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  1. Chapter Two Whatever The Cost The cameras switch off from Song Teng with Christopher Duquesne and Kayleigh walking away down the corridor, Christopher manages to walk before the brand new goddess champion to make sure there is no one in her way, ushering the crows nest staff out of the way until Christopher gets Kayleigh to her destination. Trainers Room Christopher doesn’t bother to knock, slamming the handle down and forcing the door open, the trainer looks startled as Christopher stands by the door to allow Kayleigh into the room. The trainer sees the bloodied face of the new goddess champion and immediately gets his equipment ready. Christopher Duquesne walks over to the massage bench, pointing for Kayleigh to sit down on it, she rubs her eyes with blood continuing to trickle from her forehead. “Let me help you” Christopher says as he begins to walk over to where the trainer is standing, reaching over him for a couple of wipes, he pivots and walks back to Kayleigh to try to wipe the blood from his clients eye. Kayleigh slaps his hand away. “Leave me alone” She thrusts the AWS Goddess Championship belt into his chest. “Just hold this for me.” Christopher takes hold of the belt and sees the blood on the mainplate of the belt. “Alright” using the wipes he begins to get the blood off. Kayleigh walks over to the massage table and perches herself on it. The trainer walks over to Kayleigh and begins to wipe the blood with a white towel. The trainer places the towel down next to Kayleigh and walks back to his workstation to get more items. Fresh blood begins to drip from her forehead down her nose and drip down onto her cheek, Kayleigh grabs the towel and wipes the fresh blood off her face, slapping the bicep of her manager to get his attention from cleaning her newly acquired championship belt. “How bad does it look?” Kayleigh ponders as Christopher looks at the open wound. “Bad?” “I could lie to you and say no” Christopher replies subtly leaning forward to get a closer look. “But Denise really swung that chair with as much humanly force as possible.” He steps back. “The sound of that chairshot was sickening!” Kayleigh sighs. “You’re avoiding the question!” She points at her forehead. “How bad does it look?” “Bad” Christopher blurts out without sugar coating it. “I think you’re going to need stitches” “She is,” The trainer interjects. “We are going to have to clean the area and evaluate.” “Evaluate for what?” Christopher queries. “What course of action we’re going to take.” The trainer answers. “Whether it's stitches or staples or see if we can book you into the local health facility for potential plastic surgery.” The trainer places his medical tray next to Kayleigh. “Plastic surgery is a last case scenario and depending on if there are any plastic surgeons on duty at this time.” Christopher shakes his head in disagreement. “If she requires plastic surgery to reconstruct then the Duquesne Sports Agency will seek the very best.” He looks at Kayleigh. “Whatever the cost!” “Just get on with it” Kayleigh replies. The trainer begins to clean the area thoroughly to see how deep the wound is. Christopher makes sure the blood is off the Goddess Championship, buckling the belt up and holding it done up under his arm, Kayleigh looks at her stained wrestling attire and realises she is going to need new gear. The trainer begins to stitch the wound up as best as possible. Christopher observes closely to make sure he is doing a good job. Kayleigh looks at the championship being held by her manager and a small smirk appears on her face. ★ ★ ★ Kayleigh readjusts her brand new dslr camera’s height, the camera focuses on her hand as it is primarily the focal point, as she moves her hand away the focus goes in on the blonde woman sitting on a custom pink secretlab ergonomic gaming chair. Her blonde hair tied up in a top bun with a pair of sunglasses perched on the top of her head. The stitches are clear to see on her forehead from where the chair opened her up at the hands of Denise De’Vil. Kayleigh Wears a bright pink t-shirt with her name written on it in script embroidered text. Behind Kayleigh you can see a few panelled walls with gold trim. She adjusts the boom arm above her head that has a Rode microphone attached so it's slightly off frame. “Welcome back to my channel!” Kayleigh looks at the computer monitor before her to check she is looking good. Adjusting her bun slightly before she continues to talk. “It has been a whirlwind time for me let me tell you that! One minute I’m performing in London, winning as usual, planning my vlogs for the coming month. Next I am being scouted by a global sports agency and I’m now officially a resident in the United States of America!” Kayleigh glances at the second monitor to see the numbers of people jumping in on her live and skimming the chat. “The visa process wasn’t too bad. I thought I'd have to wait a long time but my manager sorted it all out. I’ll be honest, I’d never heard of Duquesne Sports Agency, however they have done so much for me to make this a reality. But then again I’d have to thank myself because without being as good as I am then they’d never have come calling. So can we get some gifted subs for how incredible the rose gold queen actually is!” Kayleigh watches as several of her dedicated fans start donating subs and gifts. “Keep them coming! I haven’t had much chance to see the local shops as I’ve been busy training and preparing for my first official bout here in America. But I’ll be doing some vlogs in the near future and live streams regarding my finds. I'm not sure what the fashion scene is like here in Las Vegas but a plane ride to New York is definitely on the cards. See what the difference is from the London scene, I am expecting big things and cannot wait to show you my vast collection that I amass here in America!” Several supershouts appear on screen as well as multiple donations flashing on screen. “You guys need to do better! Honestly I thought you’d have missed me but obviously not!” Kayleigh picks up a glass of water with ice in and takes a sip through a straw. More donations, subs and gifts are being sent as she drinks. “Making up for it. This isn’t going to be a long stream as I wanted to update you guys on what is happening. I hope a lot of you guys will follow my career over here in the states. I’m wrestling exclusively for the AWS. Asylum Wrestling Society. I’m going to be a..” Kayleigh clears her throat in disgust at the next word she is about to say. “..A Lunatic. I mean honestly. A lunatic? I’m far from it! Unless it’s fighting for a limited edition Versace or Delvaux then I guess I can become a bit unhinged. ANYWAYS I made my debut in the AWS on Monday Night Ward! Not just that..” Kayleigh reaches over the table, the sound of metal scrapping on the surface is heard on the microphone, Kayleigh lifts up a championship belt off the table and places it over her shoulder. “..I climbed the ladder to capture the vacant AWS Goddess Championship! I am YOUR Goddess Champion!” She skims through the chat and sees a lot of male orientated comments saying she already is a goddess. She sneers. “Sometimes I detest you, chat. What a way to Introduce the AWS & American audience of just who I am! The Feminomenon, The Model of Perfection, the NEW AWS Goddess Champion, Kayleigh!” Kayleigh takes another sip of water whilst glancing over chat. “The women I competed against was intriguing, Chat. The first is a daughter of former professional wrestlers, apparently. Calling herself the ‘Queen Paine’. I watched her brooding snippet not too long ago. Saying I’m going to buy the title.. How do I buy a title that is dangling above the ring, honestly please tell me. Saying that I thought i’m wrestling someone that wasn't in the match. She obviously has hearing problems or an inability to understand the English language. Saying she is a hard worker and never had anything given to her..” She mimics a yawn. “The fact that you responded so irrationally and focused solely on me means I’d gotten under your skin, Carlotta. A red mist over your eyes that you have clearly missed the point that Denise De’Vil is in the match. You had already lost the match, Carlotta. Your vision is impeded by hate and that leaves you susceptible. That is where I capitalise upon you, Miss Paine. You wanted to be daddy’s girl and continue his name and legacy on by capturing the goddess championship. Unfortunately for you, just like Daddy Dearest, the chances of that happening are dead and buried!” Kayleigh smirks. “I would say ‘can I get a Rest In Peace in chat’ but I honestly could care less about a dead man and his fatherless daughter. Carlotta may have some of his traits in the hardcore stylings and brawling attributes but I am all that and more! I adapt and can wrestle all styles! I loved showing you up, Carlotta. Hold this championship above my pretty blonde head and see how you justify the loss to a ‘barbie’ to your mother, Ariel. More importantly, going to the gravesite of your father and explaining how you lost to me! Might even try to vlog about it. Stay tuned, Chat!” Taking another sip of her drink, skimming the chat for the comments, a few saying she is disrespectful of the late Scotty Paine. “Moderators, let's look to ban some of these imbeciles. Unless you donate and subs to show you’re sorry. Otherwise girl,bye.” She waits to see the response, adjusting her hair, covering her mouth with her hand to do a small cough. More donations & subscriptions flash upon the screen and Kayleigh nods. “More like it. The other ‘lunatic’ who tried to capture this title is Denise De’Vil. The Deathbringer. The Angel of Death. I watched her in her hometown of Sleepy Hollow trying to say she had longer reigns than her tag team partner. For those who don’t know, Chat, her tag team partner is someone called Necra Octavian Kane. Now Necra has held this championship for a long time and defended it time after time again. She tried to justify herself by saying she had long reigns