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Derek Wellings

Tag Team Champions
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  1. [center][i]We find Derek Wellings working out, he's lifting weights with Leon Roberts. The Army Ranger is benching almost 350 lbs as The Devil spots him.[/i] *** Leon Roberts *** Come on! Push it, bitch! Don't give me that grunting, old man! Push yourself! [i]Leon continues mocking Derek seeing that the mockery is forcing Derek to push himself harder. Pained groans fill the air as Derek pushes one last time and Leon helps set him.[/i] *** Leon Roberts *** Third rep of fifteen. Not bad, old man. Not bad. *** Derek Wellings *** Old man? Have you looked in the mirror lately? *** Leon Roberts *** I'm not as old as you, fucker. [i]Derek sits up and wipes sweat off with a gym towel. A loud slap echoes in the gym as Leon laps his tag team partner’s shoulder. Despite having a past of working in several promotions, Derek and Leon have never been partners or even opponents.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** Do you have a point in running me down? If I wanted to hear shit from a spineless bitch, I'd go talk to your dad. *** Leon Roberts *** Fuck you. *** Derek Wellings *** Fuck you. [i]Derek and Leon take long drinks from their Gatorade. The two of them don't speak a moment afterward.[/i] *** Leon Roberts *** Hey Mr. Army Man, you're the one who thrives off negative reinforcement. Did you suddenly forget twenty years of your life? *** Derek Wellings *** Of course, I haven't forgotten about my service. I'm fiercely proud of what I did. But did you skip out on a bill with Silver? *** Leon Roberts *** I don't know, you tell me. *** Derek Wellings *** Oh shit, one of us has a massive bill to pay that includes interest. *** Leon Roberts *** Speaking of which, are you ever going to tell us the context to “Felching”? *** Derek Wellings *** … Why does everyone want to know that? Can't you just come to me sometime and say “Hey Derek, how's the weather” or “Hey Derek, is Wendy going to college?” [i]Leon cracks a devilish smirk. He leans against a wall, as Derek readies a leg press machine. Clanging echoes as Leon puts 500 lbs of weight on for Derek.[/i] *** Leon Roberts *** Hey Derek, is Wendy going to college? [i]Chuckling as he rests pressing 750 lbs of pressure, Derek looks at Leon.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** A little birdy tells me she's interested in wrestling. Why do you ask? *** Leon Roberts *** Coincidentally, Liberty's been talking to Wendy a lot, so I had to ask. *** Derek Wellings *** Oh, piss off! Keep your daughter away from mine. *** Leon Roberts *** You mad, bro? *** Derek Wellings *** Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am mad, not at you, or Liberty, or Wendy. I'm mad at Ace Sky. He's a young man with all the potential in the world, and he's coming for me. I hate to break it in him, I don't swing that way. But if he wants to fight, I'll give him everything and more. We won the tag team titles, we then retained the tag team titles, and now I'm in the Trailblazer Tournament! I crushed TJ Alexander. I destroyed Freddie Roberts. Jake Ryan, Alex Evans, Rogue, Nova, Jonathan Kaos, Adam Kaos, Mason Hurst, AND Xander Croft! I don't have time to worry about small fish like Ace Sky. I'll take him seriously enough to beat his ass and send him back to the shit can, where he belongs. I already have a win over the C4 Division Champion, and once I make Ace Sky tap out or is knocked out, I'll make a special announcement regarding him. I won't say exactly what, but I will say this: I completed this feat when I wrestled for Northern Championship Wrestling and the more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm well traveled, I'm well trained, and I'm well informed. Ace Sky, you're below me. You've always been below me, you will always be below me. I am the Main Event, not Damien Kotich and Brandon Hendrix. It's Ace Sky and “The Airborne Ranger” Derek Wellings, we are the main event. Nothing else matters, just winning... and this. [i]Derek reaches into his gym bag and holds the AWS World Tag Team Championships up with Leon.[/i] ~FIN [/center]
