similarities. But she wanted Carlotta and the AWS fans to understand that she was on a higher level than her and was going to win their match though. With the fans seeing pictures and footage of Carlotta while she spoke Olympia Waybright: By the way let's talk about Avery for a bit. Avery you energize crowds from the second your music hits. You’re tough as hell, you’re willing to put your body on the line even by AWS standards to win the match and hurt your opponent on the way to victory. But in our triple threat match I’m going to test that and see just how much pain you can REALLY take. I’m going to slam you, stretch you, hurt you in every way possible to come out the winner in our triple threat. You have a championship win in your future but it won’t be the Lady Rose one. Not in a match I’m in. I’m going to enjoy hurting you in our Miracle on 34th Street Fight Olympia pointed at herself at the end of her statement while talking about her Irish born challenger Avery McCullen. While there was less outright VENOM than in her part about Carlotta she emphasized that she was going to put Avery through absolute HELL in their match before defeating her. More pain than the daredevil could handle if it meant she’d walk out with the belt. Olympia Waybright: Its like I said at the start. My mission at Reindeer Games is bring home a singles title for me and for the Centre Of Attention. Avery, Carlotta, you two don’t stand a chance against me. Not with my goal in mind and my talent to get it done. Do I have your attention now?
  10. Addison Hepburn was a simple woman when it came to the things that she wanted. Madonna said it best in her peak and prime. Addison was a material girl. Of course she placed a lot of value in clothes, cars, jewelry, and other personal status symbols of wealth. But given her line of work as a professional wrestler and actress she valued other things as well. Like awards for her acting work and championships for her wrestling work. Things that she could show off not just for her net worth but for her overall success that she took pure pride in. Tangible stuff. People knew by now that Addison was a dual-threat entertainer. An actress and wrestler. When she didn’t have any wrestling matches she had acting gigs and she put in maximum effort on both. On top of that she didn’t care about what work she got either. As an actress with no agent Addison didn’t care if she acted in a thirty second commercial or two hour movie as long as she had a proper role. This went with her wrestling career as she didn’t matter who she wrestled against or the amount of people she wrestled against as long as she was on TV. It was all about the attention for her and logically so. The awards and accolades were a fun bonus. However there was a big caveat in this context. Unlike on the movie/show/commercial set where she HAD to share the spotlight with multiple people which she was totally fine with, the same treatment in wrestling made her uneasy having to fight more than one opponent. Which got her dislike immediately once she found out she had a match for them. The brunette entertainer was happy to finally get a shot at the AWS Temptress Title and all she had to do was defeat three other women to get it. Jessica Fyre, April Dimter, and Denise De’vil. Three women is too many for her liking and it weighed on her mind more than any match so far. Multiple women, the odds were unlikely she’d win. But the odds weren’t much different than the same odds of her winning an award against other nominees. The only difference is she was in control of whether or not she won and Addison could handle that. She was aware of her odds but it didn’t scare her. In fact, it led to her training harder, smarter, and outright brainstorming ideas for a promo as if she was developing a movie character. Which led us to this very day before Reindeer Games where Addison was wearing a long, beautiful, designer dress in an award show audience. On screen it looked like Addison was nominated for an award and this was an award show. But the font, colors, and designs matched that of the Asylum Wrestling Society. Laura Anderson: “Your winner of the AWS Temptress Championship is…ADDISON HEPBURN!” And not only did Addison step up to get the title on stage but people got to see Jessica Fyre, April Dimter, and Denise De’vil look disappointed and outright angry in defeat watching Addison receive the Temptress Title belt. But then the scene paused with Addison's voice being overheard. Addison Hepburn: I wish it was this easy… Then the screen did a fast wipe to Addison in a director's chair cross-legged. Facing the camera that was waiting and ready to capture her every word Addison Hepburn: I mean if they gave championships on just pure talent or looks alone I’d be the Temptress Champion already. Especially since I’m with no-talent trolls like April Dimter, Denise De’vil, and Jessica Fyre in a match at Reindeer Games in a Christmas Present Match. Ugh…The work of a true star is soooooo difficult…I guess I have to beat the hell out of my so-called opponents to earn something that’s really mine if you