too and honestly it was pitiful.” Kayleigh shakes her head disappointed by Denise's comments. “It would have been sweeter to have DDT’ed Carlotta off the ladder but it was you who I ended up knocking out off the ladder. It was you who crashed off the ladder and had to look up as the unknown grasped hold of this leather strap and yanked it off the wench. Holding the AWS Goddess Championship in my well manicured hand whilst blood trickled down my face! I now have my name etched forever in the championship lineage and it's down to me to make sure I don’t end up like Vespertine, Jessica Tremor, Veronica Rodriguez and Zoey Epsilon.” Kayleigh glances over chat whilst adjusting the championship on her shoulder. “A lot of ‘who?’ appearing. That is exactly my point. Those names held this belt and did nothing of worth! I am the model of perfection! How can I show AWS this? By heading to the east coast to New York City, the iconic building that is Madison Square Garden, wrestling on the AWS Saturday Night Throwdown show against an adventurer!” Kayleigh takes the Goddess Championship off her shoulder and lays it across her lap. “Don’t worry, chat, it isn’t going to be for the championship. I will step through that certain onto the stage with this championship around my gorgeous waist. To wrestle against a woman known as ‘The Daredevil’, a well known adventurer, apparently. I have tried to find videos of her adventures or any sort of journals that I could have someone summarise for me but nothing. Perhaps her famous adventure is the one she is on within the AWS? I did watch her entrance video that has some footage of her adventures but looks more like stuff she found online. You know, stock images. So perhaps this is one of the people who is a ‘lunatic’?” Kayleigh shrugs theatrically towards the camera. Taking another sip from her drink as she glances at the chat. “I probably haven’t looked hard enough, Chat. But honestly who cares? Essentially it is Ireland versus England. I would say the battle of the UK but our adventurer is from the republic of ireland. Leinster region, right? Dublin. And her name, Chat, since you keep typing ‘who is it’, her name is Avery McCullen, known as The Daredevil, a former champion elsewhere and current partner for the head of security of Neo Elite Wrestling. The Southern Controversy, Johnny Reb. NEW outlaw and the south’s favourite son, apparently. Avery is also an advocate for mothers within the professional wrestling industry.” Kayleigh begins to clap her hands slowly. “Can we get a ‘clap’ within chat for this.” Kayleigh skims through the chat as majority posts what she said, a few more subs appear on screen and donations, she takes another sip of her water. “Of course I know a few women in the industry are mothers, chat. But I’m not facing ALL the mothers. I’m facing A mother in Madison Square Gardens. That mother is Avery McCullen. I could look forward to my champion versus champion encounter on Monday Night Ward or possibly entering the Wicked Games Battle Rumble. Both bigger matches than the one I’m in on Saturday but that would be ignorant and rather foolish. I want to start my reign as Goddess Champion with victory. And will do it on Throwdown!” Kayleigh picks the Goddess Championship up from her lap and drapes it over her shoulder once again. “People, won’t define by gender as happens on both sides, come into wrestling promotions to win a few matches then their moment dies and they fade away from the promotion. Win a title and that hype goes. I haven’t come from England to America to be another statistic like that. I haven’t caused a storm within the AWS to just disappear. I’m here to be successful! I am here to be the best! Daron Smythe may be called number one but he is always number two compared to me!” A lot of poop emojis appear within the chat. “Exactly, Chat. Clan McCullen might want to see their family traditions upheld within Avery but she will besmirch the name, the tradition and her family on Throwdown. Thanks to the English once more. The history of the English being better than the Irish is as old as time itself! It continues when the rose gold queen sends the daredevil back to her mundane life of being a mother! Less ‘daredevil’ more ‘The Cautious Prudent'!” Kayleigh laughs. “Listen chat I have truly missed this. I just wanted to give you an update as to why I haven’t been uploading and doing my vlogs but a lot has changed. Being stateside, being a Goddess Champion, showing the world just who I am! If you guys want to watch then go onto the Asylum Wrestling Society website. I’ll leave a link in the comments for you to add to your bookmarks. Saturday is Throwdown so tune in to watch my debut on the show as champion! You’ll get to see my new representative, Christopher Duquesne. I look forward to catching you down the road, Chat!” Kayleigh looks through the chat screen before turning to the camera and winking, lifting the title off her shoulder to hold it in the air, she holds the pose for a few moments before finally lowering her arm. She reaches over to the mouse to click stop on the stream. ★ ★ ★ Christopher Duquesne travelled back to California to allow Kayleigh to recover from the huge triple threat ladder match. He entered the Duquesne Sports Agency for the first time since becoming director of the company, nothing felt different at all, the only difference was when he entered the elevator and instinctively pressed the button to his old floor. Pressing the button for the very top afterwards and making that awkward stop along the way. Christopher steps out of the elevator to see his fathers old personal assistant sitting behind the desk, she looks up from her computer screen and smiles, an awkward interaction for Christopher as he hadn’t decided whether to keep her on or hire someone new. His father during their last encounter had said to him he’d like Paige to continue on in the role. Christopher wanted to create his own stamp within the company, having his own personnel in to help assist the day to day running whilst he attended to business in the AWS, but that would take time and that wasn’t something he had to spare. Christopher smiles “Good morning, Paige” he takes a step over towards her desk. “Anything I need to know?” Paige picks up her black diary and scans through the page before her. “There is the morning meeting at eleven but nothing urgent that needs your attention this morning, sir.” Christopher nods and taps her desk. “Thanks.” Christopher takes a step towards the office doors and stops. For so many years he had come to these doors to see his father about business deals. Upon joining the firm after schooling had failed, Christopher would come to this floor to clean the reception area and his fathers office; he had come to this floor in many stages of his personal and professional life. Son. Cleaner. Talent Scout. Agent. Director. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in before grabbing ahold of the door handle and pushing it down. The door swings open and Christopher gazes upon his office. The beautiful view that overlooks part of the city, the lavish oak office table, leather sofa next to the wall, comfortable office chair behind the desk with leather bound books on the shelving unit behind the desk. Above the sofa are lots of photos taken of his father with many clients throughout the years. A couple of championship belts are resting on shelves above the sofa. He closes the door and takes a slow walk over to the desk and sits down on the leather office chair. Christopher knew what the view was like from the other side of this desk but not from this side. Completely different perspective. Upon the finalisation of the company being under his directorship, Christopher had made the request for his belongings to be boxed up and transferred to this office, he looks down beside the chair to see the box and leans down to pick it up. Taking the lid off the box to see the family photo he had on his desk being the first item he sees. Christopher picks it up and places it down on the desk near the computer screen. A constant reminder. Christopher takes the other items out of the box and places them into the draws of his desk. Placing the box down by his feet and pressing a key on the keyboard to boot the screen to life. Entering his login details to check his company emails. Scrolling through them until he reaches an email marked ‘AWS’. Christopher immediately clicks on it to see the email sent to him was from Bogdan. His talent scout. Within the email is just a link to youtube. Clicking on it to see the recording of Kayleigh from her livestreaming on twitch, he watches carefully, seeing the stapled head and wondering if he should get a doctor to perform plastic surgery on his client. The video ends and Christopher shuts the site down and ponders. Should he allow Kayleigh the creative freedom to stream like that in the future or should everything be done with his say so. Christopher brings up the ‘microsoft teams’ application on the computer and signs into it, looking through the contacts to see if anyone can assist him with this decision, the only one who has been in this position was his father and Christopher didn’t want to call him. Let alone on his first real day in the office as Director. Christopher begins to look online for a solution to his quandary. Seeing several wrestlers utilising social media platforms, podcasting, blogging and vlogging, enhancing themselves through the online forum and perhaps this act from Kayleigh hasn’t hindered or tarnished her. Only made her a wrestler of today. Christopher is about to shut the ‘teams’ app down when a call comes through. His heart sinks as it shows a picture of his father with the words ‘Carlos’ underneath it. Hesitantly Christopher answers the call. “Christopher” Carlos greets his son. “Congratulations.” “For what?” Christopher immediately questions. “Well firstly on a successful time as director of the firm but secondly on your huge win on Monday Night Ward” Carlos says proudly. “Incredible match and seeing you