  2. [center] [i]We open to Derek Wellings pollishing the AWS Tag Team Championships. His daughter, Wendy Sato, approaches him from behind. Before she can speak, Derek turns to her with a smile.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** Another tag title to add to my collection. *** Wendy Sato *** It is an impressive tag title collection. [i]Derek stops polishing his tag team title and sets it aside. He stands up and approaches his trophy shelf. With ond hand on his shoulder, Wendy joins him, looking to Derek then to the trophy case.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** Northern Championship Wrestling, Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment, Enigmar Wrestling, Extreme Wrestling Corporation, and now the Asylum Wrestling Society Tag Team Championship. World Tag Team Champion in five promotion, and on a personal note, I'm very happy a real friend took the AWS World Tag Team titles with me. *** Wendy Sato *** Mr. Roberts really was happy. [i]Wendy reaches into her back pocket and hands Derek a letter. There's nothing on the paper but a picture is included: It's Leon, drunk and naked, having joined the Polar Bear Club, the only “article” of clothing is the AWS World Tag Team Championship covering his genitals. An eccentric smile crosses Wendy's face at seeing Derek's reaction.[/i] *** Wendy Sato *** You act like you've never seen him naked.... before. *** Derek Wellings *** I have, It doesn't mean I like seeing him naked. UGH! [i]Derek throws the letter and paper into a trash can. His back rests against a wall as he look and Wendy, then to first Monday Night Ward of 2025. Having already defeated “The Streamers”, Rogue & Nova, among 4 other teams at Reindeer Games 2024. Opening a beer, he tosses the lid into pile of other bottle caps, then looks at his daughter.[/i] *** Wendy Sato *** So why did- *** Derek Wellings *** I'm not talking about it. I rather visit his brother-in-law, again. *** Wendy Sato *** You never did tell me what the context to “Felching” is. *** Derek Wellings *** … You're probably wondering why I'm still fawning over my previous accomplishments. *** Wendy Sato *** Not really. *** Derek Wellings *** As you've seen, I'm one of the highest decorated athletes in AWS. Ten men found out there is a difference between Strong and Army Strong. I. AM. Army Strong, by association, so is Leon Roberts. Every promotion I've wrestled in, I've won championship gold. Center of Attention doubted me and I proved them wrong. Doubters find out the hard way, don't they? We put a man through a pile of chairs before we further brutalized him. Why did we do it? Because he was there. Now, where is Xander Croft? Where is Mason Hunt? [i]Derek spreads his arms, eyes wide, and circles the room. Wendy thinks a moment, and is about to answer when Derek leans into her face.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** Licking their wounds. Center of Attention and now The Streamers will be licking their wounds for a long time. Will we see Center of Attention again? Probably, they don't know any better. But me and Leon are going to show Rogue and Nova the same leve of violence that you'd see with one bitch and nine puppies. *** Wendy Sato *** I don't know what that is. [i]Derek realizes his faux pas, but, he recovers after setting his beer aside. One of his hands on Wendy's shoulders. The one thing in his life Derek has managed to not screw up with yet. Wendy look at his hand, then at him.[/i] *** Wendy Sato *** Is something wrong, Derek? *** Derek Wellings *** No. Actually, I do have something to say. I've been wrestling 18 years now. I just won tag titles with a real friend, someone who I can count on. I've also defeated the C4 Division Champion in a non-title bout, if he was of good stock, I'd take that title from him too. But alas, Xander Croft holds onto the C4 Division Championship for a while longer. This week, Rogue and Nova want to use their rematch clause, that's fine. I'll entertain them. Leon will entertain them. We just walked away from a Seasons Beatings match against eight other men. The threat posed by Center of Attention, Jack Ryan & Alex Evans, The Khaos Twins, and The Streamers was minimal. AT BEST. I'm not going to give Rogue and Nova, the Streamers, the benefit of the doubt. Me and Leon are walking into Monday Night Ward as AWS World Tag Team Champions, we're walking out as AWS World Tag Team Champions. ~FIN [/center]
  3. XHW is that Xtreme Hardcore Wrestling? I remember trying to affiliate with it back when I was running GWE & helping run EWC.
  4. is AWS your only place or do you play elsewhere still? Currently, I don’t play elsewhere. I’m planning on retiring this character here. Too many thin-skinned babies trying to be bosses.