think about it. I mean I’m the sexiest woman in the match by far. I’m the best wrestler in the match too. I’m definitely the biggest star. I mean while I’m talking to all of you. You’re welcome by the way. I’m going to be shooting a movie that’s going to put a lot of money in my bank account. That alone means I’ll bring value to the Temptress Title after Reindeer Games. Because I a true star~ There were a lot of lady lunatics in the Asylum Wrestling Society that had huge egos but Addison Hepburn’s was quite possibly the largest. As she believed that she was the rightful AWS Temptress Champion based on her beauty, talent, and star status. Addison Hepburn: I mean I look at the field. Jessica Fyre you’re a rising star. This is your big break, your first big moment! I was in your shoes as a wrestler once. And I excelled! It’s sad you won’t because you will be in the ring with me in your first big time, star-studded match. During MY time to shine. Now Denise De’vil. You are the only woman in this match that has me…unsettled. Because you’ve won titles before, been in bigger matches before, you’re creepy as can be. But there’s nothing about you that screams “Temptress.” You don’t have the beauty of one. You’re an ugly she-demon of a woman who would scare fans instead of selling merchandise to them. I’m a better fit for the Temptress title just for that alone. Oh and I almost forgot you April Dimter. Just like everyone else did just because you popped up out of the blue. At least Jessica and Denise have credibility along with myself. You’re only in this match because your husband pulled strings for you. That’s it. The Temptress Championship is as good as mine! Addison went after her three opponents with various levels of venom and fervor. Whether it was with respect and acknowledgment of talent while still making sure she made it quite clear that she was going to win. Or flaming disrespect and arrogance while making it clear that the title was coming home with her. Either way Addison wanted to make it clear that she was going to win the Temptress Title at Reindeer Games. Footage of her three opponents playing while she spoke proved Addison’s point. The scrappiness of Jessica, the scariness of Denise, and footage of April standing with Mike. Addison Hepburn: Sorry. I get a little…heated at the thought of facing wrestlers that are below my league but I have an outlet for my anger. The Christmas Gift match. So many nice Christmas-themed weapons for me to use on my way to victory. “Addison you’re needed on set!” Addison Hepburn: Coming! That’s my cue. This is your future AWS Temptress Champion signing out. End scene!
  11. The women had their fun hunting for gold. Now it was the men’s turn. That was the mentality of Xander Croft and Mason Hurst the very second they were announced to have this tag team title match. No disrespect to Olympia Waybright and Desiree Forte but it had been too long since Xander and Mason flexed their tag team skills. An in-ring technician teaming up with a hard-hitting powerhouse in a regular match would scare most opponents but with those two wrestlers being a part of the Centre Of Attention made it a huge problem. And as for the given match. And the match in particular and its location was simply titled this. “Center of Attention (Xander Croft & Mason Hurst) vs. Jake Ryan & Alex Evans vs. Derek Wellings & Leon Roberts vs. The Kaos Twins (Jonathan & Adam Kaos)” Winner of that match becomes tag team champion. A four team BATTLE at Reindeer Games one of the last events of the year. The Asylum Wrestling Society fans were likely expecting the women to compete in this match but now it was all about the men. And they had one mission really and was to come back with the tag team gold at any cost. But curious eyes would be fixed on Xander and Mason since they weren’t known for tag team action. It was singles battles that they were more known for. Xander Croft had long since proven his worth in singles competition. Two time C4 Division champion, the most feared technical wrestlers in all of AWS. A man who was talented at stretching human bodies and making people bend in ways people were never meant to bend. Plus even though he currently holds championship gold he’ll never say no to new titles. He wanted all the gold he could carry for the sake of his Centre Of Attention team and just as importantly his own glory. And besides. At least Xander had SOMETHING to show for his efforts of punishment. Unlike his massive tag team partner and Centre Of Attention comrade. Mason had NOTHING to show for his work. Sure he’d been on televised AWS shows recently and he was quite the attraction for fans to see at AWS house shows but he wanted a title of SOME KIND for all of his hard work! Beating up lower card stars, guys from the dojo, and local wrestlers was cold comfort when your teammates were on TV shows and events competing for gold. Think about it. A man the size of Mason with his in-ring talent would’ve been a champion at least once by now in most wrestling companies but the Asylum Wrestling Society was NOT like most wrestling companies. You