afterwards. It was like seeing a mini-me” Carlos reflects remembering his time as a wrestling manager and his time in the business. “Thank you” Christopher replies. Slightly taken back by the proudness in his fathers voice. “Actually, I have a question for you.” “Okay, shoot.” Carlos replies without hesitation. “Kayleigh has recently gone onto a live streaming platform called Twitch.” Christopher pauses to try to phrase the question correctly. “She basically voiced her opinions and stuff there. Is that something I should be okay with since it’s out of my creative control?” “Times have changed so much in the last ten years alone” Carlos begins “When I was doing talent relations for a wrestling promotion, Youtube had fan videos and some wrestlers used it to promote themselves, it was a way for those who wanted creative control of themselves to do so at little cost to the promotion.” Carlos pauses. “It is a difficult situation, Christopher. As long as she didn’t incriminate herself or disgrace the AWS or put you in a position of having a legal battle on your hands. Let her. She is a young woman whose generation is social media.” Christopher sighs reluctantly “I thought that would be the case. Just needed clarification from an old hand” “Enough with the old” Carlos chuckles. “If you need me in any capacity then I am always at the end of a phone. I have a lot of free time now and this ‘retirement’ life is killing me slowly” “I’ll bear that in mind” Christopher says softly. “Thanks” “Anytime” Carlos says before the team's call ends. Christopher sits back in his office chair for a short while contemplating what he should do. The intercom buzzer sounds to break his contemplation and realised he needs to begin his directorial duties. He would only be in the office for today as he’ll be flying out to New York City in the morning to begin preparation of Throwdown with his client. ★ ★ ★ “I honestly don’t think my live streaming and social media presence has anything to do with you!” Kayleigh firmly says as she walks along the busy New York sidewalk holding her designer handbag in one hand and her iPhone in the other. Lifting her phone up to take a selfie. Christopher stops next to her, taking his sunglasses off and placing them into his inner jacket pocket, he glances around at his surroundings and watches Kayleigh pose before her camera. “I understand that you used to do this in England but you have to understand that we are now in the AWS. The press office for the promotion released news recently that they’re going to make the transition into mainstream” Christopher smirks. “This will mean a more lucrative deal for yourself, more revenue in sales and image rights, you don’t need to get the fans to send donations or twitch subscriptions when AWS will be sending you hundreds of thousands of dollars just for being you!” Kayleigh lowers the phone down and looks at her manager. “I am the Rose Gold Queen who needs to address her subjects, Mr Duquesne.” She points at the velvet bag in Christopher’s hand. “I am also the AWS Goddess Champion, the title that is in that bag right there, I won’t stop my content creation because I’ll be a mainstream star!” “I was not saying to stop,” Christopher reiterates. “All I was asking was I understand you did this in the United Kingdom, you want to continue with this and I understand that also, however I would like for you to keep me in the loop.” He adjusts his grip of the purple velvet bag in his hand that contains the championship belt. “Send me your planned schedule, what videos you plan on doing, I don’t require any money from this side of things. But I can assist with video content.” Christopher pulls his own phone out of his trouser pocket and unlocks it. Beginning to furiously tap the screen with his thumb before finding what he was looking for. “Look,” Christopher shows his phone screen to Kayleigh. “Prior to flying to New York City I acquired the services of a professional videographer. Developing a subsidiary company for the DSA that will help with your content creation.” Kayleigh lowers her pink custom sunglasses to look at the screen and huffs. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt having my own film crew. Like having my own reality show!” Before Christopher could correct her Kayleigh begins to walk down the sidewalk. He quickly follows in pursuit. “I still cannot believe I have made it to New York City!” Kayleigh delightly says “It was always the dream to catwalk here but wrestling in the historic Madison Square Gardens, my god, it still feels so surreal my second AWS match is going to be there but in a few days it’ll be reality!” “It will be an incredible experience for us both,” Christopher smiles. “My father has been there many times representing people. This will be my first and I won’t lie, the heart is beating faster in anticipation!” He stops Kayleigh by grabbing her arm as she is about to jaywalk. “We need to wait for the lights before crossing.” “Stupid rule.” Kayleigh yanks her arm free of Christopher’s grasp and adjusts her outfit. “Can learn a lot from England!” Christopher curtly smiles as they wait for the lights to change for everyone to cross the road. Christopher Duquesne & Kayleigh casually walk through Midtown Manhattan, seeing a few electronic billboards advertising AWS Throwdown, making it to seventh and eighth avenue to see the circular structure of Madison Square Gardens. A lot of tourists taking photographs and videoing themselves are outside, the electric billboards on the building show AWS Throwdown signs as well as other sporting events. Kayleigh quickly stands before the big Madison Square Garden sign, taking a few selfies whilst doing different poses, she thrusts her handbag into Christopher’s hands to do more selfies as he stands there holding the velvet bag and handbag. Once finished she snatches her handbag back whilst Christopher sighs. Christopher Duquesne then leads the way to the loading bay, many staff from the gardens as well as AWS staff and security, he pulls out of his inside jacket pocket two passes to allow them access into the building. They both make their way down the road and into the backstage area of one of the most famous arenas in the world. Christopher Duquesne speaks to one of the AWS ring crew quickly, he nods and points directions to him, Christopher nods before he leads his client through the backstage area, following the directions of the crew member until they find their way into the main arena. The ring has been erected with seats already in place. The stage is being created as they walk through rows of seats to stand behind the barricade of the front row. Kayleigh places her handbag on the seat and takes multiple selfies again, Christopher is about to sit down next to the handbag but she snaps her fingers whilst pointing at the velvet bag, he undoes the draw string and pulls out the illustrious AWS Goddess Championship and hands it to his client. Kayleigh places her sunglasses onto the top of her head and drapes the championship over her shoulder. Christopher looks over to one of the cameramen and walks over to him, discussing something, they both shake hands as he leads the cameraman over to Kayleigh and he stands beside her. Cameraman begins to countdown via his fingers before indicating they’re rolling. “If anyone mentioned the name Kayleigh before Monday Night Ward, no one would have heard of her or known in what reference it was too, unless you’re of a certain generation who might remember the song by Marillion.” Christopher smiles. “But after Monday Night Ward the entire Asylum Wrestling Society knows exactly who Kayleigh is! She began an enigma but left a goddess! For those who didn’t see Monday Night Ward then I implore you to go watch it! Skip until near the end as that is the only match of worth that night. Not the mindnumbing Ace Sky, not the overrated TJ Alexander, the match involving Carlotta Paine, Denise De’Vil and the lady standing to my left. In a brutal ladder match that may end the hardcore tendencies of the AWS. This woman not only reached up and grabbed the championship belt but has a nice reminder of the match on her forehead. Jealous Ladies and Overstimulated Gentlemen. It is my pleasure to announce the brand new Asylum Wrestling Society Goddess Champion.. THIS.. IS.. KAYLEIGH!” Kayleigh stops taking selfies and looks towards the camera. “I was never considered for this title by anyone. The Daughter of a deadman and a woman who brings death. They’re the ones who would be your choice of champion. Yet they both left battered, bruised and bloodied. Their egos hurt and burst because they saw the person they’d hate throughout their entire lives win the goddess championship. A blonde haired plastic looking fashionista.” Kayleigh looks at the main plate of the championship and smiles. “I unclasped the strap of the belt and held it high for all to see. For not only did I climb the ladder figuratively to the top, I am literally on top of the ladder when it comes to the women's division, holding the pinnacle prize that all the women crave to have but only I hold it!” “Absolutely!” Christopher Duquesne agrees. “See it is a busy time within the AWS with the announcement of moving the promotion in a different direction. Mainstream. The company needs someone who can take it into this new direction, a new face of the women’s division, I personally hand delivered that to the AWS in the rose gold queen herself. She stopped the daughter of Scotty Paine and the tag team partner of the former Asylum & current Global Champion, Necra. Kayleigh will now hold the Goddess Championship and make it the most prized and sought after championship the AWS has!” Christopher looks at Kayleigh and back to the camera. “In a few days we will be gracing this very legendary arena in Midtown Manhattan, Madison Square Gardens, to make our Throwdown debut against Clan McCullen’s Irish American descendant, Avery.” “Ireland has a fascinating history. King Henry II took his army to the Island to mark the sovereignty of England there. Middle Ages saw the