MeTaL changed their profile photo
MeTaL started following Mystic vs. Jamal Payne , Match One: Riley Vs. Eames , Match Two: Rhodes Vs. M. Aloni and 7 others
Match One: Riley Vs. Eames
*Match One* ~Vixens Match~ Adrienne Riley Vs. Vera Eames RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th
Match Two: Rhodes Vs. M. Aloni
*Match Two* ~Xtremist Match~ Ricky Rhodes Vs. Malosi Aloni RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th
Match Three: Alexander Vs. Black Vs. Pendragon
*Match Three* ~Three Way Match~ TJ Alexander Vs. Darian Black Vs. Xavier Pendragon RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th
Match Four: Wolfpack Vs. World Elite
*Match Four* ~Tag Team Match~ Wolfpack Vs. World Elite RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th
Match Five: Connan Vs. Murphy
RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th *Match Five* ~Street Fight: Non-Title Match~ Bram Connan Vs. Ethan Muphy
Main Event: Halsted Vs. Aloni
*Main Event* ~Light-Tube Tower Match: Kore Title~ Vin Halsted Vs. Everett Aloni {c} RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th
Assault Card {8/10/24}
Show Date: August 10th, 2024 @ 5pm PST Location: : Amica Mutual Pavilion: Providence, RI RP Limit 1 per Person/2 per Team RP Deadline: 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm UK going into the 10th *Match One* ~Vixens Match~ Adrienne Riley Vs. Vera Eames *Match Two* ~Xtremist Match~ Ricky Rhodes Vs. Malosi Aloni *Match Three* ~Three Way Match~ TJ Alexander Vs. Darian Black Vs. Xavier Pendragon *Match Four* ~Tag Team Match~ Wolfpack Vs. World Elite *Match Five* ~Street Fight: Non-Title Match~ Bram Connan Vs. Ethan Muphy *Main Event* ~Light-Tube Tower Match: Kore Title~ Vin Helsted Vs. Everett Aloni
House of Paine vs. Society of Destruction
~:~Welcome to YouTube.com~:~ Search: Newest Asylum Wrestling Society Promos *As we press play on the video, the screen lights up with a man in his late twenties standing in a dull brick training room. That's in front of a row of faded blue lockers. His hair is a mess. Presumably from training, he is only visible from the waist up. Sweat is on his brow, and his black tank top appears slightly moist around the edges* Man: Some of you may seem excited to see me, and yet ...some of you may have no clue who I am. I don't blame you, I've been out of this business of Professional Wrestling for a long time now ...I cannot say, I was at the top of too many people's lists ...the last time I was around. Just to get to know each other, without going into detail. Let's just say, I've been around the block a few times ...and more than a handful of people, already in this great organization ...have been in the squared circle with me before. *The man stops, and takes a deep breath. For many of the people who know him well enough. Now he would seem to be nervous to be on camera, but for the people who don't know him. They would also believe, it is in his character to do so* Man: I was at one point, the one to name names and list my accomplishments ...like a grocery list, but I would like to think I have matured a little past that ...in the last two years. Besides, in a place new to me ...like this, what do my past accomplishments mean anyway? Not too much, I am willing to bet. I am pretty sure, that Bram Connan, Thantos Myssiah, and Sammeal McBane ...don't give a damn about my past accomplishments. Why do I mention them, you may ask? Well, if you've noticed the latest House Show card ...you would already know. *A small grin overtakes the young man's face, as he prepares to begin talking about his opponents for the first time* Man: Being new to this place, we don't know much about any of our opponents ...except what we have read in their biographies, and we cannot say that their bios went into great detail about any of them. The first thing that popped up at us though ...is that possibly for the first time in our long career. We will be much smaller than our opponents. Fighting larger men than ourselves, is nowhere near new grounds to us ...in fact, we made somewhat of an art ...out of beating heavyweights in my former promotions. So, to say ...we’re not worried about a couple of men, that’s bulkier than us ...by around seventy pounds, or so. It’s a bit of an understatement. Nor have we ever feared any man, who has to hide his face with sunglasses to get the point across ...that thinks he’s scary and dark. If you're truly scary, and intimidating? You can prove it, with your actions in the ring. We've been where you are ...with the face hidden, and I quickly learned that ...it doesn't do anything, but mask who you truly are. *The thing in this match that bothers us, slightly. Is that there are two people bigger than us. We have never fathomed in our lives, that we would ever face off with anyone that could possibly be faster or more agile than ourselves. Even though, they are both the size they are. We doubt they actually will be faster or more agile, but it doesn't interest us. Just maybe, it's the one thing that can cause a hiccup in our return* Man: We dug a little deeper though, and we find that the Society of Destruction are nothing more than wannabe tough guys. That is teetering on the