Leon Roberts started following 'The Devil's Titan' Leon Roberts , Show off the Ink , The Streamers (Rogue & Nova) vs. Scum of the Earth (Derek Wellings & Leon Roberts) © and 4 others
Show off the Ink
Hey everyone. Out of curiosity, who all here in AWS have tattoos? If you do, then show them off here. Here are mine. All are in the order I got them. Pardon the last couple images as they got flipped. Tribal dragon Shadow The Hedgehog Emblem Blue fire tribal tiger Irish Keltic armband Ripped Flesh Dragon Scales Hot Rod Flame (Addition to emblem) Medieval Shield (Addition to Tribal Dragon)
The Streamers (Rogue & Nova) vs. Scum of the Earth (Derek Wellings & Leon Roberts) ©
The Pleasure Dome. A semi-classy strip club located near the outskirts of Las Vegas. It was quite the popular party place. It was also where Leon and Monica Roberts had been frequenting alot lately. The reason being, is that Leon was best friends with the owner, a Semi retired wrestler named Vega Knight, AKA the Silver Baron. This is where Leon was actually heading into. As he entered he looked around. It wasn't busy yet, as it was before actual opening hours. He was greeted by a red head stripper, currently in jeans and a tank top. Leon smirked upon seeing this particular one. Leon: Well, well if it isn't Gina. How's your back? Gina: Heh. It's better now Leon. But given what happened, worth it. Leon: Yup. That new years party was quite the hellraiser. Gina: No kidding. Leon: You sure you're okay? Gina Yeah. I asked for it rough, and you and your wife delivered. Leon chuckled, recalling exactly what happened. He and Monica had wound up participating in a threesome that took place on the main stage of the Pleasure Dome. Leon That's actually the main reason I'm here. I forgot my camcorder here, and I just want to get it back. Gina: Alright follow me. And no grabbing. Can't afford another hospital trip for a while. Leon began to rub the back of his head as he chuckled. He followed Gina, as he did try to resist the urge to grab her ass. Gina: So, how's your tag partner? Leon: Eh, he's okay. Hope he likes the gift I sent him. Gina: Oh? A gift from you? That should be interesting. Leon: It's just a picture of me celebrating with the new tag title gold I have. Gina: Oh that's gonna be good. Leon: You know it. Leon and Gina both laughed, knowing full well of Leon's unique humour. After a couple minutes walking up a set of stairs, Leon was outside the office. Gina by that point had left to head back down to the floor. Leon grabbed the key to the office from his pocket and unlocked it. When he went in however, he was unfortunately greeted with the site of Vega, fucking a naked blond bombshell of a woman. Leon: Oh shit. Vega: Oh sh-Leon! Woman: What the fuck you doing here Leon? Leon: I’m just here to grab something. Vega: Unless it's a drink for us, or my pimp stick, get the fuck out man. Leon: Hey, that's my sister you're currently balls deep in, pal. Vega: Like I usually am. Leon: Don't forget, I technically am allowing this. If I didn't, you Lacey wouldn't have had Zayne. Lacey: SERIOUSLY LEON! FUCK OFF! Vega: Yeah man, that was just a bit of a low blow. Leon: Rrrrriiiiiight. Just tell me where my camcorder is. Vega: Bottom filing cabinet. If you can, return the new years party footage at some point please. Leon: Yeah sure. Lacey: That whole party was something else, wasn’t it? Vega: Still not happy Gina couldn’t work for a couple weeks. Leon smirked, as he went to grab his camcorder. Vega began to pump back into Lacey as Leon grabbed his camcorder. He then went over to the bar, and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. Leon: Cheer guys. Leon took a swig, as a pillow was thrown at him He couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. He left the office, and locked the door behind him. ~~~~~2 Hours Later~~~~~ Leon was back at his house. He had his camcorder set up in his basement. It was set up to look a bit macabre, along with some various championships that Leon had won over the years. Leon smiled as he sat down. Monica then came down to the basement, holding a microfibre cloth and some polish. She handed them to Leon, before the two kissed. Leon: Thanks babe. I should have had this done sooner, but we forgot this at the dome. Speaking of, saw Lacey today. With Vega. Monica: Nice: Wait....did you.....catch them again? Leon: Unfortunately. Monica: Heh. At this point, I’m surprised Zayne hasn’t walked in on them yet Leon: I’m surprised my nephew hasn’t either. Gonna be a helluva day when that happens. Monica: I can imagine. Anyways…I need to pick the kids up. I'll see you later. Leon: See ya babe. Monica kissed Leon again, before leaving.Leon got up, and turned on his camcorder. He grabbed his newly won AWS tag team title, just as he sat down. He looked at the camera, with a twisted smirk. Leon: Well, well, well. It's finally 2025, and shit's about to hit the fan. The world is ever nearing the point of perfect chaos and widespread destruction. When it comes to AWS, well...you're looking at what will inevitably be the cause. Shit, when you think about it, I've already started doing just that. What do I mean by that though? It's simple, really. You just need to rewind back a few weeks, to Reindeer Games 2024. A banger of a way to end the year indeed. See, it was on that particular night, that the first part of the collective goal for Derek and I was fulfilled, when we won these. Leon held up the AWS Tag Team Title, before he took some polish, and began to rub circles, shining up the championship a bit. Leon: The Asylum Wrestling Society Tag Team Championship. A new design, for a brand new era for this lineage. Although as far as I am concerned, the Scum of the Earth are the new inaugural tag team champions. There's plenty of proof as to why. See before us, the original belts kept getting traded around. There weren't a whole lot of successful defences made from any former champions. It could be argued that the last team to hold it might have been capable of stabilizing the division. You know, the 'Daughters of Darkness'. Heh. What a joke. Just as I knew they would be. Leon began to chuckle. The mere thought of that particular team, and the fact they suddenly left AWS recently, amused Leon to no end. Leon: But you also need to take a good hard look at all the recent changes that have been made. A show suggesting to be started, but