fluctuation of English influences as they’re forced to an area near Dublin. It wasn’t until King Henry VIII, a man who changed a lot of England’s history from introducing divorce to founding the crown of ireland act that made him the king of ireland!” Christopher mimics a crown above his head. “Off course the Irish weren’t going to settle for this and they tried to rebel, with the help of the Spanish, the Irish-Spanish alliance fell hard at the hands of the British at the siege of kinsale! Northern Ireland was pretty much established in the 1600’s from the plantation. The Irish continued to try rebellion and almost succeeded with assistance of Oliver Cromwell. An Englishman. A lot of wars, including the 9 years war came, but the British controlled Ireland. Two hundred years later the Irish and Americans tried to overthrow the English with the famous Fenians.” Christopher notices Kayleigh yawning. “History isn’t everyone's cup of tea. The reasoning for it is simple. Within this arena on Saturday you’ll see the age old battle of Ireland versus England. History shows that the Irish are plucky little fellas but they fail in overthrowing the English. Avery McCullen is Irish born but American raised. Kayleigh is English born and bred. Kayleigh has come into the AWS and taken control of the Women’s division and you’re the first person looking to stop her. They say history never repeats itself but unfortunately for you, Avery, history will repeat itself as England destroys Ireland once more!” Kayleigh taps the main plate with her long nails. “A once renowned adventurer now a mother who wrestles every now and again. A part time wrestler looking to overthrow a goddess. I mean we all have dreams, right? We all reminisce of what could have been and some have that awfulness that is ‘regret’. You have had your body change from childbirth and the day to day living as a mother. You should stick to that. Stay home with your child and enjoy those moments. Love the man who isn’t that child's father. Make him cowboy dishes and do all those womanly things for the breadwinner of the house. The head of security to a second rate wrestling promotion in comparison to the AWS! Just stay at home and be a mother and mediocre lover to him. Don’t try to be the Irish daredevil and do something that you’ll regret, Avery.” Kayleigh takes the championship off her shoulder and hands it to Christopher. “The Irish aren’t known for being too clever and Americans are a bit backward themselves so you’re double screwed there. God knows your child will be nothing but a pencil chewing crayon eating neanderthal when they get older. Perhaps do show up, Avery. I’ll do you a favour and teach you that you should have listened to my warning! Try to be the great Irish American hope but you’ll end up like most of the paddys on St Patricks day or the cheap prostitutes Johnny Reb uses when he ‘does security’ when you’re busy at home with the bastard child. On your back looking at the lights. As I beat you and show everyone why I am YOUR AWS GODDESS CHAMPION!” Christopher is slightly taken back by his client's words but nods. “Ouch. She will beat Avery McCullen on Throwdown and then we will address whether my client will be attending Wicked Games or participating in the Battle Rumble Match at Throwdown. Kayleigh isn’t a fan of these matches but with the chance to challenge for the Global Championship. A match against Necra. Great consideration will be taken before we confirm our entry!” Kayleigh reaches down and picks up her handbag and walks off camera, Christopher folds the straps under the main plate of the belt and places it back into the velvet bag, he follows his client as the cameraman stops recording and walks off towards the production truck. Executive Producer: Kayleigh Produced by Christopher Duquesne Directed by Carlos Duquesne This production was brought to you by Duquesne Sports Agency In association with Asylum Wrestling Society Asylum Wrestling Society®© MCMXCVIII - MMXXIV
  2. Chapter One Changing of the Guard “How long have I got?” Carlos Duquesne finally plucks up the courage to ask. “I’m afraid it’s terminal..” Doctor Navarro regretfully answers back. The sound of his heart pumping is all he could hear. The doctor continues to talk but all Carlos could hear is his heart and the sudden realisation that this is it. Carlos Duquesne came from humble beginnings. Born to loving parents, gained a good education, got a good work ethos from his father and uncles in the family business. Carlos never wanted to follow his father into the motor industry. He had big dreams of becoming a professional wrestler ever since the All Star Wrestling show appeared in the city. The first golden years of professional wrestling. The venue filled with adults and children celebrating, cheering men in skimpy trunks, booing and berating the bad guys with matches that were long. Everyone was on tenterhooks. This was the beginning of professional wrestling’s mainstream popularity. One of the men who appeared on that show came to Duquesne Auto’s a few weeks after. Carlos was torquing the engine when he spotted the man he watched in the ring, the man was booed by the crowd that night as the infamous ‘Red Baron, his uncle was booking the car in when Carlos tentatively walked up to him when the red baron was leaving. Asking him how he could become a professional wrestler. The Red Baron took it upon himself to teach Carlos how to become a professional wrestler. Learning and wrestling around North America alongside his mentor. Unfortunately the red baron was killed in a freak plane accident that shook Carlos to the core. Vowing to be the best he could be at The Red Barons’ funeral. Carlos did what he could in the territories of that time winning championships along the way. Learning the business from multiple promoters across the country, wrestlers from all different backgrounds, soaking all the knowledge up like a sponge and writing all he could in his journals during downtime. He may not have been the headline act like the wrestlers of the time but Carlos Duquesne was respected and dependable. Thus when the time came to hang his boots up from active competition, he had the respect within the wrestling community to continue in the business he loved in different capacities. Road Agent. Talent Scout. Trainer. Promoter. The role he loved the most was being the manager and agent to other wrestlers. This was the birth of Duquesne Sports Agency. The umbrella of the business was professional wrestling with branches into other sporting worlds. However this soon changed to the core being all other sports with professional wrestlers being few and far between. The D.S.A had become an established and profitable business. A multi-million dollar business empire that Carlos Duquesne created and built. Carlos did venture back in the early 2000’s to the world of professional wrestling once more, taking it upon himself to represent them personally instead of his hired agents, enjoying the time on the road and travelling like he used to do. Even venturing into producing matches and being a promoter for a short while. A life Carlos loved and enjoyed beyond anything else. Carlos reflects on all he has achieved in his life as he sits in the back of his Rolls-Royce Spectre. Staring out of the window as the chauffeur drives Carlos back to his office. The car pulls up next to Duquesne Sports Agency and the chauffeur steps out of the car and walks around to where Carlos is sitting and opens it for him. Carlos hadn’t initially noticed this before being snapped back to reality. Unbuckling his seat belt and stepping out of the car too. Carlos adjusts his custom tailored suit jacket before heading into his office building, gazing at the photos of people they represent on the walls, nodding his head towards the receptionist before pressing the button to call for the elevator. Carlos cracks his neck to the side as the door opens and he walks into his office and sits down at the large oak desk. Picking his desk phone up and begins to dial a number, holding the receiver up to his ear and glances out of the window that overlooks the city, finally a voice on the other end answers and it takes a few moments for Carlos to realise this. “Christopher..” Carlos says tentatively. “..We need to talk”. ★ ★ ★ “Excellent!” Christopher Duquesne leans back on his leather office chair, fidgeting with his custom made Monteblanc fountain pen, holding his cellular phone up to his ear with a beaming smile upon his face. “I’ll email you the conditional offer and get the media officer to start writing the press release.” Christopher nods his head agreeing along with the person on the other end of the phone. “Absolutely. We at Duquesne Sports Agency are thrilled to have this opportunity..” The person on the other end interrupts him mid sentence. “..Of course. Once everything has been finalised then we can start the transformation. From being just your regular player to superstar! Adding more zeros to that paycheck. Brands will be begging you to be the face of their company! This is your first step in doing that!” Christopher stops leaning in his chair, placing the Monteblanc tip onto a nearby bit of paper and signing it then puts the pen down next to his keyboard, grabbing the mouse with his free hand to move the cursor on the screen to hover over the send button. “You should receive the email shortly.” Christopher clicks the mouse and the email is sent. “..You’ve got it. Fantastic. Let's get the ball rolling and start making money!” Christopher nods along to what the person is saying on the other end. “..You have got my personal number now. Any questions please feel free to text or call. Any time of the day. I’m here for you! Speak to you soon!” Christopher clicks to end the call and the smile immediately leaves his face. Dropping the phone onto his oak desk and gazing over the inbox on his computer screen. With nothing standing out he looks at the picture on his desk. A photo of a very young boy next to a much younger Carlos Duquesne. The one and only family