had to grind harder, win more, and find ways to stand out and moments to strike. You weren’t handed title matches and opportunities just because you were a huge man who could look menacing on a PPV poster or magazine cover. So days before Reindeer Games Xander Croft and Mason Hurst decided to clear the air with a promo in the Centre Of Attention clubhouse. The whole clubhouse decked out wall to wall with a motif that was basically “glam rock group meets biker gang” with red, black, silver, and white everywhere. It was stylized by Desiree Forte with a little help from Mason. Now he and Xander were standing in the middle of the room in full ring gear facing the camera. Ready to address the AWS audience and more importantly their six opponents they had to fight at Reindeer Games. Xander Croft: Attention all Asylum Wrestling Society fans. At Reindeer Games you are going to witness a mauling. A spectacle of pain delivered by the Centre Of Attention. But this time it’s not our lovely, lethal, ladies doing it all. Mason Hurst and myself will be taking care of business and that should scare our other three opponents as we make them into our VICTIMS and our LOSERS while we bring the AWS Tag Team Championships home and make the Centre Of Attention a bit…shinier. You like the sound of that don’t you Mason? Mason Hurst gave a brief chuckle at Xander’s statement of confidence and glory before giving one of his own. Mason Hurst: As a member of the Centre Of Attention of course that sounds good to me. Especially if it means I get a title of my own. Tag or otherwise mate. You stretch people’s limbs in there, me breaking bodies in that ring. Taking turns punishing people who are unlucky enough to have to “fight” us. Because it’s not going to be much of a fight there at Reindeer Games. Because the way me and Xan are going to feel in that ring it’s going to be like a game to us with the fun we’ll have hurting people on the way to championship victory. Jake Ryan, Alex Evans, Wellings, Leon Roberts, Kaos Twins, you will ALL fall by our hands. The same damn hands that will be raised up as winners with gold in their grip! And then a match graphic was queued to show the fight the two men were talking about. How they went into promoting and hyping up the four-team war they were going to be in. Basic stuff but considering the absolutely VIOLENT reputation the Centre Of Attention had by now this wasn’t trash talk it was a PROMISE. Xander Croft: Well that’s awfully chatty of you for a change Mase but I couldn’t agree more. My C4 Division championship is getting lonely anyway and you’ve long since made it clear you want gold of any kind and all we have to do is outlast three inferior teams and we’ll have that goal accomplished. That's the most polite I’ll put it considering our opponents are lesser than us in every way. Whether it’s the no-name jokes like Jake Ryan and Alex Evans that shouldn’t even be competing in this match, teams that are overrated as can be like Derek Willings and Leon Roberts, and teams that are DESPERATELY clinging to relevance like the Kaos Twins. If these are the best opponents that management has to give us no wonder the Centre Of Attention have ruled it for so long and we're going to do it again. Xander had nothing regrets talking trash about the tag team division of AWS and their opponents. To him the Centre Of Attention was the pinnacle of wrestling here in the Asylum Wrestling Society and everyone else was varying levels of shit compared to them in the ring. And Mason was going to pile on. Mason Hurst: Make it short and sweet Xan. We're the only team that's worth a damn in that match. The sooner that bell rings the sooner we can beat the hell out of these junk tag teams and get our tag team titles. Olympia and Desiree might get jealous that we brought home tag team gold but oh well. Xander Croft: They held the titles before. Now it's our turn. You see we talk arrogantly because we can back it up and if the women in our team are powerful enough and dangerous enough to kick the asses of all six of our opponents at Reindeer Games what hope do they have against the men? This isn’t about the sexes though. It’s about how DEEP the Centre Of Attention truly is. No matter if you’re dealing with the athletic aggression of Olympia Waybright, the versatile showmanship of Desiree Forte, the pure wrestling mastery of Xander Croft, or the monstrous brute strength of Mason Hurst. If you step into the ring against any member of the Centre Of Attention you are going to be in for a long, painful, night. This much I can guarantee. Mason Hurst: And as for our tag match well…Our opponents will be spending Christmas in the hospital while we will be spending ours with championship gold. Xander Croft: Do we have your attention now? Both men gave their declarations of victory and dominance to Jake, Alex, Derek & Leon, and The Kaos Twins before closing the promo with the signature Centre Of Attention eyeball logo. Red, white, and black to formally end the promo. The next time people would see them on camera it would be time for the four-team WAR at AWS: Reindeer Games!