  5. [center][i]Derek Wellings stands before the Statue of Liberty. He looks up at it, his daughter Wendy next to him looking up at the statue. Then towards him.[/i] *** Wendy Sato *** Why are you so focused on the stuate? *** Derek Wellings *** I served the United States Army for twenty years as an Airborne Ranger. I've seen battles throughout the 80s and 90s. Now I'm enjoying what I fiercely and proudly defended. [i]Turning around calmly, Derek walks over to Wendy. She's a young Japanese woman in her early 20s. Almost a decade ago he found her on the streets of Detroit after his wife's death.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** Do you remember the day I found you? *** Wendy Sato *** Yeah, it was winter and I was trying to get left or bad food form a restaurant. Why? *** Derek Wellings *** That was two weeks after my wife's death, days after her funeral. We were getting ready to divorce and I found out I'd owe her $4,000 a week in alimony. [i]Wendy gives Derek the most surprised look a human can possibly give.[/i] *** Wendy Sato *** FUCK ME RUNNING! DID YOU SAY FOUR THOUSAND A WEEK!? *** Derek Wellings *** Yeah, I did. Sadly, she was killed at a restaurant we tried to reconsile at. I've recovered. *** Wendy Sato *** It is nice to not hear you up all night, fixing or making something, to fill that void. [i]Although it's taken several minutes, Wendy has calmed down and stands with Derek. He smiles at a scenic view of New York City.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** Yes, filling the void of emptiness is destructive. Filling it with women or drugs or alcohol, all destroy your mental and physical wellbeing. But victory, VICTORY, fills it so much better. [i]He turn turns to Wendy. She smiles back as Derek looks and feels better.[/i] *** Derek Wellings *** I am on a roll. Leon Roberts is on a roll. We're hitting the ground running here in AWS, neither one of us has lost a match. Now we're given a tag team title shot at AWS Reindeer Games. Five teams, one match for the titles. This is going to be an easy win for me and Leon. [I] Wendy looks up at her adoptive father. He looks at her, then back at the Statue of Liberty.[/i] *** Wendy Sato *** I thought you and Leon hated each other? *** Derek Wellings *** Who would have thought how much two men can get accomplished with a shotgun, case of whisky, and the Toronto Zoo. *** Wendy Sato *** Bull shit! *** Derek Wellings *** Yeah, you're right. We were in the great Canadian Wilderness. The brass of AWS knows I'm an undefeated Tag Team Champion in three different promotions that closed their doors or shut down their tag division. Leon Roberts is like genital warts: He might disappear, but he shows up at the worst possible time. The Center of Attention may be the tag team champions, but that will change at Reindeer Games. Not because they're going against four other teams but because they're going against the best of the new teams. The Kaos Twins, the only thing Kaotic about you two is how you got a job. In any other promotion, you two would have been thrown out on your asses, on the street where you belong, with your mothers! The streams, Rogue & Nova, Me and Leon are going to beat you two so harshly, you'll go back to speedrunning Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. I've never met Jake Ryan, outside of a Harrison Ford movie, OR Alex Evans. Five tag teams, five reason to hate each other. Unforunately, only one can win. Reindeer Games, the gold is ours! [i]/Fin[/i] [i]Authors Note: I'm sorry for the rushness of this RP. I had writers block and couldn't think of anything until the last minute. I'll do better next time.[/i] [/center]
  6. [center][i]Derek Wellings stands before his wrestling memorabilia. There are several championships in glass cases, two stand out in front of him. The SFW World Tag Team Championship and MWE World Tag Team Championship. His adopted daughter, Wendy, approaches him from behind. She's a young woman of Japanese descent in her 20s.[/i] [color=skyblue]*** Wendy Sato ***[/color] [color=Pink]Derek-san, are you feeling all right? You haven't done much in a few days.[/color] [color=Red]*** Derek Wellings ***[/color] [color=Yellow]I feel better than I did the last two years I was wrestling. Do you know why?[/color] [i]Wendy joins him, sitting in his lazy boy chair. He's still staring at his memorabilia, however, Derek's head slowly turns to this Monday Night Ward's card.[/i] [color=skyblue]*** Wendy Sato ***[/color] [color=Pink]Because you found a reason to live again?[/color] [color=Red]*** Derek Wellings ***[/color] [color=Yellow]Exactly, I quit my two last places in disgust and embarrassment. But Asylum Wrestling Society, who's been after me for several years, openly offered me a chance to set it right. You're damn right I'm taking it. I've worked too hard to fade into nothing and become forgotten. I'm fixing that, and I started with TJ Alexander. Came to the ring, and beat him without much difficulty. If that's the best AWS can offer, then my work is cut out for me. I crushed TJ Alexander, the AWS Global Champion, I don't know how Necra Octavian Kane lost to him, but that's an embarrassment. The quality of a champion is determined by the quality of his opponents. TJ Alexander has no quality, and now that I've beaten him in one-on-one combat, non-title match too! Maybe I should declare I'm coming for his championship? I'll think about it because I have a more worthy and distinguished opponent with Freddie Roberts... a man who stole the family name of my partner in Scum of the Earth. Sorry, Leon but I don't think I can force Freddie to give up the name he stole from you. But what I can do is make a promise, and I promise that I will win this match. I'm going into Reindeer Games with a flawless record, and I plan to leave the War Games at Reindeer Games with a flawless record. “Ravishing” Freddie Roberts is just a minor speed bump. You're a fancy, a true queen of the desert, and that's not going to save you. Me and you BOTH know, I shouldn’t be facing you. I should be facing TJ Alexander again for the AWS Global Championship, not Vin Halstead. Asylum is my chance to finish my career on a high note. And that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to finish on a high night and Freddie, you're going to be one of the many I will have to crush. I said once, and I'll say it again: One Man's Hate Leads To Another Man's Fate. See you at ward, bucko.[/color] ~Fin [/center]
  7. Derek Wellings changed their profile photo
  8. It's late 2024, Derek Wellings sits alone in his garage. A light flickering above him. *** Derek Wellings *** It's been over six years since I was last in a ring. Echoes of announcer voices calling various action's Derek been apart. Shadows scroll across the replica championships he's earned. *** Derek Wellings *** I'm only as old as how I feel. And I feel great. Derek quick jumps up and gets to his feet before jumping towards the camera. Finding a second wind him. He lifts the camera up to face him using one hand. *** Derek Wellings *** It would behove me to make a strong statement. Wouldn't it? Derek walk around his garage, camera focused on him the entire time. *** Derek Wellings *** Why make one last journey in the world of wrestling? Why not is the better question. This time I'm not here to be a tourist. It's time to finish the story. The career of “The Airborne Ranger” Derek Wellings must come to a close. No one better to finish it than I! First stop, the AWS Tag Team Championships, my friend Leon “The Devil's Titan” Roberts came with me. This week, we're in singles action. Next week, maybe we go for tag team? Chad West and TJ Alexander are about to find out the hard way. TJ Alexander drew the short stick. You're just a minor road block. My last tour of duty ends next year. Your tour of duty just started, maybe I'll tap you out. Maybe I'll get clean 1, 2, 3 on you. Who know! Who cares? By this time next year, I'm going to hold the AWS Maniac and Pure Championships, at the same time. Me and Leon will also be holding the AWS Tag Team Championships. The years of ring rust come off at Monday Night Ward, TJ Alexander is the inmate who gets rewarded with elctroshock treatment. Best of luck, see you Monday. Derek headbutts the camera as it suddenly cuts to black.
  9. Matches AWS Monday Night Ward 41: VS TJ Alexander @ Monday Night Ward: W - Pinfall AWS AWS Monday Night Ward 42: VS Freddie Roberts @ Monday Night Ward: W - PINFALL AWS Reindeer Games 2024: Scum of the Earth (w/ Leon Roberts) VS Center of Attention (Xander Croft & Mason Hurst) VS Jake Ryan & Alex Evans VS The Kaos Twins (Jonathan & Adam Kaos) VS The Streamers (Rogue & Nova): W - Pinfall AWS Monday Night Ward 43: Scum of the Earth (w/ Leon Roberts) VS The Streamers (Rouge & Nova): W - Pinfall (Leon pinned Nova) UPCOMING… VS Ace Sky @ KORE Assault #1, AWS Trailblazer Tournament Scum of the Earth (W/ Leon Roberts) VS Center of Attention (Mason Hurst & Xavier Croft©) VS Drake Nygma & Orphius Marius @ Monday Night Ward 44
  10. Notable Fueds in AWS POST RESERVED