holiday he took with his father. Christopher was the only son of Isabella Martinez & Carlos Duquesne. He always believed his homelife was normal, as most children do when they live in that scenario, where it was just his mother and him at home. Carlos was so busy with travelling and wrestling that Christopher never truly knew his father. When Carlos was at home he would be arguing and fighting with Isabella or out in the garage at his homemade gym. Christopher would watch the other kids in the neighbourhood have their parents together, fathers or father figures playing with the children, families heading out to either the bus stop or in their cars for family trips out. Christopher’s father was never there. When Carlos finished being an active wrestler and began to create his sports agency business, Christopher believed he would see his father more but he was wrong. He saw him less. Isabella understood that what Carlos was doing was supporting her and Christopher financially, having a roof over their heads and food on the table, never struggling and whatever Christopher needed he got so he didn’t miss out. However Christopher didn’t see that and began to resent Carlos. Carlos took them for their only vacation as a family to Europe. Christopher later found out that the vacation wasn’t for the family, Carlos needed to finalise the deals for soccer players in Spain and Germany, looking back at the photo album to realise the only day of that entire week was all Carlos spent with him and his mother. The rest of the holiday was Isabella & Christopher on their own. The one photo taken of the two of them together now sits on Christopher’s desk as a reminder. Don’t be like Carlos Duquesne, Be Better. Christopher places the photograph back on the desk and doesn’t give it a second thought. An email pops up on his screen from one of his talent scouts, clicking on the message and begins to skim through it, he sees that his scout is highlighting the fact she is a professional wrestler and immediately he stopped reading it. Clicking the reply icon and types quickly on the keyboard and using the edit bar to highlight the words specifically. ‘I don’t represent professional wrestlers.’ Christopher Duquesne clicks the send button with force and lets out a stress relieving exhale of breath. Christopher didn’t really set out to become a Sports Agent, let alone one with the man he resented, he went through schooling and law school to progress in the legal system. He learnt he could retain a lot of details through studying, being active on the student councils and local politics, at such a young age Christopher’s future was bright before him. Isabella convinced Carlos to take his son on for work between schooling but Christopher declined. He didn’t need his fathers help and chose to work elsewhere to support himself through school, Carlos offered to cover the finances but Christopher declined, he wasn’t there for him during his childhood and doesn’t need his ‘charity’ now. Everything looked promising for Christopher until a fateful letter arrived at his place of residents. University Withdrawal Letter Christopher’s world changed with that one letter. His father offered him the opportunity to work his way up within his company, starting from the bottom and working his way up, reluctantly he accepted this proposition and for the next few years he worked his way up his fathers company. Finally becoming a Sports Agent. Christopher’s phone begins to ring and he is surprised to see ‘Carlos Duquesne’ appear on the screen. Hesitant to answer at first but he finally answers it. “Yes?” No answer but Christopher could hear his breathing. “Hello?” again nothing. Christopher is about to hang the phone up when he hears his father voice say his name, he doesn’t sound like his normal self, a feeling of dread fills his body as he becomes hesitant to answer before his father speaks again. “...we need to talk.” ★ ★ ★ Bogdan Popescu had been given the arduous task of travelling around the UK looking for talented wrestlers. Unlike the US where each town or state had a wrestling promotion. The United Kingdom’s wrestling scene is underwhelming. Going up and down the country following different promotions, scouring the social media for posts and pictures, looking around different towns for advertising posters on abandoned shop windows or advertisements in local shops. The task given to him was to find the diamond in the rough. Someone who has the ability to be huge within the professional wrestling industry or shows exciting potential to be just that. Bogdan has earmarked ten names in his notepad with pages of notes about each of them. The one person he keeps reviewing his notes about and in the forefront of his mind is a methodical blonde haired woman. Pressing the tip of his pen against some of the words. Technical. Submission Specialist. Powerhouse. High Flyer. All Rounder ** Egotistical Confident ** Photogenic ** Money **** Bogdan closes his notepad and places his pen into his shirt pocket, looking around the auditorium of today's wrestling event, not many seats could fit into the small community centre. Bogdan sits on the end of the front row and looks at the programme for tonight's event. Several tag team matches involving people he had watched at other shows but didn’t leave a lasting impression. A battle royale involving the academy students for this promotion. The match that peaks his interest is the second to last match involving two females. Bogdan looks at the photo they’ve selected, pulling his pen out and circling it a few times, he believes that he has found the one. As for British wrestling shows go, this one seemed mediocre to say the least, the wrestlers Bogdan highlighted proved to be ones to watch. However the match he had just watched between two female wrestlers did not disappoint. Getting his notepad out and writing down notes throughout. There was no question that this is someone of interest, getting out of his seat before the match end and leaving the venue, taking his iphone out of his pocket to access his emails. Bogdan has already pre-wrote a long email and didn’t hesitate to send it to Carlos Duquesne himself. The evening has a slight chill in the air as he slides his phone back into his pocket and looks for the taxi rank nearby. Climbing into the hackney carriage taxi and instructing the driver where he wanted to go. Bogdan gazes out of the window but his phone vibrates, pulling out to see Carlos had responded, unlocking the phone to read the message. He looks slightly confused but did as he was told and resent the email to his son, Christopher. Bogdan is one of Christopher’s exclusive talent scouts but his loyalty is with his father, Carlos. Carlos was the man who gave his parents a job in the United States when they emigrated from his native Romania. Bogdan’s father proved to be a vital asset in the early days of the Duquesne Sports Agency. When Bogdan came of age and needed a job, Carlos didn’t hesitate to hire him, but it was done under false pretences. Bogdan was given the role during a family dinner however Carlos stipulation was he needed to go for an interview with his son, Christopher, to make him be the one who hired Bogdan and become his scout. A bit confused by this request but did so without hesitation. Christopher was impressed and ‘hired’ Bogdan as his talent scout. Bogdan had not needed to correspond or speak with Carlos during his working life until recently. Carlos needed a special wrestling talent and knowing his son’s stance of professional wrestling, Carlos asked Bogdan to this this whilst he scouted the English Premier League for potential soccer stars, Bogdan took the arduous task on and believed he had found the one. Carlos’ request to send the report to Christopher was odd. Bogdan's phone vibrated again to see Christopher's response. ‘I don’t represent professional wrestlers.’ Not unexpected as Bogdan screenshotted the email and sent the screen shot to Carlos. Carlos responded instantaneously. ‘Sign her. I’ll send you the relevant documents to print and get her to sign. I’ll deal with Christopher. Thank you, Bogdan. You took a great risk in doing this. You will see my appreciation in your next wage slip.’ The taxi pulls up next to a hotel, Bogdan slides his phone into his pocket, he leans up against the taxi window. “Can you please wait for me and return back to where we had just left”. The Taxi driver nods as Bogdan quickly heads into the hotel to grab his laptop and portable printer before heading back to the venue. ★ ★ ★ It had felt like a lifetime since his father had spoken to him personally. Most of their correspondence has been via email since Christopher had joined Carlos' company. To receive a phone call was out of character then requesting to meet too. Something must be wrong was Christophers initial thought. Having jumped into his Bugatti Divo to head to Carlos’ home in the Hollywood Hills, slowly pulling up on the gravel drive as the stones crunch under the wheels, slowly coming to a standstill and switching the engine off. Christopher opens the door and adjusts his custom suit, gazing at his fathers property as he shuts the door of the car, pressing the button on the key to lock it before heading to the front door and ringing the bell. Amelia opens the door, Carlos’ housekeeper, she smiles and opens the door symbolising entry. “How are you doing, Amelia?” Christopher asks respectfully. Amelia is about to answer but he interjects. “Where is the old man?” “Mister Duquesne is in his office” Amelia replies whilst shutting the door. “Fantastic” Christopher says sarcastically. He is about to head towards his fathers office but stops mid step and pivots towards her. “Send my regards to Bogdan and your parents, Amelia.” Amelia smiles and bows her head in kind. Christopher walks up the staircase to the second floor landing. The door that leads to his fathers office begins to open, a suited man leaves with a briefcase in hand, he gives a courteous smile towards Christopher as he heads down the stairs. Christopher looks confused as he recognizes the man but cannot place where from. Christopher barges into the office and shuts the door forcefully. “Come on in,” Carlos says ironically. He is sitting behind his desk with a fountain pen in hand. “Sit down, Christopher” He indicates for him to sit in the chair adjacent to him. “That man,” Christopher says abruptly. “Wasn’t that your lawyer?” Finally figuring out where he recognised him from. Christopher had seen him a few times leaving the office building or his fathers office. “Please” Carlos reiterates for him to sit down. “I need to talk to you” Reluctantly Christopher accepts his request, yanking the chair out and unbuttoning his suit jacket, slumping down into the chair whilst letting out a long exhale of breath. Carlos places the fountain pen onto the document and interlocks his fingers together. “Thank you for coming to see me..” “Really?” Christopher interrupts. “I was under the impression that this wasn’t business related.” He sighs adversely. “You never could talk to me like a son or treat me like one. Sure you’d throw your money around but I’m pretty sure there is more to being a father than being lavish” Carlos is slightly taken aback by this. “Chris..” “It’s Christopher” He retorts sternly. “Yes, sorry. Christopher” Carlos says apologetically. “You’re right. I was never the conventional father, was I?” Carlos see’s Christopher shake his head whilst looking away from him. “Some people are meant to be parents and I failed” A realisation hits him as he admits it outloud. “I could have worked with my father and uncles at the garage but I chose to follow my dream. I never once regretted that decision. I told you to follow your dreams and unfortunately that never happened.” Christopher continues to look to the side and not acknowledging his father. “I did try to help that. I heard a saying a long time ago, ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth’, I tried to help you but you declined anything from me. Except when you had nothing else and needed a job” “You offered me the job!” Christopher snapped back. “So you are listening to me” Carlos smiles towards his son but he just glares. “You didn’t get the chance to live the dream you wanted. I did. I sacrificed everything and got everything. That sacrifice meant I lost a son. I lost a partner. I devoted everything into the professional wrestling world and built a successful business from that!” Carlos unclasps his fingers and picks up the fountain pen again. “A business that has become a global empire! Representing some of the best names in sport. A company I am proud of and this is my legacy when I go..” Carlos points towards his son. “..You are also my legacy. You worked your way up to the position you hold now by your ethics, your intelligence, hard work and determination. Nothing was handed to you and you didn’t once abuse your name to get where you are today. I am very proud of the person you are. That is why when I sign this bit of paper..” Carlos folds the paper up by the corner trying to find the appropriate page. Finding the dotted line he presses the fountain pen onto it but nothing else. “..You, Christopher Duquesne, become the director of Duquesne Sports Agency” Christopher is taken back by what his father just said. “So I'll run the D.S.A?” “I had an emergency meeting with the board of directors regarding this and the majority agreed. You have the backing of the board. You have my backing. Before I make it official” Carlos lifts the nib of the pen up. “Do you have any objections?” Christopher leans forward in the chair. “Why are you doing this?” His mind is filled with thoughts and scenarios. “This is your company and you’ve never allowed anyone to run the business. Even when you went to run wrestling promotions or spent time coaching, producing and managing on the road. You didn’t once give the reins to anyone yet here you are about to make me the director of your company!” Christopher is trying to get his head around it but the question that keeps repeating in his head and he asks aloud is “Why?” Carlos reluctantly sighs. “For the past few months I’ve been undergoing treatment” He sees the reaction on his son's face. “Doesn’t matter what it is. Unfortunately I need to take time away and I need someone to run the sports agency. I could have chosen more experienced people, sure, could have sourced someone external from the business or chose someone from the board or stakeholders. My first and only choice is you. Please accept this position and continue to make the business thrive.” Christopher doesn’t know how to react as his head is filled with so many thoughts and questions. He finally nods his head and Carlos signs on the dotted line. “Congratulations, Christopher. Director of Duquesne Sports Agency” Carlos says proudly. Christopher leans back in the chair in utter shock. Carlos looks down at the paper and folds the bits of paper back over and shuts the cardboard file. “Oh” Carlos suddenly says. “Oh?” Christopher stares at his father. “You’ve done something haven’t you” Carlos smirks “The story of Duquesne Sports Agency began when I became a professional wrestler and transitioning from active competitor to being a manager” “Oh no” Christopher realises where he is going with this. “The clause in this directorship is that you’ll follow in my footsteps and become a..” “I am too old to be a professional wrestler!” Christopher interjected. “I have had no professional training and I have no desire to do so!” “I’m not an idiot,” Carlos replies. “You have brains! You are brilliant! You are going to be an excellent manager!” Christopher cannot believe what he is hearing. “And supposedly who am I going to ‘manage’?” “You received an email from your scout, Bogdan Popescu, earlier today. Did you not?” Carlos asks knowing full well the answer to this question. “I did but I responded that I am not interested” Christopher retorts. “Well I went ahead and got the young lady to sign an exclusive deal with Duquesne Sports Agency. With it I said you’ll be represented by the best manager the D.S.A has” Carlos points at Christopher. “You!” “You do realise I need to send that document to my legal team and..” Christopher stops mid sentence before realising “..That is why your lawyer was here” Carlos nods “You can get your legal team to glance over it. By all means. However you signed it already and the deal is done with my signature just now” Christopher remembers back in his office that he signed a document whilst finalising his latest client. Closing his eyes in instant regret. “I have instructed the young woman to travel to Las Vegas. Specifically the Neon Graveyard where she will find the wrestling complex known as The Crows Nest” Carlos opens the top drawer of his desk and pulls out another file and slides it across towards Christopher. “You’ll find the information about it in this. About the history of the promotion. You’ll also find that I’ve signed you to the promotion too.” “I don’t know the first thing about wrestling!” Christopher blurts out. “You can learn a lot from this dossier. It is like a memoir of what I experienced during my tenure in the business, tips and tricks, you’ll read it and study it as that is who you are. However..” Carlos smiles. “You just have to be you. Nothing more. Nothing less.” Christopher picks the file up and flicks through it briefly. Shutting the file and immediately sliding the chair back to stand up. Carlos watches his son trying to read him. Christopher buttons his suit jacket back up. “So i’m the director of Duquesne Sports Agency and representing a female wrestler.” Carlos nods in agreement. “You’re right. I have resented you for so long” Christopher takes his sunglasses out of his inner jacket pocket. “Deep down I have always wanted to make you proud of me. I guess this vindicates that” He nods. “I’ll take this professional athlete and do what I do for all my clients. Make her the hottest commodity. Take her to the top and carry on the Duquesne legacy within the sport” Christopher pivots on the spot and begins to leave but stops just before the door. Glancing over his shoulder. “Changing of the guard, huh?” ★ ★ ★ Kayleigh stepped back through the curtain after being victorious against one of her closest rivals. The promoter for the show was there to greet Kayleigh with a smile but Kayleigh simply blanked him, walking passed without acknowledging him or anyone else nearby, she went back to the area she had left her bags and sat down on a hard all-in-one red plastic chair. Kayleigh begins to use her nails to get the end of the wrist tape before grabbing hold to pull it off in one motion. A knock is heard nearby but Kayleigh ignores it. An Eastern European gentleman stands nearby Kayleigh holding a file. “Good Evening, Kayleigh. My name is Bogdan Popescu” Bogdan says in his hybrid Romanian/American accent. “Look, babes” Kayleigh responds whilst attempting to take the wrist tape off her other wrist. “I am not signing anything! I am not going to pose for anything! I am not going to answer questions for your stupid podcast or youtube channel! Just leave me alone!” Bogdan subtly laughs. “No, Miss Kayleigh” “Bit presumptuous there” Kayleigh snaps “I mean no offence,” Bogdan said sincerely. “I am here on behalf of the Duquesne Sports Agency. As I said my name is Bogdan Popescu. Talent Scout.” Bogdan awaits a response or reaction but receives nothing. “I was originally sent here to the UK to see about representing footballers from the Premier League.” “You’ve truly missed the ball on this one” Kayleigh snorts. “This isn’t football!” “You’re right,” Bogdan retorts. “My employer asked me to scout the professional wrestling scene here in the UK, also. Don’t see too many men multitasking, huh?” Bogdan broadly smiles but Kayliegh finishes pulling her wrist tape off and begins to pull her elbow pads down. Bogdan clears his throat. “For months I have compiled a list of names of wrestlers I’ve seen and your name is on that list.” “Do you have a point, boggy?” Kayleigh replies. “It’s Bogdan. And yes I do” Bogdan holds the file up in front of him. “I have seen multiple shows over the last few weeks trying to narrow down the right person. I believe I have just done that this evening” Bogdan taps the file. “I have sent my findings, reports, and videos to my employer who would like to formally make an offer to represent you!” Bogdan smiles. “Congratulations” Kayleigh doesn’t hesitate with her answer, “No.” Bogdan tilts his head to the side. “I don’t think you understand the magnitude of this offer.” Kayleigh stands up and looks at Bogdan for the first time. “I don’t think you understand the magnitude of my no!” She looks down at the file and back at him. “I left a world filled with chauvinistic pigs, Boggy. I changed everything to become a professional wrestler. I did this all by myself!” “Yes you did!” Bogdan agreed. “We are not here to stifle or undermine you. My employer has assured me that he has a manager that’ll transform you!” Kayleigh looks at him with a menacing look and Bogdan responds by raising his hands up. “Not in a bad way, Kayleigh. He isn’t going to repackage or change who you are, why change something that already works! No, The manager he has in mind will take you from where you are” Bogdan indicates it with his hands holding it at one height. “And take you to superstardom!” he raises that hand up above his own head. “My employer has already got a promotion over the pond that he’d like you to compete in” “America?” Kayleigh questions. “Las Vegas to be more precise” Bogdan says opening the file up. “The promotion is called Asylum Wrestling Society, the AWS, you would be classed as a lunatic rather than superstar or wrestler” Bogdan flicks the paper over one by one trying to find the appropriate page. “The goddess of the dead, Necra Octavian Kane is currently there, and she is a well known wrestler that's competed all over the world!” Bogdan finds the page and pulls a pen out of his jacket pocket. “Duquesne Sports Agency will give you this opportunity. You’ll have the very best manager to elevate you as a person. You’ll get to wrestle some of the best wrestlers in the world when you come over stateside. We can give you this as you deserve it! You are too good to be just based here on this little island!” Bogdan holds the pen out and contracts. “All that is yours by one signature! I can contact anyone legal if needed to go over the details of the contract. But I can assure you that everything is above board as the Duquesne Sports Agency looks out for their clients.” Kayleigh snatches the pen from Bogdan’s hand. “What is the top title for the women in the AWS?” “The Goddess Championship” Bogdan replies without hesitation. “I want that!” Kayleigh assertively says. Bogdan smiles “I’m sure we can arrange for you to compete for that championship” Kayleigh nods. “If you don’t then I’ll find you, Boggy, and shove this pen somewhere you’d have to pay extra for in the red light district!” Bogdan nods. “Duly noted.” Kayleigh signs the contract in Bogdan’s hand. “I’m keeping the pen,” she says, looking him square in the eyes. Bogdan accepts this before getting his phone out to send confirmation to Carlos. “Welcome to the DSA & Welcome to the AWS!” ★ ★ ★ Several weeks have passed since the encounter between Christopher and his father Carlos. Christopher is now the director of the D.S.A and has thrived in the position. Carlos has taken a step back from the day to day running of the business. Christopher never thought he would see the day that he’d be sitting in his fathers old office, the figurative king upon the throne overseeing the kingdom, yet he hasn’t stepped foot into the office to feel this in person. Christopher went directly to Las Vegas to meet the representatives of the wrestling promotion his father signed him to. Asylum Wrestling Society. Had a tour of the arena, the dojo, training facility as well as spending some time within the office to see the day to day running of the AWS. Christopher found it interesting which annoyed him beyond belief. He had wanted to hate everything about it but the crows nest is an impressive complex. Christopher was given his own Rolls-Royce Spectre and chauffeur from his father. Being driven to the Harry Reid International Airport and waiting in the terminal for his newest client. Kayleigh. He had read the dossier compiled by Bogdan and the notes by his father. Watching the videos his talent scout emailed throughout the time he has spent in Las Vegas. A very talented athlete. Christopher is wearing an all black tailored suit with a deep red dress shirt. He watched eagle eyes as the passengers made their way through. Christopher thought he might have missed her. That thought left his mind as he spotted his client. Wearing all pink attire of velvet trousers and jacket, outlandish coloured suit & carry cases, platinum blonde hair tied in a bun with designer sunglasses on. Christopher walks over towards her. “Kayleigh?” He asks knowing the answer already. “You must be my representative,” Kayleigh assumed. “Start by taking my bags” She thrusts the handles towards Christopher, who reluctantly grabs them, she takes her designer handbag off and flings the strap over her shoulder. Kayleigh continues to walk on whilst Christopher pulls the luggage through the terminal. Kayleigh exits the building with Christopher tailing behind. She glances at taxis nearby and old style cars in the pick up areas. “Please tell me these aren’t the cars we’re going in?” Christopher walks over to the Rolls-Royce Spectre “This way” raising his voice to be heard. Kayleigh looks over to where the voice was and she lowers her sunglasses to get a better view of the car. An approving smile appears. “That is very me!” The chauffeur collects the bags from Christopher and places them into the trunk, Christopher opens the door for Kayleigh, she steps into the car and Christopher closes it behind her, the chauffeur moves the cases two or three times to make sure it closes properly. Christopher gets into the seat next to Kayleigh. “We will be going straight to the complex” Christopher begins “It is called the crows nest after the passing of Scotty Paine.” “Who?” Kayleigh responds back nonchalantly. “He has been inducted into the hall of fame of five different wrestling promotions” Christopher remembers reading from the dossier. “In honor of him they changed the name of the complex from the boneyard to the crows nest.” Christopher glances at Kayleigh. “It has the Dojo, which is where we will be for the majority of the time before Monday Night Ward, it's a state of the art facility where we will get you used to the AWS rings.” Kayleigh shrugs. “If that is what you think” “I do. I am not questioning your ability or skills, completely the opposite, this is your chance to acclimatise to America and time difference. Training and wrestling the AWS students will be perfect for your debut on Monday Night Ward!” Christopher nods. “There are not many people in the AWS world who can say they’re going to debut in one of the biggest matches of the night! Sure it isn’t the Asylum Heavyweight title but the women have the chance to be Goddess Champion. And you’re going to be in a triple threat ladder match for that title!” He smiles. “One of the other competitors will be the daughter of Scotty Paine, Carlotta. The other is a member of ‘the order’ and one half of the daughters of darkness, Denise De’Vil. The deathbringer!” Kayleigh takes her sunglasses off and places them on the top of her head. “Necra Octavian Kane is someone I used to enjoy watching in the bombshell division” She mentions the promotion's name. “Well for nearly a year she held the AWS Goddess Championship, Kayleigh” Christopher looks at his client. “Also held the Asylum Championship. Her tag team partner will be looking to replicate that I’m sure. As is Carlotta who is looking to step out of her fathers shadow. The person no one will be taking seriously or even consider in this equation is you!” He smiles confidently “And that is the beauty of it. Carlotta Paine needs to be the ‘Queen Paine’ after the promotion named the complex after her father PLUS she lost her debut match. Denise needs to prove to Necra that she is worthy of being the angel of death. Will anyone be focused on ‘The Sovereignty’? Will anyone take Kayleigh as a serious threat to the Goddess Championship? The answer will be no. no one would know or heard of you! And that is where everyone in the asylum will be shown up. Kayleigh WILL be the next Goddess Champion! Kayleigh WILL destroy Necra’s reign as champion! It’s ALL ABOUT YOU!” “It will be femininomenon!” Kayleigh places her shades back on. “I am femininomenon!” “Exactly!” Christopher agrees. He peers out of the window to see where they are. “Alright we’ll be seeing the complex soon enough. It is state of the art. They’ve invested wisely this promotion.” He points to it as it comes into view. “That is the Wolfe Russo Office complex, over there is the Dojo and the crows nest arena is self explanatory by the size, the site where you become a goddess!” “I already am!” Kayleigh snaps back. The car pulls up outside of the dojo. “Alright, grab your training stuff” Christopher says as the engine switches off. “Excuse me?” Kayleigh responds. “We are going to have a small training session now then I’ll show you to your new place of residence” Christopher pulls out his phone and flicks through the gallery until he finds what he is looking for. He leans over and shows Kayleigh the photo. “It is a beautiful property that I think will cater to everything you need” Kayleigh glances at the photo then at the dojo. “Fine.” she snaps. “But I'm tired from the long ass flight!” ★ ★ ★ Since arriving at the crows nest facility, Kayleigh has been put through her paces by the trainers and trainees of the dojo, enjoying the feel of an AWS ring and matching her skills against north american talent. Christopher Duquesne has not left her side since taking on the position as Manager for Kayleigh. Despite the reluctance and dislike to the sport initially. Professional wrestling is growing on the Director of