brink of ending up, as a never was. A cable guy, training and succeeding to become a pro wrestler ...sounds more like, a lame Hollywood B-List movie ...than a real-life story to me, but stranger things have happened in professional wrestling. I am more than willing to find out ...just what they have to offer. *There’s a long pause, and wipes his brow. It is hard to tell if it is the heat of the camera causing perspiration. Or it could be, the fact that he is slightly nervous about returning after all these years. But he continues quickly to try, and keeps any nerves under wraps*[/i] Man: The one person, who seems like he may be a bit of a real challenge to me ...in this match, is Mayhem. We looked through his bio, and we read up on him just a little ...as we haven't had much time yet to prepare, and we envisioned ourselves two years ago. The ability seems to be there, but doesn't seem quite at full potential. The willingness to put his body on the line, to get the upper hand though ...it's always dangerous, and you can almost never see something like that. Until you've been hit with it, and it is too late. We will study though ...because, that's what we do. We will look deeper, and we will find tendencies ...not only of him, but of our other opponent as well. When the time comes, we will be as ready as we can possibly be. Someone will become ...just another causality, of the Morbid Ending!! *The screen goes black, and we are greeted by other past promos of this man. This is also available on YouTube.com* ~:~Part Two~:~ *We fade in on a small room, that appears to be a viewing room of some sort. It’s quite dark, and all that fits in the room is a table along the wall. Along with a chair, and a small monitor. It appears as if the cameraman is either standing in the doorway, or the camera is placed on the wall. Sitting in front of the monitor on the chair, is the newest Kore signees. They do not speak, but we do hear their voices over the image* Jigsaw: There are times in our lives, that we cannot get back. The last two years of our lives ...are something, that we cannot get back and we wouldn’t want them back...even if we could. *Jigsaw shifts in the chair, making sure that his face isn't seen. He looks at the monitor, and chuckles wickedly to himself before continuing. At this time, we hear DKM speak* DKM: Fans run up to us all the time, and they ask us if we miss it. You know, wrestling ...If we could go back, would we have not given it all up ...to work for Mr. Steele, and leave the business? They seem to think, that our leaving was a bad thing in our lives. The truth is ...the two-year hiatus, gave us something ...we could never have gotten, had we still been touring the world ...two years, to watch my children grow up. *A smile curls on DKM’s hidden face, as he keeps his eyes locked on the monitor. Again, Jigsaw chuckles to himself and then speaks loudly* Jigsaw: Now that we’re back, there are some things we wish we did ...like train a little bit less, but we never really got out of shape. Some of those people at home, think that because when they had kids ...they gained all this weight. They think, that there is no way to stay in shape ...without working out twenty-four-seven. The truth is though, parenting is a hardcore workout. My kids are now eight, and six years old ...and chasing them around, and playing ball with them ...has been almost as good a workout, as we would have had on the road. *Jigsaw laughs a bit, as he thinks back to the old days. He runs his pointer finger down the image on the screen, and then DKM speaks again* DKM: Are we saying, we’re ready for the ring? Hades no ...yet we’re stepping back in it. Why, you ask? There’s only one reason why ...we love carnage. We love it so much, that we can’t hold back the urges anymore ...and we’re little scared. Scared, that if we don’t jump in with both feet ...we’ll never make it back. So here we are, just days away from our next match ...and we’re watching tapes, in a cold dark room!! *DKM slowly turns his head away from the monitor, as whatever tape he was studying comes to an end. Static overtakes the screen, as he lets out a devious laugh. Jigsaw speaks again* Jigsaw: When we put together, our first promo in over a year ...we may have been too open with you people. we may have, let you all in on who we really was ...and we have no problem with that. The problem, we do have with it ...is that you took what we said, and didn’t see it for what it really was. We told you, that we hadn’t yet had much time to research. Yet, you took it as though ...we were too high, and mighty to research you all. That’s not what we meant, at all. We got as big as we are, by working our @$$es off. Pardon us, we’re used to knowing our competition. Those people, you have heard them saying our names ...these last few weeks, before we showed up here. They're talking about us, for a reason ...and that’s because, we’re always prepared to compete!! *Jigsaw shifts in the chair again, as half of his face is now uncovered. A quick smirk comes over his face, as he quickly jerks his head to the side. His shaggy blond hair returns to covering his face, as DKM continues* DKM: For instance, we took a look at last week's shows ...one thing all of our opponents have in common, is they didn't face us What that means to us, is that you all had no clue ...what we’re capable of, and no one wants to give us that. So, we’ve been preparing this week, to face all of you at your best. And that’s what we expect. We have also been critiquing all of you, on your performances from last week ...and the past, and of course ...from your recent promos. *DKM chuckles for a bit, as he found everyone lacking the proper skills to remain the Champions. Jigsaw turns to look at the camera, but kept his face hidden under his blond hair* Jigsaw: AWS …or Kore, the one we were originally most worried about ...has not shown us much recently. Their in-ring performance last week was lackluster. Their will to win, actually DIDN’T prevailed. The problem is, you cannot always gamble on your will to win or for your opponent to leave an opening ...for you, like they got a few weeks ago. We’re sure, they know that. So, we should expect them to be more focused, going into this next match. They have yet to utter a word, and the way they looked last week ... shows me, that we might be wrong. They may have once been someone, we should have been worried about. But now, they just appears to be ...slightly above-average wrestlers, in a slump. As for their recent slump? It won’t end, when we meet either. *Jigsaw turns away from the camera, and shakes his head in disbelief. As he thinks about the wrestlers in this match, he really couldn't think of any that posed a real threat to them. He lets out another sinister laugh, before DKM speaks again* DKM: Then we have ...Mr. and Mrs. "I Keep My Real Name Hidden". I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish ...By standing in the middle of nowhere, speaking to the air, and making predictions of this match ...that is so vague. It could have been told to us on a psychic hotline. Nor, do I know what you were hoping to prove ...with your last match? Other than, the fact that you got lucky. It seems to us, so far ...that everyone in this match, gets by on pure luck! And then you said, "Screw your Gods given talent." *DKM shakes his head, and lets out a deep sigh. Then Jigsaw talks about the last subject of this match* Jigsaw: Then there's the reason, we're even doing this ...this quote-unquote "Big Match'' ...SOD, you were very busy people last week. You not only showed how well trained you are in simple technique ...when you signed to some local circus. But you also showed your heart, as you stepped up to one of the most powerful teams in America. For that, SOD …you have drawn our attention. No, not for your silly little Spiderman costumes. It's due to your thoughtless style and lack of charisma. For someone, who has all the makings of B-List wrestlers ...you have something, that the other men in this company don’t seem to have ...at least not anymore. That is the heart, to keep failing. You’re dangerous, because of that little fact. SOD, you are one small package away from shocking the wrestling world, and becoming a star in this federation ...but, we will not be your gateway... to fame!! *Jigsaw flips his hair out of his masked face, and finally lets the rest of the contestants see that he’s now wearing his “Puzzle Boy” mask. His eyes dance with uncontrolled excitement, as he peers deep into the camera. DKM speaks one last time, with a burst of disturbing laughter* DKM: You may think, there's nothing we can do to stop you? But we have been in this business for ten years, and we have seen it all. We’ve seen teams like you, rise to the top ...and fall to the bottom. We have figured out a million different ways to avoid ending up, as the butt of everyone’s joke. So, SOD, it might come down to blind fate ...Simply interrupted three counts, and grievous bodily damage ...but the one thing we’re sure of, is that it’s going to come down to you and us ...and who, really wants it more!! *DKM turns away from the camera, and hits eject on the DVD player. Then pops in a new disc, as the camera fades to black* Jigsaw's Voice: There's only one last thing to say ...We Dare You, Come Feel The Paine!! Both Men: ”No remnants were ever found of it Feeling the hot bile With every fake smile Though no evidence was ever found It never went away completely I try to appellate a holy sound of it Another day gone Another night's drawn Dark forces pull me underground And never went away completely” … *As their singing fades out, the scene becomes narrow and only Scotty’s face can be seen. His tattered face curls into a wicked smile, as he speaks* Scotty: Society of Destruction, you’ve picked the wrong time to bring yourselves back into the fold …while you were off licking your wounds, my boys have been destroying everything and everyone in their path. All but one, have tasted the bitterness of defeat. And that was way before the Titles, come back to The Asylum. Out of your whole group, only one stands to impress …and he more than likely, already fears your fate. Most of these Champions, past or present …know, when you step into the ring with the House of Paine …you’re never the same AGAIN!! You may pin us, you may submit us, but you’ll never defeat us!!
Brody Steele vs. Dark Matter
<>We open on an uncharacteristically warm June afternoon at Villa Park. No one is around right now, in fact only two cars are parked near the entrance to the exclusive entrance to the Executive Box. One is a deep sky-blue Mustang with the registration plate reading "KS 1". This car belongs to Wrestling Millionaire Kaleb Steele. A man that has worked in the wrestling world for years. Still to this day, he keeps involved with the promotion, visiting when he can even in a non-ownership capacity. The other car is the well-known metallic purple Lamborghini Diablo belonging to the newcomer – Brody Steele. The door of the Diablo opens in its familiar upward fashion and Brody takes a quick look around the area, checking no one is around before climbing out of the car. He is dressed to impress in a fitted Armani suit, a dark purple tie and an expensive looking pair of sunglasses. Reaching into the car, he pulls out a leather briefcase before heading to the entrance of the box and up the stairs inside the door. We cut to Brody walking the last few steps up onto the landing as his phone rings<> Girlfriend: Hey baby, I didn't see you before you left. Everything Ok? Brody: Yeah hon, it's all good. Just had to nip out, and get some supplies. You holding up, Ok? Girlfriend: You know me. Hold up here at your house, feet up and I'm catching up on that Bake Off program. It's pretty good, you know! Brody: One day, you'll develop some taste, right? I got to go baby. I'll call you soon, Ok? I love you. Girlfriend: I love you too! Bye! <>With that, Brody puts his phone onto Silent mode, before popping it into his pocket. This must be important. He approaches a door which was at the far end of the corridor, and scans a key card. The door buzzes and he lets himself in. Sunlight illuminates the room, but it quickly becomes apparent that this is a conference room. The décor and furniture look exquisite. Not like you'd expect in a second tier Football club. Brody approaches the table and sets his case down, taking a second to take in the view over the fabled pitch of Villa Park. Before their demise a couple of years ago, The Steele Family elders were known to give even the best a hard time here<> BUZZZZZZ!! <>Brody turns around to face the door, leaning against the table. His eyes widen and you see his hands tense, his grip on the solid wooden table increases. Who is he expecting? The door swings open<> Man: It seems you got here early! I'd expect you to be "fashionably late" as always. Brody: I live about fifteen minutes away from here, man. Driving what I drive? Make that twelve!! <>It quickly becomes apparent that the voice belongs to none other than Kaleb Steele! Brody walks in, subtly checking behind the door to make sure he's ready if this goes south<> Steele: I got just as much reason to be apprehensive as you do, Brian. It's not a set up. No one knows we're here. Brody: No one?? Steele: Nope, no one!! <>Kaleb lets his guard down a little bit. Approaching the table, walking right past Brody and setting himself up on the opposite side of the table. He almost seems to be making a point of laying the Kore Championship belt on the table in front of Brody. The light from outside catches the metallic plates and sends a shimmering light onto the ceiling as Brody’s eyes widen momentarily, before snapping back to his familiar half-scowl<> Brody: Cute, is that meant to be a statement? Steele: I know, right? Thought you'd like to get nice and close!! <>Steele offers his hand to Brody. He just stares at it, back to the title belt and up at Kaleb's face. The face that displays that familiar oh-so confident smile. After a few seconds, Brody tentatively accepts Kaleb's offer of a handshake before both men take seats at the table. The tension is evident. Up until two weeks ago, these guys couldn't be within fifty feet of each other without tearing chunks out of one another. Seconds pass, which seem like hours<> Steele: So, why did you ask me here? To sit there and stare at me? Brody: Come on, you may be a poster boy to some, but not to me....Besides, your face always looks better pre-Synful. <>Kaleb rubs his jaw, as if he is remembering the sensation of Brody's inanimate sidekick making contact with his face<> Steele: Look ...you know and I know, that we have a common enemy here. I wanted to bring this together in a professional manner to see if we can make it work. Nine days from now, we will be out there behind where you sit going up against one of the dark horses of AWS, Dark Matter and the most puzzling character to walk through those doors in Dark himself. Now we can do this two ways. We can go out there, be ourselves, not trust each other as far as we can throw each other and roll over for him, or we can be the Brian and his Father that ended his run here in AWS. We don't need to be friends, we don't even need to like each other. I just know, I prefer to be on the winning side than seeing Dark Matter's f*cking smug grin when he gets what he wants. Brody: You know? This might be the first time we see eye to eye. As far as I'm concerned now ...We're even. That's why you saw me at that other place in your second failed promotion. The fact that you got involved in not one, but two Title matches of mine …which saw me ultimately come out victorious ...which I didn't need, by the way ...But the fact that you are making moves that intentionally piss off Dark is what speaks to me. Me showing up last night was repayment. Like you, I don't do debt. The Steele Family lineage is one of a proud nature, and one which believes in honor. So, what are you proposing? That we sing, and dance merrily into the sunset? Steele: Not at all. The fact is Brian, I never hated you. I'm a cerebral guy, believe it or not. Any time I f*cked with you, any time I beat you down was all a mind game. To me, emotion rarely comes into play. I wanted a competitive edge. I wanted to have the advantage going into whatever match we were about to have at the time. I never hated you ...But I sure as hell never loved you, either. Brody: Well, I can count on one finger the amount of times you gained that edge and still have room to show you the door. Hades, all you did was piss me off, making me more focused and determined to hold onto what is mine. Speaking of which ...Why toss me the Title? It's all you've wanted for months now. Steele: Well I ...for one, as you know, I always said I would be the one to dethrone you. I'd be the one to take that Title and I'd be the next King of the Mountain. Plus, the kicker …the Champ was impressionable. The way he took that deal with The Powers That Be, the way he dropped that Championship because he heard a few bad words about himself ...Who knows when he will go dark again. If that's the case, the owner would never get that power back by re-signing the former Champion. That's why you're also a future World Champion too. Every decision I make is made regarding how much it can weaken the grip you have on AWS. <>Brody's eyebrows flick up in a moment of surprise, as he takes a sip of cool beer. He clearly thought of Kaleb as some hot head, that acted on impulse all this time<> Steele: So, here's the proposition. You give me your word that we have each other’s backs here. We run rough shot on this place, we eliminate the threat of the Prosperous Ones, and we can go back to fighting like we used to. In return, I give you my word of the same. I may not appear it, but I have always fulfilled my promises. <>Brody nods his head towards the Kore Championship laying in front of him<> Brody: Except for one, huh? <>Brody frowns and takes a deep breath, before composing himself. It's not the time to lose it<> Steele: What I'm saying is, I'm more of a man of honor than you probably recognize. Whether it be Bram, you, or even Scotty Paine's crazy ass ...If I gave my word to them, I'll always go to the wall for them. On top of that ... <>Kaleb opens the briefcase in front of him, spinning it around to face Brody<> Steele: That's $250,000 cash! That's what I made from the last house show. For one night's work! I know, you get a ton of money just for your bloodline, but what I'm proposing is we take that money right now and send a message to the Champion. Just know, there's a lot more where that came from ...believe me!! <>Brody takes a second to ponder the proposal and Kaleb's justifications. Which make a surprising amount of sense considering the man he thought of him to be. Brody closes the case, and looks directly at Kaleb<> Brody: First of all, money won't impress me. You think you're the first guy to offer me cash to sign my name? But having considered your proposal, I can agree. Dark is an infection here in AWS. He needs to be eliminated. He's corrupting the roster one by one. So as of this week, count me in!! <>Brody and Kaleb shake hands much more enthusiastically than before. Locking eyes as they do so<> Brody: So, Spectacle. Dark and any other roster member. Got any thoughts?? Steele: Yes, plenty! First, just because he’s a top contender for the “Worst Gimmick of The Year ...Don't think, I'll go easy on him. I know there's no love lost between you two anyway, but this is a competition. A fight. At the end of the day, he’s just another victim for you to beat on. Brody: Seems like that Title has a curse of finding lovers who argue ... Steele: With Dark ...that guy hardly put up a fight at all this last week in any of his contests. He started out hot, but without his henchmen, he doesn't concern me too much. Brody: Funny thing is, I feel the same and can almost hear Dark's whiny voice in my head telling me not to take them lightly. I don't believe for a second, that he can beat me. Not the number one *He points at himself* Number two … *Brody points at ranked wrestlers in AWS* Steele: Exactly ...you think Dark Matter and Darkthorne can be a threat to the AWS Champion by themselves? <>Tension hangs in the air momentarily, before Brody speaks<> Brody: Well played. You must agree this Title looks better on me though. <>With that, Brody and Kaleb shake hands again. They both get up, pack their belongings in and head to the door together. As they head the same way out along the corridor. You hear The Celtic Beast's voice in the background<> Bram: It’s Tap, Or Snap Bytch!!
Mystic vs. Jamal Payne
*The scene opens with Mystic sitting around a campfire, enjoying a cold alcoholic beverage. He is pondering the upcoming Madness* Mystic: Another match has come to a close, and I’m still standin’ strong. There was the unfortunate match, I just had with a Champion in which I stood toe to toe with him …yet, failed to come out on top. That will not be the case this time at Madness. The fourth Madness of the month, and it's goin’ to kick off with a bang. Such a stacked card with everyone lookin’ to make a mark, and fulfill their New Years resolution of a successful beginnin’ to July here in AWS. I for one, am resolved to continue takin’ down members of Steele Enterprises, and that continues with another match. This time, it will be just the two of us, and there will be no room for excuses …when yet again, my arm is raised in victory. *The camera zooms closer to Mystic, as he changes to a more serious tone and directs his comments towards Mr. Payne* Mystic: Last time Jamel, you let your arrogance get in the way …when you thought for one second, that you had the upper hand and allowed Blackthorne to step into the rin’, and face his demise. Was winnin’ more important to you, than shovin’ the ref out of the way and aidin’ your teammate? Your choices alone, led to what seems to be the end of Blackthorne's career. We did exactly what we said, we were goin’ to do and that was to start dismantlin’ Steele Enterprises piece by piece. It just so happened to be, that you served him up on a silver platter …as the sacrificial lamb. Then, you did nothin’ to help him as he took boot after boot, stomp after stomp. I'm surprised that Kaleb has even continued to allow you to be close to Steele Enterprises. I mean, first you fail in savin’ Blackthorne, and then you attack him? Don't get me started on Bram. He didn't even publicly accost you for allowin’ Blackthorne to take his beating. Is there no personal accountability within Steele Enterprises for those types of failures? Or are we the ones everyone wants to hold accountable? *The camera zooms in closer, Mystic showing no signs of regret or guilt* Mystic: I suppose, I’m expected to feel remorse for goin’ as far as I did …and this match is your chance at retribution. Well, don't think for one second …that this is goin’ to be a cake walk, big guy. I went toe to toe with everyone, and in my last match …I went blow for blow. This time, however, there is no taggin’ out. When exhaustion sets in, after being suplexed over and over, you'll wish someone was there to save you. Now, I'm sure you will do your best to refute all that I have said …and I would expect nothin’ less. The truth, however, remains. Being that your part of Steele Industries B-Team, at best …your A-Game wasn't enough before, and won't be enough this time. Whether it's droppin’ you on the back of your head, and neck …with multiple suplexes, or choppin’ you down at your legs. You're goin’ to find yourself dazed on your back staring at the lights …while the ref counts to Three!! *The camera fades to black, as Mystic continues enjoying his drink, laughing at his future opponent* ~Part Two~ *The scene opens to Mystic sitting alone in the locker room of the Bone Yard. He seems to be deep in contemplation, as the camera comes closer. Mystic looks up, as he strokes his beard and begins to speak* Mystic: For someone who usually would keep his promos short and concise, I must admit …I have never heard a man say so much, yet honestly add so little to the conversation. You exhaustingly set the stage for our match, from the Boneyard and ensured to note in depth …that this is your first singles match against myself. I'm honestly, confused over one thing though. You claimed you're not going into this match with revenge on your mind for someone else …but for the disrespect on your own name, but later you talked about how you weren't goin’ to let what happened to them slide. Sounds to me like, in your own words …there's still some level of revenge being sought after. Maybe you just lost yourself in the circles you're talkin’ in, or the other misinformation you're sharin’. *Mystic stands and begins pacing the room. He comes to a stop in front of mirror, looking into the camera from its reflection. He continues* Mystic: I actually loved your quote about false knowledge, and ignorance …because you were spreadin’ quite a bit of your own. Let's reflect on a few of your misleading comments. You claimed that everyone's lack of trainin’ wasn't what caused them demise, yet that was a big focus durin’ their promos …that they were extremely well trained to be facin’ me. They definitely should have been more prepared goin’ into those matches. The one thin’ you got so very wrong on a couple different occasions, was the result of our match. That match didn't end in a tie, or a draw as you continue to claim. I believe the results stated at Ward was "Winner due to injury, The Homeless Hero." You see, that's what the goal is, victory. Not to allow the weakened opponent to tag in the fresh teammate so the match can continue, but that’s beside the point here. I did exactly what I said am goin’ to do, and exactly what you yourself said would be your game plan if it were you. So, why then should I feel ashamed for what I did? You also claim, I did nothin’ else after the match. If memory serves me correctly, I was puttin’ the boots to someone while the ref checked on some nameless fool …and until other members of Steele Enterprises rushed to make the save. Maybe all that, just happened to slip your mind. However, I do suppose that is enough fact checkin’ ...for the moment at least. *Mystic continues pacing the floor of the locker room. He chuckles to himself before continuing* Mystic: I'm not sure how well the others will take to me referring to them as The B-Team level competition within Steele Enterprises. Both are gunnin’ for Championship gold here in AWS. AND they don't need to rely on a 7-foot, 2-inch frame to accomplish it either …BUT they do rely on their family money! It's almost like you're telling Bram, that if you had the chance …you'd take one or more of those Title shot from him. Easy there, sport. I don't think that's goin’ to go over too well with either of them, although the younger one sucks! Especially after the debacle with the spoiled kid. It might be wise to keep those comments to a minimum. *Mystic returns to his seat at his locker before finishing* Mystic: Now, we've set thin’s straight on how our match transpired. That match also bein’ my first match back here. And I don't forget you had a tag win with someone at the following show. On that same show, I was involved in a five-person free-for-all in which I was victorious. That match sent me into the triple threat match with Eric and Tyler Cross. And yes, after constant double-teaming …I did lose that match. Of course, they did what they had to do to try and neutralize the threat I posed. Then I also lost to Bram, respectfully, in a fair one on one match. Make no mistake, you are far from the level that he is on …yet I survived the brutality of that match, and here I am focused on yet another member of Steele Enterprises. Worry not, though, I will be preparing for own match …and will have no reason to interfere in mine. We'll just see if I can be as forthcoming in the willingness to refrain from intervenin’ on your behalf as well. As I will be prepared for our biggest battle yet in AWS …so should you, because it's goin’ to take more than one lucky punch …to take me out. I'll have an arsenal of trashcans, ready for you to wear you down for the win. *Mystic tattered face curls into a wicked grin, as he speaks one last time* Mystic: Let's hope, the next set of statements you decide to make are more accurate than your most recent. I too, like to keep my promos short and to the point …but when you fill yours with fluff, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies? I must refute them, and always remember …I put the X, in Xtreme!! *Mystic motions the camera away, as it zooms out and fades to black*
Match One: Kay Vs. