Everything posted by Vin Halsted
AWS Monday Night Ward XLIII
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 5: Fade In, Fade Out ::As Halsted walks out of the AWS cage, he shakes his head and shrugs. He points out into the AWE Universe then puts his hand out for a microphone while signaling for the backstage crew to cut the final playout music. The crowd is shocked by this, and the arena is completely silent.:: Halsted: This is one thing I never do because it’s the most uncreative thing a talent can do but there’s no better place to do this here and now. I want to talk about me, the real Vin, and not the character all of you have either loved or hated. I want to talk about the guy who loves this business and the guy who has done anything and everything to make it a better place for everyone in the back. ::Halsted sits down in the middle of the ring, cross-legged.:: Halsted: The one thing I care most about this business is making it fun for everyone, making sure everyone gets a chance, and helping make our stories make sense because this is professional wrestling, and we need to make you care about us. It isn’t about a match; it’s about a story and us telling that story in front of all of you to be invested in us. If we can’t do that, then why are we here and why are you watching us? ::Halsted shrugs and looks around.:: Halsted: I have always wanted to just tell my story and then when it was done, I wanted to move on. I thought I finally found my opportunity this time around in AWS to do that when I met Matt Wilson. We sat down and plotted out an incredible outline for a story that we thought the AWS would love to see unfold. However, the story had expectations that I had to live up to. I had to earn it like how Tom Hanks’s Captain Miller tells Matt Damon’s Private Ryan to do so just before he dies on the bridge. The story was gonna be an epic and my final opus. I was going to climb the ladder in AWS and take the Elite Championship and the Legacy Cup while leading the group of Darkness. Once I did that, I would run with it as best as I could for as long as I could until one of my group members turned on me. I would lose the Elite Championship and the Legacy Cup which would force me to retire because the Legacy Cup Champion has to retire once they lose it. That was our deal as that was why the AWS Legacy Cup was created. Charlie, Matt, Necra, and I all agreed that was our way to finally end our stories the way we wanted to go out. ::Halsted hangs his head.:: Halsted: The plan was to have Halsted come back because I was forced to retire under extenuating circumstances. I would then fight the good fight, put over the next generation and leave the way I was intended to leave. However, one thing we didn’t see happening was Matt’s passing. So, I did the only thing I could do, I changed the story out of respect to Matt. Except, Creative couldn’t get on the same page with me. No matter how hard I tried to shift the story, they kept ignoring what I was doing. First, they sent me home for two months, then they had me “feud” with TJ. I seriously beat him six times in a row, and I know all of you felt the same boredom I did. Then they were just gonna have me float around more while putting TJ in title matches, he didn’t earn. They even gave him the Global Title and I had to stand up for myself and say how that made no sense. How does a guy lose six times only to win one of the top titles afterwards? ::Halsted shakes his head.:: Halsted: So, yeah, I beat him again and took the title that was rightfully mine. I set up the match at Zero Day to be a unification match and told the story to make it a ladder match. I gave the world a New Years’ Eve Championship Celebration and told the story of how the Light led me to that place. My opponent simply gave you a boring backstage segment after he won the AWS Heavyweight Championship. Personally, I thought my story was more compelling but hey I can accept a defeat. However, the rematch was the same result as Zero Day, but I put my blood sweat and tears into my response to his little clipart show. I guess I’m just a relic of a different era. I just don’t think I’m welcomed here nor does the talent in the back need me around to push them to be better. ::Halsted stands up and points to the Matt Wilson Legacy Cup and calls for it to be brought into the ring. The crew guys grab it and bring to Halsted. He hoists it up with his right hand and points to it with his left.:: Halsted: This cup is the meaning of the end for a legend, but I’m not at the end of my road. I’m just at a point where I don’t have a story to tell for my ending but Creative and I just aren’t working out. I need some time away and I’m gonna leave for now. Maybe in time I will find my story-ending and comeback to tell it. ::The crowd continues to be hushed but random gasps are heard throughout the Crow’s Nest.:: Halsted: And for that reason, I’m not ready to do what Matt and I had planned for my final sunset, so with that in mind. I’m gonna just put it right here in the middle of this ring and say this: This isn’t goodbye, it’s just I’ll see you down the road sometime. Until then, there are others back there who are looking to tell their last story and deserve to do so with this as their final goodbye, but you have to EARN it. Nothing is handed out to people just because it’s a new shiny toy and they want it because they haven’t had it yet. Tell the story and make it great, Matt is watching so make him proud. ::Halsted sets the AWS Matt Wilson Legacy Cup in the middle of the ring as the cage rises above. Scene fades to black as Halsted walks out of the Crow’s Nest. He puts up a middle finger and mouths two names of Creative. END SCENE.::
Daron Smythe © vs. Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 5: Every Second Counts ::The scene opens with Halsted putting a note on the GE Cafe 27.8 cu ft. Smart 4-Door French-door Refrigerator in Platinum glass. He walks out and heads down to the Halsted Theater. About ten minutes later, Joe Cranston enters the kitchen with Caden and sees the note. He pulls it down and reads it.:: Cranston: Oh my God… It’s happening!! It’s HAPPENING!! ::Caden looks up at his father with a puzzled look, then shrugs and sits down at the kitchen table to wait for his usual breakfast of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Joe starts running around the kitchen as he rushes to feed his son, then looks around for Mr. Han. Joe spots Mr. Han as he makes his way into the kitchen for a morning coffee.:: Cranston: Mr. Han… Mr. Han…. It’s HAPPENING!! Mr. Han: I will see you in the theater, Master Cranston. ::Mr. Han grabs his morning coffee mug and fills it with Espresso from the Breville Barista Touch Impress Espresso Machine with Grinder. The brown liquid pours from the machine and swirls into his cup then ends with its rich foamy finish. The aroma infiltrates Mr. Han’s nostrils and his eyes slightly widen as a smile appears on his face. He turns and nods to Cranston as he walks out of the kitchen towards the Halsted Theater. He walks into the video room and starts up the audio/visual system for viewing. He finds the video that he’s to show. Meanwhile, Cranston walks into the theater to find Vin Halsted waiting for his friend to arrive. He’s holding the largest tub of popcorn imaginable and it’s in the shape of a bust of the Incredible Hulk. Cranston sees that Halsted has already eaten a good amount of popcorn. Cranston takes a seat next to his long-time friend as he finds an obscenely large, limited edition Captains America cup filled with Coca-Cola and a small amount of ice. Halsted smirks and puts his hand up to let Mr. Han that they were ready to watch. Mr. Han nods and pushes play as the curtain rises. The projector begins to whiz and whir as the video begins to flicker on the screen.:: Cranston: Oh… This is gonna be good!! Halsted: Yeah… we’ll see. ::The film opens with Daron Smyth’s voiceover as he explains the events that led to his decision to walk away from wrestling 12 years ago. Cranston giggles as he reminisces about how he was a fed owner at one time and how he would cause chaos with his talents’ lives just for the good of the show. Halsted leans forward to watch everything Smythe is about to show the world. They watch as the events at the Sportatorium in January 2012 unfold. The two friends gasp at times, giggle at other moments, and sigh heavily while rolling their eyes. The scene ends and Daron Smythe appears to summarize his feelings about how and why he will continue fight through the trauma he’s suffered.:: Cranston: That can’t be it. There’s gotta be more, right? Mr. Han, please tell me there’s more to this captivating movie!! Mr. Han: I’m sorry, Master Cranston, but that’s the end of the film. Halsted: What kind of shit is this? Cranston: I mean… That’s not exactly how I would put it, but I see your point. How is this the guy to lead AWS into the new era? Halsted: I had to really think about that while he walked out of The Crow’s Nest with everything, I worked for the last several months. I thought I did everything right leading up to Day Zero, but I still can’t figure out where I went wrong. I, literally, Put the entire thing in motion as I tried to clean up AWS by sorting things out, staying consistent, following the Light’s direction, and pushing to get fair divisions. I gave the match stipulation, and I made the AWS Universe care about The Light and Vin Halsted. The stage was set, the food was prepared, and all I had to do was climb my last climb. Then, this guy walks in and takes credit for everything. Cranston: Where did he even come from? Halsted: Apparently, he took us from being a guy who didn’t know how to keep his dick in his pants to a guy who quit when he was in his rookie year. Do we really care why or what brought him back, let alone his little temper tantrum when a fed owner messed with one opportunity? Cranston: I don’t get it, at all. This is professional wrestling, and we’re supposed to care. I care even less about this guy than before, so then how did he get one over you? Halsted: I think I’ve come to the realization that Chuckles will always just string me along. Maybe he’ll throw me a bone once in a while just to take it from me in the end. I’m honestly sick and tired of it. He’s strung me along for the last time and his new champion is gonna pay for it. Cranston: What are you thinking about doing,,,,,,,, Vin? Halsted: It’s time to lock him inside with the animal that I have inside of me. This won’t be a simple cage match, though. This will be the ending that I need to either move forward or start to consider an ending for myself. I have bled, sweat, breathed, and lived in this world of professional wrestling for a long time. I never left it under any guises but my own. This is my world and my life and it’s time I showed AWS what lengths I’m willing to take in order to reach the absolute top of the mountain. Cranston: I have been telling you for so many years to make every second count. You have to make every punch, kick, swing, slam, dive, and throw count. You have to push this guy to the very limits and make him bleed buckets to show him and the rest of the roster just who the Hell you are and what it takes to be the Elite Champion that you are. Halsted: He took something that is mine and barely even recognizes that. He’s too busy worrying about who's next and that simply pisses me off to no end. He is not my equal and he sure as Hell isn’t someone above me. I’m gonna make damn sure Chuckles sees just how bad he fucked up by putting this waste of space in the spot he’s in. He doesn’t deserve it and barely does anything a rookie would do. Seriously, post-match interviews, watching old film that no one cares about, and barely spends any time talking about why he is competing or who he’s facing. I’m gonna tear him limb from limb. Cranston: Where in the Book of Light does it say to do that? Halsted: We’re out of the book this time, my friend. I have to go back to a place where I simply shred anyone and everyone who stands in my way. The sands of time keep falling and there’s only so much time for me to do what I was made to do. Cranston: I remember a time when you would be willing to do anything to hold the HHW Championship. You were so brutal that the rest of the guys were asking me not to put them in the ring with you. They would complain about the beating that you would hand out, but the show had to go on. I had to keep booking going to keep putting butts in seats to keep the lights on. Halsted: I had to deal with one guy who did the bare minimum and kept coming back for more but this time it won’t keep coming back around. A statement will be made in The Crow’s Nest. I’m going to spill more blood than ever before and I’m gonna dish out more pain than Daron has ever experienced in his short little career. He seems to think that having a fed owner prey on him was traumatic, then he needs to strap in because that cage will be his final testament of pain. He committed a terrible crime at Zero Day by taking what was mine and I’m gonna make him suffer for that stolen valor. A valor that was mine to take and he stole it from me as I laid on the canvas and watched. He was a paper champion in PWX and he’s a paper champion in AWS. He doesn’t deserve nor did he show anyone that he earned anything anywhere. ::Cranston was immediately reminded about an epic temper tantrum that Al Laiman threw when Halsted finally instead him as HHW Champion.:: Cranston: Do you remember when you beat Al? Halsted: I sure do… He threw a fit and quit that night but at least he had the decency to fight me for the title. Daron cried about the PWX promoter and his sister messing with him to the point where he quit. He's a weak little bitch that's nothing and nobody. He doesn’t even deserve to be sent to Midcard Hell. His reign as Elite Champion will be less notable than Finn Balor as the Universal Champion. I have his hospital bed reserved already, and he’ll spend more time with his jaw wired shut than he will as champion. Cranston: You need to end this before it becomes something more. Maybe it’s time you showed the world the pain. The real pain! Halsted: What do you suggest? Cranston: Do you remember what you did to Ashley Slade when they locked the doors to Twisted Metal? Halsted: I beat her to within an inch of her life as her husband had to just stand outside and watch it happen.: I smashed her face repeatedly with that barbed-wire chair and nearly crippled her when you threw her through the top of the cage onto the plate glass window below. The only reason why she survived was because her husband found a way to pull her out just as I was about to finish her off for good. Daron won’t have that kind of luck, and this will be the end of him. Cranston: I remember that. You showed the world the long-lost Happy Chair, that night!! Maybe you should take it out of storage and bring it to the Crow’s Nest. Halsted: I love that idea… Daron wants to talk about his trauma but maybe it’s time I showed him what trauma really is. Especially considering how he wants to talk about my father’s murder. I’ll do to him that I have pictured myself doing to the man who killed my dad. This time I’ll leave the cage when I see fit. He will be carried out on a gurney. That title was supposed to be mine at Zero Day but now I’m gonna just take it as I planned on doing then. Cranston: That's the Vin I remember. ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Daron Smythe © ~versus~ Vin Halsted ©
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 4 - A Reflection of New Year’s Light ::Scene opens in the Signature Room at the 95th located atop the former John Hancock Center at 875 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The room has been reserved for a small party to watch the fireworks display over Lake Michigan while reigning in the new year. The small group of people who are dressed in their best Ballroom attire walks into the room and they each marvel at the sights of the city. Caden peaks behind his father, Joey Cranston as he seems a little nervous to be so high up. The ladies of Halsted Manor stick together as they peer through the windows while Mr. Han and Vin Halsted smile and look on. A few minutes later the maitre d walks into the dining room to gather everyone at the main table in the center of the Signature Room.:: Maitre D: Welcome everyone to the Signature Room. Thank you for choosing to dine with us on such a special occasion. We have an exclusive menu for each of our special guests. Caden: Even me? Maitre D: Even for you, young sir. ::Caden turns to Joey and mouths “wow”. Joey nods approvingly.:: Scarlett: Alright, everyone gather around for a toast. Vin, the floor is yours. Halsted: Thank you, Scarlett, and thank you to all of you for being here. I wouldn’t be here if it weren't for all of you. Now, I’m standing on top of the world as the AWS Global Heavyweight Champion. ::Everyone gives a soft clap. Halsted nods to everyone and continues.:: Halsted: That’s only part of our celebration because Mr. Han informed me that everyone in the Halsted Manor has been able to experience what the Book of Light has to offer. I’m proud of all you and so happy that all of you have taken this step with me. I think this is the greatest thing to happen to the Halsted Manor and to our family of misfits. ::The small group turns and nods to each other.:: Halsted: With the readings of the Book of Light and the Mystical Hot Tub, we have all been able to experience years of pain fade away and have old injuries repaired. It’s as if we had 20 years of life restored to us. Margot: Maybe 20 for you, Vin. Some of us are younger than you. ::The group chuckle amongst themselves.:: Mr. Han: Well, Miss Margot, I certainly had more than 20 years given back to me because of the Light. ::Mr. Han takes a slow twirl to show off his new younger form to the group.:: Mr. Han: Look… no more grey hair!! ::Halsted smirks and nods to his butler.:: Halsted: Indeed the Light is astoundingly miraculous, my friend. I may have to ask you to step in as my sparring partner once in a while. ::Mr. Han chuckles and waives off Halsted.:: Mr. Han: Oh… I dunno about that, Master Halsted, but you never know. Don't underestimate my sneakiness. ::Mr. Han slowly backs into an unlit part of the dining hall and vanishes.:: Halsted: Absolutely not, Mr. Han. ::Mr. Han reappears behind Halsted and slips a sleeper hold onto him. Halsted begins to struggle for a couple of seconds, then flips Mr. Han onto his back in front of the small group. Mr. Han leaps to his feet and brushes himself off. Everyone claps enthusiastically for Mr. Han. Mr. Han bows to everyone and smiles with pride of his sneakiness, then points back to Halsted.:: Mr. Han: Sneaky… sneaky. Halsted: I’ll give you that one, old man. Anyway, I know we all feel a lot stronger, faster, and… Mr. Han: Sneakier!! Halsted: Absolutely, but we also feel as though weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. The Light came to us in different ways to help us settle the pains we carried from our past. We don’t have any more burdens because the Light took all of that away and cleared the path for us to move forward. ::Everyone claps and nods.:: Halsted: I have gathered all of you here as a way to symbolize our climb that we have taken together this year. I know that some of you had concerns when some idiot mid-carder thought he could destroy our home but rest assured, Mr. Han, Joey, and myself took proper precautions before we laid the plans out to build Halsted Manor due to our experiences in HHW. While that cretin never made it anywhere close to our home, he did destroy one of our decoy homes that were built all over the Chicagoland Area. our home will always be safe, please know that and remember that I will protect each and every one of you who live in or frequent the Halsted Manor. Caden: Even me, Uncle Vin? Halsted: Yes, even you, Caden. If any of you ever need help with anything, I will back you up and take care of whatever is giving you grief. ::Everyone nods and smiles to each other as Halsted continues.:: Halsted: The Light came to me in three sessions as it did for all of you. It showed me my past including having to witness my father being gunned down in his pharmacy to watching Mr. Han assisted my mother move past her grief so that she could raise me and my brothers on her own. She did the best she could and I thank you, Mr. Han for being there every step of the way. However, I was forced to revisit every one of my cruel misdeeds to anyone who stood in my way when I joined the world of professional wrestling. I know, now, that I did some terrible things and said some very cruel things to each locker room I worked out of, but the Light is giving me a second chance to fix those mistakes. The next session showed me my present direction had I stayed in the darkness and not accepted the Light. It showed me that over time, I would have lost each of you one way or another and I just couldn’t bear the thought of that. Finally, the Light showed my future and the future of AWS had I completed the mission of the Darkness. It was bleak and there was nothing left to stand above. Everything was destroyed and there was just pain and misery left. After seeing all of this, I decided that I needed to change. I had to welcome the Light into my heart and start anew. ::Everyone at the table cheers.:: Halsted: My work will never be done and I will spread the Word of Light to any and all who are seeking it as I have become the Enlightened King. You are all of my disciples in the Light. You all have experienced something similar to me and understand all that the Light can provide. I am so proud to call all of you my family and to reign in the new year with you! ::Everyone claps and cheers.:: Halsted: A toast to the Halsted Family and the Year of 2025!! ::Halsted reaches down and lifts the glass of champagne to everyone around the table. Everyone lifts their glasses, while Caden lifts his sparkling cider.:: Halsted Family: CHEERS!!! Halsted: Now that that’s done. I have to focus on the next order of business. I want to thank all of you for keeping me focused on crushing Tiny TJ. A kid who thought he was ready for the big time, but couldn’t step up to the plate. It took six decisive victories and me taking a title he never should have put his hands on to finally send him back to Midcard Hell where he belonged, but now, I have to teach another breacher of Midcard Hell that same lesson. ::Joey nods in approval.:: Cranston: Send them all back, Vin!! Halsted: You’re damn right, Joe. If they don’t want to accept the Light, then I will send them back to the Hell they came from. Daron Smyth is no different than Tiny TJ. Daron Darko can sit in the dark stills of any arena he wants while desperately clutching to the AWS Heavyweight Championship. He is just a placeholder, much like Tiny TJ was, These fools don’t understand the levity of what that they have been cast into. I am the one to lead AWS into Zero Day as the brand new AWS Elite Champion. Tiny TJ was the first stepping stone and Donnie Darko will be the second as I climb the biggest mountain of my career. No one will stand on my way to attaining this new peak of my storied career. Halsted Family: From Darkness to Light, so it has been written, so let it be done!! Halsted: The Light has brought me back and I have climbed every mountain top that has ever been put in my journey. Donnie Darko said that this was the highest climb of his career so I am going to demand Charlie Feigel to make this match a Ladder Match. It can be any type of Ladder Match that AWS desires but I want Chuckles to put my Global Championship and the coveted AWS Heavyweight Championship high above that hellacious ring until one of us is capable of pulling them down and unifying them into the AWS Elite Championship. ::The entire Halsted family and waitstaff gasp at the idea of an AWS Ladder Match.:: Cranston: Are you sure that’s what you want to do, Vin? Halsted: Absolutely, I’m going to put my entire body on the line to sacrifice everything to be the first AWS Elite Champion. This is what the Light has demanded of me and this is what I will do to preserve and spread the Light throughout AWS and the world!! So, let Donnie Darko cut a stupid ass backstage interview promo on me again so that he can see that he has nothing to offer AWS besides the lack of originality. He can keep his little nod to me and stick it up his ass for all I care. He wants to praise me like a chump, then move on to Tiny TJ, the insignificant cockroach I stomped on. Well, go ahead then, he’s making this way too easy for me. I just hope the rest of the AWS Universe takes note and prepares better than these last two because I’ll be the Elite Champion for as long as I hold dear. And Chuckles… I already have a nice spot in The Hall of Halsted to hang the retired AWS Global Championship and the AWS Heavyweight Championship when Zero Day comes to an end. I am your Enlightened King, AWS Universe, now and forever!! All Hail!! Halsted Family: ALL HAIL THE ENLIGHTENED KING OF AWS, KING VIN HALSTED, NOW AND FOREVER!! HAIL!! HAIL!! HAIL!! ::The New Year’s Eve ball drops in the center of Chicago as the fireworks explode around the Signature Room while the Halsted Family continues to cheer and celebrate. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