Duquesne Sports Agency. After finishing off another hard training session, getting showered and into her designer pink clothing, Kayleigh steps out of the locker room to find Christopher Duquesne standing before her in a tailored suit. He smiles. “I have spoken to the staff and they’re setting up cameras at the coaching area where they practise talking” Christopher points over to the promo coaching area. “They’re going to send the video to AWS socials and the official website so people can get a glimpse of the next Goddess Champion!” “Uh..Fine!” Kayleigh strides passed Christopher towards the allocated area. AWS staff making sure the cameras and microphones are working, lighting being adjusted behind the camera, the Asylum Wrestling Society symbol on the wall that’ll be behind them. Kayleigh wearing an all pink velvet trouser and sports jacket combination, a matching handbag and designer sunglasses, steps near the symbol whilst Christopher Duquesne casually walks behind her. “We’re rolling in three, two..” the cameraman signals to go with his hand. Christopher Duquesne overdramatically laughs before speaking. “I guess you’ve all been wondering about who is ‘Kayleigh’. The announcement of the triple threat match for the AWS Goddess Championship proved no surprises with Denise De’Vil & Carlotta Paine but Kayleigh? No word or mention of this woman in previous AWS shows and now she has been thrusted into the limelight of the goddess championship match! Well I am here to tell you just who Kayleigh is!” Christopher clears his throat with a small cough. “Standing before you is one of the most gifted professional wrestlers in recent times. Someone who isn’t just associated with one genre, she can do anything within the squared circle, plus she isn’t afraid of competing in outrageous or standard wrestling matches. From the famous area of London, Soho, this is the ultimate fashionista. Beauty. Brains and brawn! The Rose Gold Queen! The Model of Perfection! She is THE SOVEREIGNTY.. THIS.. IS.. KAYLEIGH!” “Hanging above the ring will be the Asylum Wrestling Society’s Goddess Championship. The pinnacle of the women’s division. It will be decided by the formiddle odd’s killer, the ladder match. Three competitors trying to battle it out to climb the ladder first. It doesn’t require skill to win or talent so I guess that is why Carlotta Paine is in this match.” Kayleigh ponders what she said. “No, wait. It’s because daddy dearest died and the AWS wants to help you get to where he got. The top. But you’ll be where you belong, at the bottom, looking at everyone else being better than you! That starts at Monday Night Ward when you can watch as I climb that ladder, unclasp the leather strap, and watch me hold it aloft as your new Goddess Champion!” “Denise De’Vil, you have the woman who made the championship worthwhile by your side, Necra Octavian Kane. A tag duo formidable but as you’re the death bringer you still lurk in the foreboding shadow of the queen of death herself. She held the title for nearly a year! Defending the goddess title over 20 times! Winning countless titles around the world! You may have won some during your time but is your name remembered like Necras? You want to capture the title she made worthwhile to make her proud or to disappoint? I mean how do you explain to the queen of death herself that you let the model of perfection capture the goddess championship? Someone who is very much alive and someone who's making their AWS debut!” “It doesn’t matter if you had the entire women's division in this match the outcome will always be the same. You all doubt my ability and think I’m nothing special. Guess what. I will be the one who you all call the new AWS Goddess Champion! Biker Bytch tried to be like Necra but only defended it a handful of times. The other champions aren’t really worth mentioning. The only one worth a damn will be the newest Goddess Champion. Me. I will make the title worth something again! I will add that extra bit of quality to it! Carpe Diem” Christopher smiles as Kayleigh glances away with a smirk on her face. “Denise has Nectra. Carlotta has Dakota. Kayleigh has me. Christopher Duquesne. Our names meant nothing to anyone prior to Monday Night Ward but by the end of it you will all know them. Christopher Duquesne, manager of the new AWS Goddess Champion. Kayleigh!” Kayleigh flicks her hair back and walks off camera. Christopher mimics a championship belt with his hands whilst smiling before following his client. The cameraman stops recording and begins to reward the footage. Christopher steps beside Kayleigh to try and catch her eye but Kayleigh completely ignores her manager. Despite her demeanour all she is thinking of is the ladder match for the vacant championship and what it would mean to her to win it. Christopher may not have liked the idea of being a manager but he is now engrossed in the role and is looking forward to representing the top women in a wrestling promotion. Executive Producer: Kayleigh Produced by Christopher Duquesne Directed by Carlos Duquesne This production was brought to you by Duquesne Sports Agency In association with Asylum Wrestling Society
  3. Kaylz posted a post in a topic in Manager Profiles
    Manager Name: Christopher Duquesne Client List: Kayleigh Disposition/Aligment: HEEL Similar to Manager: Paul Hayman / Jim Cornette Gimmick Description: Sports Agent looking for the best for his clients. Vocal ringside. May get up onto the ring apron to assist his clients by distracting opponent or referee or trip wrestlers up near ropes. Slide objects or handing them to his clients. Extreme cases maybe to use them. No wrestling training whatsoever. Entrance Theme Song YouTube Link: Entrance Description: "No Apologies" by Empire Cast, Jussie Smollett & Yazz begins to play, lights around the arena lower with exception of the stage, the main screen just saying his name. CHRISTOPHER DUQUESNE. Christopher Duquesne steps out onto the stage wearing his custom tailored suit. Hands clasped together as he looks around at the fans in attendance with a look of disdain upon his face. Christopher walks down the center of the aisle to avoid contact with the fans. Stepping up the ring steps before brushing his feet on the ring apron, carefully lifting his trouser pants up to allow him to step into the ring, adjusting his suit once in the ring and casually steps towards the center of the ring. The house lights return to normal as his music dies away. Brief Biography: Carlos Duquesne is a well respected name within the professional wrestling circuit. Managing many names within the sport, from Simcoe County Championship Wrestling to Sin City Wrestling, Extreme Wrestling Corporation to Ring of Beauty. Three decades representing stars as well as being a former professional wrestler too. Carlos' son, Christopher, worked as a sports agent at Carlos' Duquesne Sports Agency for a number of years. Representing many well known names within the world of Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball and more. Due to health issues, Carlos has had to step back from day to day operations, giving Christopher the opportunity to become Director of D.S.A. Christopher hasn't let his father down. When an email arrived with videos of a young wrestler, and consulting his father, Christopher signed Kayleigh exclusively to Duquesne Sports Agency and will represent her within the AWS. Christopher has also taken the reigns of the flagship show of ECWF, Revolution. Extra information that you want the commentators to mention? Son of Carlos Duquesne, Director of Duquesne Sports Agency, ECWF Revolution General Manager Kayleigh’s accomplishments in AWS: GODDESS CHAMPION Kayleigh won the AWS Goddess Championship on her official debut within the company. Winning a triple threat ladder match for the vacant championship.
  4. Kaylz started following Kayleigh ♡ ♥
  5. Kaylz posted a post in a topic in Lunatic Profiles
    Picture Base Description: Margot Robbie, Blonde hair / Pink Attire / Sunglasses / Handbag Ring Name: Kayleigh Real Name: Kayleigh-Ann Challis Also Known As: "Rose Gold Queen" / "The Sovereignty" / "Model of Perfection" "The Femininomenon" Disposition/Alignment: Heel Hometown: Soho, London Gender: Female Height: Five Foot Six Inches / 5'6" / 1.70 Meters Weight: 139lbs / Nine Stone Nine Ounces Age: Thirty Three / 33 Birthdate: 11th March 1991 Favorite Match: Submission Least Favorite Match: Battle Royales/Rumbles Favorite Weapon(s): High Heel from High Heel Shoe / Loaded Handbag (Handbag with brick inside) Fighting Styles: All Rounder Similar to Wrestler: Charlotte Flair/Shayna Baszler/Mike Mizanin Gimmick Description: Model, Egotistical, Narcissistic, Fashionista Entrance Theme Song YouTube Link: Basic Moves: Armbar / Double wristlock / Anklelock / Wristlock to arm stomp / Rolling Gutwrench suplexes / Jumping Knee / Vertical suplex / Yokosuka Cutter / Sitout shoulder jawbreaker / Half-nelson leg sweep facebuster/ Inverted facelock backbreaker followed by neckbreaker slam or DDT/ Big boot to seated opponent / Running single leg high knee / Diving double axe handle / Snap DDT with opponent kneeling (Sometimes standing up) / Russian legsweep (into objects like barracade or steel steps) Signature Moves: Figure Four Leglock / Rear Naked Choke / Kay-Kicks (It Kicks) Finishing Moves: PCL - Pandora's Charm Lock (Kirifuda Clutch) / Juicy Coutured (Skull Crushing Finale) Attribute Stats: 50 Points Strength: 6 Speed: 6 Agility: 6 High Flying: 6 Brawling: 6 Technical: 6 Intelligence: 7 Stamina: 7 Brief Biography: Kayleigh made her AWS debut on 7th October 2024 episode of Monday Night Ward. Capturing the Goddess Championship in a triple threat ladder match involving Carlotta Paine & Denise De'Vil. Kayleigh made her Throwdown & Madison Square Garden debut on 19th October 2024 by defeating Avery McCullen in singles action (Avery passed out to the PCL & the referee called for the bell). :: AWS Achievements :: Asylum Wrestling Society Goddess Champion (07/10/2024 - Current)

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