didn't. Only for the show to be exclusive to the female wrestlers, with it being advertised as a sub brand. The Daughters of darkness would have automatically been the women's tag team champions. I would say that would have been a massive downgrade, but let's be real, the lineage before was all a bunch of bitches regardless. But then, upon the new year, they leave AWS. And by that point, Derek and I, the Scum Of The Earth, did exactly as we said we would. We ragdolled a bunch of worthless-ass inferior opponents around. Or as the newbie generation would say, we yeeted them all. Leon began to polish up his championship again. He then rolled his eyes at the fact he mentioned what he believed to be another example of lame modern day slang. Leon: Yes, yes, I actually said that. But I think I understand where that slang might have come from. Maybe from somebody who was throwing something so hard, he might have grunted loudly, with it sounding like he was saying yeet. Somehow that caught on, and even is now a a crowd salute. To all those who will be in the live crowds at the crows nest and beyond, if you want to do that for me, make sure to have the horns up and rockin’. Otherwise y'all just look pathetic. But back to the subject at hand. Even after all of that, the Daughters of Darkness, would wind up leaving. I don't know about any of you who thinks your opinion actually means something. But to me, it's clear they knew that facing the Scum of the Earth was a high possibility, along with knowing deep down, there was only one outcome. The Scum Of The Earth taking all the gold, while they would be unable to walk properly for a week, for the exact same reason one of the girls that works for my buddy and owner of the fine establishment, the Silver Baron, was unable to after the Pleasure Dome's new years eve party. The best part is, I know deep down that they know that really rowdy and really rough nights are just a day to me. They knew they had to fold, or wind up well beyond fucked. Leon got up, and placed the polish and cloth onto a nearby table. He then left the shot for a second, to grab himself a JD and Coke. Once he came back into view, he had some of his drink. Leon: Got a bit thirsty there. Where was I? Oh yes As a result of all that shit, the lineage is dead. The original that is. Now, the new, and now certainly improved lineage, are coming to the crows nest to knock down and shit on any challenging tea that dares try to take us on. And come the next edition of Ward well the first challengers are one of the teams we ragdolled around, that any extra cash they made while streaming had to pay for medical. That's right ladies and gentlemen, the Scum of the Earth are facing off against the Streamers, for the tag team titles. Leon smirked once again. Though this smirk showed more contempt that his usual amusement. A bit of an indication that showed how little Leon cared about who his opponents were. Leon: Rogue and Nova. The Streamers. I got to say, I'll give them credit for stepping up. But that's all the good I want to say about them. If anything, I'm more amused that they think they can both step up, especially to somebody who's been in the army, and a sadist that can't be killed. All that those two limp dick cocksuckers can do is just pray that either Derek or I don't go all out. Especially Rogue. He especially I'm surprised is still walking around, especially after taking double spinebuster on top of a pile of chairs, before being a close proximity witness of me turning somebody into a freshly squished Pillsbury Pizza Pop. So that begs the question, what can you two really do? At best, you'll be entertaining as Derek and I toss your wirey asses around. Believe it or not, it's not because that's all you can do, but it's also what the people really came to see. Real, big, and vicious men, absolutely mauling a couple lame and good for nothing geeks. That's the harsh reality boys, and I am more than happy to provide them with that entertainment. Leon began to rub his hands together. He was anticipating the opportunity to inflict as much pain as he felt like to his opponents. But after a brief moment, he relaxed, and appeared to be deep in thought. Leon: It's kind of funny when you think about it. The Scum Of The Earth and The Streamers are complete opposites. On one side, you got Derek and I. I don't really need to explain on how much we thrive in combat. We were born and bred to tear into flesh. Meanwhile you got the Streamers, who are literal definition of lazy lame-ass geeks. Yeah you might be wrestlers, as we know...But what difference does it make? I've been doing this on and off for most of my life, and when I'm not in the squared circle, ragolling asses and spilling their blood, I do that shit anyways. So there is just about nothing that you two can do that can make a difference. But like I said for Reindeer Games, your views for your channel are only gonna go up, if you can make it back. The ass-whoopin' that's heading your way will give you enough stories to tell, especially if you manage to walk after the match. Truly,you'll have been given applause for your efforts, wanting to see if you can try again. But the stories you two will tell will make everyone understand just why the Scum Of The Earth are who we are. Which is exactly the point. All you two are good for, is to be an example for everyone else. In the end, your shot at us is something you'll remember as the most enlightening night of your pathetic existences. But for Derek and I, it's just Monday. Leon picked up his drink, and began to pour the beverage down his throat. He smiled, savouring the drink in his hand. Leon then turned to the camera one last time, as he grabbed his tag team title, and draped it over his shoulder. Leon: But enough talk boys. It's time for action. See you boys in the ring on Monday. When that final bell rings, you'll have blown your one shot. Because the end result will be the same as it was from Reindeer Games, with the Scum Of the Earth as the champions, with another set of broken bodies at our feet. Rogue and Nova...Come Monday Night Ward, you will know your place by the end of the night. Face down in the dirt, at our feet. Hell, while you two are down there, I insist that you two use your foreheads to shine our boots! Leon chuckled again as he got up, and finished his drink. He then left the shot, so that he could end the video.