  12. Ethan Murphy is ready!
  13. Olympia Waybright and Desiree Forte were now firmly back into the role of the “hunters” when it came to the tag team scene of the Asylum Wrestling Society and even though it’s been a while since they were there. Chasing the tag team titles, dealing with the outright THICKNESS of the AWS Tag Team division. It was cutthroat with teams fighting and starving for the tag team titles since championship status was everything. Not that Olympia and Desiree couldn’t hang in the division. Far from it in fact. They had to be violent, not afraid to get busted open and put through tables and have the grit and anger to do it to other people. That’s how they became the very first AWS World Tag Team Champions as well as the longest. All while being a part of one of wrestling’s most dominant stables the Centre Of Attention. A team made up of wrestlers from Canada, the UK, and Australia. Countries that spelled “Center” like “CENTRE”. And as for the “attention” aspect all four of them demanded it and COMMANDED it through their passion and drive in the ring and on the microphone. They just went about getting it in different ways. Olympia Waybright was a natural born athlete. She was the daughter of two Canadian olympians. She knew how to train and condition her body since she was a small child. But she chose wrestling due to the fun of the business and the physicality of it. She didn’t have to wait months between meets and events with one massive one every four years like olympic athletes did. Desiree Forte’s drive towards wrestling was more vain but honest. She loved the fashion of professional wrestling. The glam of it all. Wrestlers dressed up like comic book characters, anime characters, horror villains, action movie characters. The larger than life styles of wrestling that were unlike any other. And she was more than capable of fighting and looking good while doing it. They utilized all of that. All of their training and every part of their backgrounds and interests as a part of the COA, as well as their natural aggression and craving to be the best. Which brought us to this upcoming Ward match against The Hooligans. Another tag team on the title hunt. Olympia and Desiree knew ABOUT THEM but never had them on their direct radar since they were lower on the tag team totem pole. At least until now. It was survival of the fittest. Time to see if Olympia and Desiree could survive. ******* The scene started with two women dressed in red and black workout gear on the way to the private gym in the Centre Of Attention clubhouse. Located in the basement. Looking sporty and sexy on their way to train and get ready for their match against The Hooligans at Ward. Their cameras focused on them and their perfect ten bodies as they walked down the hallway, into the personal job. Ready to capture their words and voices. Olympia Waybright: If you think that we just go through our paces at the Asylum Wrestling Society Dojo then you’re dead wrong. Desiree Forte: Le travail ne s'arrête jamais. The work never stops. Especially now that Olympia and I are working to get those tag team titles back. Olympia and Desiree’s voices were overheard while they walked to their personal gym and made a direct path to the cardio station. Stretching, bending, and loosening up their bodies in between footage of them performing ring drills at the dojo all while mentioning that they were on the contenders side of the tag team hunt FOR NOW. Olympia Waybright: That’s how it is in the Centre Of Attention. No days off. Hell, Xander and Mason were here yesterday and will be here later today. Putting in work their way to get better like we are. We have to keep up with them. Desiree Forte: That’s our biggest competition but not our only competition. Non. The men we work with keep us sharp as women who wrestle. That means we don’t back down against men or women. Olympia Waybright: It doesn't matter if you're a top tier champion, a pair of weaklings, or like our opponents for Ward a hungry team like The Hooligans. Desiree Forte: Cage, Declan. You boys are in trouble. Because we know that the only way to get our championship titles back is by beating everyone in our way. And more of the variety of footage was shown. This time Olympia and Desiree were shown lifting weights and building up a good sweat in the process between not just ring work in the dojo but clips of The Hooligans. Cage Eames and Declan McGinnis. And then the footage transitioned to Olympia and Desiree in the clubhouse. Standing in front of the camera Olympia Waybright: Hooligans See we’re doing all of the daily training and preparation because we hate the situation we’re in. Seeing our titles off of the clubhouse wall. It’s a damn shame but Desi and I are gonna change that real soon. And it starts with us beating your asses at Ward. Desiree Forte: Hooligans you two are a bunch of drunken Irish slobs who reek of whiskey and desperation. Nobody in the Asylum Wrestling Society has a chance at beating us, especially you two. Olympia and I are on the rise again. Atteindre le sommet. Rising to the top. Not going to be slowed down by anyone. Man or woman. Olympia Waybright: ANY tag team that steps in our way will suffer. Especially now that we’re in the title chase. We want to be champions back and you idiots don’t stand a chance against us Desiree Forte: Do we have your attention now? Olympia and Desiree said their peace. Speaking directly to their opponents at the Televised show. Then the promo faded with the Centre Of Attention eyeball logo appearing on screen.
  14. It had been a while since Jamal Payne was in this exact position but he loved it all the same. A hyped up show, a marquee match he was booked in, and a title shot on the line! The Manic Championship! Really any title would do for the near 30-year wrestling veteran. He couldn’t be particular at his age. Any championship could do and it was something that he was thinking about on the way to the AWS Ward show in the Crow’s Nest venue of Las Vegas. In fact, let's go a little deeper into Jamal’s situation for a moment. “Freight Train” Jamal Payne had been wrestling since 1995. Literally wrestling longer than a lot of Asylum Wrestling Societies roster had been alive considering how the company had a lot of wrestlers who were born in the 90s and early 2000s. Jamal also came into wrestling from the ground up. From high school gyms and VFW halls to basketball arenas. He was a wrestler who performed his craft at high levels of the business. So how did he even end up in a gritty, non-mainstream wrestling company like the Asylum Wrestling Society in the first place? Simple. After the bright and flashy wrestling company he was in released him Jamal knew his days in the business were numbered but he didn’t want to retire. He wanted to try his luck in a wrestling company that not only needed him since money was no longer an issue in his career by any stretch but he wanted to wrestle somewhere that was exciting, hard-core, and fun. That way when he did retire he could do it on a high note. Which brought us to AWS Ward itself where Jamal Payne was raising hell in. He was a beast. A wrestler who went from struggling to gain ground in the Asylum Wrestling Society to being an absolute BEAST that nobody wants to wrestle against. Where if you were booked against ol’ Freight Train you were in for a long night. Win or lose. But luckily Jamal Payne managed to get more wins than losses. Just that none of those wins involved championships. To the point where he went from being an old guy who couldn't hack it in a modern wrestling fed to now being someone who couldn’t win the big one. From one shitty role to another. Which is why the Manic championship was a big deal for Jamal. It would be his first championship and he would break his stigma. And as for AWS Monday Night Ward he knew just what to do for his promo. And it started with him in a quiet neighborhood outside of Las Vegas. Camera focused on him and his street clothes. Looking like a badass vision of cool toughness before he went to battle. The fans needed to pay attention to what he had to say. Jamal Payne: This right here is the real Las Vegas. Not this touristy crap like what you see on TV. People around here grew up like me. Humble, hard-working, yeah they know how to celebrate and have a good time and they ain’t gotta go far to do it. But that’s AFTER busting their asses on the struggle. The GRIND. Kind of like me and my time here in AWS. Jamal Payne talked about himself while being sure to show footage of Las Vegas citizens in factories and on kitchen floors. Doing physical, active, work in the community between footage of him on camera just to prove his point. Jamal Payne: Now am I comin’ at this like a babyface looking for a cheap pop? Yeah I guess. But it ain’t fake. Since I signed that deal to come here and wrestle in AWS I’ve had highs and lows, I kicked ass and I got my ass kicked. Knowin’ how old I am to all the youngbloods here and I’m still tryin