TJ Alexander vs. Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 3:Hard Lessons of the Light ::Scene opens with Halsted sitting in the Mystic Hot Tub. The healing waters are in full effect while Halsted just leans back and is fully relaxed. Margot walks in while carrying some equipment for their training session.:: Margot: What the Hell are you doing, Vin? Halsted: What does it look like? Margot: I know what it looks like, but you need to get your ass out of there and get to work!! Halsted: Margot, you need to calm down. Everything is going exactly the way the Light has shown me. Margot: Oh, so it told you that you would need to deal with a punk ass thief. Halsted: He’ll get his at Reindeer Games. I have something that I’ve been working on that I’m gonna introduce him to. It’s gonna blow the roof off of the Hammerstein Ballroom. Margot: Is that right? Halsted: Yep. ::Margot looks at Halsted blankly then snorts.:: Margot: Show me. Halsted: I don't think that’s a good idea, Margot. Margot: Oh? Halsted: Yeah… I don’t want to hurt you. Margot: Vin, shut your damn mouth and get in the ring, right now!! ::Halsted stares at Margot and Margot stares back. Halsted nods and slides out of the Mystical Hot Tub. He towels off and puts his gym shorts and t-shirt on. Margot nods and hops into the ring. She stands in the middle of the ring waiting for Halsted. Halsted walks over to the ring steps, wipes his feet before entering the ring and meets her in the middle of the ring. He locks up with her and whips Margot into the corner. He runs as fast as he can, leaps up and lands a brutal Stinger Splash. He holds her up and then lifts her onto his right shoulder while climbing to the top rope. He sets her down on her feet, then hits a glorious Spanish Fly but then positions her into a thunderous DDT finish. Both lay on the mat after the move and Halsted rolls over into a cover. He counts to three then slides off of Margot. Margot is still not moving so he rolls back to check on her. He shakes her and starts talking to her with a concerned tone.:: Halsted: Margot? ::Margot doesn’t respond so Halsted tries a little more assertively.:: Halsted: MARGOT??? ::Still nothing. Halsted jumps to his feet and lifts Margot over his shoulder. He looks at the Mystic Hot Tub and runs over to it. He drops her into the water and seconds later, Margot bursts through the water like a flailing animal. She breathes heavily and looks around in confusion.:: Halsted: Oh thank God!! ::Margot gasping for air and still breathing heavily.:: Margot: What the Hell was that? Halsted: I told you it was dangerous!! Margot: I guess I asked for that. ::Halsted shrugs.:: Halsted: I had a vision from my most recent reading of the Book of Light and that move just came to me. Margot: This is some Book. Halsted: Yes it is. Have you gotten to read it yet? Margot: Not yet. I keep missing out but I heard Angelina talking about it with Mr. Han. Halsted: Oh, so, Angelina read it? Margot: It sounded like she started it. Everyone around here seems like they’re changing for the better. I'm really hoping for my turn, soon. Halsted: You’ll get your chance. Don’t worry. Margot: Looking forward to it, but how did you land that move so perfectly? You haven’t moved like that since your first year in HHW. Halsted: I know… I just closed my eyes and the Light came to me with it. I call it the Chicago Blackout. Margot: Fitting!! Halsted: I thought so, too. It will be even more fitting to end this elongated series with TJ. I won’t even call it a feud because the guy just doesn’t know when to give up and walk away. I mean… I took that title off of him and he still wants more. Margot: He showed everyone that he’s noting but a coward when he ran off with the Global Title. Halsted: Agreed… This is the last time we meet but it will be the beginning of my reign while ushering in the Light that will carry AWS into the new era. TJ was a flash in the pan who never deserved to be in the position he was in. I proved that and now I put an end to him once and for all. This needs to end so that I can go on and take the AWS Heavyweight Championship. Margot: This is everything we ever trained for and it’s time for you to take your rightful place as the greatest of all time. Not just in AWS but in the entire professional wrestling world!! Halsted: The Light will always prevail and I will reign supreme and the Enlightened King for as long as I want. ::Scene fades black. END SCENE.::
Match seven: AWS Global Championship TJ Alexander © Vs Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 2: Let There Be Light (Cont.) ::The first snowfall of the season has arrived. The sky is grey and the wind comes and goes in strong gusts. The trees are bare and the ground is white. Winter has arrived early and the air is freezing cold. A man walks down an empty road in Downtown Chicago as the sun begins to rise over the lakefront. The wind whips through him even though he’s dressed for the weather. He’s wearing a Ralph Lauren men’s black down insulated Overcoat jacket over a blue Chicago Cubs hoodie, dark blue David Britton Buffalo jeans, and black Rockport boots with a Chicago Blackhawks beanie and a pair of Ralph Lauren black leather gloves. The man is Chicago’s own, Vin Halsted and he’s decided to walk around the city to take in the winter views. He walks by Grant Park and reminisces about the time he and a group of friends decided to hop on the L and witness the Bulls Championship Celebration in 1998. Before the Bulls Dynasty, the only championship Halsted remembered was when the ‘85 Bears won Super Bowl XX. Even though it was the last one the Bulls would have, it was the most memorable. They were the winningest team in the history of the NBA at the time and Halsted was always so impressed with how Phil Jackson kept such an unlikely amount of talents together to play at such a level, and then the celebration ended and the team went their separate ways. Chicago didn’t get to enjoy another championship team until 2005 when the White Sox finally ended their drought of 88 years. Halsted isn’t alone, though, as he walks with his long-time friend, Joe Cranston, who is dressed in similar yet less brand-name fashion.:: Halsted: Ya know, Joe. People like to talk about numbers and what they mean. Cranston: I’ve never really given that much thought. I’ve always felt that things happen when the time is right. Halsted: I guess that’s fair, but you didn’t grow up in Chicago. Cranston: What do you mean? Halsted: The people of this city have had to live with the longest droughts in the history of sports. We have endured generations of disappointment and yet we stay loyal. We’ve lived through the driest of droughts in the summer and some of the coldest winters imaginable, but we stay in our hometown vigilantly. We never slump our shoulders or hang our heads. We stand tall and say, “Wait ‘til next year.” Cranston: Is that why you aren’t wearing any Bears gear? Halsted: Eh… We know when to say it and get ready for the next season. Cranston: Ah… hockey season started, right? Halsted: It sure did. We always have another season to fight for and to put our hopes into. Cranston: People need a win at some point. Halsted: Absolutely, but it doesn’t just happen because someone said they wanted a win. It takes time to build a winning team. In order to win, it takes skill, talent, ingenuity, training, patience, learning from more experienced players, patience, mental toughness, studying footage of past games, strategy, creating plays while calling the right plays at the right times, and above all else, persistence. Cranston: So am I your Belichick to your Brady? ::Cranston smirks and chuckles to himself.:: Halsted: I guess you could say that. I definitely brought this city a number of championships to instill pride in me. Cranston: Sure… but that didn’t happen until I found you and put you in a ring. You were just a lowly bouncer on the Southside until I came along. Halsted: Lowly, huh? Cranston: I mean… you had a reputation. I just had to see it for myself. Halsted: Fair enough. Have you gotten to read the Book of Light yet? Cranston: Umm… Which book is that again? Halsted: You’ll know when you find it. Cranston: Mmkay. Halsted: Ya know, this city survived a fire in 1871. Cranston: Wasn’t it started by a cow that kicked over a lantern? Halsted: That’s how the story goes but that fire burned for almost three days killing about three-hundred people and it destroyed most of the city. The survivors stayed and rebuilt the city instead of packing their things and moving West. There are plenty of jokes about people from Chicago but we don’t let that bother us because we stand tall and move forward no matter what life brings us. Cranston: Those are some hard life lessons. Halsted: Persistence, Joe. That’s the key. We get knocked down but we always get back up. I guess that’s why TJ is so persistent about getting away from having to suffer his fourth loss to me. :Cranston looks at his friend sharply.:: Cranston: You say that like it’s already going to happen. Halsted: Well, tell me what has he done to change, to grow, and to improve? Cranston: You know better than me. You know I don’t get involved with your business anymore. Halsted: Well, he still thinks that I’m an old man with weak knees. I think I proved that in our third match just that. Cranston: Oh, I know you did. Halsted: Wait… you just said… Cranston: I may not get involved but I always have an ear to the ground, Vin. Margot tells me everything when you aren’t around. She can’t believe how you’ve been able to rehab and develop yourself like you have never before. She said that you’re bigger, faster, and stronger than ever. Plus, she said that all of your scars, muscle tears, and any other ailments you’ve had over the years have vanished. She said that she’s never seen anything like it and you’re a walking miracle. Halsted: I mean… Cranston: What’s gotten into you? ::Halsted takes a deep breath of cold air.:: Halsted: I think it’s the Light and I think I need to spread it throughout AWS. Cranston: Well, let there be light, then, Vin, but tell me more about the numbers. Halsted: Sure… so, 23 and 49. Cranston: Ok… what about those two numbers? Halsted: Those are the two longest droughts in NHL Stanley Cup history and both are owned by the Chicago Blackhawks. Cranston: Those are definitely long periods of time to wait but aren’t there longer ones? Halsted: Of course… The Chicago Bulls didn’t win an NBA Title until 1991 and they were founded in 1996. Plus, they haven’t won since Krouse and Reinsdorf disbanded the Dynasty in 1998. Cranston: Wow… so 25 years before the first one and 26 years since the last one. Halsted: Sure, but it gets worse. The Chicago Bears didn’t win a Super Bowl until the twentieth season of the Super Bowl Era and they haven’t won since then. Cranston: That was like 39 years ago. Halsted: Oh… it doesn’t end there. The White Sox had an 88 year drought before they won in 2005 and the Cubs suffered for 108 years until they finally snapped their drought in 2016. Cranston: That’s some generational suffering right there. Halsted: It really is, but a new day is dawning in Chicago and it’s time I changed things here. It’s been a couple of years since I stood tall over the AWS Universe and it was short-lived. Cranston: That it was and it’s time you finally stood above them all and showed them the kind of champion you are and have always been. Halsted: That’s exactly what the Book of Light has written in its text. It says that a new dawn is upon us and the Light will shine brighter than ever before with the prophet standing tall. Cranston: I’m gonna have to take a look at this book. ::Halsted stops and turns to his friend.:: Halsted: You really should. It says that the prophet must stand in contention of three trials and unify two worlds. I believe it means that I need to take the Global Title and the AWS Title into my possession. In doing so, I will usher in a new era in AWS, the Era of Light. Cranston: So, I guess TJ is the first to fall. Halsted: Upon his fall, he will be introduced to the Light. It will be up to him how he decides to proceed from there. However, if it’s taken him this long to learn from failing so many times, then maybe he won’t change at all. Cranston: Sucks for him. Halsted: I guess but that’s on him. The next trial will come when I meet the AWS Heavyweight Champion. Cranston: Is that Drake Nygma? Halsted: He has it for now, but the Light tells me someone else may come along before I can stand the next trial. Cranston: You beat him, too, didn’t you? Halsted: He might still be sleeping off a Halsted Hangover but the title wasn’t on the line. Cranston: How is it that you haven’t taken these two titles yet if you’ve beaten both champions already. ::Halsted shrugs.:: Halsted: Eh… I don’t ask questions. I just show up when I’m booked and wreak havoc like I always do. The Book says that I need to be patient and persistent as all things will come to me as the Light has planned for me. Cranston: I say again… Let there be Light!! Halsted: Indeed, brother… my time is near!! ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Match seven: AWS Global Championship TJ Alexander © Vs Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 2: Let There Be Light ::As Halsted walks through the Hall of Halsted, reality sets in and he realizes that he is about to reach the first of his trials in the Light. He looks down the line at all of the world championships that he’s captured over the span of his legendary career. He reminds himself what that feeling is like and he closes his eyes. He lets his mind drift to relive each triumph as he recalls lifting each one above his head in victory after putting down the champion before him. With each flash, Halsted is reminded of the pain and suffering that it took to capture each title. He recalls the reactions of the crowd in attendance. Sometimes he had their support and other times he felt their utter hate for him. The hair on his neck starts to rise as goosebumps run up and down his entire body right before he opens his eyes. A bright light forces him to come back to reality and he realizes that he isn’t alone in the hallway. The feeling comforts and reassures him just as he feels a hand on his shoulder.:: Mr. Han: Master Halsted, are you alright? ::Halsted reassuringly smiles.:: Halsted: I’m fine, Mr. Han. Have you returned from your Call to the Light? Mr. Han: Yes, it really was enlightening. Halsted: The Book has a way of putting everything in perspective, doesn’t it? Mr. Han: That it does, Master Halsted. Halsted: Have the others been able to read the text, yet? Mr. Han: I’m not quite sure. I believe I just returned from my venture into the Light. Halsted: Where is the Book, now? Mr. Han: After I returned to the bench in the Labyrinth, I brought the Book with me when I walked back to the kitchen. I’m afraid that I may have left it there, though. Halsted: I wonder who will pick it up next but I’m excited to see how the Light affects them. I hope everyone here gets to experience all that the Light has to offer them. Mr. Han: It’s a transformative experience. I feel that my eyes are open for the first time in a long time. Halsted: This is a different side of you, Mr. Han. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. Mr. Han: The Light helped me put some things in my past to rest and forced me to come to terms with it. These were things that I thought I long forgot and well before you came into my life. Halsted: Now that seems like something we need to explore more of but not now. I want to sit down with everyone in the Manor once they have all experienced what the Book has to offer. There’s so much to it, but the first reading forces the reader to come to terms with their past. How it does it is a mystery to me for now, but I think we will be able to learn a great deal about it as we each get a chance to explore everything the text has to offer. Mr. Han: I agree… I think each reader will have a unique experience, but we will all be able to help each other as we become more enlightened by what the Book has to offer. Halsted: There are so many questions and answers that we will explore together. We will be able to come to terms with so much and we will be stronger than we have ever been. I, already, feel like a changed and refreshed man with the book in my hand. Have you tried the Hot Tub yet? Mr. Han: I wasn’t sure if I should. Halsted: It will put so much of what you read into perspective. They work together as the Book repairs your mind; the Hot Tub repairs your body. Mr. Han: I’ve noticed a difference in you, Master Halsted, and Margot has said that you are moving like you did when you first met her. I wouldn’t mind if my old back was a little straighter and less stiff. Halsted: Use the Hot Tub, today, Mr. Han. It will fix all of that and more for you. Mr. Han: Thank you, Master Halsted. I’ll do just that. ::Mr. Han nods to Halsted and walks towards the Halsted Fieldhouse. Mr. Han uses the locker room to change and then walks over to the Hot Tub. He climbs in and begins to feel the healing water around him. He sits down, rests his head on the back of the Hot Tub as the water quakes while the mystical blue light begins to illuminate. Meanwhile, Halsted returns to his memories of past championship glories. Margot walks in to remind him that it’s time for another training session.:: Margot: Hey… are you ready, Vin? Halsted: I’m always ready, Margot. What do you have planned today? Margot: Well, I wanted to see if you can do some of your older spots. You used to do more dives and high flying in your early wrestling career. I think it’s time for you to bring those moves back into your repertoire because TJ seems to think that you’re too banged up to execute moves like that. ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: When is this guy gonna learn that he’s just a placeholder for me? Margot: Let’s take it down a notch, Vin. I realize you’re beaten him all four times you two have faced off, but he is younger than you and he’s an excellent highflyer. I want to see if you can match his movements in the ring like you used to do before you had your wars with Charlie and Ashley. Halsted: Those were some brutal matches, but time heals all wounds. Margot: More like the Hot Tub heals all wounds. I barely recognize you as scars have completely faded and you move like you did fifteen to twenty years ago. Now, I realize that you’re almost forty, but I’ve never seen a forty-year-old man lift, run, and move the way you have been moving ever since you first sat in there. Halsted: If the Book has taught me anything, it has taught me that I will experience trials along the way to the absolute top of AWS. Taking the Global Championship from a punk kid is my first trial. It has said that I will be tested by youth and this brash kid is in need of a lesson in the Light. Margot: I know you believe that, but I need to see it for myself. Get in the ring and show me what you can do. ::Halsted nods and climbs into his sparring ring. He starts by running the ropes and bounces back and forth like Bron Breaker. He switches to leaping on and off of the ropes like Rey Fenix. Margot watches on with widened eyes and her jaw dropped.:: Margot: I just don’t understand what’s gotten into you, Vin. This is the best I’ve ever seen you move, and I didn’t even hear one snap or crackle as you moved. How do you feel? Halsted: I feel great, Margot. The Light is making me better in every way. ::Halsted smiles genuinely at Margot as she continues to look shocked.:: Margot: Your tone and demeanor have changed, too, Vin. I think you can face any trial that is thrown at you and absolutely destroy it. Halsted: Nothing is going to stand in my way, Margot. Not a trial of youth, not a ghost from my past, and certainly not time. I’ve been in desperate need of change and the Light is showing me the way. Have you gotten to read the Book yet? Margot: Which book is that? Halsted: The Book of Light. Margot: Is that the one you’ve been going on about? Halsted: Yeah, I think Mr. Han had it last. Margot: I guess I’ll ask him if I can borrow it when he’s done with it. Halsted: He said he left it in the kitchen. Margot: Oh, who knows where it will end up next, then. Halsted: That’s the exciting part! Margot: I’ll take your word for it, Vin, but you need to focus all of this newfound energy in finishing off TJ once and for all. I know he wants to believe that you barely got those previous wins over him and that he’s due for a win. Halsted: The Book of Light says that the Devil always believes he is due, but the Light will always prevail. I’ve shown this heretic four times and yet he still wants to show the AWS Universe that he deserves to hold the Global Title. The youth always want to be right and always wants to have the last laugh but that will be his demise. He may have taken that title from Necra but she knew it was only a matter of time that I would take it from him when she blessed me with The Book of Light and the Hot Tub. She sees the future and she knew this was the path that I was meant to be on. Soon the entire AWS will experience what the Light is all about and let them all be enlightened by their true king. A great unification is coming to AWS, and I am the one to bring it to Light. Margot: Just stay focused, Vin. Everything will come to you if you just stay the course. ::Margot looks at Halsted approvingly and Halsted goes back to work in the Halsted Fieldhouse. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Tj Alexander vs Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 1: Spreading the Light ::As a new day dawns in the Halsted Manor and the light from the Sun peers through the glass windows of the Hall of Halsted, Mr. Han is seen while he takes his morning walkthrough. He waters the plants, tends to the various gardens of the Halsted Labyrinth, and then goes to his favorite bench to do his morning breathing. However, just as he goes to sit down he is distracted by a light emanating from the Halsted Study. He decides to investigate and walks into the Halsted Study to find Vin Halsted asleep with his head down on his desk on top of an open book. Mr. Han walks over and attempts to wake Halsted but he doesn’t even stir. Mr. Han shakes his head and decides to side the book from underneath the sleeping Halsted. He walks back out and sits on his favorite bench, only this time, he begins to read the book from the beginning. A hour passes and Mr. Han is still reading the book. The book has a way of drawing in its readers and engulfing their entire attention that hours pass like seconds as the reader takes every word to heart. Two hours pass, three hours pass, and then Halsted finally wakes up and walks out of the Halsted Study to find Mr. Han still reading the book. He sits down next to him and Mr. Han doesn’t even break his concentration on the book to see Halsted sitting next to him.:: Halsted: So, what do you think about the book? ::Mr. Han continues to read and doesn’t respond to Halsted.:: Halsted: Yeah… that’s how I was when I read it the first time. Mr. Han? ::Mr. Han doesn’t respond. He just keeps reading.:: Halsted: It really pulls you in and doesn’t let go, right? ::Halsted continues to have a one-sided conversation with Mr. Han.:: Halsted: So, ah, what day is it? I feel like I’ve been missing for a few days. All I know is that I decided to read that book and it took hold of me. I couldn’t get out of my chair until I completed a full read-through. Then, I found myself wandering around the Manor as if I were under a spell. I, finally, walked back to the Study and read-through it again two more times while making annotations. There are some really powerful passages to it. What do you think? ::Mr. Han still continues to read and doesn’t respond.:: Halsted: I feel so free now. Like, nothing can hurt me or stop me from spreading the Word of the Light and soon, you’re gonna feel that, to, Mr. Han. I’m, actually, pretty excited for you because I know there are things in your past that you never resolved but never shared with me. That book will put all that away and finally help you move on. The Darkness will never be able to manipulate me or you ever again. :Mr. Han still continues to read and doesn’t respond.:: Halsted: All of the suffering, pain, and despair has been lifted from my soul and it will happen for you too, my friend, once you full accept the Light. This book will teach and guide you to it, but it will be you who has to decide and accept it into your heart. I can already see that you’re on your journey towards the Light so I can only hope that I can continue to build the Way for the others in the Halsted Manor and then in AWS. :Mr. Han still continues to read and doesn’t respond.:: Halsted: Enjoy every word, Mr. Han, I have work to do. :Mr. Han still continues to read and doesn’t respond. Halsted puts his hand on Mr. Han’s shoulder, then stands up from the bench. Halsted walks out of the Labyrinth and meets Margot in the Halsted Fieldhouse for their daily training session.:: Margot: I thought you weren’t gonna show up. Halsted: What do you mean? I never miss a session, Margot. Margot: Vin, you’ve been missing the whole week. No one could find anywhere. Halsted: Well, it sounds like I have to make up for some lost time. ::Margot scoffs and shakes her head. She shows her disdain of her clients when they don’t show up for their scheduled sessions by pushing Halsted as hard as she can. Each time, Halsted rises to her challenges by outdoing everything himself at every station: the sled, jumping blocks, bench press, deadlift, squat, and on wind sprint times on the track. Margot is in utter disbelief as Halsted barely shows signs of tiring. They climb into the ring and begin to spar. She notices that he’s running the ropes faster than he ever has, his dropkicks are higher, and his lifts into each move in his repertoire seem to be done with ease. He does all of this with a smile and without ever having to stop to catch a breath or cramping up. He shows no signs of slowing down, no cramps, or any other type of stalling out from any past wear and tear on his body. Margot stops to catch her breath for the first time during a training session in a long time.:: Margot: Ok… what’s going on with you? Halsted: I don’t know what you mean. Margot: You’ve been on a tear like I’ve never seen before. Halsted: Time off can do a body right, I guess. Margot: No, that’s not it. You’re giving off a different aura, today. You’re doing things I’ve never seen you do and you’re smiling. I’m a little concerned because you need to be ready to take on the new AWS Global Champion. Halsted: And who would that be? Margot: TJ Alexander. Halsted: Wait… how did the guy I put to sleep twice jump the line? Margot: He’s gotten really good, Vin. Don’t underestimate him. Halsted: Really? Margot: Yeah… plus, he’s a lot younger than you. Halsted: Ok… here we go. There have been too many times when I’ve faced a guy who’s a few years younger than me. They always say the same thing, especially when I have to face them more than once. Now, tell me, how many times have I faced this kid. Margot: Twice, already. Halsted: Ok, and what happened each time? Margot: You beat him, but he says that you barely pulled it off and that he’s been studying you ever since then. Halsted: When did he say that??? Margot: Well, you’ve been gone all week and you’ve missed a lot. Halsted: Look, I was waiting to hear from him, but this new champ didn’t bother to show his face. I just figured that he learned his lesson and was taking the coward’s way out. Margot: Nope… He even said that your legs are weak and that’s where he’s gonna attack you. Halsted: What do you think of that after our training session just now? Margot: I had my concerns but I don’t know now. Halsted: Maybe it’s because of the Book. Margot: Wait… are you telling me that you’ve been ditching our training sessions and somehow you’re moving better than ever because of a book? Halsted: Umm… I guess so. Margot: Vin, listen to me. I know you’ve been going through some things so I haven’t really been pushing you lately, but you were gone for a while. We were all freaking out. We looked everywhere for you and you were nowhere to be found. Now, you’re saying that it was because of a book? Halsted: I guess so. Margot: Haven’t we done this before? Halsted: It’s a really good book. Han’s reading it now! Margot: Oh boy… is he ok? Halsted: Of course he is! Margot: Alright… tell me about the book while we heal up in the Hot Tub. Halsted: That’s a great idea. I feel so… Enlightened, and I want to share that feeling with you and everyone else, anyone willing to listen, really. ::Halsted and Margot climb into the Mystical Hot Tub on separate sides and lean back against its walls while the mystical blue water heals their bodies from the latest training session. Margot was especially in need of the healing waters but Halsted was in need of a different kind of healing. He closes his eyes as he begins to search his mind in order to figure out why he was missing and to make sense of his reading of The Book of Light. He tells Margot an account of what the words mean and how they guided him to face his past. He tells her how the Light brought a new perspective and meaning to the most painful experiences in his life. While he does this, the mystical water quakes and bubbles more and more as it reacts to Halsted’s account of his journey into The Light. Margot looks on in bewilderment as she sees how calm and happy Halsted is after facing these painful memories with The Light guiding him. The Hot Tub and Halsted begin to beam in a bright light until he vanishes. Margot looks around frantically in search of Halsted as the water returns to its calmness. She takes a deep breath and shakes her head while blinking her eyes. She climbs out of the Hot Tub and walks down to where Halsted said he left Mr. Han. She finds an empty bench and an open book laying on the floor upside-down. She looks around to see if Mr. Han is still around and calls for him. The Labyrinth remains quiet so she decides to pick the book up and place it back on the bench. She looks down at where Mr. Han left off. The words begin to take hold of her so she flips back to the beginning of the book and sits down to read it on the bench.. SCENE FADES TO BLACK. END SCENE.::
Drake Nygma vs. Vin Halsted ©
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light Part 3: The Dark Passenger ::As routines go, Halsted has been refocused and more driven since his discovery of the Book of Light. He and Margot continue to study and follow its teachings with the aid of Mr. Han and Angelina. Even Joey Cranston and his eight year old son, Caden have taken up the impossible task of deciphering and understanding its teachings. There is a new air in the Halsted Manos and a new day has dawned. The group even convenes every Sunday at 4:00 pm CST sharp to discuss their findings and share their feedback on the readings. All who read and share are overcome with a sense of fulfillment and self-discovery. Each study session breathes new life into their very souls and they look forward to the next opportunity to share their insights and questions about The Book of Light.:: Halsted: Before we get too far into today’s session, I want to go back and review what everyone’s thought about this new path of enlightenment that we have all been put on by The Book of Light. First of all, have we figured out who left this book in the Halsted Study, yet? Margot: It wasn’t me, Vin. Halsted: Ya know, Margot, I really thought it was you, because you have always tried to find new ways to train me for so many years now, so I’m a little disappointed to hear you say that it wasn’t you. Then again, Mr. Han and Joey have been the ones who have been in my life the longest so I wouldn’t put it past them, either. Mr. Han: I’m sorry to disappoint you, Master Halsted, but it wasn’t me either. ::Halsted frowns at Mr. Han then looks at Joey Cranston. Cranston shakes his head and shrugs as if to say it wasn’t him either. Cranston looks at his son, Caden, as he begins to snicker and chuckle.:: Halsted: Tell me it wasn’t you, Caden. Did you do it before you jumped me in the Halsted Labyrinth? Caden: What? Me? No!! Halsted: Then, why are you such a giggle monster over there? Caden: I may have seen something/ Halsted: What did you see? Caden: I’m not supposed to tell! ::Halsted jumps out of his chair and scoffs at the eight year old boy.:: Halsted: Ya know, Joe… you’re kid can be such a… Cranston: Such a what, Vin? Caden: Oooo… here comes another swear jar payment!! ::Halsted stops himself before he goes on a string of cursing. He looks up and then straightens his body as he takes a deep breath while counting to ten. He follows with a slow exhale while counting to ten. He does this four more times before addressing Caden. He looks back down at the boy and softens his voice.:: Halsted: Caden, please tell us what you saw as this is a major security concern. Was someone else in the Labyrinth with us? ::Cranston decides to answer before his son can.:: Cranston: Vin, no one else was there. I was watching cameras in the security room the whole time, remember? Halsted: Let him answer, Joe. Your kid saw something and we need to know what it was. :Halsted turns his attention back to Caden and begins to stare down at him. Caden looks right up to Halsted and begins to stare back at Halsted. No one makes a sound as the two former archenemies hold a long-standing stalemate of a staring contest. Neither blinks or looks away until the most peculiar thing happens. The Book of Light becomes illuminated while slowly rising from Halsted’s side table next to his chair in the study. Everyone in the room gasps as Halsted and Caden continue their staring contest. Caden begins to point behind Halsted and Halsted refuses to look or break his stare.:: Halsted: Forget it kid, you aren’t gonna break me that easily. Caden You need to look, Uncle Vin. ::Cranston jumps out of his chair and forces Halsted to turn around. Everyone stares at the Book as a bright light beams from inside of it and then a white-shrouded female figure appears. She is quiet at first and everyone is in awe of her very essence but no one is able to identify her because the light is so bright. Before anyone can address her, the figure breaks her silence while holding the book over the group. She floats to the middle of the book circle and hovers above the floor.:: Unknown Figure: Be calm, everyone. I’m here to bring you a new direction. Let’s call it, A New Light. Margot: Who are you? Unknown Figure: All will be revealed soon enough. Who I am is not important right now. Halsted: Umm… I beg to differ on that. Mr. Han: Master Halsted, I don’t think we have a choice in this matter. Unknown Figure: You would be correct, Mr. Han. Mr. Han: You know my name? Unknown Figure: I know all of your names and I know everything there is about each one of you. However, I’m a little disappointed in you, Caden. ::Caden lowers his head and frowns.:: Unknown Figure: Caden has known of me for some time now and it was our little secret, wasn’t it, Caden? Caden: Yes, Miss, I’m sorry. Unknown Figure: Caden, you were supposed to keep our secret until everyone was ready to understand and embrace The Book of Light. However, you gave me enough time to place the book in the Halsted Study, so at least you came through for me there. ::Caden looks up at his mystical friend and smiles in response to her compliment.:: Unknown Figure: That’s a good boy, Caden, and you kept everyone busy while I cured the Darkness from the Mystical Hot Tub. ::Caden nods and smiles as everyone looks at him with shock and awe.:: Caden: See you guys, you never listen to me. ::The adults in the room groaned all at once as Caden smiles wickedly and cackles as he points back at each of the adults. The unknown figure floats over to the boy. She hold the book in one hand and drapes her other arm over him.:: Unknown Figure: This boy is special. ::Cranston beams with pride and smailes widely.:: Cranston: Told you so, Vin. ::Halsted rolls his eyes and scoffs back at Cranston.:: Halsted: Alright, enough of the Caden lovefest. Can we move on? ::The unknown figure nods and opens the Book of Light. She begins to read a passage from the book.:: Unknown Figure: IN TIMES OF GREAT PERIL, WHEN DARKNESS CONSUMES EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE YOU TURN, ONLY THEN CAN THE TRUE LIGHT BE SEEN. So it is written, so let it be done. The Light could not be seen until all was lost. Does this make sense to you, Vin Halsted? Halsted: I don’t understand. Were you testing me? Unknown Figure: No, Vin, the Light could not come to you until you felt that all was lost. You were made to believe that you were the prophet of darkness, correct? Margot: Vin, is that true? Halsted: I mean, that’s what the voices told me. Angelina: What voices??? Mr. Han: Master Halsted, you told all of us that everything was fine but are you saying that dark forces were among us here in the Manor? Cranston: Not cool, Vin… Caden can’t be around Dark Forces, he’s eight years old!! Halsted: Look, every time I settled into the Hot Tub, it would heal me and rejuvenate me. Each time, I felt stronger and more healed than I’ve ever been. I just assumed that it was something that Margot found for me to rehab. It took care of all of the little aches and pains that I’ve been ignoring over the years while competing at the highest levels in every ring I stepped foot in. Margot: Yeah… but I told you I wasn’t the one who had it delivered. Unknown Figure: No… That was the Darkness herself. She planted it in the Halsted Fieldhouse and then planted different stories of its arrival in all of you. She is my counterpart and yet she is me, as well. Cranston: I’m so confused. Unknown Figure: All will be revealed soon enough but first I need Vin to understand that I had to strip away everything that he believed was coming to him. First was his leader and friend. I’m sorry, Vin, I know you are still mourning his passing but he had to be sent back to whence he came. Had you brought him back into the fold, all would be lost. Halsted: What? He made sense of everything and we were going to take AWS the way we always intended it to be. Unknown Figure: No, Vin… You nearly ushered in the end to all things. Halsted: That was the point. He promised to bring me back to prominence once more. Unknown Figure: Then why weren’t you at that prominence already? Why did you need him to get you there? Halsted: Promises were made. Unknown Figure: And promises are made to be broken. Halsted: Who are you to decide, then? Unknown Figure: I didn’t make any decisions for him. I just showed him the true light. Halsted: Is that why he left? Unknown Figure: Yes, Vin, no one ever turns away from the true light once it's shown to them. He saw the error of his ways and decided to turn towards the light. It embraced him and lifted him to a higher plane where he enjoys true bliss for a final resting place. The door to darkness closed upon his Assumption into the Elysian Fields as a true warrior, he received the greatest of receptions as he put down his proverbial sword and accepted everything the Light had to offer him. In darkness, comes the Light. He single-handedly put an end to the chaos, misery, and horror that was about to release onto this plane and closed the door of darkness. However, he knew there was no going back and had to accept the fate that the Light offered him. I promise that you will see your fallen friend again one day but that day is still very far off for you, Vin. Halsted: As you said though, promises are made to be broken. Unknown Figure: Lift your spirit, Vin Halsted and hear me now. This promise is one that binds all of us here present in this room. However, it is up to all of you to finally accept the Light and carry it forth. Not just for your own salvation but to carry Vin as he steps into a new path. He will need all of you to keep him on this path and to assist him when he is tested. This will be an all out war and he will need to lean on each of you to keep him healthy, strong, and focused. Margot: What can I do to help? Unknown Figure: Continue to challenge his strength, stamina, and focus in every training session as you have been but now you need to push him even harder. Remember that the healing waters of the Mystic Hot Tub will any and all tears or breaks that he may suffer. Carry him to the water if you must but remind him that through the suffering comes the Light. Halsted: That sounds terrifying. Unknown Figure: This is the cross you will bear to nearly bring this world to its end. You have a lot to atone for, Vin, and it all starts now. You will spill your own blood, your body will break, and you will experience pain like you never have before, but your mind, body, and spirit will be aligned in the Light. From now on, you don’t send souls to The Ferryman, you will now turn them to the Light and the Light will show them their true paths to righteous glory. Halsted: How do I know this isn’t another false prophecy. Cranston: I dunno if you want to question her, Vin! Angelina: Seriously, Vin… This is a serious moment of enlightenment. Why are you questioning it? Halsted: I’ve been through enough to know not to follow blindly so I need answers. Unknown:Figure: Ask your questions… Halsted: I know Necra planted the Hot Tub but how is it that you’re able to reverse the waters from darkness to light? Unknown Figure: Simple… I am She. Halsted: You’re Necra, too? Necra, The Light: Yes, I am Necra, as well. We can take many forms and we are both Darkness and Light. We have no affiliation to either, we are just the messengers when one side deems it necessary. The Light has shifted the balance in its favor and has sent this form to you now. Halsted: I see, then why did the Light take the Legacy Championship from me? Necra, The Light: Yes, that was an unfortunate result of the Light’s return to this plane. While the Legacy Championship was meant to be in your possession, he realized that it had a different purpose and you aren’t on the same path as its true purpose. The Legacy Championship was lifted from your grasp because you are still meant for other heights before you are granted your rest, only then will you attain the Legacy Championship, again. That is meant for your final stretch of your path. He wants you to know that you held it to the highest of standards as you always have for every championship you’ve taken into your hands but it has a different purpose. When you come to a time for that purpose, you will have the honor of being the only two-time Legacy Champion, as it is only meant for those who are on their final runs on this plane. Until then, you are to reach the pinnacles of both the Global and the World while unifying them in the greatest of glories. You are tasked with the unification and complete defense of all who rise up to you until there is no one left. This is the last of your feats, in AWS Vin. Do you see the light? ::Halsted finds himself at a loss for words as he looks up at Necra, The Light.:: Necra, The Light: Speak, Vin… can you shoulder the weight of the world once more? ::Halsted looks down as he is completely unsure of himself.:: Necra, The Light: This is where everyone here needs to lift you up because they fight for you as you fight for them. Can this group keep Halsted on course? ::The group closes in on Halsted with him in the middle.:: Group: We can and we will! Necra, The Light: The Light is in all of you, now. It’s up to you to complete this journey, together. Not one of you can falter or take a step backward, now, as you are all, The Fellowship of The Light. Group: We welcome all challenges and only look to the Light. Necra. The Light: Now, then, all of you will assist Vin in his first great trial on this journey. He must dispel the enigma from this plane and send it back into the Darkness from whence it came. He let it out and he has to send it back. This will be his first step in his path for redemption. For he will experience great penance before redemption, and his ultimate rewards in the Light. Drake Nygma has enjoyed terrorizing not only AWS but this entire plane. Vin opened the door for it to crawl out of when he spoke the words of the Book of Shadows. This creature has committed murder in the name of darkness and the bloodshed is on Vin’s hands. Halsted: How can that be my fault? Necra, The Light: When you open Pandora’s Box, the darkest of nightmares come forth. You released these horrors when you prophesied his return and he sent his most destructive conduits of the Four Horsemen. Drake Nygma, or as I call it, The Dark Passenger, is the embodiment of Pestilence. It destroys everything it touches and you need to send it back to the Fourth Ring of Hell. Do this and a measure of your soul will be returned to you, Vin Halsted. From this day on, you will no longer be The Iconic King, nor the Harbinger of Death as you meant to be one of the fated Horsemen, you will be known as the Enlightened King, Vin Halsted. Kneel before me so that I may remove the chains of darkness that surround you and allow you to embrace your first real look at the Light. ::Halsted moves forward from the group’s circle and falls to his knees. Necra stretches her right arm out as a beam of light pours from her right sleeve. She raises her arm and lets the light touch Halsted’s left shoulder, then his right shoulder, and back to his left shoulder.:: Necra: Now, stand, King of Enlightenment, Vin Halsted! ::As Vin stands up from his kneeling position, his black suit changes to white, while a bright halo emerges from his head in the shape of a regal crown.:: Necra: Do you feel the Light’s embrace? Halsted: I do. ::The group ooo’s and ahh’s behind him and then Necra stretches both arms out over the group. Light beams from both of her sleeves as it pours over the group.:: Necra: You have all been welcomed into the Light. Please walk with your brother, Vin Halsted, and help him overcome all challenges he will face on this journey. It will take all of you for him to attain the greatness that is in front of him. For now, I must leave you, but remember to use The Book of Light whenever you need it. Study it, understand it, and stay on course, as this is the greatest of challenges you all will ever take on. I bid all of you farewell. I will be watching!! Be well and let The Light always guide you! ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Wicked Games Battle Rumble Match
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light Part 2: The Awakening ::For weeks, Halsted has been wandering the halls of Halsted Manor in between his meals and training sessions with Margot. Everyone in the Manor recognizes that this has been a very difficult time for Halsted as he tries to make sense of the loss he has suffered, but no one has the words to help him find his way back. It’s as if he floats from room to room, distraction to distraction all day, every day.:: Margot: He’s training harder than he usually does, Mr. Han, but he doesn’t say anything to me. He just shows up and pushes through each session like a man possessed. Mr. Han: I’ve seen him like this before, but that was a long time ago. Margot: What did you do to help him come back to the world of the living. Mr. Han: There’s really nothing we can do. The last time this happened, he just wandered for a while until he woke up from his grief. Margot: What happens when he wakes up? Mr. Han: Oh, now, that’s something to be seen. ::The two continue to talk about Halsted’s current state of mind while he hawks though the Halsted Labyrinth. Caden is seen hiding at the center as he is waiting to sneak attack Halsted. Halsted continues to glare ahead when Caden attacks. Caden hits a spinning tornado DDT and stands over Halsted while beaming with pride. Joe Cranston watches on in the security room while cheering his son on and beaming with pride. Halsted lays flat for a moment then rolls himself back onto his feet. Caden leaps into action against and hits an incredible Canadian Destroyer. Caden quickly jumps on top of Halsted for a two count. Cranston gasps at the near-fall. Caden shakes his head in frustration and disbelief. Halsted rolls out of sight and slips into the Halsted Study. Caden looks around for Halsted then stands up and walks back to meet Joe Cranston.:: Cranston: Oh c’mon… don’t hang your head like that. Caden: I almost got’im, Dad, but he just disappeared. Cranston: I know… I was watching you the whole time. Caden: Really? Cranston: Yeah… I thought that if you messed with him like you used to do in the HHW days that he would come out of his haze. Caden: I guess it didn’t work. Cranston: Yeah… I haven’t seen him this bad but it was worth a try, kiddo. That was a great Canadian Destroyer! Caden: Thanks, Dad… I’ve been working on it with Margot. ::Halsted rolls into the Halsted Study and turns the lights on. He sits behind his presidential desk and begins to close his eyes. His thoughts take him to a quiet memory of his fallen friend. He thinks about the laughs and deep conversations they shared. He opens his eyes to the quiet, empty room and then he spots a book on the shelf across the room. He walks over and picks it up to read the title, The Book of Light. He walks back to his desk and begins to read it quietly.:: “Walk away from the Darkness and return to the Light. There is a plan for you but you need to put an end to Pandora’s Box. You opened the door but now you need to be the one to close it. Only then, can you regain your true legacy.” ::Halsted reads these first words and feels as if the book was just written then and there to help him reflect and assess his current state.:: “Cast out the demons and devils who have led you astray and embrace the righteous path you need to follow to restore your greatness. Your time has not come to an end yet so let go of the Legacy and climb the mountain of the Asylum and the Global so that you can be the one to unite them both.” ::Halsted looks around the room as the lights flicker on and off. He remains focused on the book as it becomes evident that a new prophecy has arrived in place of the Book of Shadows.:: “Let the Light in and let it be your true guide. The Legacy is what is at the end of the line for you, but you have so much more to give. Stop letting everyone else shoot their shot before you. You are the one, true champion and it’s time you reminded everyone of that.” ::Halsted lets the words remind him of his purpose. The words take Halsted to the top of two conjoining mountains that are named Global and Asylum. It shows him standing above other mountains named World, UltraViolence, and Pinnacle. The book shows Halsted stand above the Legacy, Parental Advisory and Tag Team landscapes, as well.:: “You see now what you need to do. Something that no one has done before. You need to unite the Global and Asylum then run the table until there are no more challengers left. Only then can you take the Legacy on. You said it yourself that you want to be the one and only timeless champion of AWS. This is the path you have to take. Don’t let anyone sway you or deter you now that the castaways were sent back to their exile.” ::Halsted begins to feel the haze lift as the words speak directly to him and lead him back into the Light.:: “Return to the Healing Waters, only this time they will lift the Darkness and bring you back to the Light. All the Healing Waters to heal you and guide you to the top of the mountain once more.” ::Halsted closes the book and carries it back to the Mystical Hot Tub in the Halsted Fieldhouse. The water has gone from red to blue. Halsted climbs into the water and begins to float on his back as the water washes over him. The dark haze that has clouded his mind begins to lift as a bright light beams from the water. Fifteen minutes pass, and Margot finds Halsted in the Mystical Hot Tub. He smiles up at her and whispers.:: Halsted: I’m ok and I know what I need to do now. Margot: And what is that? Halsted: I have to stop letting everyone walk ahead of me. I’m tired of letting everyone else have a turn. It’s gone on too long and it’s time I took my rightful place at the top of AWS. The Legacy Title will be waiting for me but I’m not ready to walk away just yet. It’s still mine but I need to take the Global Championship and unify it with the Asylum Championship. It’s never been done before and I’m the one to do it. Margot: I’m impressed. When did you figure this out? Halsted: I realized that I am the only talent in AWS history to hold every iteration of the top championship. No one ever held the Pinnacle, World Heavyweight Championship, and the UltraViolence Championship besides me. Plus, I’m a grand slam title holder. I have done just about everything anyone could ever do here, but I need to remind everyone that it isn’t just about former glories of a rundown old talent. I’m still in the prime of my career and I can still wreck more havoc than anyone in AWS. Margot: How do you plan on doing that? Halsted: I have to win the Wicked Games Battle Rumble. No one will expect to see me return at that time and no one will be ready to take me on. I can’t let anyone else get a hold of that golden ticket because I’m sick and tired of sitting around and waiting for my turn to challenge for the Asylum and Global championships. Promises were made but I stepped aside for Summer and Necra to get their turns and look where that got me. Margot: They both won and your standing around with nothing. Halsted: I did what was asked of me. I lifted the Legacy Championship to the level that it deserves to be at but then no suitable contenders stepped up. It’s as if I built a kingdom but no one came to see it so now I need to create a new world order within AWS by taking both the Global and the Asylum championships into my possession. Then the world will come after me and I plan on conquering it and everyone who dares to step forward and challenge me. I need to re-establish my longest reign record and run the AWS table until there is nothing left. Only then will I consider a return to the Legacy realm. This is the new prophecy of the Book of Light and there’s no in this universe who can turn this light out. Margot: Let's get to work. Halsted: Now, you’re talking and no one is gonna stop me now. ::Fade to black. END SCENE.::
Vin Halsted © -versus- TJ Alexander ©
AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light Part 1: A Funeral for a Friend ::The following takes place about a month ago. It’s midday and Halsted’s phone has been ringing nonstop for about an hour while he relaxes in the mystical hot tub after another intense training session with Margot. Angelina and Mr. Hand enter the Halsted Fieldhouse in a panic as they search for Vin.:: Mr. Hand: Good afternoon, Ms. Angelina, have you seen Master Halsted? Angelina: I’ve been looking for him, myself, but I haven’t had much luck. Mr. Hand: Well, Ms. Scarlett said that we need to find him right away. Angelina: I’m aware. I’ve looked everywhere and Margot said they finished training an hour ago. This was my last place to look. Mr. Hand: Same for me. I thought that maybe he decided to do a run after their training session. Angelina: She told me that he likes to spend time in this hot tub. Mr. Hand: It seems as though this hot tub consumes more of his time than his affairs. Has he been distant with you, as well, Ms. Angelina? Angelina: I would say so ever since it arrived at the Manor. ::Mr. Hand and Angelina walk over to the hot tub and find Halsted face down while floating on top of the water. The water has a peculiar red hue to it as a mist hovers over the water and Halsted. Mr. Hand and Angelina reach into the water and pull Halsted over the hot tub wall, They lay him on the floor of the Halsted Fieldhouse and rush to do CPR. Before they can start, Halsted rolls to his side and coughs violently while spewing the hot tub water. His eyes open wide as he gasps for air and returns to a conscious state.:: Halsted: Did you see? Angelina: Did I see what? Halsted: HIM??? Did you see him? Mr. Hand: There’s no one else here besides us, Master Halsted. Halsted: That’s impossible. He was here. I saw him. She brought me to him and he spoke to me. Angelina: There’s no one here, Vin. Halsted: But… I… saw… him. Mr. Hand: We will settle this later, Master Halsted. There are more pressing matters at hand. Halsted: What do you mean? Angelina: Scarlett needs to speak to you right away. ::Halsted looks around in bewilderment as if he can’t figure out where he is. Angelina and Mr. Hand lift him to his feet and begin carrying him through the Hall of Halsted. He lowers his head and passes out while they carry him. Mr. Hand and Angelina struggle to drag him to Scarlett, now waiting for them in the Halsted Study. They sit him down on the presidential desk and prop him upright. Scarlett nods at them and then slaps Halsted across his face to wake him up. Halsted barely stirs, so Angelina takes her turn and slaps him. Halsted grumbles a bit in response so Mr. Hand takes his turn. Before Scarlett can slap Halsted again, Joey Cranston enters the room and cackles.:: Cranston: Oh… Let me try!! ::Joey rears his hand back and wallops Halsted as hard as he can. Halsted grumbles louder but still isn’t completely out of his unconscious state. Caden Cranston walks in and laughs.:: Caden: This looks like fun!! My turn!! My turn!! ::The four adults look at each other and shrug. Caden takes this as an act of approval so he jumps up onto the desk and hits his famous Tornado DDT on Halsted. A sickening thud is heard and Halsted jumps to his feet.:: Halsted: Aww, c’mon… I thought we said Caden wasn’t allowed to do that to me anymore!! Cranston: Desperate times call for desperate measures, Vinny. ::Halsted scoffs in disgust while staring at Caden. Caden responds by motioning to his waist as if he was wearing a championship title. Halsted steps over to Caden but Cranston moves in between them,:: Cranston: Now… Now… Vin, let’s not let this get ugly. We were trying to get you to wake up but you were pretty out of it. Scarlett: Yeah… We have more pressing matters to discuss. Halsted: That’s the second time I’ve heard that today. What the Hell is going on, Scar. Scarlett: It seems… ::Scarlett’s eyes begin to well up with tears as her voice begins to break and tremble. Cranston wraps his arm around her shoulders.:: Cranston: This is gonna be hard on all of us, Vin. Halsted: Well, is someone gonna tell me what’s going on or what? ::Cranston looks down and takes a deep breath.:: Cranston: We lost a friend today, Vin. ::Halsted’s frustration turns to shock.:: Halsted: What are you talking about? Who? Cranston: Matt passed away this morning. Halsted: Bull shit, man. I just talked to him last night and he was fine. Cranston: Well, I guess he went to sleep and never woke up. His wife found him this morning and just thought that he needed to sleep more than he usually does. After a while, she went to wake him up but he was already gone. ::Halsted falls to his knees and slumps over with his back to the desk. Cranston, Angelina, Mr. Hand, and Scarlett all huddle around him and embrace him. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.:: ::Two days later, Halsted is seen standing in front of his full-length mirror as he slowly puts on his three-piece black and white Armani suit. He stares into the mirror as he begins to tie his tie. A figure appears in the mirror as he stares. The figure appears to be Necra but she’s wearing white. She reaches forward and begins to open her mouth as if to call out to Vin but she disappears just as he turns around. Halsted looks around the empty room a few more times but there’s no one there. He shakes his head and assumes that he was just lost in his thoughts. He finishes with his tie, takes a last look into the mirror and nods. He turns and walks out of his master bedroom and walks down to the vestibule of Halsted Manor. There he meets Caden, Joey, Angelina, Scarlett, Margot, and Mr. Hand.:: Mr. Hand: There you are, Master Halsted. Well, is everyone ready? Halsted: I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for this. ::Cranston reaches and puts his hand on Halsted’s shoulder.:: Cranston: None of us are Vin, but we have to say goodbye to our friend, today. ::Everyone nods and begins to walk out to the car service waiting outside for them. The group climb into the limousine and they each put their seatbelts on right before it drives towards the private airway where Halsted’s Learjet awaits. The car drives up and they exit to board the plane. Halsted sits down and closes his eyes. He hears a faint voice calling to him but struggles to understand what it’s saying but it sounded like Necra. He starts to toss and turn until Scarlett nudges him awake to tell him that they were about to land. He looks around and sits up as the plane touches down for its landing.:: Halsted: That went by fast. Cranston: Not really. ::Caden stretches and yawn.:: Caden: Yeah… that took forever! ::Halsted shrugs then looks around at his group as they walk towards the exit of the plane. They all climb into the limousine on the tarmac. The car drives off into the heavy rain and takes the group to the funeral home for the viewing. They exit the car and walk into the building. They greet the grieving family and express their condolences before having their final words with Matt. Halsted walks over to the casket and kneels down in front of it. He takes two coins out of his pocket and places them over his friend’s eyelids. Halsted says an “Our Father” then whispers his final sentiments to his fallen friend.:: Halsted: We have unfinished business but until then… I’ll see you in another life, brother. ::Halsted turns to Scarlett as she hands him the AWS Legacy Championship. Halsted places it across Mat’s waist and walks back to the seating. The family opted to have the funeral ceremony at the funeral home due to the weather. After a brief emotionally driven eulogy and a few prayers, the casket is closed for the last time. Halsted steps forward with Charlie Feigel and others as the pallbearers. They walk up and carry the casket to the hearse waiting for them outside of the funeral home. The men slide the casket gently into the back of the hearse and close the door as the grieving crowd follows in tow. The crowd then disperse into various vehicles to follow the hearse to the cemetery for Matt’s final resting place. The grieving crowd gathers one more time as the priest prays with them one more time. Each person lays a rose on the casket before it’s lowered into the ground.:: Fiegel: Thanks for coming, Vin. I know that was hard but we did right by him. Halsted: I was honored by your request and that was something that he deserved to take with him. Fiegel: I have something for you but it took a little longer than expected. Halsted: No worries… I’m just happy he’s finally at peace and in a better place. Fiegel: That he is. ::Halsted and Fiegel shake hands and the two walk back to their awaiting cars. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.:: ::Present Day - Halsted rolls out of bed later than usual as he has for the last couple of weeks. He’s been keeping to himself as of late and Margot has been a little concerned. She spoke to Joey Cranston and today is the day he has decided to have a conversation with his friend. Cranston is seen waiting at the kitchen counter while eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. Caden is sitting at the other end and eating Captain Crunch. Halsted walks in and glances at the father and son.:: Cranston: Hey, bestest buddy… How are you doing today? Halsted: Eh… Cranston: Oh c’mon now. Halsted: I think I’m late for training with Margot. Cranston: Well, ya gotta eat first. Halsted: Yeah… but not that processed crap you’re scarfing down. ::Cranston scoffs.:: Cranston: How dare you speak like that of the nectar of Bedrock?? Halsted: You know I’m right! Cranston: Pfsh. ::Halsted shrugs then looks for his usually prepared omelet. He grabs his plate and stands at the other end of the kitchen island.:: Halsted: So, since when do we have breakfast together? Cranston: Why can’t we have breakfast? Halsted: Fine, but isn’t the kid supposed to be on a bus at this time? Cranston: It’s a holiday, Vin. Halsted: Cool… so what are we doing here? Caden: Having breakfast, Silly Vinny. Halsted: Ugh… this kid!! Cranston: Hey now… be nice, Vin. Caden: Yeah, be nice, Silly Vinny. Halsted: Whatever! Cranston: Let’s not have another kitchen match, again. Caden: Ya, Silly Vinny, you don’t want none again. Halsted: Riiight…. Cranston: Look, Margot is worried about you. She says you’ve been going through the motions during your training sessions and you haven’t used the hot tub since you got the news of Matt’s passing. It’s been a month and you have a match tomorrow. You need to find that fire again and pull yourself together. Halsted: I have no idea about a match. When was I booked? Cranston: Charlie booked you two weeks ago. You’ve had enough time and I told him to go ahead with it. Halsted: I don’t think that was a good idea. I’m just not there right now. Cranston: Maybe this will help you find your way then. ::Cranston pushes a large package towards Halsted. The shipping label shows the AWS Headquarters address as Halsted tears the tape off of the box. He opens the flaps and reaches into the box. He pulls out a concealed championship title that’s been wrapped in a purple velvet bag. He opens the bag and reads the new title name to himself: AWS MATT WILSON LEGACY CHAMPIONSHIP. He looks down at it for a long moment until Cranston shakes him back to the conversation.:: Cranston: Look, this was a great idea and we’re all here for you but you need to snap out of this and climb out of the hole you’re in. You’re still the Legacy Champion and you need to defend it at any opportune time. TJ Alexander is knocking at your door and you have to put him down once and for all. Halsted: Didn’t I beat that guy, already? Cranston: Well, this is a new and improved TJ who says that he has you figured out. Halsted: Is that right? Caden: Yeah… he said he’s gonna make you retire this time. Halsted: Oh, really? Cranston: So, what are you gonna do about it, Vinny? Halsted: Yeah… Silly Vinny, what are you gonna do about that? ::Halsted starts to grumble and growl. He grabs the title, then slaps the bowls out of Caden’s and Cranston’s hands. The cereal from the bowls spills everywhere as the bowls smash into pieces on the floor. Halsted runs out of the Manor and jumps into his 2024 Rolls Royce La Rose Noir Droptail. He starts the engine and peels out of the driveway. He takes the Eisenhower Express and whips around the Chicago traffic in a frenzy. He drives right up to the Lake Shore and jumps out of the car.:: Halsted: I can’t stand that kid, sometimes, but I know what he’s trying to do. It’s exactly what TJ’s trying to do and that is to piss me the fuck off. See, I was all set to let the darkness take over AWS. I set it all up and it was primed and ready to reign down an unfathomable terror but then everything changed. The leader pulled the plug and took one of our own. The driving force of our mission. So, here I am, left all alone with nothing and no one to turn to. ::Halsted paces back and forth while staring up into the sky.:: Halsted: Haven’t you taken enough? Haven’t you pushed me beyond what anyone should ever have to take on? What the Hell am I supposed to do now? ::A faint voice is heard calling out to Halsted in the distance of the crashing waters of Lake Michigan.:: Halsted: I’m not ready to go and I’ll be damned if it’s gonna be that insignificant punk, TJ. He’s out of his fucking mind if he thinks he can put an end to my career, let alone take this away from me. Now more than ever, I will defend it until my last damn breath. No one has that amount of talent to take this from me. Not now, not ever. AWS hasn’t even seen one-tenth of what I’m capable of because I spend more time training, developing, and healing, than I do in an AWS ring. No one has more speed, power, tenacity, ferocity, anger, or ability than I do and I have proven that I’m the greatest talent AWS has ever see or will see as I’ve put every single one of their greats and up-and-comers down by either choking them out or for a final three-count. No one has one over me and no one ever will. The only person who will get me to stop is me and I have so much more to bring down on AWS. ::The faint voice encroaches Halsted and a cold hand grabs his shoulders from behind him. Halsted collapses from the shock then looks around again. A message is left on his windshield as if someone drew with a finger in an icy patch. Halsted gets back to his feet and reads, “It’s time to talk, Vin.” Halsted looks back around and jumps into his car. He races back to the Manor and runs into the Halsted Study. END SCENE.::
Match Two: Halsted vs. Steele
AWS - Vin Halsted - The Hour Draws Near ::The following takes place about a week before Synergistic. Halsted wakes up from his dreamscape and stares out into the darkness of his master bedroom in the Halsted Manor. He looks completely bewildered while panting as if he doesn’t recognize the familiar surroundings. Sweat rushes down his brow as he rubs his eyes. The sweat stings as it races down around his eyelids. He jumps to his feet and begins to pace back and forth.:: Halsted: The time is almost here. The Dark One is ready to reveal himself. I have to talk to Sammeal and KD. ::Halsted refocuses and spots his Samsung Z Fold 6 on the charger. He races over to it and texts the following cryptic message to Sammeal and KD: THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR. He waits a few minutes and doesn’t receive a response. He looks at his phone and check the time: 2:43 AM CST.:: Halsted: Damnit… Why is it so late at night right now?!?!? ::Halsted goes back to pacing back and forth for another ten minutes. No response. He throws his head back and groans in frustration, then decides to take a walk through the halls of the Halsted Manor. He, eventually, makes his way to the mystical hot tub in the Halsted Fieldhouse. The glowing blue water calls to him as a means to calm his mind. He yawns and gives in to its call as he removes his loungewear and enters the bubbling, steamy waters. He sits down and rests his head on the rim of the tub as he slowly drifts off.:: ::Approximately four hours later, Margot walks into the Fieldhouse and turns on the lights for the usual training session with Halsted. She walks in and is shocked to find Halsted floating on his back in the hot tub. She calls out to him as she approaches but he is completely despondent. She shakes her head and reaches over to shake him awake and still no response. She begins to worry as she frantically screams at him to wake up while relentlessly shaking him. She slaps him as hard as she can, then again… and again, and then as if he were waking up from a deep sleep, his eyes pop open widely. He looks around as if he doesn’t know where he is and freaks out to see Margot shrieking in front of him.:: Margot: What the Hell… I thought you were… I thought you were… Oh… My… GOD!!!! Halsted: WHAT?!? WHO?!? WHERE?!? Oh… Good… It’s just you Margot. Margot: What’s that supposed to mean? Halsted: Nevermind… Can you please hand me my phone? ::Margot look at Halsted as if he were crazy and shakes her head, then bends down to sift through his clothes on the floor. She reaches into his lounge pants pocket and pulls his phone on. It shows several missed calls and multiple unanswered texts from Sammeal and KD. She hands the phone to Halsted as he hangs over the top of the hot tub. He frantically responds as he doesn’t remember sending the initial text.:: Margot Could you please get out of there and put some damn clothes on?!? ::Halsted looks up at Margot and shrugs.:: Halsted: What? ::Margot huffs and barks back at Halsted.:: Margot: GET OUT OF THE HOT TUB AND GET DRESSED, DAMNIT!! ::Halsted slumps his shoulders and closes his phone.:: Halsted: Jeez… Ok, Margot. ::Halsted climbs out of the hot tub and walks through the Hall of Halsted while air drying and dripping all over the floor. Scene fades to black as Margot continues to shake her head at Halsted as he walks away. END SCENE.:: ::Present Day - Halsted and Scarlett are sitting in the Lear jet as they make their way to Warwick, New York. Scarlett is listening to her favorite podcast, “My Favorite Murder”, while Halsted is seemingly napping. He begins to toss around in his chair while repeating the same thing over and over again. First as a whisper then his voice gets louder and louder.:: Halsted: THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… ::Scarlett removes her earbuds and looks up at Halsted.:: Scarlett: What did you say? Halsted: THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… ::Scarlett jumps out of his seat and rushes over to Halsted as he continues to thrash around in his seat. She kneels down beside him and starts to shake and scream at him.:: Scarlett: Hey, Vin… You need to wake up!! YOU’RE SCARING THE HELL OUT OF ME!! Halsted: THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR…. THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR…. THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR… ::Scarlett looks at Halsted with widening eyes and begins to slap him awake. Halsted finally wakes up and looks completely startled.:: Halsted: Why are you hitting me??? STOP!!! I’m awake… I’m awake! Scarlett: Good God, Vin. What’s going on with you? Halsted: I don’t know… Scarlett: Well, get it together. You have a lot to focus on between this match with Napalm Steele, defending the AWS Legacy Championship and taking the KORE World Heavyweight Championship. Halsted: I know… I know… I’m not too worried about Napalm Steele. I think word is getting out that I’ve leveled up to a point where I’m beyond untouchable. He hasn’t even showed up and probably won’t even make it to the Mid-Orange State Prison for our match. Scarlett: We’ll see, Vin. Halsted: Scar… I’ve been steam-rolling through everyone they put in front of me. Just look at Ricky Rhodes. That bum actually thought he could step to me, and now where is he? No… I’ll answer that… he’s off to Never Neverland. Scarlett: I’m sure the neighbors are glad to hear that. Halsted: What a jackass… but at least he tried to show up. Napalm Steele is yet another coward unwilling to show his face once the contract is signed. I don’t even know why these guys decide to be in this business if they can’t even show up when the time comes. That’s not AWS Legacy material. Scarlett: True and you need to show all of them what that looks like. Halsted: Every time I go out there, I fight to establish this championship. It never be taken by an overnight sensation, a flash-in-the-pan, or someone who is desperately trying to establish themselves. This title is for the true legends who have been up and down every road, competed on every continent, and have taken world championships in every federation they’ve ever walked into. This is for the one percenters. Those who have bled, sweat, drank, ate, sacrificed, and cried for this business. The ones who literally live, breathe and die in that ring for all the world to see whether they’re loved or hated. This championship is above all others. No universal, unified, or heavyweight championship is in its league. Like me, it’s in a league of its own. Scarlett: That’s what I’m talking about! That’s the Vin Halsted I know. Halsted: I never left, Scar. I’m just getting started. The Reign of Terror is upon AWS and there’s no stopping it. I’ve heard the whispers and I will be damned if I lay down for anyone just to let them hold this title. This title needs to be earned. Anyone who wants to face me will have to go through Hell to get to me and then I will obliterate them and send them back off to the land of Irrelevance. There they will suffer and beg to be released but no one will ever hear from them again. They will all bend the knee and say, “All hail The Iconic King, King Vin Halsted!!” ::As the Lear jet begins its descent, the scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Match Two: Halsted vs. Steele
AWS - Vin Halsted - The Hour Draws Near.pdf
Vin Halsted © -versus- Ricky Rhodes
AWS - Vin Halsted - The Case of the Revisionist History ::The following takes place four years ago just after Halsted received and used the mystical hot tub for the first time. Halsted and Joe Cranston are seen having dinner with Scarlett, Angelina, Margot, Mr. Han, and Caden in the Halsted Dining Hall.:: Cranston: So, Vin, you look like you’ve been healing pretty well after your run in XWF. How are you feeling? Halsted: Well, I have been feeling a lot better. Margot: It’s a little weird because you had some pretty serious injuries after that Twisted Metal match with Ashley Slaine. Scarlett: I’m surprised you’re even out of bed! Angelina: I’m glad that you finally got out of bed. I was afraid you’d be in there a lot longer. You kept refusing to leave. Mr. Han: We were all pretty worried about you. Caden: Hey… Not me!! Cranston: Now, Caden… be nice to Vin. Caden: What?? ::Cranston stares at Caden and Caden just shrugs.:: Halsted: Look, everyone, I know that things in XWF were pretty hard on me and The Enforcer. No matter how great and dominant we were, we just couldn’t gain the momentum we wanted to as the newcomers in that fed. They had a small circle of friends that the owner favored, and no one was going to break through that glass ceiling no matter how many brass rings we took. Scarlett: At least you two accomplished what you were originally there to do. Margot: Yeah… You two did win the tag titles and held them for more than two months. Caden: Well, until the SuperFriends decided to band together and take them away from you two so that their little group could have all of the gold for themselves. Cranston: Caden, you don’t have to rub it in. Hasn’t Vin had to go through enough as it is? Mr. Han: Maybe, Master Halsted can finally re-evaluate his goals after that terrible experience. ::Halsted groans and takes a deep breath.:: Halsted: Look, I appreciate that everyone is concerned about me, but I think The Enforcer and I did as much as we could there. We stayed for a tumultuous nine months and took the fight to them, unlike others. We fought hard against Daniel, Ashley, and Sheena. They controlled the entire fed before we even got there but we left our marks. I got a win over Daniel, we held the tag titles, I destroyed Ashley’s brother, and I beat down Ashley in a way that she had never experienced. The only reason why she is still holding the XWF World Heavyweight Championship is because she couldn’t honor our contract. The Enforcer and Justice stayed out of Twisted Metal whereas Daniel and Sheena weaseled their way in and kept me from walking out as the new champion. There she was, laying completely and utterly decimated in the first cage, and Daniel crawled out and prevented me from getting to the door while Sheena dragged her little friend out to safety. It is what it is, and I’m a man of my word, I left XWF as that was the condition of our contract. Scarlett: I still don’t think that was right. Cranston: She did breach the contract so you could have stayed for a renegotiated rematch. Caden: Nope… He signed a contract that stated that if he didn’t walk out of Twisted Metal as XWF World Heavyweight Champion then he would leave XWF. Mr. Han: Yes, but the owner offered to negate that when Miss Ashley broke the contractual agreement of no interference on either side. Halsted: Look, the truth is that I was never going to get a fair shot at Ashley, even though I’m way more talented than she could ever dream of, but just look at how she got past The Enforcer and how Sheena beat Justice. The SuperFriends were never going to let anyone knock them off. The XWF Council was completely enthralled with them, and they were never going to let anyone knock them off. It really sucks when joining a fed that has their core group that can’t ever taste defeat or ever let a better talent take their spot. It ruins it for everyone and now look where XWF is… It’s shut down and its history has been erased from existence. I take that as a win because we were the ones who finally let the world know how much of a shitshow that place was. Caden: Language!! Cranston: Yeah, Vin… that’s another dollar for the swear jar. ::Halsted rolls his eyes and reaches into his pocket. Caden runs over to him with his hand open for another swear jar payment.:: Halsted: Doesn’t he have enough for a full ride at Northwestern University by now, Joe? ::Cranston cackles and shrugs.:: Margot: With all of that, though, Vin, I’m still shocked that you’re moving around so well. Halsted: Well, Margot, I can thank you for that. Scarlett: How so, Vin? Halsted: Well, Margot’s training has really toughened me up and that hot tub she got has done wonders on healing me up from all of my injuries that have mounted up over the years. Margot: I keep telling you that I didn’t order it for you and don’t know where that hot tub came from. Halsted: Sure, Margot. ::Halsted looks around the table to see if anyone else fesses up to ordering the hot tub, but no one says anything. He shrugs and continues to eat dinner.:: Cranston: Let’s just all agree that we’re happy it’s helping you heal. Mr. Han: Here… Here!! ::Everyone raises a glass to toast Halsted’s speedy recovery before eating their remaining dinners on their plates. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.:: ::Present day - Scene opens as Halsted is relaxing in the cabin of his private jet with Scarlett. They are mid-flight when Scarlett receives a message from irate neighbor. She opens the message and watches the attached video from the neighbor’s Ring camera in horror. It shows the recent actions of Ricky Rhodes as he bashes their gates and screams in a drunken rage. Once she finishes the video, she hops into the chair next to Halsted. She elbows him to show him the video. He watches the video and laughs a few times much to Scarlett’s dismay.:: Scarlett: What’s so funny, Vin? Halsted: Come on, Scarlett. This guy is an absolute joke. He can’t even figure out where the Manor is. He’s a complete drunken moron who can live up to his family name so he drowns himself in alcohol. Scarlett: This is from someone in the neighborhood, though, they’re terrified and have filed a complaint with the local authorities. Halsted: Tell them not to worry and to drop the complaint. I’ll handle him this week and he’ll never show his face anywhere near the Manor again. Scarlett: Are you sure? Halsted: Look, obviously, Little Ricky has a lot of issues. He seems to think that his little two month run in XWF was notable, but he was Daniel Slaine’s bitch that entire time. He won one time before losing twice to Daniel. He threw a temper tantrum in the locker room and got fired for it. No one gave two shits about him, and he was gone in a blink of an eye. Scarlett: Well, you had your issues there, too. Halsted: True, but I’m the reason why it doesn’t exist anymore. I exposed the corruption and burned that place down with The Enforcer and Justice at my side. XWF is dead because we killed it. Ricky just cried like a little bitch and then crawled into a bottle for five years. He’s done nothing but drool over my legacy since then. Scarlett: You definitely have continued to be a champion in every fed you went to since then. Halsted: Scarlett, my legacy is that I have been the best in every fed and era I’ve competed in. I’ve beaten every great, hero, legend, and champion everywhere I’ve gone every time I’ve walked through the doors. My legacy is that I am the past, present, and future of this business and no one is at my level. I have taken the AWS Legacy Championship and I have elevated it to a level of prestige that is completely unmatched. No championship whether it’s a heavyweight, universal, undisputed, or anything else can be compared to it because it is above all others. It is the one championship that only a true immortal can possess, and that immortal is the Iconic King Vin Halsted. Scarlett: Well, what are you going to do with this unhinged maniac? Halsted: It’s simple, Scar, I’m giving him an opportunity to settle his make-believe issue with me. He doesn’t understand that I was always the man to carry the weight of the AWS Legacy Championship and I asked Charlie to book this match. Scarlett: Why would you do that? Halsted: He’s a simple-minded little bitch who thinks the world is against him because he can’t accept that he’s just a complete and utter failure, an embarrassment to his family name, so he blames everyone for his shortcomings. The problem is that he doesn’t realize that when you point a finger at something, three fingers point back at him. I’m simply going to prove to him that he is the only one to blame for his demise. Scarlett: He didn’t do anything to earn the right to challenge you, Vin. Halsted: Sometimes, I have to make an example and Ricky was chosen for that purpose. I’m giving him an opportunity to prove to the AWS higher-ups that he can compete with the best of AWS. The problem is that I’m going to completely obliterate him and send him back into his bottle for another five years. I’m doing Charlie a favor. Scarlett: Are you trying to politic in AWS? Halsted: No… the one who is coming needs me to clear the path for him. I’m merely the prophet of what’s to come. By destroying as many souls as I can, the Dark One will reap the rewards and rule AWS as he was meant to do. Ricky is just another irrelevant victim and his attempt to rewrite XWF history has become a nuisance to me. I need to shut him up and remind him of how irrelevant he truly is. He just doesn’t know it yet. He will learn how real all of this is and thankfully we’re in the right place for him to receive immediate medical attention when he sees what his true purpose is. I have never run from a fight, I have taken on every single opponent and destroyed them at my own leisure. Thankfully, the Central State Hospital will be his final resting place and for anyone else who wants to try to stop what’s coming. The Reign of Terror is upon us, Scarlett, and no one can stop it from ushering in the Era of the Book of Shadows as it has been written, so it will be done. It’s time to close the book on the revisionist history and bring the Book of Shadows to light. ::Scarlett feels a chill run up her spine as Halsted’s eyes blacken. END SCENE.::
Main Event: Halsted Vs. Walker
AWS - Vin Halsted - Time and Tide Wait for No Man ::The following takes place one year ago, Halsted is seen relaxing in his hot tub that was gifted to him by an unknown benefactor. The blue water glows slightly as he breathes in the steam from the water. His aches and pains from years of wear and tear on his body that he earned through the wars he fought in rings around the world have melted away. His general practitioner recently said that it’s as if he were in his early twenties again. Scars have faded, muscle has gained, tendons completely repaired as if any surgery was ever performed, and yet, Halsted is unfazed and doesn’t question how this has happened. He believes that all of this has been a result of his training with Margot and consistency of avoiding serious injury.:: Margot: Are you in the hot tub, again? ::Halsted takes a deep breath and exhales slowly as the steam goes in and out of his lungs.:: Halsted: I could live in this thing, Margot. I don’t know where you got this thing, but I’ve never felt better. ::Margot looks at Vin in bewilderment.:: Margot: Vin, I’ve told you this enough times. I didn’t order it but I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I am, too, but I don’t need to be in it every day like you. Halsted: Well, I feel great, but how do you feel? Margot: I definitely feel better than I have in some time. My neck and back don’t crack anymore after our training sessions, my vertical is higher, and my speed has improved a good amount. In fact, I’d like to test your sprint speed and vertical leap, today. Halsted: I’m game… should we test my mazes, too? Margot: Sure… why not? Go get dry and put some gym clothes on and we’ll meet back here in the Fieldhouse in twenty minutes. ::Halsted smiles and nods as he jumps out of the mystical hot tub. He walks off as Margot starts to set up the Fieldhouse for his testing. Fifteen minutes later, Halsted returns in his usual gym clothes and track shoes. Margot stands at the end of the 40-yard dash line on the track and Halsted sets up at the beginning. He looks at her and awaits her signal.:: Margot: Get ready…. SET… GOOOOO!!!! ::She clicks the timer on her stopwatch as Halsted takes off. In seconds, he crosses the line as a gust of air whooshes behind him past Margot. She clicks the timer and is absolutely shocked by what she is looking at. The timer reads 4.23 seconds.:: Margot: What in the Hell??? That’s impossible. Halsted: What?? What does it say??? Margot: This can’t be right. You’ve never run that fast since I’ve been training you. Halsted: C’mon, Margot… What does it say? Margot: Nope… No way… do it again!! ::Halsted shrugs and walks back to the starting line barely fazed by the first run. Margot nods and then starts her cadence.:: Margot: Get ready… SET… GOOOOOO!!! ::Halsted bursts off the line as Margot clicks the stopwatch to start. Same as the first time, the timer reads 4.23 seconds. Margot starts shaking her head in disbelief.:: Margot Fuck no… do it again!! ::Halsted nods and returns to the starting line. They repeat the sprint process, but this time the stopwatch reads 4.22 seconds.:: Halsted: Ok… that’s three times… what does it say, Margot? Margot: I don’t know how you did this, but you just tied John Ross III’s world record that he set at the 2017 NFL Combine!! Halsted: No way… really? ::Margot shows him the timer that still reads 4.22 seconds.:: Halsted: Hol-y Shiiit!! Margot: Alright, show off… Show me what you got on the boxes. ::Halsted, barely fazed by the three sprints, walks with Margot over to the vertical leap boxes. She points and gives some instruction.:: Margot: Alright, Vin, your PB is five feet. That’s where I’m starting you at, today. ::Halsted nods and leaps onto the box without flinching. Margot shakes her head in disbelief.:: Margot: You almost cleared that completely. I’m putting another box on. ::Halsted shrugs as Margot places another three-inch step box on top of the other boxes. He jumps on top of the boxes and the hops down. Margot shakes her head and then puts another four inch-box on top. Halsted jumps up and barely lands on top then hops back down.:: Margot: Unreal… another world record!! You just matched Christopher Spells’s record that he set just two years ago. ::Halsted chuckles slightly as he shrugs at Margot.:: Margot: Cut it out, Vin… This is serious!! ::They move on to the weights. Halsted goes on to break not only his personal bests on bench, squat and deadlift, he matches the world records on all three. He benches 770 lbs., squats 870 lbs., and a 860 lbs deadlift. He barely breaks a sweat and Margot is at a loss for words.:: Margot: Where is this coming from?? ::Halsted just shrugs and jumps into the ring.:: Halsted: Hey, Margot… check this out… ::Vin climbs the ropes and proceeds to do a phoenix splash attempt, but lands on his feet and rolls through, only to climb the opposite turnbuckle and performs a black arrow and lands on his feet with another roll-through. Halsted starts to look at Margot and Margot stares back. Neither can say a word. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.:: ::Present day - the scene opens with Halsted staring blankly while sitting in his mystical hot tub while sitting in it with a dimly lit Fieldhouse. He stares out into the dark corners of the vast training area as the waters stir while healing him. The water quakes, bubbles, and glows as the steam rises around Halsted. He breathes in and out deeply as the soothing steam enters and exits his body. Darkness is all around him except from the light emulating from the hot tub.:: Halsted: Someone is coming, AWS, as I have been prophesying. The road is being paved as I continue to raise up the prestige of the Legacy Championship. The bodies are starting to line up and the next body to be laid to rest is one of James Walker. ::Halsted breathes the steam in through his nostrils and out through his mouth.:: Halsted: Where… oh… where is James Walker? See, I think the word is finally being taken seriously. I returned to pave the way and preach his coming, but no one took me seriously. They said, “Oh, here comes Vin Halsted looking to relive past glories,” as if I were some street preacher. Some past, broken-down warrior, but now they are starting to see that it’s like I never left. In fact, I got even better, and no one has been able to step up to my new level. ::Halsted takes another deep breath as the steam enters and exits his lungs.:: Halsted: Time and tide wait for no man, James, and you are no exception to that. Your utter disrespect of not even showing your face as we walk into this week’s KORE Assault absolutely disgusts me. We are about to go to war in a street fight and you have yet to show your face. AWS Universe, take a good look at what I do to this poor, unfortunate soul. Take heed, even, because I will show each and every one of you why you don’t want to sign your name next to mine. I will bring this lamb to slaughter in a sacrifice in his name and there’s not a damn person who can do anything to stop it. Not Kaleb… Not even you, Little Ricky. ::Halsted slowly breathes in and out, again.:: Halsted: That’s right, Little Ricky, I’ve heard your little quips about me and you're gonna regret every word you spewed about me. I’m gonna eat your words while I knock each of your teeth out and smash your skull. I’m gonna rip you limb from limb and I’m gonna take your last breath as I choke you out in the middle of the AWS ring. That is your fate and that will be James’s fate this week. There will be no mercy, just more people gasping and taking their last breath at my hands. All of this was written before I stepped back into AWS, I’m just playing my part. I’m reaping the rewards for doing so. The blood will fall from the sky as the devil finally makes his presence known. Until then, bodies will continue to mount, souls will continue to be taken, and the Iconic King will continue to take everything that he was meant to have. All while the AWS Universe bends the knee and cries out… ALL… HAIL… THE… ICONIC… KING…. KING… VIN… HALSTED!!! ::Halsted breaks out of his traces, smiles wickedly, and then chuckles as he sinks into the glowing water of the mystical hot tub. Scene fades to black… END SCENE.::
Vin Halsted © vs. TJ Alexander
AWS - Vin Halsted - Death Entered the World ::The following takes place four years ago; Vin Halsted is seen working with Margot during their usual midday sparring session in the ring located inside of the Halsted Fieldhouse. The lights begin to flicker as the two lock-up to practice set-ups, takedowns, and various slams. They look around in bewilderment and then the lights go out completely for a brief moment. Suddenly the lights come back on at an extremely bright level, Halsted is locked-up with Necra Octavia. Before Halsted can release, Necra leans in and whispers in his ear, then the lights go out again. Seconds later, Margot is locked up with Halsted. He loosens his grip, falls to his knees, and slumps over.:: Margot: Vin… VIN!!!! VIIIIIINNNNNN!!! ::Halsted lays motionless for several minutes and then gets back onto his feet as if nothing happened. Margot ran off to get help before he came to and returns with Scarlett, Angelina, Joey, and Mr. Han. They run into the Halsted Fieldhouse and stop short in shock to see Halsted running the ropes like Bron Breakker.:: Margot: I don’t get it. He was completely lethargic when I went to get everyone’s help. Joey: He looks ok to me, Margot. Are you sure you aren’t having an issue with taking too many Halsted Hangovers? Margot: No… nothing like that. Scarlett: Look, Margot, this wouldn’t be the first time he broke a sparring partner. Margot: I’m telling all of you the truth. The light went out and then when they came back on, he was passed out. Joey: That sounds awfully familiar. Scarlett: Like a Halsted Hangover? Mr. Han: Exactly. Margot: Whatever… I know what I saw. He looked dead to me. ::The group continues to argue with Margot as Halsted continues to run the ropes while gaining even more speed.:: Joey: Ok, big guy… stop showing off and hop down here. We need to get a look at you and figure out what’s going on. ::Halsted hits the brakes and hops out of the ring to sit in the middle of the group.:: Mr. Han: What happened to you, Master Halsted? Halsted: What are you talking about, Han? Joey: Easy, big fella. We just wanna know what happened to you. Margot said you were passed out. Halsted: Nah… we were sparring and then I heard a voice when the lights went out. The next thing I know, I’m running the ropes like I’ve never run them before. I just have this huge surge of energy like I’m on the football field again. I have this unquenchable thirst and desire to tear some peoples’ limbs off. Scarlett: Maybe the sparring session can take a break here. Angelina: Good idea! I don’t feel like cleaning any blood, today. Margot: I don’t feel like shedding any blood, either. Joey: Yeah… go hit the showers and cool off, big guy. Get some sleep and we’ll check on you tomorrow. ::Halsted looks around at everyone with frustration but sees their concerned looks. He shrugs and nods before standing back up and walking to his master bathroom to take a cold shower. The group looks on with confusion and concern. Halsted shakes his head and walks through the Hall of Halsted. He walks into his master bedroom before hopping into the shower. His skin begins to feverishly burn so he puts the shower on extra cold to balance himself out. Steam rushes off of him and into his bedroom. He cleans up and towels off before putting on a Versace robe. He begins to feel exhausted, and his knees are weak as he approaches his bed. He slumps over the bed and passes out again. He feels a falling sensation until he hears a voice calling out to him. He recognizes the voice and the hairs on the back of his neck begin to rise up.:: Voice: Vin… Vin! Over here, Vin. ::He moves towards the voice until he is face-to-face with its source but can’t see its face under its cloak and the shadows around it.:: Halsted: No,,, No… You and I are even. Voice: Are we? Halsted: Yes… I completed my promise to you when I delivered Feigel to you. Voice: Yes, you did, Vin, and I am grateful for that but that is not where you and I end. That was just the beginning of the story. See, he was the last one that I had to bring over to the Underworld but now, I’m free to make my return to the Realm of the Living. ::The shadowy figure raises its arm and waves to someone in the distance to approach. Halsted looks back and sees Necra Octavia appear.:: Halsted: YOU??? Necra: Yes, Vin… It’s me. It’s always been me. Halsted: I don’t understand. Necra: I was the one who brought your father to him all those years ago. He knew that by doing so he could groom you into the part you would play in this. Now, so many years later. The time has come. Halsted: I don’t understand. The Ferryman: Vin, this was all written long ago. It is said that a prophet will pave the way for me to return to the Realm of the Living to reap souls once again. Halsted: Why me? Necra: Why not you, Vin? Haven’t you ever wondered why you can never have enough gold or why you always have to be one standing on top of everyone else in everything you do? Halsted: I’m just competitive. The Ferryman: No, dear boy, there’s competitive, and then there is you. You embody destruction. You will pave the way as the First Horseman, War. You will be the catalyst of my return but I needed to awaken that part of you by using the father who could never allow you to be satisfied with any one victory. One victory, one accolade after another and another and another but never having an end. That is the Horseman, War. That is you and it has always been you. Necra was there the whole time leading you ever so gently to get to this point. Halsted: Why didn’t you just tell me that’s what you wanted? Necra: You had to choose to do the things you did to get us all here. Halsted: How can I do this at this stage of my life, career, and age? The Ferryman: Necra will handle that part, Vin. All you have to do is set the table for what is about to come. Be ready, Vin, you will be called upon to prophesize soon enough but I need you to be at your absolute best when you do. Halsted: I still am. Necra: Oh no, you haven’t reached that level yet. You were given a taste of that earlier today, but I have something that will get you there. The Ferryman: Necra will introduce you to the Lazarus Pit and its healing waters. It will make you stronger and faster than you ever were while it heals every injury, tear, break you have ever experienced. Halsted: Now that’s something I could definitely use. The Ferryman: Necra will make the arrangements and you will clear the way as this was always your destiny, your legacy, Vin. Now… go back to the Realm of the Living. Necra and I have much to discuss. ::The Ferryman waves his arm while nodding to Necra. Halsted feels a heavy pulling upwards as he wakes up to find himself sprawled out on his bed. END SCENE.:: ::Scene opens several months later; Halsted is called to the foyer by Mr. Han to accept a delivery. The wooden crate is reminiscent of the crate that the Ark of the Covenant was placed in. It took two men wearing a shoulder dolly to carry it into the Halsted Manor.:: Halsted: What the Hell is that? Delivery Guy #1: We are here to deliver you a hot tub, sir? Halsted: Huh… I don’t remember ordering that, Delivery Guy #2: Look… we’re just the delivery crew. We don’t have anything to do with the sales department. The boss said this was to be delivered today and that he was tired of looking at it. ::Delivery Guy #1 hands Halsted the paperwork to accept the delivery then gives him a copy. Halsted looks at the paperwork and shrugs. Mr. Han looks at Halsted with confusion. Halsted shrugs in response.:: Halsted: I dunno… Margot probably ordered it to help with my training sessions. ::The two delivery guys roll their eyes at each other and breathe out a big huff each.:: Delivery Guy #1: So, where do you want this, sir? Halsted: Let’s put it in the Halsted Fieldhouse. ::The two men nod as Halsted turns and leads the way from the foyer to the fieldhouse. The men stand up and the wooden crate floats between them as they follow Halsted. They walk through the Hall of Halsted and enter the Fieldhouse. They look around for a water source and carry it to one that’s off the track. They set it down and unpack it. They set it up and then connect all of the tubes and wiring, as Halsted observes. Margot walks in as the men finish connecting the hot tubs water connectors.:: Margot: What’s with the hot tub? Halsted: I thought you ordered it. Margot: Nope… Not me, but it’s a great idea. ::Halsted shrugs and hands the paperwork to Margot. The paperwork is very vague as the purchase is labeled as a gift and to be delivered on this specific day and time. The purchase was made several months earlier but the buyer is not listed. The water begins to rush into the hot tub and the delivery guys do a quick demonstration for Halsted and Margot before they leave. Once that’s done, Margot and Halsted follow the delivery guys back to the foyer. Meanwhile the lights in the Halsted Fieldhouse while no one is around, and the water begins to glow brightly as it bubbles and fizzes. END SCENE.:: ::PRESENT DAY - Scene opens with Halsted relaxing in the hot tub waters. He leans back as the water works its healing wonders.:: Halsted: This is the best gift anyone ever gave me. Every time I get in, I feel like all my aches and pains just melt away. Margot: It’s weird that you say it like that because it seems l like you get stronger and faster each time you get out of it. It’s almost as if you’re getting younger, too. Halsted: That’s crazy talk, Margot. You and your training are the reasons why I’m this way. You are constantly pushing me, every day. Margot: Yeah… it amazes me that a guy your age has yet to tear a tricep or a bicep with the way we’ve been going. You’ve exceeded every expectation I have had for you, and you keep pushing past those expectations. Halsted: Maybe it’s “old man strength”. ::Margot shrugs.:: Halsted: Anyway, what do I have coming up this week? Oh right… I have to pander to some kid who thinks I took his spot in the Iron Survivor Match. ::Margot rolls her eyes as she exits the hot tub. She grabs a towel before walking away.:: Halsted: You don’t want to stick around? ::Margot scoffs as she feels the exuberance from the hot tub waters.:: Halsted: Suit yourself, but what’s this kid’s name again? Margot: TJ Alexander. Halsted: Right… TJ. So, listen, kid, because I want you to realize that this is the biggest shot of your life to this point. You get to step into the ring and face the truest form of greatness. You are about to become part of AWS history but not in the way you think you will. See… the reason why this is a non-title match is because you haven’t earned the right to actually challenge me for my AWS Legacy Championship. You might be asking yourself, why, right? ::Halsted sighs and rolls his eyes.:: Halsted: The answer is simple. You don’t have a legacy yet. You haven’t been a main-eventer or world-renowned champion like me. You haven’t climbed any mountains like I have. You haven’t had to fight in that ring and in the back like I have. You don’t have any sort of legendary status. All you have is a little chip on your shoulder because you feel like you were left out. ::Halsted scoffs.:: Halsted: Boo… fucking… Hoo, kid. You have no clout, no pull, and no name. So, who the fuck are you, huh? I mean… really? You just showed up and didn’t do a thing to earn the right to face me. This Legacy Championship is meant only for AWS Legends to go to war over, and you… you are no AWS Legend. I don’t see you in the Hall of Legends. I don’t see you with an AWS Heavyweight Championship reign. No… you’re just some curtain-jerking bitch who bitched loud enough for someone to say, “beware what you ask for, because you might just get it”. ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: Ask yourself this, TJ, why hasn’t there been a contender’s match been made yet? Where’s the line of guys waiting for a shot at me? I mean… think about it. Why did you, of all AWS roster members, get put into this non-title match? Where is everyone who is looking to cement their legacies in AWS? Hmm… you would think that someone named Feigel, Kane, Paine, or so many others would have been clamoring to get at me, but no, none of them have come around. Why is that? ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: It’s because they already know the outcome if they were to do so, or maybe it’s because they have been exiled. Either way, that should be a warning to you because they know that every time I get into that AWS ring I get bigger, badder, nastier, stronger, and faster than I was in my previous match. I can’t explain it. I can only just tell you that you are just the next poor unfortunate soul that will be fed to the Ferryman. For weeks, I have told everyone in AWS that he is coming and yet no one has taken my warnings seriously. Like I’m some sort of raving lunatic on the street corner raving about the end being near. ::Halsted chuckles.:: Halsted: I heard what you said, TJ, and how dare you not heed my warnings. You wrote me off like everyone else did upon my return. As if I’m some relic of yesteryear looking for a way to return to former glory. I’m some old, broken-down warrior trying to hold on to what was once a flash of greatness. I want you to take a look at me then look into my eyes. It’s almost as if I have turned the hands of time back. I feel like I am back in my twenties when I was dropping bodies in HHW and CWI. Except, this time, I, actually, am bigger, stronger, and faster than I was then. I can’t explain it, but I was sent here to prepare AWS for what is to come. It’s bigger than you and it will crush you like the insignificant cockroach you are, TJ. You made a terrible mistake when you signed up for this two-out-of-three fall match because you are just the next soul that will be taken and forgotten about as he prepares to return. The reign of blood has already begun as four souls were collected before you, TJ. You are just a mere footnote in the Book of Shadows and you will be struck down by the Iconic King, just like every other poor, unfortunate soul who decides to test me for my AWS Legacy Championship or gets in my way as I continue to regain the rest of the gold and glories that were taken from me, previously. You and everyone else will bend the knee and say, “All hail, King Halsted!!” As it was already written, “But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world, and they who belong to his company experience it.” ::Halsted stares out into the darkened Halsted Fieldhouse and begins to laugh.:: Halsted: Death is certainly about to enter the world, AWS Universe, and the story is just beginning… The Horsemen are coming, and War has already arrived in A… W… S!! ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Iron Survivor Match
AWS - Vin Halsted - You Can't Get Out of Life Alive ::After their first meeting, KD, Sammael, and Vin Halsted would have a number of meetings and conversations leading up to Halsted’s return to AWS. During this particular meeting, KD brought up a rumor that a new championship was in the works and the three men had to discuss which of them would bring it into the fold for the group. The three men are found having this discussion in Halsted’s Study located in the middle of the Halsted Labyrinth inside of Halsted Manor.:: Sammael: How in the world do you even know how to navigate this pla, Vin. Halsted: Oh… I have my secrets. See, the Halsted Manor has been under attack more times than the X-Mansion, so I’ve had to create these elaborate floor plans in order to protect it from outsiders. Sammael: That makes even more sense, now, because KD and I had to try multiple locations just to find Halsted Manor’s actual location. Halsted: Yeah… I had to enter multiple locations on Google Maps because I’ve had a few brainless idiots try to destroy my home over the years. I’ve had to build fake Manors all over the Greater Chicago Area just to throw these idiots off. Douchebags like Mike Dimter, Ricky Rhodes, Sebastian Kane, Blade, Neo, and so many others have all tried to attack, burn, destroy, and bomb my Manor, but little did they know they were just destroying one of the many facsimiles. The best part is that I have cameras in all of these locations so it’s like watching Wile E. Coyote as he tries to blow up the Roadrunner as he passes by. Here’s a favorite of mine. ::Halsted pushes a button at his Presidential desk and a 56” LG 8K LED HDTV drops down to the side of the desk for the three warriors to watch. Mr. Hand pops his head in and drops off a vintage popcorn machine for them to enjoy while watching the screen. This video is dated in August 2021 and it’s called, “All Rhodes lead to Nowhere”. The video shows a dastardly villainous character dressed in all black, including a black hoodie, in attempts to hide the attackers identity, but it’s clearly Ricky Rhodes. The man is laughing maniacally as he drives a Ford pickup truck up to one of the facsimile Halsted Manors. He hops out of the cab and unlatches the door attached to the hitch. As he does this, a charging 600-lb bull comes raging out of the livestock trailer and he dives out of the way into the muddy ground. He slams his head on a wooden post upon landing. Ricky looks to be in a daze and he attempts to get to his feet and to get a good view of the bull’s path of destruction. He continues to laugh as the bull knocks down the fake Manor. He exclaims… “Take that, Halsted!!” Then hops back into the pickup truck and drives off. As the scene comes to an end, the three warriors turn back to each other and start laughing at the ridiculousness of the video they just viewed.:: Halsted: Yeah… that happened. I didn’t feel like pressing charges because the bull apologized afterwards. Anyway, the guy didn’t even have a match with me. He was just jealous because he only won two matches in XWF and fizzled out unlike me and The Enforcer. It, only, took six months for us to win the tag titles and main event with their golden child, Ashley Slaine. Meanwhile, Ricky was getting treated like her husband’s bitch. Daniel and Ashley Slaine were XWF’s Power Couple but The Enforcer and I burned that place to the ground before we left and Ashley is lucky to be breathing after our encounter in Twisted Metal. If her husband and lesbian side piece didn’t step in, I bet I’d still be the XWF World Heavyweight Champion. However, I know when I’m in a no-win situation and it was time to leave after Inferno but there was nothing left of that federation by the time we left. I dare anyone to try and find any trace of XWF because Michael Moody tried to bury it when he closed its doors. That’s what happens when you have a group of selfish, unrelenting people in a locker room full of talent. They refused to let others play in their reindeer games, Justice, Enforcer and I went Scorched Earth before we left. We let everyone know that there would always be an unbreakable glass ceiling while their little group of SuperFriends desperately clung to their “spots”. Man… it feels good to have these NDAs voided. It’s almost as if the chains have been broken and I can be myself again. KD: That’s why we’re here, Vin. Sammael: Yeah… We need to take every opportunity and title we can to validate that we are the force to be reckoned with in AWS. Halsted: I couldn’t agree more. I’m always looking to add to the titles that hang in the Hall of Halsted and the Hall of Meaningless Titles always has space for more, too. Sammael: You have to explain the difference to me, Vin. I never really understood why you have two halls. Halsted: Oh… that’s easy!! So, the Hall of Halsted is where all of my top prize titles go like a Universal, Undisputed, or Heavyweight Championship hang. Any other mid-card championship or tag title gets stuffed in the linen closet behind the Hall of Halsted. That linen closet is also known as the Hall of Meaningless titles. Basically, I’m at the top of the mountain or bust. There was a time when I didn’t need to seek out federations and work my way up some imaginary ladder, I would simply get calls from desperate redheads looking to either usurp a cancerous champion or give the Halsted rub to a newly established company and its top title. That’s how it was when HHW closed the first time and everything was going smoothly until our little run in ECWF. Then came the merry band of idiots and its leader Eric who thought they were better than me. They couldn’t beat me in the ring so they had to get me fired from ASE and AWS. It spiraled from there in places like XWF and Little Stevie’s short-lived fed. KD: You’ve had quite the journey, my friend. Sammael: One would even say… Legendary. Halsted: Look, I may be the elder of this group but I’m bigger, stronger, and faster than I ever was in HHW. Those years that I got to sit back, train, and relax here have done wonders for me. I’ve never had any serious injuries like a major bone broken or a major tear in any of my ligaments. KD: Almost like an Iron Man. Sammael: Yeah… I could see that. Halsted: Well, it’s all about what you leave behind, guys. I can’t take this incredible Manor with me. I can’t take the money or fame, but I can leave every ounce of my essence in the middle of that ring proving to everyone that I am ageless. Margot has been training me every day to work on new ways to hurt people. It’s as if the sands of time stop every time I decide to leave the ring so it’s like I’m still wrestling as if I were in my early twenties. I can still fly higher, slam harder, and squeeze tighter than anyone that age. I have found the Fountain of Wrestling’s Youth and I drink from it every time I step into that ring. KD: So, how would you feel about becoming the first AWS Legacy Champion? Sammael: Are you ready for a title like that? KD: There’s a rumor that this will be the first of its kind and we think that you would be the best man to hold it at its inception. Sammael: We need you to put the Halsted rub on a title again and this is exactly what we see you doing in the first few pages of the Book of Shadows. You will be the Horseman of War. You will set the table for the rest of the Book and we will come out of the shadows slowly but surely to take over AWS and remake it in our own image. Halsted: It’s time to bring glory and honor back to AWS, boys, and the Legacy Championship is only the beginning. KD: That’s what I like to hear, champ!! ::The three warriors smirk and bump fists as the scene fades to black.:: ::Present Day - Halsted here’s his name being called by Scarlett via intercom in the Halsted Manor.:: Scarlett: Mr. Halsted, would you please come to the Halsted Theater. We have a production to play for you and we need you to review some new footage. Halsted: I’ll be right down. ::Halsted walks into the Halsted Theater and Mr. Hand gives Vin a giant tub of premium made movie theater popcorn. Mr. Hand nods to Vin and he smiles back at Mr. Hand. The Halsted Theater hasn’t been used in sometime but it looks to be in pristine condition and as Angelina has kept it as clean as possible. Halsted sits down in his favorite seat in the middle of the last row. Scarlett hits play and Halsted gets to enjoy the viewing of his opponents’ promos leading up to the Iron Survivor Match for the newly minted AWS Legacy Championship at this week’s AWS Ward. First up is Ricky Rhodes. Halsted watches intently and listens closely. He takes mental notes, laughs a few times, shakes his head, and gives a loud groan at the end. His head droops a bit as he rubs his temple briefly.:: Halsted: I always enjoy a revisionist history lesson, so thank you for that Ricky! I’m so glad you brought up the time I spent in XWF because I can finally address that stain on my long career. Even though it was a little more than six months of dealing with three people who thought they were Goldberg in the locker room and the Kardashians outside of the locker room. Like God forbid someone walked into their fed and was more talented than them to take their spots and their spotlight. Enforcer, Justice, and I would have run circles around them if it were any other fed, but Michael had his head so far up their asses that he thought he was their friend. As we all know, a fed owner needs to separate personal from business, otherwise it will blow up in their faces and the fed is the eventual victim of the fallout. ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: You were there for less than half of the time we were there and you could even get past being Daniel Slaine’s bitch. You got fired for throwing temper tantrums for losing so many times there. For you to even mention it is hilarious because you never had a match against me so I still have no idea why you tried to attack Halsted Manor. I hate to break it to ya, but you fucked up and destroyed the wrong Manor. Did you get the letter that said, “Sorry but Halsted is another Manor,” from Scarlett? ::Halsted briefly laughs.:: Halsted: That’s always one of my favorite follow-ups when a stooge like you tries to destroy my home!! Is that something you teach to your wrestling school students? ::Halsted clicks his tongue and shakes his index finger back and forth.:: Halsted: In what world does a curtain-jerking waste of talent think he should be leading a wrestling school??? I think that was the best part of your lame ass promo!! You actually convinced a group of kids to pay you to teach them how to wrestle in the Dust Bowl of America!! For the love of God, man!! Give these kids their money back and send them to a real school in Texas like the real Rhodes Academy in Leander, Texas, owned by the “Legendary” Dustin Rhodes or the Hybrid School of Wrestling coached by Funaki!! You were a flash in the pan and lucky you never got in the ring with me until now. Otherwise, you would have been shipped off to the island of who gives a shit years ago. Instead, I’ll just lay down a beating of a lifetime on you like I did to Ashley Slaine before I decided to leave XWF. I just hope that respect for Dimter continues because you two have been losers and irrelevant ever since our paths first crossed. But hey, let’s get back to the rest of these jokers who think they have a claim to having a legacy in AWS. ::Halsted signals to Scarlett to play the next promo. This one is from Blackthorne. Again, Halsted leans in to listen and watch intently. He squirms, smirks, laughs, and then goes back to lowering his head in the palm of his right hand while massaging his temples.:: Halsted: Ugh… I feel like this is gonna be a routine of washing, rinsing, and repeating. Do all of these guys think that you just try to say catchphrases and say stupid quips about their opponents? This just shows me how green you are, Blackthorne. Yet another spooky character who hides in the shadows, but why? Does he have a hideously scarred face? Does he have an affliction to the Sun? What is it that makes these idiots think that they know what darkness really is? ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: Let me explain something to you, Blackthorne. I know what darkness is. I have experienced life’s cruelties and abuse . I have been to the Underworld and I have a long-standing relationship with the Ferryman, himself, and he is well aware of the falsehoods that spew from your cakehole. He is coming for you and he will show you true suffering soon enough because it has been written in the Book of Shadows. I’m merely here to lead the way for him and the rest of the followers of the Book of Shadows. Halsted rolls his eyes and sighs heavily.:: Halsted: But I digress, you want to talk about glory days, time passed, and relics. Well let me enlighten you on your little run-through of Webster’s Thesaurus while you grasp at straws in an attempt to refer to me as an ancient piece of AWS, I am the original pillar that this federation was built on, and yes, let’s not get it twisted, I am still a great warrior. This company has shown me the door two times over the years and in that time period, I have either gone off to give a federation in need of a following by doing a quick stint as their champion or simply rested at the Manor while constantly training, studying and learning more ways to inflict pain. My trainer has turned me into a leaner, meaner, faster, stronger, and more explosive in the ring than I ever was when I ruled AWS the first time so much that when I returned a few years ago that I went right back to the top and won the AWS World Heavyweight Championship. Not only that, I’m doing it again right now and I’ve only been around for a couple of months. So, no, I feel no desperation, ring rust, time lost, or any of that other rhetorical shit that you want to say about me. I will introduce you to the real darkness this week and you will beg for me to stop. ::Halsted takes a deep breath and signals to Scarlett to play the last promo from Drake Nygma. Again, Halsted leans in to listen and watch intently. He squirms, smirks, laughs, gives a loud groan, and then goes back to lowering his head in the palm of his right hand while massaging his temples:: Halsted: Dear God, Drake is the greenest of them all!! This is the most boring of all, because it’s done so many times over. Clearly, child, you didn’t do your homework. You decided not to look into the books of AWS’s long history or even watch previous tapes from the last few years, let alone the last couple of months. Are you a graduate of the Ricky Rhodes Wrestling Academy? You know the knock-off school that takes in all of the rejects from Dustin’s school? ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: The first thing a real school teaches you is to do your homework. No, cherub, I am not a Chicago cop, but I respect the Hell out of them. The fact that you were able to link my name to Chicago is a shock in itself because most idiots like you struggle to get the spelling of my name correctly, so kudos to you. Yes, I took my name from the street I grew up on because that’s just something I identify with and I still remember my roots. I don’t hide the fact that I grew up on the Southside of Chicago. I’m proud of it and I know my father is still looking down on me with pride so thank you for those reminders. The funny thing is that I would almost consider sparing your pathetic existence in this match for the AWS Legacy Championship, but you had to go and show the AWS Universe how ignorant you are and the lack of respect you have for AWS. That… That’s gonna cost you dearly, my little seraph. I’m going to take you to the AWS School of Hard Knocks and there I will smash your face in with every history book and wrestling tape in the library so that you know to study up before running your fucking little mealy mouth ever again. ::Halsted takes a calming breath and asks Scarlett to play Mike Ditmer’s promo. However, she calls down to say that he hasn’t shown up yet. He shakes his head and smirks.:: Halsted: Why am I not surprised, Mikey? What will your excuse be this time? Were you too busy kissing the ECWF owner’s ass again? Whatever the case may be, you have been doing this ever since I met you. You are the most inconsistent waste of roster space I’ve ever seen. How in the fuck does anyone, including Ricky Rhodes, respect you? ::Halsted rolls his eyes again.:: Halsted: Mike Ditmer has been a curtain-jerking piece of trash with delusions of grandeur his entire lack-luster Barry Horowitz career. The guy never wins anything and will point a finger in every direction blaming anyone and everything as to why he sucks at life. Wait… now it makes sense as to why Ricky looks up to him because they’re cut from the same mold. Both of these guys show up in federations thinking their king shit, but everyone figures out that they’re just plain old shit, they pack up and take their ball home either on their own accord or by getting themselves kicked out. The only reason why Ditmer is still around is to just put everyone over. He is nothing more than a talent enhancement. A nugget that refuses to get flushed away or just refuses to stay away. No one likes you, Mike… literally, how many times do you need to get fired before you move on and get that nice job at Sheetz that you’ve been avoiding for fifteen years or more? Fucking move on!! Even if you do happen to show up, it’s not anyone will fucking care. ::Halsted leans forward and changes his demeanor.:: Halsted: Let me explain something to all of you wanna-bes. None of you have a shred of claim to a legacy like me. This title was literally created for me because it needs to be elevated to a top tier title. I am the man to do that. I am the man to take it up to the top of the mountain where legends like me will want to chase it and only legends will compete for it. I was one of the first to capture the AWS World Heavyweight Championship and I held the record for the longest title reign for a long time after that. I was one of the first entrants into the Federations Hall of Fame, CWI/HHW Hall of Fame, and the ASWE Circle of Legends before I turned thirty. I have held twenty four world heavyweight championships in fourteen federations and held other top tier championships in ten other federations. I have held gold in every place I stepped foot in, so what the fuck makes anyone of you think you’re more worthy than me to hold this AWS Legacy Championship?? ::Halsted stops to listen for a response but all he hears is the chirping of a lone cricket that made its way into the theater. Angelina suddenly come rushing in to dispose of the insect.:: Halsted: You see, children, that’s how quickly I will dispose of all of you in this Iron Survivor Match. I’m going to torture each and every one of you from start to finish and let all of you experience the pain and the suffering I’ve had built up ever since Eric and his band misfits caused me to leave this hallowed federation. I have been waiting to put on a clinic of pain like this and now I get to welcome all of you to my symphony of destruction because the Horseman of War has arrived and we have only just begun reading from the Book of Shadows! None of you in AWS is ready for the absolutely maliciousness and violence that is going to reign down upon this place. Eric may be banished to exile and we are weeding out the rest of his followers until we have eradicated everything he once held dear, here. Ding… Dong… King Herrara is dead… Long live the one and true ICONIC KING… King Vin Halsted!! I am just the beginning. I am the one who gets to set the table for the rest of what’s to come and there will be no mercy shown to anyone, just like what’s going to happen in the Iron Survivor Match. I’m going to tear each and every one of you limb from limb and destroy your very existence as an example for everyone who has the unfortunate task to face us head on. Blackthorne, Ditmer, Rhodes, and Nygma, you are just the first victims of the Book of Shadows and your names will long be forgotten once our story is told completely. Gentlemen, welcome to the rest of your Misery and let me be the first to introduce you to the Ferryman as you live this plain of existence. The AWS Reign of Terror begins at The Ward!! Our story is just beginning… There's an old saying where I come from and that’s, “You can’t get out of life alive,” so… Survive if I let you and what can I say, I’m sorry!! ::Halsted tosses his tub of popcorn over the front rows of the Halsted Theater and exits into the darkness of the Halsted Labyrinth. END SCENE.::
Sammeal McBane -versus- Vin Halsted ©
AWS - Vin Halsted - The Devil Went Down to Georgia in a Blue Dress ::Scene opens with Vin Halsted sitting on a random porch near the Halsted Manor. He has a straw hat on and a piece of wheat hanging from his pursed lips. He’s wearing a pair of overall jeans, a flannel shirt and brown boots. He has a fiddle in his hands and picks at it while watching the sun go down.:: Halsted: Sammy, I’m the best that’s ever been. I hope you understand that but if you don’t you will at Psycho Circus. The simple fact is that you happened to just drop in and get a shot at the Pinnacle Championship. It’s not like you had to put down a god or a royal to get here. No, you just showed up one day and had your two buddies jump me. You couldn’t even do it yourself. ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: So you want to walk around AWS and claim that you’re some sort of devil incarnate, but all I see is a cowardly drunk who can’t even stand on his own two feet and fight me on his own. Your claim is a joke, just like your claim to being a man. If you think it’s gonna be so easy to hang me then you’re dead wrong. I’m gonna show you the real devil. The one that resides in me. You haven’t seen Hades, yet, boy, but at Psycho Circus, I will be the one introducing you to the Ferryman. He has such sights to show you. ::The sun begins to set.:: Halsted: Time is running out, Sammy, so you better make things right with your demons because I’m sending you down to Georgia wrapped in a blue dress as a message to Satan, himself, that you’re his new bitch for all of eternity. ::Halsted stands up and tosses the straw hat off to the side of the porch as he stretches. He walks inside and grabs a gas can. He drags a wicker rocking chair out in front of the porch along with the straw hat. He pours the gasoline all over the chair and hat, then lights a Zippo lighter that he had in his pocket. He sets the chair and hat ablaze and then walks back to Halsted Manor.:: Halsted: See, Sammy, I’m gonna burn your entire existence down and send you off in a blaze of glory. You don’t deserve a warrior’s death but I’m gonna let you have a moment that will live in AWS infamy because I’m just that kind of guy. You get to be the next victim in a long line because I came here to show the entire AWS Universe that I am still the greatest champion in its illustrious history and no one's gonna say any different by the time I reshape AWS in my image. This is the Era of Halsted and it won’t end until I decide that it’s time for it to end. ::Halsted continues to walk towards the Halsted Manor and the black smoke billows from the fire behind him. He enters the Manor and walks towards his closet. He changes back into his workout clothes and makes his way to the Halsted Fieldhouse. Halsted steps into the ring and begins to spare with his trainer, Margot.:: Margoit: It’s good to see that you’re focused, Vin. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that look. Halsted: You know, Margot, it’s a damn good feeling to know that I don’t have any more demons to put away. Margot: They’ve all been put to rest and now you can be the champion we all knew you could be. Halsted: Absolutely, I’m still the hunter of AWS, nothing has changed just because I finally took the AWS Pinnacle Championship into my possession. It may not be the AWS World Heavyweight Championship but it is the top prize that has eluded me for over ten years. No one's gonna swerve their way into taking it from me this time. Margot: With each challenger, comes another soul to send on. Halsted: That’s exactly it, Margot, I don’t have a list of souls to send on, now it’s everyone and anyone who dares to step into the ring with me. The Ferryman has been satisfied, now I get to send these bastards on for fun. I love hearing them beg me to stop before I land the final blow that sends them off. Margot: It’s like what we keep saying… Make them all pay, Saul didn’t know what the Hell he got himself into and he’s lucky you weren’t the one to end his pathetic existence. That was a stolen valor that Sammeal will have to pay for in full. Halsted: The wounded animal was mine to finish but Sammy will feel my wrath for stealing that from me. He is a sick piece of shit that needs to be sent back from whence he came. I’m gonna make him feel pain like he’s never experienced before. He’s gonna bleed more than he has ever shed and when he is at his lowest, that’s when I will hang him. He will be put out of his misery at Psycho Circus for all of AWS to see. Margot: Then he can face all of his demons as he passes on. Halsted: AWS is my playground and I’m just getting started with the Era of Halsted. The War with Charlie ended with me standing over him as the victor and history will continue to repeat itself with each of these challengers who step up to face me. The level of violence has been elevated and I will tear each and every one of them to pieces until there’s no one left. Margot: Keep moving forward, Vin. Nothing can stop you. AWS is your world. Now. ::Halsted nods at Margot as they continue to spare.:: Halsted: They will all suffer for the twelve years of Hell that I had to crawl, climb, and claw through to get to this point. I am the Iconic King of AWS. Sammy and everyone else will just be brief mentions in the annals of AWS History. Nothing will ever be the same so let the blood rain down on AWS as the Halsted Reign of Terror continues to flood the AWS arenas. If it’s Hell Sammy wants, then it’s Hell I’m bringing with me. Begone devil… and I can take yet another name, Demonslayer, at Psycho Circus. ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Vin Halsted © -versus- Sal Kulina
AWS - Vin Halsted - The Reign of Terror Begins ::Scene opens with Vin Halsted sitting at his elongated dinner table in the Halsted Dining Hall. The hall was designed with the intention to look just like King Arthur’s dining hall in Camelot. Halsted has always fancied himself to be a king and he has been able to attain everything he could have ever wanted to have in this world and the next. Everything was in his grasp and then it all faded away. He fought undisclosed wars, fended off greedy souls, and fell into a darkness that he never thought he’d ever escape. Now, as he looks across the table he gazes at the AWS Pinnacle Championship Title that is seated at the head of the table and thinks to himself that he is vindicated. His gaze breaks when he hears Scarlett enter the hall. He overhears a conversation that she is having on her cellphone. He looks over at her as she sits at the seat in between himself and his new prize. She nods to him and he smirks and shakes his head.:: Halsted: What’s going on, Scar? Scarlett: That’s the tenth call I’ve taken today, Vin? Halsted: Oh? Scarlett: Don’t be coy. You knew this would happen. Halsted: Did I now? Scarlett: Don’t let it get to your head like last time. Halsted: Whatever do you mean? Scarlett: Vin, you told me that if we ever made it back to this place that you wanted me to step in and remind you how it almost destroyed everything you ever built for yourself and the rest of us. You finally climbed back up from the darkness you once were in and I’m happy to see that. I’m just not going to stick around when you fall to pieces again. Halsted: Look, Scar, I where I’m going this time and that’s not gonna happen again. ::Scarlett takes a deep breathe and sighs.:: Scarlett: I don’t know. I saw the way you were looking at that title when I walked in and it scared me, Vin. I just can’t watch you go down this road again. Halsted: That’s why I need you, Scarlett. That’s why I need Margot, Mr. Hand, Joey, and Anjolie! Even, Caden, for that matter ::Just as Halsted mentions Caden, a small arm reaches up from underneath the elongated table and the hand of a child grabs the AWS Pinnacle Championship title from the table. It pulls it down and the title disappears from sight.:: Caden: MY PREEECIOUUUSSSS!!! ::Halsted jumps out of his chair and yells out at Caden.:: Halsted: PUT THAT BACK, YOU LITTLE… Scarlett: VIIIINNNNNN!!! ::Halsted stops and looks right at Scarlett with a look of regret.:: Scarlett: This is what I’m talking about, Vin. I’m not gonna let you get so consumed by that thing and AWS that you destroy everything and everyone around you, again. Halsted: But I… Scarlett: No… I know you suffered. I know you spent hours wallowing and wondering who you are without the spotlight when it faded. I know you spent years fighting everyone and anyone who took it away from you. I know you spent sleepless nights training like there was no tomorrow and talking to people who weren’t even there. Halsted: Ok, Scar, you’re right. ::Caden scurries away while clutching the title to his chest. He raises it over his head to taunt, Halsted, but he doesn’t react.:: Halsted: What do you want me to do, Scar? Scarlett: I want you to make a change. I want you to remember what you have and focus on the good in your life. Halsted: Again, This is why I need all of you. Scarlett: We’re not going anywhere, Vin, but you need to keep your head on straight. ::Halsted stands up straight as Scarlett stares him down. Mr. Hand walks in and joins the argument.:: Mr. Hand: What’s going on here? ::Halsted and Scarlett freeze and slump the shoulders as if they were scolded children. Both try to raise their arms to point at each other. Mr. Hand: You two need to stop and get on the same page. Halsted and Scarlett: Sorry, Mr. Hand. Mr. Hand: Now, pick your heads up and talk this out. The jackals are starting to circle the lion’s den and Vin needs to be able to fend them all off. ::Halsted and Scarlett both stand up straight and lift their chins from the floor. They look at each other and nods.:: Mr. Hand: I told you that you need to make all of them feel your pain, Vin, and I meant it. You took the prize that was unjustly taken from you. Stop getting distracted and start pushing back. Scarlett: I’m not taking any other calls from here on out. You have to defend that championship and keep it here. That title is everything this place needs to keep the lights on here and in you. Halsted: You’re both right. I will die before I let anyone take it from me again. ::Halsted walks out of the dining hall and goes back into his bed chamber. He changes into his workout clothes and rushes down to the Halsted Fieldhouse. He starts out by doing a warm-up lap. As he rounds the first bend, he spots Margot as she walks over to meet him. He nods and jogs over to the ring in the center of the building.:: Margot: It’s about time. We need to get back to work. Halsted: Indeed, we do, Margot. Indeed, we do. Margot: So, I did some research and this next guy is something. Halsted: How so? Margot: I don’t think he understands the levity of the situation he’s been put in. Maybe it’s from the recent smashing of his skull that he took but he doesn’t seem to have a clue as to who you are and what he’s about to experience. Halsted: Well, if he thinks a little bump on the head is bad then he has another thing coming. Margot: He was pretty wrapped up about some relations with a girl and thinks he can put his fist in your throat. ::Halsted rolls his eyes.:: Halsted: What does that even mean? Margot: I don’t think he even knows what that means. Halsted: Well, I guess when I send him off to the ER they’ll do a CAT scan to make sure he even has a brain. Margot: I think they’re gonna have to look really hard. Halsted: Anyway, we need to get back on track and show the AWS Universe why I’m the greatest champion they have ever seen and will ever see. The rumor mills on fire with old threats looking to return while new threats are rising up the ranks and I have to put them all down. ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
AWS – Answer the Call Open Challenge ::Scene opens with Vin Halsted sitting behind Charlie Feigel’s desk in Charlie’s office at the OlympiaHalle. Halsted is brazenly sitting with his feet propped on the desk and has the AWS Pinnacle Championship title draped over the end of the desk haphazardly. Halsted smirks at the AWS Universe before addressing them as the new champion.:: Halsted: Once upon a time, this was seen often in numerous promotions. My phone would ring day and night with promoters begging me to come and give their top prize the Halsted rub. but something changed for me. I was always happy to oblige and take the opportunity to humble yet another random champion who thought they were the greatest thing that promotion ever saw. I’d walk in after doing some research and then I’d shred them to pieces physically, mentally, and emotionally, until there was nothing left but to put them on the shelf and be forgotten in the annuls of time. I loved doing that. I fed my unquenchable hunger to stand on top of every damn mountain until there weren’t any left. There was no Mount Rushmore of Wrestling, it was simply just Vin Halsted’s face at four different angles. Once I conquered every federation I walked into, I started venturing out in attempts of challenging myself. ::Halsted sighs and rolls his eyes.:: Halsted: That’s where I went wrong. I wasn’t content with just walking in, wreaking havoc, taking gold, destroying all comers, and leaving when no one else was left to challenge me. No, I had to go out and find challenges. Instead of finding the challenges in the ring, I found the world of backstabbing and backdoor politics. I learned that if you’re an outsider who wants to prove to be the best, then you’re gonna come face to face with guys who want to stay in their “spots” by any means necessary. After a while, I got tired of being the guys who gets used to make someone’s favorite look good. I was clearly better than all of them, but I hit a wall and got worn down. I felt as if I wasn’t needed any more, so I decided to go back to the Halsted Manor. ::Halsted shakes his head.:: Halsted: Sure, I’d venture out from time to time when some new promoter would call me, but it was always the same empty promise of opportunity. Each time the company would fold or swerve me before I could get my hands on the titles I deserved. However, AWS has always been that fed that would call on me to come back. I was one of the first heavyweight champions in its history and I just proved that I’m still worthy of being the top dog here. Necra and Summer found that out firsthand over a decade after I stood on top of the AWS Mountain the first time. I was unbeatable then, and I’m unbeatable now. ::Halsted takes a deep breath.:: Halsted: Necra, you failed to learn your history. You’ll forever rot in the Underworld for that reason and be constantly reminded that I was the God Butcher who sent you there for eternity. Summer, you were a tired champion who was waiting for the guillotine to drop, and I was the happy executioner who put you out of your misery, Two of the greatest talents in the history of AWS and I sent them off to the Ferryman in one fucking night. Now I have to ask the AWS Universe, who’s next? Who has the balls, or moxy, to step into the ring and face me for this? ::Halsted points at the AWS Pinnacle Championship and smirks.:: Halsted: When I was in my first year in HHW, I made a Call to Arms to anyone in that locker room to join me in fighting Joey Cranston’s Underground Alliance. Back then, I thought I was some kind of rebel, but I quickly learned who this business really is. ::Halsted chuckles to himself.:: Halsted: Let’s get down to why I’m here at Charlie’s desk. First of all, Konrad had apparently decided that he isn’t ready to face me. I’d say that I respect that, but I don’t. The opportunities to be in the same ring as the champion are far and few in between. I should know… It took me over ten years to finally regain something that was unceremoniously taken from me. I fought and grinded in several federations, including AWS, until I took what was rightfully mine. I jumped through every hoop, and grabbed every brass ring, until to be told that the princess was in another castle. So, Konrad go kick rocks because you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as me. You’ll never get another opportunity after squandering this one. ::Halsted snarls and shakes his head.:: Halsted: So, with that said, I want to address a few talking heads. Yeah… I heard everything and it’s the same old whiney bullshit every time. When a new champion is crowned, everyone in the back starts crying about why that person got the opportunity and not them. I love it… Keep feeding me your tears, bitches!! I thrive on all of that because I get to hunt all of you down and shut all of your mouths. I’m still the hunter, even though I slayed the top talents, AWS had to offer. So, come one, come all and Answer the Call!! I want each and every one of you pathetic creatures to crawl out of your holes and stand across the ring from me. I will put an end to all of you and the Ferryman’s boat will be full by the time I send off the entire roster that AWS has to offer. I’m not here to be a hero. I’m here to prove that I am the greatest fucking talent AWS and the rest of the wrestling world has ever seen. I will never be beaten and I will never be forgotten, again. If any of you pieces of shit think otherwise, then prove me wrong. Get in line and be prepared to be absolutely ruined and wiped from existence by the one true Iconic King, the God Butcher, the Kingslayer, The Fed Destroyer, Vin Halsted. Until then, don’t ever put my name in your mouth again because I will make you choke on it. The Answer the Call Open Challenge has begun… ::Halsted flips the desk over and walks out of the office. END SCENE.::
AWS – Answer the Call Open Challenge
AWS – Answer the Call Open Challenge ::Scene opens with Vin Halsted sitting behind Charlie Feigel’s desk in Charlie’s office at the OlympiaHalle. Halsted is brazenly sitting with his feet propped on the desk and has the AWS Pinnacle Championship title draped over the end of the desk haphazardly. Halsted smirks at the AWS Universe before addressing them as the new champion.:: Halsted: Once upon a time, this was seen often in numerous promotions. My phone would ring day and night with promoters begging me to come and give their top prize the Halsted rub. but something changed for me. I was always happy to oblige and take the opportunity to humble yet another random champion who thought they were the greatest thing that promotion ever saw. I’d walk in after doing some research and then I’d shred them to pieces physically, mentally, and emotionally, until there was nothing left but to put them on the shelf and be forgotten in the annuls of time. I loved doing that. I fed my unquenchable hunger to stand on top of every damn mountain until there weren’t any left. There was no Mount Rushmore of Wrestling, it was simply just Vin Halsted’s face at four different angles. Once I conquered every federation I walked into, I started venturing out in attempts of challenging myself. ::Halsted sighs and rolls his eyes.:: Halsted: That’s where I went wrong. I wasn’t content with just walking in, wreaking havoc, taking gold, destroying all comers, and leaving when no one else was left to challenge me. No, I had to go out and find challenges. Instead of finding the challenges in the ring, I found the world of backstabbing and backdoor politics. I learned that if you’re an outsider who wants to prove to be the best, then you’re gonna come face to face with guys who want to stay in their “spots” by any means necessary. After a while, I got tired of being the guys who gets used to make someone’s favorite look good. I was clearly better than all of them, but I hit a wall and got worn down. I felt as if I wasn’t needed any more, so I decided to go back to the Halsted Manor. ::Halsted shakes his head.:: Halsted: Sure, I’d venture out from time to time when some new promoter would call me, but it was always the same empty promise of opportunity. Each time the company would fold or swerve me before I could get my hands on the titles I deserved. However, AWS has always been that fed that would call on me to come back. I was one of the first heavyweight champions in its history and I just proved that I’m still worthy of being the top dog here. Necra and Summer found that out firsthand over a decade after I stood on top of the AWS Mountain the first time. I was unbeatable then, and I’m unbeatable now. ::Halsted takes a deep breath.:: Halsted: Necra, you failed to learn your history. You’ll forever rot in the Underworld for that reason and be constantly reminded that I was the God Butcher who sent you there for eternity. Summer, you were a tired champion who was waiting for the guillotine to drop, and I was the happy executioner who put you out of your misery, Two of the greatest talents in the history of AWS and I sent them off to the Ferryman in one fucking night. Now I have to ask the AWS Universe, who’s next? Who has the balls, or moxy, to step into the ring and face me for this? ::Halsted points at the AWS Pinnacle Championship and smirks.:: Halsted: When I was in my first year in HHW, I made a Call to Arms to anyone in that locker room to join me in fighting Joey Cranston’s Underground Alliance. Back then, I thought I was some kind of rebel, but I quickly learned who this business really is. ::Halsted chuckles to himself.:: Halsted: Let’s get down to why I’m here at Charlie’s desk. First of all, Konrad had apparently decided that he isn’t ready to face me. I’d say that I respect that, but I don’t. The opportunities to be in the same ring as the champion are far and few in between. I should know… It took me over ten years to finally regain something that was unceremoniously taken from me. I fought and grinded in several federations, including AWS, until I took what was rightfully mine. I jumped through every hoop, and grabbed every brass ring, until to be told that the princess was in another castle. So, Konrad go kick rocks because you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as me. You’ll never get another opportunity after squandering this one. ::Halsted snarls and shakes his head.:: Halsted: So, with that said, I want to address a few talking heads. Yeah… I heard everything and it’s the same old whiney bullshit every time. When a new champion is crowned, everyone in the back starts crying about why that person got the opportunity and not them. I love it… Keep feeding me your tears, bitches!! I thrive on all of that because I get to hunt all of you down and shut all of your mouths. I’m still the hunter, even though I slayed the top talents, AWS had to offer. So, come one, come all and Answer the Call!! I want each and every one of you pathetic creatures to crawl out of your holes and stand across the ring from me. I will put an end to all of you and the Ferryman’s boat will be full by the time I send off the entire roster that AWS has to offer. I’m not here to be a hero. I’m here to prove that I am the greatest fucking talent AWS and the rest of the wrestling world has ever seen. I will never be beaten and I will never be forgotten, again. If any of you pieces of shit think otherwise, then prove me wrong. Get in line and be prepared to be absolutely ruined and wiped from existence by the one true Iconic King, the God Butcher, the Kingslayer, The Fed Destroyer, Vin Halsted. Until then, don’t ever put my name in your mouth again because I will make you choke on it. The Answer the Call Open Challenge has begun… ::Halsted flips the desk over and walks out of the office. END SCENE.::
Summer Bliss © vs. Vin Halsted vs. Necra Octavian Kane
AWS - Vin Halsted - When Gods Fall Blissfully ::Scene opens with Vin Halsted in front of fire. He is seated in a lavish red throne-like chair and on his lap is an oversized leather-bound fairy tale book. Vin smirks as he opens the book.:: Halsted: Vin Halsted stands over Necra holding the head of Necra much like Perseus holding the head of Medusa. Halsted drags Necra’s body around the ring to display his dominance in front of the AWS universe. He drops her down and walks out of the ring triumph. ::Halsted sighs and looks around the room.:: Halsted: Listen closely, Necra, our story was written before it came to fruition. I told you from the start that you are just an end-level boss on my way to the endgame boss. History has to come true as I butchered the god. You fell from grace and now you're just a mere mortal. Now it's time for me to finish you off completely because you found a way into my business once again. That just doesn't sit well with me. Let me ask you this: do you feel the squeeze on your neck? You should, because that’s my foot on your damn neck and I will finish you off in grand fashion inside of the Apocalypse Chamber. Your death warrant was signed when you decided to be the third-wheel in what should have been a one-on-one fight to the finish between me and Summer. I will end you once and for all, then you can face the Ferryman as you cross over into the Underworld for good. This is the end of your part in my story, Necra. ::Halsted shakes his head and returns to the story.:: Halsted: Summer Bliss, it was always going to come down to you and me as our paths were always going to cross. It isn’t because I don't like you. It isn’t because I have anything against you. It's just because you have something that I need. Necra's going to try and get into our business, However, we need to settle this because that title means everything to me. It’s something that was taken from me unjustly and then held away from for the better part of a decade. I was forced into exile and I wandered the world for opportunities to regain my former glory. Nothing ever came and my drought grew longer and more desolate. Unfortunately, you are the one who will feel every ounce of my anger and frustration. You hold the key to my salvation and I’m gonna pry it out of your cold, dead hands inside of the Apocalypse Chamber.The Age of Bliss is going to come to an end. The Apocalypse of AWS is truly nigh and I will be the one to reign it down. An Apocalyptic Harbinger, if you will. ::Halsted stairs down at the book for a brief second.:: Halsted: So it is written so it is done, Vin Halsted has returned to AWS and he's going to show the entire AWS universe just why he is the greatest champion they've ever seen. This has long been way over due to Summer Bliss, you've been a placeholder this whole time while I've been tending to other business. All of that business is done. All of my debts are paid indebted to the Ferryman at River Styx. Now he's just happy for anybody I send his way. That's going to be you, Summer. and that's going to be you, Necra. You are the last two to stand in my way from destiny and I will not be denied. Gods fall, Kings bend the knee, Vin Halsted will reign supreme once again. ::Halsted closes the book, stands up and walks out of the study.:: Halsted: I was the greatest champion the world ever saw. No one could stop me. No one could beat me. No one could pin me and no one could make me submit. I would walk in, take what I wanted and leave when I wanted. I didn't give a shit about anybody or anything besides being champion. Somewhere along the way though, I crossed paths with people who wanted to take me down. Those people tried to destroy me. They tried to kill my legacy. They tried to kill me but I'm something above all of that. I'm greater than a god, and I'm more supreme than a king. I am in a league of my own. I'm a legend, I am something that cannot be killed. Those who tried, learned that lesson, they have all fallen in my hands. They've all bent the knee and now it's time for me to take my place back as the greatest champion AWS has ever seen, once again. Necra, you found out what it means to step in front of to step in front of the bullet train. I didn't stop, I didn't slow down, and you found out first hand that you will not get in my way. Just like Charlie thought he could get in my room. This story ends the way I decide it ends. I'm not just some name to be added to a list, Summer Bliss. In fact it's the other way around. I have beaten every single person who dared to step in front of me. I have taken every piece of gold that I've ever tried to take and it's been a long time since I've been at the top of the mountain. There's always going to be somebody who's going to look to take that away from you, Summer Bliss. Unfortunately for you, that someone is me. You will find out just like Necra found out that no one can stop me. AWS is going to finally be mine again. This time I reimagine it in my image AWS. Prepare for the return of the Iconic King. Then the fun will begin again because that's when the Hunter becomes the hunted. However, my hunger will not be satisfied just because I will finally have what I have craved for so long. No, instead, I’m gonna continue to feast on every poor soul who thinks that they can step to me. I will take on all, send them all home empty-handed. No one can touch me, no one will be able to stop me, and no one will be able to take that title from me once it's in my hands. No one will ever take it from me again and only when I decide to let It go is when I decide to let it go. Like the pharaohs of Egypt, I will be buried with it. Let them all come, I'll be waiting. ::Halsted walks towards the Hall of Halsted and stops in front of an empty case next to the AWS World Heavyweight Championship and Circle of Legends Honor.:: Halsted: It’s time to finally right the wrongs of the past. ::Mr. Han walks over and nods at Vin Halsted.:: Mr. Han: I feel the changing of the guard is upon us, sir. You’ve done everything you’ve needed to do to get to this point. Halsted: Thank you, old friend. Mr. Han: I couldn’t be more proud of you, sir. ::Halsted nods.:: Mr. Han: I have those items you requested to be brought back from the Vault. Halsted: I know you weren’t a fan of them but I think it’s only fitting to bring back what was once the pinnacle of my career. Let the Reign of Terror return to The Ward. Mr. Han: Make them all suffer for the transgressions that were made against you, Mr. Halsted. The Ward will never be the same again. Halsted: Indeed, old friend. Has Scarlett finalized the papers I asked for? Mr. Han: I believe so. Halsted: Then, everything is exactly where I want it to be. Mr. Han: You just have to do what you do best. Halsted: Make them pay? Mr. Han: Make them all pay… without mercy, only malice and mayhem. Halsted: They will all feel my pain and fall to the wayside. The time has finally come… ::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Necra Octavian Kane vs. Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - The God Butcher ::Scene opens in the hidden study of the Halsted Manor at the center of the labyrinth of halls. Halsted is seen sitting behind the desk with his AirPods in his ears while reviewing the schematics of the latest edition being built onto the Halsted Manor. He’s dressed a beautiful red custom Armani suit with a black silk dress shirt.:: Halsted: No, I said that the flooring needs to be hardwood. ::Halsted listens to the voice on the other end.:: Halsted: C’mon, man… We talked about this. Margot is gonna be pissed!! ::Halsted listens to the voice on the other end.:: Halsted: We’re gonna have to tell her that the grand opening of her studio needs to be pushed back another month. ::Halsted listens to the voice on the other end.:: Halsted: Actually, you can tell her yourself. Give this shit straightened out and finish the job!! ::Before the voice can respond, Halsted taps the call button on his AirPod and ends the call.:: Halsted: I can’t stand it when someone needs an extension on a job they were paid to do upfront. The gods must be crazy!! ::Halsted smirks.:: Halsted: Speaking of which… Look who decided to grace the AWS with her presence. Well, it’s about time but gods always seem to think they can do anything they want without consequence. However, history would say otherwise. ::Halsted stands up from the desk and begins to walk towards the bookcase. He lifts two books on two different shelves in order to release the mechanism to the hidden door. He walks out while reviewing more construction documents on his cellphone.:: Halsted: I have slayed dragons, beasts, and creatures of all Nature over the last twenty years. I, even, destroyed legends, icons, and so-called gods of the ring and every time I’ve sent them off to the Realm of Obscurity. You are no different Necra and you don’t have a clue about me or my history. You could even recognize that I was one of the first AWS World Heavyweight Champions and I still hold one of the longest reigns in its history. Obviously, that title has undergone some upgrades over the years but it’s something that I need to possess again. ::Halsted points at the 25 world heavyweight championships from various wrestling organizations that hang in the Hall of Halsted.:: Halsted: This hall has been quiet for some time because of broken promises and backdoor politics, but all of those obstacles have been removed. I slayed the dragon and sent him off to the Great Beyond. No one can stand in the way of my destiny. Not even you, Necra. ::Halsted walks into the Halsted Fieldhouse and there can be a loud noise in the background where the construction site is located. The foreman and the workers whizz by as they walk out of the Fieldhouse and onto the grounds behind it.:: Halsted: Life doesn’t stop for anyone. I have meetings, calls, reports, appearances and more, every day but I show up every time. I’ll be ready to butcher a god because that’s one less piece on the chessboard. For far too long, I’ve stood by and watched everyone else step in front of me and get their turn. That ends this weekend. I’m going to cut your head off of your shoulders and keep it in a sack like when Perseus slayed Medusa. You will be nothing more than an empty shell, an afterthought of history, when you face me Necra. ::Halsted clicks his tongues and wags his pointer finger back and forth.:: Halsted: You got one over on me and that’s on me, but I’m not one to repeat mistakes. I’ve taken the time to push myself to new levels while training with Margot here in the Halsted Fieldhouse. I get stronger, faster, meaner, and hungrier every day so that I can finally take the AWS Pinnacle Title back. Charlie and his goons are gone and there’s no one who can stop me from taking that gold back. I’m one step away from finally facing Summer Bliss and you won’t take that from me. If that means that I need to elevate the violence that I dish out regularly to get there, then I will. Vin Halsted the God Butcher has a damn good ring to it. I will paint the ring and the arena with your blood, Necra, so come on and just try to match violence-to-violence with me. You won’t live to tell the story but you sure as Hell can face the Ferryman and tell it to him. I know he’s been waiting for you for a very long time. In the meantime, keep stuffing whatever comfort food you need into your worthless carcass because you won’t get to have such fine dining in the Underworld. ::Halsted traces his finger across his neck and then smirks. He turns and walks out of the Fieldhouse towards the construction site. One of the construction workers hands Halsted a hard hat. He looks around approvingly and then shrugs.:: Halsted: So, how are things, boys? Random Construction Worker: Well, you know how we said a month? Halsted: Don’t tell me that it’s gonna take longer?? Random Construction Worker: Yeah… ummm… you’re gonna wanna talk to the foreman. ::Halsted groans.:: Halsted: Ok…. Where is he? Random Construction Worker: She’s over there! ::Halsted turns and looks at the random construction worker with a surprised look on his face. random construction worker.:: Random Construction Worker: Hey, you said that you wanted the best on this project and she’s the best forman I know for building studios. Halsted: It makes sense. ::Halsted walks over to the foreman and introduces himself as the scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Necra Octavian Kane vs. Vin Halsted
AWS - Vin Halsted - Next in Line ::Scene opens as Vin Halsted walks out of the Halsted Manor. He clicks his auto entry button on his car’s key fab and then enters his brand new 2023 BMW 850i. He sits in the driver’s seat briefly before sliding the car into drive. He listens to the engine as he checks his mirrors. The car starts to move as he leans back into the seat. He has his usual casual clothes on: a pair of Buffalo flex jeans, Cole Haan brown loafers, and a Ralph Lauren burgundy polo shirt. He takes each turn and curve on his way to I-88 before heading towards the local DMV. About twenty minutes later, he arrives and parks the car. He grabs his car insurance information and walks into the busy building. He grabs a number and sits down. Halsted mutters to himself when he looks at his number and compares it to the number on the screen.:: Halsted: Well, this is gonna take a while. ::Halsted looks around to find an open seat. He starts to walk to the only open chair in the seating area as a woman with a baby approaches the same seat. He looks at her, then the chair, looks back at her and shrugs. He stands off and lets the woman sit. He nods to her then looks at the wall behind him. He sees numerous men and women standing against the wall and not open spaces. He sighs and just stands where he is. He scans the room and sees people of all ages and genders. He shuffles around a bit and grabs his Samsung Galaxy S22+ and swipes the screen. He checks through his notifications, latest emails, texts, etc., to pass time. He sighs and looks at the clock when he sees that only ten minutes have passed and the “Now Serving” sign hasn’t changed.:: Halsted: Ugh… ::The guy next to Halsted hears him groan and then leans into him.:: Random guy: Welcome to the DMV, man. It’s like this every day. Halsted: Well, I guess it is what it is. ::The random guy shrugs at Halsted and Halsted nods.:: Halsted: Does that number ever change? Random guy: Good question, man. I got here when it opened. ::The guy shows Halsted his number. Ticket #42. The Now Serving reads: Now Serving #11. The random guy just laughs.:: Random guy: What number do you have? Halsted: Ummm… Number 132. Random guy: Ouch… good luck with that! Halsted: Thanks. Random: Shoulda gotten here earlier, man. Don’t you know how the DMV is like the Seventh Ring of Hell??? Halsted: Usually, I have someone who does this for me or I do it online. Random guy: Man… That must be nice but why did you have to come down here today? Halsted: Registration and new license. Random guy: Oof… You’re gonna be here forever! Halsted: It definitely looks like that’ll be the case. ::Halsted looks around and then sees a random person get up from their seat. He starts to walk over when the random guy taps his shoulder.:: Random guy: Nah, those seats are for the women and children, man. ::Halsted turns and looks at the random guy with shock.:: Random guy: No joke, man, everyone here knows that. ::Halsted looks around the room, again, and notices that all of the seats are taken by the elderly, women, and children. He looks around the walls and sees all males standing against the wall or in the middle of the waiting room. He turns back to the random guy and shrugs.:: Random guy: Yeah… It is what it is, man. ::Halsted nods, looks at the clock as 20 minutes have passed, and the Now Serving sign reads: “Now Serving #30”.:: Random guy: Some things in life are worth waiting for, man. ::Halsted smiles and nods.:: Random guy: Just not the DMV, man!! ::Halsted nods as the random guy laughs. Halsted starts to laugh, as well, as he thinks about the last several years of his wrestling career.:: Halsted: I like your style, man. I’ve been kinda in a rut these last few years. Random guy: What do you mean? Halsted: Do you ever feel like you’re just spinning your tires and no matter how hard you try, you just stuck in the same spot? Random guy: All the time, man. Halsted: Me too. I’ve been kinda jumping from one place to the next but I keep coming up with the same results. Random guy: Well… How can we change that? Halsted: Good question. ::The Now Serving sign announces, “Now serving number forty.”:: Random guy: Oh, man, I’m almost up, but look… Whatever you got going on, you’ll get there, just keep pushing. ::The random guy hands Halsted his business card and walks towards the service desk. Halsted looks down at the card and reads it. He smirks and then looks back up. He nods to the random guy as he puts the card in his front left pocket. He looks around and then grabs his phone again.:: Now Serving Announcement: Now serving, number forty-two. ::Halsted smirks and nods at his new friend, then looks back at his phone. An hour passes…:: Now Serving Announcement: Now serving, number seventy-three. ::Halsted rolls his eyes, then sees a spot open up on the wall. He walks over but is cut off by an elderly gentleman in a scooter. Halsted sighs deeply.:: Halsted: All you, sir. Elderly man: Thanks, kid. ::Halsted walks back to his original spot in the middle of the waiting room.Two hours later…:: Now Serving Announcement: Now serving number one-hundred, one. ::Halsted looks around and sees another spot open up against the wall. He walks over but gets cut off by a teenager in a hoodie. The teenager doesn’t even look up or acknowledge Halsted as he presses up against the wall. He had earbuds in and wasn’t even paying attention to the rest of the crowd. Halsted scoffs and shakes his head. Two more hours pass…:: Now Serving Announcement: Now serving number one-hundred, twenty-seven. ::Halsted looks up and notices that there are several people still remaining. He smirks and starts to gather his materials so that he has them in his hands. He looks outside to see that the sun has gone down then looks at the clock. The clock reads: “4:45 pm”.:: Now Serving Announcement: Now serving, number one-hundred, thirty. ::Halsted smiles and begins to walk up to the service desk. The woman behind the window places a placard onto the window that reads: “CLOSED” and then pulls down the window shade. Halsted looks around perplexed. He spots a security guard and walks over to him.:: Halsted: Excuse me, sir. Is the DMV closed? Security Guard: Yeah… Sorry, you have to come back tomorrow. Halsted: I was up next. Security Guard: Sorry, sir, you just have to come back again tomorrow. ::Halsted stares at the security guard for a minute. The security guard says nothing and walks off. Halsted crumbles up the piece of paper with his number on it and throws it on the ground in frustration. He shakes his head and walks out of the DMV. This happens every day following for a week and then Halsted finally just gives up as he decides to blow off the DMV and walks around Halsted Manor.:: Scarlett: Hey, Vin, did you ever make it to the DMV? Halsted: Oh God… I’m never going back there. Scarlett: Why? What happened? Halsted: It’s the Seventh Ring of Hell!! Every time I go there, I wait all day, only to be sent home because they keep closing before I get to the window. Scarlett: I told you to go as soon as they open! Halsted: Ok… I did learn that on Monday but I was there right when they opened the doors on Tuesday through Friday last week. Scarlett: It’s Thursday, Vin. Halsted: Yeah… I gave up. Scarlett: Vin… you need a new license. Halsted: Maybe, maybe not. Scarlett: What do you mean by that? Halsted: Did you hire a new driver yet? Scarlett: You told me not to because you wanted to start driving yourself around again. Halsted: Oh yeah… Scarlett: So… Halsted: Give this guy a call. ::Halsted takes the business card the random guy handed him last week and hands it to Scarlett.:: Halsted: He seems like a good dude. Maybe we can set him up as a driver. ::Scarlett nods then walks off. Halsted looks up and then points at the HHW World Heavyweight Championship.:: Halsted: You look a little lonely, my friend, but I think I have something coming that will keep you company. Charlie has been put to pasture and there’s no one else left for me to slay. The road is totally open for the first time in years and I’m just getting started. Necra has no idea what kinds of Hell I have planned for them. It will be bloody, it will be brutal, and it will be a total massacre. I’ve waited too long for this and I think everyone in The Ward now knows what I’ll do to get what I want. The Ferryman and I are now even. That leaves me to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and take everything that’s coming to me. ::Halsted smirks as the scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Vin Halsted © vs. Charlie Feigel
AWS - Vin Halsted - Burn It All Down ::Leading up to Darkness Falls, Vin Halsted decided to take a weekend trip in order to explore Rome and the Colosseum. His private jet lands at Urbe Airport as Vanessa, Halsted’s new pilot, announces their arrival. Vanessa gives her final landing instructions as Halsted, Margot, Mr. Han, and Scarlett shuffle around in their seats in order to exit the plane. They all stand up as Vanessa attempts to race to the exit and open the hatch to the aircraft stairway as the ground crew drive it over to the jet. Vanessa huffs and puffs as she ponders her current employment status and shakes her head at her passengers. She rolls her eyes and smiles as they exit. Vanessa: Enjoy your time in Rome, everyone. Halsted: You don’t want to join us? Vanessa: Oh, I’m not one to mingle with my employers. Halsted: Hey, your part of the team, now! Vanessa: I’ll keep that in mind, Mr. Halsted. ::Halsted looks at Vanessa and shrugs as he follows the rest of his team down the stairway and enters the private car waiting for them. The driver takes the bags from the ground crew and then enters the driver’s side of the Mercedes V-Class MPV. The driver takes the group to the Colosseum for a very special tour of the ancient amphitheatre. The driver takes his time as he describes different points of interest as they pass by. Margot and Scarlett take turns ooo’ing and ah’ing at the different sites. Halsted and Mr. Han start to discuss why they took the time to visit Rome before Halsted’s match against Charlie Feigel in Mexico City.:: Mr. Han: You seem distracted, Mr. Halsted. Halsted: That’s far from the case, Mr. Han. Mr. Han: Shouldn’t we have just gone to Mexico City and taken this excursion after your match with Mr. Feigel? Scarlett: Oh, you hush, Mr. Han. I’ve never been to Rome and I want to enjoy this!! Margot: Yeah, me too!! :Halsted smirks and nods at the ladies.in the car.:: Halsted: I assure you, Mr. Han, this isn’t a vacation. Margot: What??? Scarlett: Oh, c’mon, Vin… Just once, I want to go somewhere and not have any distractions from your crazy world of wrestling. Halsted: Hey, now, that crazy world of wrestling is what keeps all of us employed and provides us with a very lavish lifestyle. How else would a bunch of ragtags like us end up in Rome? Margot: Point taken. Halsted: Look, everyone, I set up a really special tour for us at The Colosseum. You’re more than welcome to enjoy it while I do what I have to do there. Mr. Han: I was wrong to question you, Mr. Halsted. Halsted: Absolutely not, Mr. Han. You will always be my mostar trusted counsel. I expect you to step in when you deem it necessary. ::Mr Han nods to Halsted and Halsted returns the gesture as the driver pulls up to The Colosseum. The group exits the van as the driver holds the door. The group is greeted by The Colosseum’s lead curator, Monica.:: Monica: Mr. Halsted, welcome to The Colosseum. I am the lead curator, Monica. I believe we spoke on the phone concerning your interest in visiting. Halsted: Yes, I want to see the arena and walk the grounds. Monica: Unfortunately, the arena floor no longer exists, as I explained to you during our conversation. However, I think I can show you some great vantage points of this ancient ampitheatre that will give you a glimpse into our rich past. ::Halsted sighs and shrugs as Monice leads the way.:: Halsted: Can the ladies be seated in the podium section while Mr. Han and I walk with you? Monica: I’m impressed with your knowledge of the seating. I think the ladies would love to see the view from that section! ::Monica waves to a security guard and speaks to him in Italian. The guard nods and leads Margot and Scarlett to their assigned section.:: Halsted: You two get to be Senators for the day! Scarlett: Thank you, Vin!! Margot: That’ll be fun!! ::Halsted nods and smiles.:: Halsted: Only the best, ladies. Enjoy!! ::Halsted turns to Monica and nods. Monica begins to walk Halsted and Mr. Han through the hypogeum. The air smells a little thicker here as Halsted breathes it in deeply. He closes his eyes and tries to listen to the ancient walls. He imagines himself as he passes by gladiators and caged animals like elephants, lions, and bears. He turns to Mr. Han and begins to shed light on the reason why he chose to take this excursion.:: Halsted: This is where it should have taken place, not Mexico City. Mr. Han: What do you mean, Mr. Halsted? Halsted: You see, Mr. Han, Chuckles and I have had a long history. We deserve to have an epic setting for our final battle. I really don’t understand why this hasn’t been built into what should be the greatest clash of titans that the AWS has ever witnessed. Instead, it’s almost as if it’s been swept under the rug. We may as well go second on the card. We’ve spent months, no years, getting to this point and he barely did or said anything about it. I had to take a championship, run said champion out of AWS, and beat his son to a bloody pulp just to get his attention. His fat ass couldn’t move an inch out of his desk chair to say anything of worth. Mr. Han: He doesn’t respect you. Halsted: He’s dead wrong. He knows what he did and he knows this is his reckoning. I have been pushed into a cage, much like that one, while starving and waiting for this moment. Like a lion released from the cage in a battle on the arena floor, I will tear him limb from limb until there’s nothing left of him. There will be no mercy, only pain. Mr. Han: You have to remind him just who the Hell you are, sir. Halsted: Chuckles never let the fact that I beat him in HHW down. He orchestrated an attempt to destroy everything I built out of jealousy, lies, and betrayal. He masqueraded as my friend for years all while he plotted. He’s partly to blame for the issues in ECWF and SEE. I took the brunt of those fallouts and went back to the Manor. He’s the one who lured me out and tried to tear me down in front of the world. He’s never stood face-to-face with me without a jackal at his side. Now, he has nowhere to turn and nowhere to hide. This is the end of a storied career and I’ll be the one loading him into the back of the ambulance while closing the doors on him. Mr. Han: I believe that Mr. Feigel is finally ready to meet the Ferryman, Mr. Halsted. Halsted: The Ferryman has waited a long time for Chuckles and I’m not going to place the coinage on him. He will have to figure that part out for himself. The jackals have all scattered and have left him all alone with me. I get to be the one that casts the final blow and I will put the Hardcore Legend down in a blaze of glory. He will get the storybook ending he has always craved as he will be cast down by my hand. This is what has been written and this is what will be done. Monica: Gentlemen, we have arrived at the Emperor's box. The view is spectacular. ::Halsted and Mr. Han walk out into the sunlight and step out into the Emperor’s box. Halsted, again, closes his eyes and lets the air whisper the echoes of the cheering spectators. Halsted imagines himself standing over a defeated Feigel awaiting the Emperor’s decision as to whether Charlie lives or dies. Halsted holds his fist out with his thumb extended, then drops his thumb down. He drops the final blow and slays Charlie as he sends him on to The Elysium Fields. The Fields turn to darkness as Charlie screams for his life. Charlie has entered the Underworld as Halsted opens his eyes.:: Halsted: the end is nigh, Chuckles. You tried to distract me by throwing your own son in front of me. For that insult and for everything else, you will suffer an eternity of pain like you tried to push me into. I’m coming out of this as the victor and then I’m going on to destroy everything you built in AWS, like Nero burning Rome. AWS will be rebuilt in my image and I will return it to its former glory, like Caesar Augustus. Time to meet the Ferryman, Chuckles. ::Mr. Han put his right hand on Halsted’s left shoulder as they both looked over the ancient ampitheatre one more time. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
Vin Halsted vs. KD Feigel
AWS - Vin Halsted - Sins of the Father ::Scene opens in Halsted’s secret study that is only found after finding the center of the Halsted Manor’s labyrinth of corridors. Halsted is sitting behind the presidential desk next to a well-lit fireplace. He sits with his hands folded in front of his mouth and a large red book is open in front of him. He looks down at the book and smirks.:: Halsted: Genesis, Chapter Twenty-two, Verses One through Nineteen. 1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. 2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. 3 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. 4 Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. 5 And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. 6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together. 7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. 9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. 10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. 11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. 12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. 14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. 15 And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, 16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: 17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. 19 So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beersheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba. ::Halsted looks at the fire and shakes his head.:: Halsted: God tested Abraham and Abraham would have killed Isaac if that’s what God wanted Abraham to do. I see so much here that parallels my current state of affairs in Asylum Wrestling Society. Sometime in the near future Chuckles will have to atone for his past transgressions but the Kid is going to suffer for the father’s sins at next week’s edition of The Ward. The War of Attrition rages on, Chuckles, and you’re about to suffer the greatest loss a father could ever imagine. You don’t get to feel the relief Abraham received from God when God prevented Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. The Kid will be the lamb and I will be the blade that strikes him down. ::Halsted looks at the Bible on his desk and closes it.:: Halsted: Our story continues to be written, Chuckles, and truly is an Odyssey, but even the Odyssey had an ending. I know I have an ending in mind for you, but maybe you have one for me, as well. I brought your precious son into this because I want his demise to be front and center for you to see. His blood will be on your hands because you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. You don’t get to evade the Ferryman, anymore, Chuckles, and I have to reap every soul in AWS before I get to you, then I will. However, everything will happen on my time, not yours. I destroyed Dimter for my own pleasure, but I didn’t give a shit about Jada and her piece of tin. If I really wanted it, then I would have taken it just as easily as I did when I treated Dimter like a little ragdoll. I lost interest the second she couldn’t dance with me when we were originally scheduled to do so. Her days as the Cyber Champion will come to an end when I deem it fit but for right now, I want you to suffer as you watch your son get sent to the Ferryman. ::Halsted looks at the grandfather clock in the corner of the study across from the presidential desk.:: Halsted: My father taught me to finish what I start. I, once, had a dream of being the most dominant man in any federation I stepped foot in. I dreamed of the day when all of the gold from the federation I stood on top of with every piece of gold it had to offer laying at my feet. I dreamed of the day that I would defend that gold until there wasn’t anyone left on the roster to try to take it from me and then I could finally walk off into the sunset. I was convinced that Chuckles wanted that for me, too. Now, I realize that he has always been the reason why I never had the pleasure of completing that dream. The Ferryman showed me how you pulled this string and that string in order to prevent me from that ending, Chuckles, and now, you and everyone you care about will suffer at my hands. Your son is just the beginning, Chuckles. ::Halsted lowers his head and slams his right fist onto the red Bible.:: Halsted: No one will cry at your funeral, Kid. I don’t care what you and your father have between you. I don’t care if you just came out of the womb, or just learned how to ride a bike. You don’t stand a chance against me and you’ve never experienced the level of violence I’m about to reign down on you. You can spit and spew whatever smoke you have but when you look into my eyes do you see the slightest waiver? You’re not being fed to a lion, you’re being pushed into the dragon’s lair. I will show no mercy and I will burn you to the ground where you stand. Your father allowed you to sign your own death warrant when you decided to sign on the dotted line to face me in a no hold’s barred street fight, Kid. I just hope the AWS Universe doesn’t have a weak stomach. ::Halsted stands up and walks away from the desk as the scene fades to black. END SCENE.::