Center of Attention vs. Jake Ryan & Alex Evans vs. Derek Wellings & Leon Roberts vs. The Kaos Twins vs. The Streamers
The scene begins with a view around a part of the Mojave Desert, during the evening. The colours of the setting sun created a very beautiful visual of the colours blending and gradually setting. A brunette woman with a rockin' bod, donned with a leather jacket and daisy dukes, walked into view. ???: Hello you naughty boys and girls. Are you ready to give into indulgence? A life of doing what needs to be done in order to succeed? Well, I'm just the right person to seek. But be warned. Not everyone can handle what I can provide. Those that can, will have earned the right to continue. Those that don't, become simply food for the devils. And you're looking at the queen. The woman chuckles for a second, before walking closer to the camera view. ???: I am Monica Roberts. The wife of the Devil's Titan, Leon Roberts. And it's time to welcome you all to a world full of of extremes.Of course, what better way to truly do that, than is to just simply show. And like I have promised, We'll be seeing plenty of violence and blood. All at the hands of my husband. It might be another day in the office but It does send shivers down my spine. Monica begins to smile in a very overtly seductive way as she blew a kiss towards the camera. Monica: But This time, he's not alone. No, we brought in somebody who, like Leon, was made to fight. Made to fuck your shit up like it's his hobby. I am of course talking about the Airborne Ranger Derek Wellings. Together, they are officially teaming up. It's been but a fever dream of many wrestling enthusiasts, to see what kind of shit they will do, whether together, or against each other. The sheer magnitude of these two forces ever sharing the ring, has destroyed and warped any other promotion for it happening, until now. So yes, Asylum Wrestling Society has proven itself not afraid to take such a risk. Monica smiles once again. She stretches for a moment showing off her body more. Monica: This Christmas, it's indeed going to be fun for everyone. Gift, food, and mayhem. What more could anyone really ask for? That's actually a fairly easy question to answer. AWS Reindeer Games. Where Leon and Derek will have plenty of bodies to go through. Plenty of blood to spill. For they are facing off against not one, not two, not three, but four different teams, in an epic five team match, with the tag team championship on the line. That's eight different bodies, that will face, mutilation, violation, and pain. Eight different tragic victims. Eight different reasons why they are calling themselves the Scum Of The Earth. Monica's demeanour began to change a bit. Before, she was being mostly seductive. Now though, she is displaying more of a sadistic side to her. The most obvious display of this, was that she was displaying a more bloodthirsty smile. Monica: Of course you don't have to take my word for it. Instead, I think they would like to have a word with you all, especially now that they are done with their business out here. Monica then walks behind the camera, and grabs it. She shifts the view over to where Leon and Derek were. They both appeared to be covered in dirt. They were just finishing up putting away some equipment. Leon then grabbed a bag, and a box of bullets from the car, as Derek shut the trunk to the car. Monica: You guys done with the other stuff? Leon: You bet babe. Derek: Wait, think she got any footage of...? Monica: Relax Derek. I'm not stupid. No this is because I know you two have plenty to say about your upcoming match at Reindeer Games. Leon: Exactly, why do you think I brought these? Leon holds up the box and the bag. He walks over to a nearby spot, which just so conveniently had a random picnic table where they were filming. Leon took out a few cans, a canister of shaving cream, and a couple glasses. He then took out a couple bottles that had some red liquid in them. He poured the liquid into the glasses. Derek: A bit dramatic much? Leon: Eh, it could be seen that way. Having a bit of fun while showing some emphasis...Oh most definitely. Derek: No argument here. Leon then takes out some photos. They are mostly just head shots of the other competitors in the six team challenge. He begins to tape them all onto the different objects, although two of them aren't competitors. Rather one is a just a silhouette, while the other is a picture of one of the commentators, Salmia Russo. Monica takes a look at the setup, and raises her eyebrow seeing the two pictures of the non competitors. Meanwhile Leon opened the bullet box, pulling out a revolver. He then loaded up the barrel with six bullets. Leon: You know, I didn't expect anything to be easy. That sort of mentality gets nobody anywhere. However, it would seem that with AWS, it is that easy, or at least it has been thus far for me. In case if anyone forgot, I've only had one match thus far in AWS, and it was as about as one sided as it could get. I made Chad West my bitch, as I said I was going to. Hell, I didn't even need to use any sort of finisher to actually win. Which actually brings me to Mia Russo. From behind the camera, Monica zooms in a bit, so we can see the faces clearer. The first one to be shown is indeed Mia. Leon: What irritates me, is clearly she and Gidget didn't do their fucken research. Why the fuck would I call any of my finishers after my last name? I have never used such a cliche, and i don't ever plan to. No, my finishers are truly finishers for a reason, and named appropriately. Derek: Much like how any real finisher should be. Leon: Fuck yeah man! But that being said, I don't give a shit if you're the pope, the queen, or anything beyond and inbetween. Call the attacks right. Otherwise, well... Leon cocks his gun, and pulls the trigger. It hits the object with Mia's face. Said object was one of the empty cans, so it was knocked off the table. Derek gave a half assed clap at that shot, just hamming the moment up. This made Leon chuckle, as he readied the next bullet. Leon: You're going to be a problem. And I am somebody that makes sure that if there is a real problem, it becomes dead and buried. Derek: The point is, Know your role and shut your mouth! Monica: Isn't that one of th- Derek: -Yeah, and guess what, It don't fucken matter. You and I both know, that juiced up Hollywood cocksucker wouldn't last eight seconds against me. Leon: OOOH! It seems that your age might be starting to show, old man. If it was me, he wouldn't last even a picosecond. Derek: We'll have to test that at some point against that bitch. Leon: Something to look forward to. But the first order of business is, you guessed it ladies and gentlemen. Our upcoming match against four other teams at Reindeer Games. Second match for me in AWS personally, third for Derek. The path that has lead us here, easy stuff. Derek: Yeah it has. Hell after I finished off that fairy-ass that dares to share your last name, we celebrated in Vegas, the only way one can. With sin and chaos. Leon: Speaking of which. One of our teams are calling themselves with Kaos twins. That's, with a 'K', and not a 'Ch'. Which just goes to show just how pathetic those two individuals are. Derek: You're seriously pissed they don't use the proper spelling? Leon: Naw, but it's still pathetic. Much like there little promo that they did on us. I mean seriously, you had their sister talk on, and on, and on, about all the same basic bullcrap. Where's the flare? Where's the excitement? Where's the emphasis? There is none, and there will be none. See when I see those two dolts, I am not impressed. Derek: You two whippersnappers think you're able to the same shit we do? To have such a blatant disregard for human life? Tell us boys....have any of you even had to fight for something beyond yourselves? Have you ever actually had to put your lives on the line