ta’ get mine. This ain’t no farewell tour I still want gold! I still want a championship. I just haven’t had it yet and I ain’t blamin’ anybody but myself. But imma change that at Ward Jamal was never one of those wrestlers who blamed losses on outside circumstances. Refs, interference, whatever stacked odds against him. That was never his style. Jamal blamed himself for every loss because when you’re that big, strong, tough, and experienced as he was you had every reason to believe you were unstoppable and could break through every obstacle. Jamal Payne: That’s why no matter how many times I lost these title matches I never blamed anyone but myself and I got better. Waiting until the next moment as I keep working, and grinding, and winning until the next target and right now…that’s that damn nobody Mike Dimter and bring the Manic Championship home with me Jamal kept speaking honestly while he walked through the Las Vegas suburban streets. Taking quick selfies and high-fives with people who knew him as a wrestler before getting to his black Ford SUV. Not getting inside of it yet but taking time to talk to the crowd some more. Jamal Payne: Mike Dimter who the f*** is you? I mean that with the most disrespect. You ain’t a part of the Asylum Wrestling Society. Not for real. You ain't been fighting like I have. I’m tired of being second place in this company. Because it’s one thing to lose to men that I respect but you? I don’t respect you. You failed your way to the Manic title. Facing mid-ass talent like AJ Flare and losing fatal four way matches? This my chance to be the new Manic Champion and I ain’t gonna lose it to your punk ass who don’t deserve it. So you better hope I don’t even get to the Crow’s Nest because after I get through with you the closest you’ll get to the Manic Championship is getting a toy version of the damn thing so you can pretend while I get the real deal around my waist bitch. See you at Ward!
  15. Antoine and Gabriel LeClair. The Bayou Blaze. Were in a very strange spot here in the Asylum Wrestling Society. One that warrants note. By just the fact they weren’t doing anything OF note in the company. Lets look back to a few months ago when they first got signed. Big money deal. Enough for them to legally hand over the wrestling company they founded in New Orleans “Thrillseeker Wrestling” behind. They even had a match on TV not long after they got signed which they WON. You would think that the Bayou Blaze would be both literally and figuratively one of Asylum Wrestling Societies hottest tag teams. Maybe they’d have at least one championship title. A few main events or any major matches of note on the AWS TV block. Except that was NOT the case. They were relegated to the house show circuit of AWS where they compete for the company still and entertain the fans but on a smaller scale for smaller pay and for no titles. Sometimes a fan may ask for your photo or autograph but you weren’t seen as a MAJOR star like the men and women who were on shows like AWS Ward were. It's a weird spot for a new team that started off so strong. In fact, our first scene starts at the end of one of those house shows. Bayou Blaze won a match against another scrappy team and they were backstage. No interviewers since they usually didn’t work the house show scene. So nobody could hear the frustration that would come from the LeClair brothers. Antoine LeClair: Another win in the books. Gabriel LeClair: Yeah another house show win in the books against a team nobody’s heard of. Antoine LeClair: Hey at least we’re getting paid filling up these arenas Antoine was trying to find the silver lining but Gabriel could tell he was frustrated. Both brothers didn't like the situation they were in but Gabriel was more vocal about it. Gabriel LeClair: Yeah but I want more. And I know that you want more too. We could've stayed back in Thrillseeker if this was the best we were gonna get Ant… Antoine LeClair: Alright I'll see if I can talk to Management. Play nice for a lil’ bit. And if that doesn't work we can step to one of these big tag teams. Get their attention that way. Antoine had a plan A and a plan B which kept Gabriel cool for the most part. Gabriel LeClair: A'ight cuz’ I'm tired of kicking the heads off of these tag teams down here. And the two of them had that conversation going on at a smaller pace until the live event ended. Though right when they had to pack up and get ready to leave the venue Antoine got an alert on his phone. Antoine LeClair: Hm? Yo