  11. "The Airborne Ranger" Derek Wellings * Real Name of Wrestler (optional): Derek Wellings * Height: 6'4" * Weight: 280 lbs. * Age: 50+ * Hometown: Detroit, Michigan * Alignment: HEEL * Gender: Male * Previous Career Accomplishments/ Titles Won: [div align="center"]1x SFW World Tag Team Champion 1x Northern Championship Wrestling Extreme Champion 1x Northern Championship Wrestling National TV Champion 4x Northern Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champion 1x Mayhem Wrestling Entertainment World Tag Team Champion 1x Enigmar Wrestling World Internet Champion 1x Enigmar Wrestling World Tag Team Champion 2x Northern Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion 1x Northern Championship Wrestling North American Champion 1x Extreme Wrestling Corporation World Tag Team Champion (August 2013 until Promotion Closed, would later reopen and be stripped) 1x Extreme Wrestling Corporation Combat Champion (June 2016) 1x Extreme Wrestling Corporation Hardcore Champion 1x Future Stars of Wrestling Champion 3/27/16-6/11/16 1x All-Star Wrestling Heavyweight Champion (Jessica Silva version, from Halloween 2016-Promotion Closed) 1x New Blood Pureso Wrestling World Champion (10/21/18-promotion closed) 1x AWS Tag Team Champion w/ Leon Roberts (as Scum of the Earth) 12/25/2024-Present In-Ring Style: power, high fly, brawl Bio: A seasoned in-ring veteran, Derek's career has gone through highs and lows in the US Army, from being an Airborne Ranger in the 101st to wrestling in various promotions. From Supreme Federation of Wrestling to Alpha Pro Wrestling, Derek has been in main events and a curtain jerk. He was an unstoppable force then a jobber and back again. With his wife deceased in a senseless shooting in 2015, Derek's managed to recollect his life with a child he's adopted... Or kidnapped depending on one's point of view on the law, he returns for one last run, one last attempt at glory. One last attempt to be THE MAN that he was constantly denied from becoming. Attire: black elbow pads, knee pads, tapped wrists, black trunks with WELLINGS written on the butt, black combat boots. Theme song: "Strike Back" by The Kira Justice ("Strike Back" by Back ON ONLY in Japan) Pic Base: Jason Statham Favorite Match: Tag Team & Hardcore-type Least Favorite Match: Rumbles/Battle Royals Similiar to Wrestler: Mike Awesome [video src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsA9qI15wi0"][/video] [i]”Strike Back” by Kira Justice plays loudly and Derek Wellings walks out. The fans boo him loudly as they look at the Airborne Ranger. Derek takes the AWS hat off and throws it into the audience, he clenches his fists and throws them up in the air. A black and gold pyro sparkler pyro rises up from behind him, Derek takes several steps forward before throwing his fist down to have a bright white pyro explode behind him. He runs towards the ring, jumps as he nears it, and rolls in between the middle and bottom ropes, before taking a knee and throwing his clenched left fist up. He looks at several people in the audience, taking his shirt off he tosses it into the crowd. The Airborne Ranger closes his eyes and absorbs the atmosphere for a moment before he jumps off the turnbuckle. Then crotches down in the corner, waiting for his opponent.[/i]* History: From highs and lows, main eventing, and curtain jerking, Derek has seen it all. From coast to coast, country and international, Derek has competed in professional wrestling events. A former US Army Ranger, Derek looks to keep his career alive in a passion of his. Frequently Used Moves: Splash Bulldog Toe Kick Big Boot Hip Toss Eye Rake Superplex Powerslam School Boy Elbow Drop Cross Body Scoop Slam Lungblower Clothesline Full Nelson Half Nelson Atomic Drop Diving Spear Torture Rack Samoan Drop Half Nelson Slam Flying Crossbody Sling Shot Splash Shotgun Dropkick German Suplex Pin Corner Power Bomb Springboard Splash Inverted Atomic Drop Top Rope Hurricarana Springboard Dropkick Flying Shoulder Tackle Springboard Drop Kick Gutwrench Powerbomb Springboard Elbow Drop Side Belly-to-belly Suplex Overhead Belly-to-back suplex Single/Multiple German Suplex Overhead Belly-to-belly Suplex Code Breaker (Reverse Lungblower) Three Amigos/Triple Vertical Suplex The Perfectplex (Fishermans' Suplex) * Trademark Move (name and description): 1.) Dragonkick (Double Roundhouse Kick) 2.) Basic Training (Scoop Slam into Reverse DDT) 5-10 Favorite Moves (extra trademark moves): 1.) Spear 2.) Chokeslam 3.) Rear Naked Choke 4.) Airplane Spin 5.) Full Nelson Slam 6.) Sharpshooter Finishers (1)Name: Army Strong (1)Description: Running On Shoulder Powerbomb/Awesome Bomb (2)Name: Advanced Training (2)Description: Triple Powerbomb into F-5 * Weapon (optional, name of weapon most commonly used): Steel Chair/Chain Strength: 8 Speed: 6 Agility: 7 High Flying: 7 Brawling: 5 Technical: 3 Intelligence: 6 Stamina: 8

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