in order to make it to the next day? I highly doubt it. Leon: You say it's all about bringing the chaos, that's going to win that match. Well that's where I have to admit,you're right about that. But here's the thing. You two, according to your two cent whore of sister, bring the chaos wherever you go. But I don't fucken recall either me or Derek hanging out with either of you ever, let alone you bringing us with you. I say that because we are the real chaos, wherever we may roam. Monica: Might I interject for a second? Leon: Go ahead babe. Monica places the camera back down into it's stand, before moving in-front of the camera. Monica: Jonathan and Adam. You're just two individuals that need a reality check. A couple of young punks who have yet to go to real war. You almost remind me of mine and Leon's sons, Jake and Anthony. The difference between them and you, is both Leon and I have taught them how to fight, with and without weaponry, as we have done for all four of our children. Leon: Of course, I mostly have been toughening them up so that should they decide to enter into the family business, they will be ready to tear into some flesh without any recoil. Derek: Heh. That's good parenting Leon. Making sure they can make the world their bitch, instead of the other way around. Leon: Point we're trying to make, is that we raised the real chaos twins. Though in their case, triplets. In any case, it's time you learn your place in the pecking order. We'll happily show you where it is. Leon then aims his revolver at the targets, and shoots one. It was a glass with red liquid, with Jonathan Kaos's face. The red liquid exploded everywhere. Leon then handed the revolver to Derek: He inspected it, before looking at Leon. Leon smirked, and nodded. That was the cue for Derek to reload, and aim. He took shot at Adam Kaos's face, which was taped to a can. He handed the revolver back to Leon, before going to grab the can he shot. Derek: Face down in the dirt, being whipped around with daddy's belt. Leon began to chuckle, as Derek crushed the can with one hand. He then moved back to where Leon was standing, as Monica moved back to behind the camera. Leon: Of course we aren't going to forget about the rest of them. Including a couple of streamers as a tag team. What are they called again? Derek: The Streamers. Leon: HA! How half baked. Seriously, those two could not have come up with something better? Derek: No kidding. Rouge and Nova. Even their names are unoriginal. Leon: Indeed. So you travelled across the Atlantic to be here in AWS. Congratulations, nobody cares. Sure, it's almost respectable that a couple of kids playing video games actually put in the effort to wrestle. That doesn't change the fact, that both Rouge and Nova are a dime a fucken dozen. Leon cocked the gun, and shot one of the cans. It appeared to be Rouge's face that got shot by Leon. Leon handed the gun to Derek, who then got himself ready. Derek: Just a bunch of attention whores if you ask me. Especially since they do streaming. I mean, no shit. But you boys might have lucked out. You're going to get the most amount of views you'll ever receive, come Reindeer Games. The thing is,it's going to cost the both of you. Remember this you maggots. You're going to be in the ring with four other teams, all looking to win, so your chances of a win isn't exactly in your favour. Couple with the fact that both Leon and I, have taken lives, without it bothering us in the slightest. Needless to say for you, Rouge and Nova, you're in for an extremely rough night. You two have the absolute worst odds in taking home gold at Reindeer Games, and everyone fucken knows it. However, you'll be made real famous, as Leon and I will be more than happy to help you get your views. Leon: And how we doing that? Derek: With a relentless assault that will leave you brats only being able to make money through streaming. Something that you, the Streamers will need for your medical bills. I say this because we're going to trample you so hard, that just like a certain Superman...You two will never walk again. Derek took his shot, striking down the can with Nova's face. He then handed the gun back to Leon, before they both turned towards the camera. Leon: There ain't going to be anything pretty about it. Stylish and memorable, oh no doubt about it. But of course, there are other factors in this match. Such as 'Ruthless' Jake Ryan. We've even how he looks. Not bad I'll admit. Keep himself in good shape. Problem is, so are the both of us. Derek: I wonder though, is this supposed ruthless one ever had to face anyone that makes his aggression seem like a temper tantrum? Leon: Who knows, and who cares? Either way, he's about to find out the hard way. Because we can tell that he, much like everyone else, will never be able to fathom just how deep our thirst for blood truly is. Derek: Indeed. Anything else Leon? Leon: Oh I could, but at this point, I'd just be repeating myself. Derek: Wouldn't want that. But here's something. He definitely appears to have this big dog, pitbull mentality. But all I see is a gremlin ass looking pug. Leon: OH FUCK! That's a good one. Leon chuckles, as he readies himself to shoot the can with Jake Ryan's face. Leon: Word of advice Jake, nobody can take a pug seriously, except for maybe the face is so ugly it's cute. But you're somehow even worse than that. Word of advice, know your place, and stay there at our feet. Because if you do try to step up, well... Leon takes his shot. The can with Jake Ryan's face goes flying backwards. Leon swings the barrel open, as it was now empty. He grabs some more bullets, and loads it right back up. Leon: It's simply going to be a problem. You're must be mad if you try to try to get one over on us. Mad dogs are...well....problematic. And you know how we deal with problems. Leon hands the revolver back to Derek. Derek: Dead and buried is how problems for us quickly become, and we'll be more then happy to take Jake Ryan around back and put that mad dog in place. Leon: But what about his partner, Alex Evans? Derek: Oh puh-lease. I could throw that twig around like a lawn dart. Sure, he does have experience in tag team action, as he is actually a former AWS tag team champion. Does it make the odds favourable to him? OH HELL NO! Leon: Haha, I can picture it now. Both Derek and I, taking turns with him. Derek: Throwing him around like a lawn dart, correct? Leon: Exactly. Why? Did you think I meant something else? Derek: Him getting fucked by us.....Naturally. That comment caused both Leon and Monica to burst out laughing. Derek even chuckled along with them, as he got the gun ready to fire. Derek: But you're still very early in your career kid, and there's plenty to learn. Leon: Feeling charitable Derek? Derek: Maybe a bit. We'll see if he has a future. Monica: May I predict it? Derek: Eh, why not Monica. Monica: Actually, I feel this might be more of a spoiler, when I say that Alex Evans is going to get wishboned. Derek smirks at that, while Leon's face lit up with excitement. He motioned for Monica to come forward. When she walked forward Leon scooped her up into his arms, and gave her a very passionate, sloppy kiss. Derek: You see this ladies and gentlemen? That's true, unbridled passion. That's what real men do. We beat ass, and wreck ass. You Alex Evans, are no man. Just a little stick of a boy who thinks he can. Nobody wants that. By now, Leon and Monica were done making out, as Monica stood up on the ground after Leon let her go. Monica then returned to back behind the camera. Leon: Again...Boy...you're still young and naive. Your ego might say otherwise, so just ignore that. The smartest thing you could possibly do in this,or any other reality is to come to us. We'll show you the real way to success, much more than your 'Kingdom' can. Derek: That is, if we let you walk away. You getting wishboned is most