Gabe you’re gonna love this. Peep this. Gabriel LeClair: Huh? Oh shit this is not a drill! The two of them had a match against Philly Air Raid at AWS Ward. A bout that was sure to be fast-moving, high-flying, and exciting. Antoine LeClair: Philly Air Raid on Ward. Yo that’s a hell of a fight we got no cap Gabriel LeClair: Dude I don’t care who we’re facing as long as it’s not in these tired-ass house shows. Antoine LeClair: For real for real? I’ll be fun whuppin’ people on Ward for a damn change. Damn I can’t wait. Lets hit the hotel so we can start training by sunup. So we can get this money and this dub. Gabriel LeClair gave an elaborate dap to his older brother to show that they were on the same page. They were happy as hell about their first match on TV in months. They barely got sleep either considering the excitement on how they could train, how they could promo, and how they could WIN their match against the Philly Air Raid. ============================================================================ The scene started uniquely. A black screen followed by a match being lit. The trail of fire forming two flaming capital B’s crossing each other with an instrumental version of the Bayou Blaze’s theme song “What's Up Danger?” played in the background while the two men appeared on screen. Antoine and Gabriel LeClair in street clothes for the moment. Stylish and keeping up with the flame theme. Orange, black, and and red in their attires. Antoine LeClair: Allow us to reintroduce ourselves. We’re the Bayou Blaze. Antoine LeClair. That’s my cool ass little brother Gabriel and we got a lot of time to make up for Gabriel LeClair: A lot of time to make up for, a lot of ass to kick. Same thing since we FINALLY have a match at Ward! Damn I’m hyped! Antoine LeClair: Me too! See it ain’t enough just to win at this point. No, we have to remind all of you just why AWS came to us. We want to be here, and win titles, and make real cash. In front of a big crowd in Vegas. Gabriel LeClair: We too hot to not be on TV and on. At Ward we get it poppin’. We get back to action and honestly I don't care who we face. Antoine LeClair: Well I do especially when we got a match against Philly Air Raid. A team that we modeled our game on. Gabriel LeClair: Yeah ain't it wild when you fight a team you use to admire This led to an interesting premise for the promo. Hot-Blooded desire to win blended with respect for the opponent you to battle against. That was the angle that Bayou Blaze was coming at against Philly Air Raid. With a highlight reel of action from Alex Evans and Darien Jackson to support it all after the AWS audience got to see the passion and fire in the LeClair brother’s eyes Antoine LeClair: Alex Evans, Darien Jackson. Yo… when we were busting our asses on the independents. Working in Thrillseeker Wrestling. One of the teams that me and Gabe studied was Philly Air Raid. We wanted to move like y’all, wrestle like y’all, hell BE like y’all. But that’s because we watched you two from afar and what we saw on TV. Gabriel Leclair: But now. Knowing how y’all carry yourselves backstage. How when we were on the house show circuit with you two on the same damn card y’all wouldn’t talk to us. How when we asked you for advice you would give us stuff to set us back. I couldn’t think of a better team to burn up now that we FINALLY got a match on Ward. Antoine LeClair. We put y’all in high regard before we got here to AWS but now that we worked with you we now know FAKE you two are. Bayou Blaze. Yo we can’t wait til’ we land in the Crow’s Nest. Gabriel LeClair: My big brother’s right. On top of that we're better than you. We know we are and at Ward we get to prove it when we remind the whole damn world just how good we are! The fans were treated to the sight of the Bayou Blaze match footage of them putting the hurt on other tag teams in AWS. Granted it was all from house shows but still. The New Orleans natives could fight without a doubt. Antoine LeClair: And above all else the Bayou Blaze will show that we are above EVERYONE ELSE. Especially you Philly Air Raid. Gabriel LeClair: Y’all can’t handle our heat and at Ward you will get burnt. Damn I can't wait to beat y’all up! Antoine LeClair: And nobody won't forget us again. So Gabe. Laissez les bons temps rouler. And the promo ended with the camera focusing directly on the flaming crossing “Bs” before flames appeared to take over the screen. Marking the end of the promo.

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