definitely on the table. Derek takes his shot, and hits the can with Alex Evans's face. The shot causes the can to comically flip over, before hitting the ground. Derek: Bit surprised. Why would you of all people, offer kindness and apprenticeship to anyone? Leon: Eh, just felt like it. Plus I knew you'd follow that up with something like you said. Derek: Good. Leon readies the revolver for the next shot. Leon: And now for Mason Hurst and Xander Croft. The so-called Center Of Attention'. Derek: Finally, a couple of bodies that might actually make us sweat for a moment. Leon: Emphasis on the 'for a moment' part. But what are they? A bully and a second generation wrestler. In fact, I got something to say about Xander. Derek: Well then, by all means man. Leon: Thanks. Now Xander Croft, you're probably one of the few people around here I can relate to. Much like me, you're the son of a former wrestler. A fan for life, who has a great deal of respect for what happens inside the ring. That's essentially us Xander. Hell, that's pretty much the same for all four of my kids. But you seem to be almost to respectful. Sure you've paid all your dues, and you've held plenty of championships over your career. You alone make this match a bit interesting for Derek and I. Derek: You're getting a bit soft Leon. Leon: Oh I'm just about to make my point. See, I sometimes wonder, what would have happened to me if I hadn't gotten shot. I likely would have still been a wrestler. Shit, I might have had your career Xander, or at least had something similar. Oh wait, I pretty much do, wherever I go. We could have been friends in that scenario. But as we can clearly see... Monica zooms in on a couple of Leon's bullet wound scars that weren't covered up. Leon: That's not the case, and I am all the more happier for it. See you might disagree, but when I see somebody like you, trying to be overly respectable to just about everyone, it makes me fucken sick. I have no reason to be nice and respectable towards anyone. If I am, it's been more than earned. So fuck your respect Xander, I ain't interested in it. You're getting nothing but a full on assault of unforgettable proportions. This is going to be a fight where your experience won't help you in the absolute slightest. Not even your bodyguard you're bringing with you, will be able to save you from the evisceration that's heading your way. Leon shoots the revolver, knocking over the can with Xander Croft's picture. Leon hands the gun back over to Derek, who then cranks the barrel, readying his next shot. Derek: Oh, I wouldn't call Mason Hurst a bodyguard. He'd probably get all offended and shit. Leon and Monica both chuckle that the image of Mason Hurst looking all offended. Derek joins in as well, as the thought is absolutely hilarious to all three of them. After a moment they do calm their laughter down. Derek: Now from our understanding o Mason Hurst, the 'biggest' competitor in this match that he's used to having things go his way, with a history of bullying. More like a fucken spoiled brat. Leon: I can see it. Derek: I bet the main job really for you Mason, is to make sure Xander's okay, as he seems to be the money maker. But you're going to fail that job. See Mason, all you are is nothing more than a near seven foot tall pile of shit, compared to me or Leon. In fact, let me ask you this? Have you ever served? Have you ever actually been shot at? The short answer is no. Leon: The long answer, you look like somebody who's more interested in appearing tough because most of the talents these days are more like flies, and you like to avoid being bossed around. Yeah, I don't either, but I'm more than likely to add another body to this desert, over just simply tel them to 'fuck off, mate'! Derek: HA!. Nice accent. Leon: Thanks, though it really was no effort. Derek: True. But I wonder Mason...Would you have been able to survive in the army? Coming from experience, I can say that you would not. You would have been beaten to a pulp for your shit. I know that if you were under my command, my foot would be so far up your ass, you'd be choking on my shoelaces. Nevermind what any other officer would do to you. Of course then you would have to deal with your peers, and they won't stand for that shit. You’d be hazed and humiliated so hard, you'd be nothing more than a giant, broken ass bitch. Leon: In otherwords, Derek's telling you what your future will be. Derek: As some have said, size isn't everything. We may not be as heavy as you are, but what does it matter when we could easily bench your weight. Leon and I don't have to team u to take you down. We might purely because this is a tag team match, but that's just us indulging on flesh. Leon: Is this going to be a first for you Hurst? Facing off against two of the most truly sadistic, twisted, violent sumbitches that the world has ever seen? For once, there are two people who individually, can and will put you in your place. You can't out-wit us. You can't negotiate with us. You can't out power us. Derek: You can't outrun us either. You can't stop the ass kicking that you've needed all your pathetic life. When your funeral comes around after Reindeer Games, you better hope that your casket is open, and all your victims show up to spit on your face. Leon: You're going to need all that spit. Derek: Yes. I can tell that my associate here, will make sure that you really will need the spit, as I'm sure Leon will find the right spike to shove up your ass, so he can have you mounted where everyone can see. So think of what's going to happen in this upcoming match as a sample of what's heading your way. There's no escape for you or anyone, and we'll both be more than happy to ragdoll you around. Derek fires the gun. The bullet hits ans shatters the glass, causing the red liquid in Mason's glass to burst out everywhere. Derek hands the gun back to Leon. Leon: I wouldn't be surprised if we were to be compared against each other. Difference between me and you Mason, you bully and beat people up, because it's the only way to keep your confidence up. When I do so, I literally get off on inflicting the maximum amount of harm, and can tank it whenever somebody tries to inflict the same amount towards me. Leon cranks the barrel, reading up another shot. This time, it's for the shaving cream with the silhouette. Derek: No doubt, I've seen it in action. However, what's the last target for Leon? Leon: Think of it as anyone. Anyone who tries to stop us, will wind up like them. So to the rest of AWS, from the janitor to the owner, this your fate! Leon fires at the last target. It hits, and shaving cream explode everywhere. Derek: We'll treat you with the same respect as a two cent hooker. A giant mess, with an epic money shot. No deposit, no return. Leon: That all you had? Derek: No, just the first thing that came to mind. Leon chuckled, as he emptied the rest of the bullets from the barrel. He went over to the car, and put away the revolver and bullet box, only to then bring out a jerry-can full of gasoline. He then pours it on the table and shot targets. Leon: All that said, it's time to fully welcome AWS to Hell. You all have no choice but to enjoy it! Leon takes out a matchbook, and hands it to Derek. He takes a match out, sparks the match up, before he lit the matchbook on fire. He then dropped it on the table, setting it and all the content on and around it on fire. Leon: Reindeer Games, Christmas day. The next and best era of AWS is about to begin. We're going to make you wish we had just stayed gone. Derek: Everyone better tune on in. Leon: When we're done, you'll barely recognize what you all have become. Derek: Oh this is going to be fun! Both Leon and Derek both have a bone chilling grin on their faces, with the fire and night sky making the image look even more unsettling. It's the last image that is shows, as the camera fades to black.
Scum Of The Earth
Team Name: Scum Of The Earth Team Members: Leon Roberts and Derek Wellings Combined Weights: 555 pounds Disposition/Alignment: Heel Favorite Match: Hardcore (specifically ones involving glass) Least Favorite Match: Anything on a pole Favorite Weapon(s): Industrial chains Fighting Styles: Powerhouse/technical brawler Similar to Team: Legion Of Doom/Dudley Boys Gimmick Description: Two big guys who love to beat people up (because they can) Entrance Theme Song: Scum Of The Earth – Rob Zombie YouTube Link: Entrance Description: The lights begin the flicker as Scum Of The Earth begins to play SCUM OF THE EARTH!, C'mon! Sparks explode from the stage, as Leon Roberts and Derek Wellings appear, accompanied by Monica Roberts. Leon raises the devil horns with one hand, while Derek takes off his shirt and tosses it into the crowd.. They then begin to head down the ramp, while the audience boos them. Yeah Run and kill Destroy the will A hero that doesn't exist Yeah Smoking gun Well I am the one A bullet hole In your fist Yeah When they reach the ring, Monica hops up onto the ring apron, leaning against the ropes, with both Leon and Derek using the steel steps to enter the ring. Hey, I'm breathing Hey, I'm bleeding Hey, I'm screaming Scum of the earth Come on Hey, I'm breathing Hey, I'm bleeding Hey, I'm screaming Scum of the earth Come on Both Leon and Derek climb the corners. Leon raises the devil horns with both hands this time, while Derek raises one fist into the air. Signature Moves: Double Suplex, Double Clothseline, Double Big Boot Finishing Moves: -Total Elimination -Fallout Bomb (Double Last Ride) Sub Finishers: Double Chokeslam, Spiked Piledriver Brief Biography: Derek Wellings and Leon Roberts have known each other on and off during the last 15-18 years, as they have been part of different companies at the same time. However, they never had the chance to actually compete, with or against each other. They always had a mutual respect for each other's chaotic nature towards life. They decided that in Asylum Wrestling Society, they will team up to do what they want, and to whomever they want. Because of that, they are calling themselves the Scum Of The Earth. With that, they are hell bent on breaking rules, bones, hearts and spirits. Extra information that you want the commentators to mention? Every chance that Leon and Derek tried to work together, something happens. This effect alaong with them both having an affinity for violence has dubbed a potential match between them as a 'Nightmare' match, instead of a dream match.
Monica Roberts
Manager Name: Monica Roberts Client List: Leon Roberts Disposition/Alignment: HEEL Picture Base: Audrey Bitoni Similar to Manager: Sherri Martel/Melina/Scarlett Brodeaux Gimmick Description: The Devil's wife Entrance Theme Song: So Hott – Kid Rock YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNdI6Re4rGk Entrance Description (only if she has something to say, like an announcement. Otherwise, she enters with Leon Roberts): So Hott by Kid Rock begins to play. Once the guitar hits, Monica Roberts appears, and begins to walk to the stage You got a body like the devil, and you smell like sex. Well I can tell you're trouble, but I'm still obsessed. Brief Biography: Life wasn't easy for The Devil's Wife Monica Roberts. Born in a small town in New Brusnwick, Monica Roberts was orphaned at 12 years old, when her father killed her mother, trying to protect her daughter from being raped by her father. Monica then killed Her father, and then moved to Toronto, to live with her aunt. She underwent therapy for at least three years, and began to use martial arts to vent her fustrations. When she went to high school, Monica would meet Leon, though they never did progress through the friendship phase, until after Leon was near fatally wounded. It was when she heard that news, she made sure to check up on him every day. Eventually, the two began to date, having grown closer durng Leon's recovery, and learning about his own disdain of certain peole. As they dated, She began to embrace chaos, as she understood that chaos and destruction was not only fun, but absolutely needed. When she was 17, Leon would impregnate her with their eldest child, Liberty. Later, she would give birth to triplets (Jake, Anthony, and Courtney) In the years between Leon wrestling, Monica would become an alternative lifestyle model, while also teaching martial arts. Extra information that you want the commentators to mention? - Met Leon when they were both 15, a couple months before he got shot 12 times. She stayed by his side through his recovery. - Practices and teaches Martial arts, specifically jiu jutsu, kickboxing, and Krav Magua - Absolutely hates pedophilia, and will not hesitate to kill one. - Is an 'alternative' lifestyle model.
Chad West vs. Leon Roberts
We open up to see a studio esque room, that has a few macabre pictures in the background. Two individuals are present. On the right, is one of the newest additions to the Asylum Wrestling Society roster, Leon Roberts. A tall and very well built wrestler, sporting a pair of black slacks and a possible Deadpool hoodie. Opposite of him was his twenty one year old daughter, Liberty. Liberty: And we are rolling. Welcome everyone to the Hell's Bells podcast. It's the hostess with the mostess, Liberty Roberts. Leon couldn't help but chuckle as Liberty was introducing herself, as he knew exactly where that introduction came from. Liberty: Joining us today, is one of the most intentionally dangerous individuals to ever walk this godforsaken planet. A wrestler who's got a true appetite for chaos, and most importantly, my dad. This is The Devil's Titan, Leon Roberts. Leon smiled, and nodded towards the camera while he was being introduced. Leon: Thank you Lib, but you forgot a couple bits in that intro. Liberty: Yeah, for good reason. I'm not saying that stuff about my old man, thank you very much. Leon: Heh. Oh well. Everyone will know soon enough. Liberty: That they will, because we have some awesome news to share. Of course, since it's really your news dad, you can take it from here. Leon: Eh, sure thing. Ladies and gentlemen. The rumours are true. I officially have, the world's girthiest pe- Liberty: -DAAAAAAD! Leon couldn't help but burst out laughing at Liberty's reaction towards what he was about to finish saying. He then reached into one of the pockets on his hoodie to pull out a torch lighter, and a cigar. Liberty sighed, and passed him over an ashtray as he lit up his cigar. Liberty:....Just.....FOCUS! Leon lit his cigar up, and took a few puffs of it, before nodding in agreement. Leon: Yeah, yeah. As I was saying...There has been some rumours floating around about me, namely what I'm going to be doing soon. I am here to answer them. Yes, after what seems to be an eternity, The Devil's Titan will be returning to televised wrestling. I will be wrestling for none other that Asylum Wrestling Society. And it's going to be one helluva time, know what I'm saying? Liberty: Well, I certainly do dad. However dad, we know time waits for nobody, and thus some people may have forgotten about you, or what you're capable of. So, why don't you share some of your career highlights? Leon: Highlights? Dunno if you would call them that in a traditional sense. Stories, moments, memories, oh most definitely. Liberty: Yeah, I can attest to them. That being said, is there anything worth mentioning? Leon scoffs for a moment, before taking a long puff from his cigar. He exhaled through his nose, away from Liberty. Leon: Actually, I should mention that I do more than promise mayhem and violence. I live it. Always have, always will. And a perfect example of that would be right at the start of my career. Liberty: I see. If I recall, was that for GWC? Leon: Bingo. Liberty: I think I know this one. Wasn't it against that....Warner dude? I don't remember his full name. Leon: Not worth the effort to. Liberty: Right. But, weren't you accused of being to dangerously close to giving him a stinger? Leon: That I did. Liberty: Let me guess. He pissed you off? Leon chuckled. He then took another long puff of his cigar, before exhaling through his nose again. Leon: Believe it or not, it was only part of the reason. See, facing him was an opportunity. An opportunity to send the message, that I wasn't going to be just another wrestler, going through the motions and to pay my dues. I had that shit paid off before I even began training. Liberty: Oh right, the attempt on your life. Leon: Correct. I mean anyone who survives multiple gunshots, has the right to brag and live large, doing whatever the fuck they please. I survived twelve gunshot woulds in a single shooting, because clearly somebody wanted me dead. I said fuck that, I'm not going to die. The bitch who tried would soon learn, that was a bad idea. Of course he never learned from it, know what I mean? Liberty: Yeah, yeah. I know. Leon: But back to GWC and all that. I wanted to hurt the guy in some way, because he was a former world champion in GWC. So that meant I had an opportunity to show everyone, just how serious, and how ambitious I was, and even today, still can be. Also didn't help his case that he was one who tried to work things in his favour, and often and very annoyingly, preached about being straightedge. So yes, my first feud, I nearly ended the guy. He talked shit, I talked some. He might have scored the victory, but my claws were deep into him. So much so I left a scar on his soul, and essentially turned him into a drug addict. Liberty: DAMN! Leon: Don't think it won't happen again. It will. That's a guarantee. Liberty: I bet. If anything, your first opponent should be taking that as a warning. Both Leon and Liberty chuckled at that statement. Liberty: Well dad, I realize that you're actually a bit busy, so I won't take up much more time. That being said, anything else you'd like to add? Leon: Well now that I think about it, since I'm here, I got some shit I want to say. Chad West, I hope you're listening. Leon re-positions himself so that he is directly looking at the camera. He takes another puff of his cigar, before clearing his throat. Leon: Chad West. Another lifer when it comes to wrestling. About the only thing we have in common, and I might be able to respect. Beyond all that, we really could not be more opposite. Leon places his cigar onto an ashtray he kept nearby, before brushing his hair out of his face. Leon: From what I've gathered about you, is that you want to be the very best. Like no one ever was! Liberty: Wait. Did you just use your opponent to quote the opening line of the first Pokemon theme? Leon: Damn straight I did. I mean....What else could I say for somebody who's pretty much the definition of basic bitch? At that statement Liberty could not contain her laughter Leon: Hehe. As I was saying though about Chad wanting to be the best. Big fucken whoop! That's just basic human ego at play. How often did you actually prove that? Doesn't matter. What matters, is what happens when you step into that ring. Come our match on Monday Night Ward, you're going to be in for one really awful time. See, I'm not here just to win. That part comes naturally. I'm here in Asylum Wrestling Society, to sink my teeth into flesh. To feel and hear the cracking of bones. To see those who think they are brave enough to endure hell, squirm and cower when they realize just how badly fucked they are. That is exactly what will be happening to you Chad, and there's no way out of it for you. Leon's face begins to show the more unhinged side of him. Yet he still was about to keep his composure. This made him appear alot more intimidating than what he was like before. Leon: There is nothing...And I do mean nothing...That your lanky ass can do about what's coming for you. I bet you're likely thinking 'I've seen this crap a million times before. How hard can it be?' Well Chad, if you weren't paying attention when I was talking about with Liberty before, maybe I should spell it out for you. I have always been around violence. I was moulded by it. Elevated by it. Twelve bullets couldn't kill me. Nothing ever will. Now don't get me wrong Chad, I know better than to underestimate somebody. Such a mistake can be costly. Especially if they become desperate enough to do something stupid. I also know that you're not shy against a elevated level of violence. In fact, I do believe that a good part of your career, you were balls deep into the good shit. The violent, never yielding, and always entertaining, hardcore shit. I especially wouldn't blame you if you're going to say or think that will be more than enough to defeat me. To bad for you, I'm not like anyone else you've faced. Matter of fact, I want you to sink deep into a bloody rage. I want you to gather all your hate and sadism you've ever felt in your inconsequential life, and focus it all on me. Hell, if you bore me enough, I might just find some way to light your ass up! Something for that situation seems like it could be much closer than one thinks, eh Chad? Once you're don't showing me how violent you can be, I will then personally show you just how laughably pathetic it truly is, compared to me. For you will try to show is everything you got. To me, it's equivalent to a Tuesday. Leon began to chuckle. As he did that, he reached for his cigar. He took another long drag of the cigar, before exhaling. Leon: Once I'm done with your abysmal attempt to gate-keep me Chad, it's going to be very clear about what lies ahead of Asylum Wrestling Society. A road ahead that will be littered with broken bodies, with the never ending echoes of broken dreams. Because here's a little bit of truth everyone needs to understand. I didn't sign to Asylum Wrestling Society. Asylum Wrestling Society signed to me. That means that you're all in my world now, and I'm going to do as I damn well please. Because I'm not here to cater to a bunch of pussy-ass snowflakes! I'm here to do as what any good conqueror does, and that's continue to conquer, and crush all opposition. The cherry on top of it all, is that I'm not alone. Liberty: You're talking about Derek Wellings, correct? Leon: Indeed I am. Once we're done busting down the door to this place, using our opponents as battering rams, we're not going to stop. Spoiler alert, you're looking at the future tag champs, yet that will only be one of many things we will do here in Asylum Wrestling Society. So with all that said Chad, are you ready for what could very well be the last day you're able to walk? Because by the end of Monday Night Ward, everyone will always have one hundred percent reason to remember the Devil's Titan. Simply put, by standing across from me, means only one simple thing. Death...Awaits you! Leon gave the camera a look of pure bloodlust. He would then take one last puff of his cigar. As he exhaled the smoke the camera would fade to black.
'The Devil's Titan' Leon Roberts
Picture Base Description: Lance archer, with black base hair, crimson ponytail, vertical scar over left eye, 12 bullet wound scars (3 on left arm, 2 on left leg, 1 on right leg, 1 on upper left chest, 2 on back, three on right arm), with various demonic tattoos that cover arms. Entrance/Backstage Gear: Black leather sleeveless trenchcoat with spikes. Black pants with back boots (with flames). Black elbow pads with pentagrams. Black fingerless biker gloves. Ring gear: Same as above, without coat Ring Name: Leon Roberts Real Name: Leon Roberts Also Known As: The Devil's Titan Disposition/Alignment: HEEL Hometown: Toronto Ontario Canada Gender: Male Height: 6 feet 8 inches Weight: 262 LBS Age: 39 Birthdate: March 17 1985 Favorite Match: Cage/Hell in a cell Least Favorite Match: 'insert maguffin object here' on a pole Favorite Weapon(s): Steel chain Fighting Styles: Striker, Power technical Similar to Wrestler: Gunther Gimmick Description: Chaotic, egotistical zero fucks to give, monster Entrance Theme Song: The Triumph of King Freak – Rob Zombie YouTube Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCq_oXLSHI0 Entrance Description: The lights immediately fade to black. The demons hate you! The demons hate you! The demons hate you! As the music begins, red fog is seen rising from the stage. Leon Roberts rises up from below the stage, with his wife Monica standing right beside him. When the music stops, He raises his head, and laughs like a madman, while raising the devil horns. King freak gathering the brains of hyenas. King freak drinking blood in the arena. King freak taste the vectors of disease. King freak destroy you while you’re on your knees. Leon and Monica begin to head down to the ring. Leon taunts some of the fans on his way. We ain’t your execution. We ain’t your head pollution. We ain’t your flock of sheep. We ain’t your minds to read. Leon reaches the ring, and walks up to the apron, where he stick is tongue out with an evil smile, and raises both devil horns, This is followed immediately with pyro bursts from the corners. King freak circling a legion of doom. King freak exploding from a sonic boom. King freak ringing your cathedral bells. King freak calling from the mouth of hell. Basic Moves: -Hip Toss -Gorilla Press Slam. -Scoop Slam -Sidewalk Slam -Clothesline (various) -Boot Choke -Full Nelson(slam) -Atomic Drop -Big Boot -DDT (Various) -Pumphandle slam -Fallaway Slam -Knee Strikes (various) -Running Knee Smash -Guillotine Leg Drop -Hanging Vertical Suplex -German Suplex Signature Moves: Chokeslam, Curb Stomp Finishing Moves: Main Finisher: Chaos Crash -Description: Powerbomb Cutter (Leon will raise the devil horns before lifting the opponent) Secondary Finisher: Soul Eater -Description: Leon wraps opponent into a cobra clutch, then brings down to mat (on the side, not back), where he wraps legs around opponents torso, and squeezes torso with the clutch still applied Attribute Stats: 50 Total Available Points Strength: 8 Speed: 6.5 Agility: 4 High Flying: 2.5 Brawling: 6 Technical: 7.5 Intelligence: 7.5 Stamina: 8 Brief Biography: Having grown up in semi-poverty, Leon grew up tough, and eventually got into some gang violence, which would eventually lead to him being shot 12 times when he was 15. But he survived it, and only grew stronger. But his experiences made him see the world as it was, which of course is a cesspool of hypocrisy and general crap. And with the guidance of the devil (or so he says), he has embraced violence, and has left a long trail of blood in his wake. But it wasn't just Leon who went down the path as he would be joined by his little sister, Lacey Roberts. After his recovery, he was trained by his father (80's and early 90's wrestler) Randy Roberts. He has also been married for 18 years to his wife Monica, with 4 kids, ages 21 (daughter Liberty) and 17 (2 sons and 1 daughter, Jacob, Anthony, and Courtney). He's best friends with a pimp wrestler that goes by the name Silver Baron. Extra information that you want the commentators to mention? That Leon has survived being shot 12 times, which only pissed him off. He is a father to 4 (currently). Rumored to have offed somebody. Said to have at least a dozen sex tapes on the net with him and his wife. Career accomplishments: 1x GWC Underground champion 1x GWC TV Champion 1x GWX Ultimate Champion 1x Enigmar/Apocalytic Enigmar Wrestling World Heavyweight champion (1st/longest) 1x MWE Tag team champion 1x MWE US Champion 1x UUW heavyweight champion (1st) 1x GWE world champion (1st/only) 1x GWE King Of The Ring (tournament used to decide inagural champion)
Leon Roberts

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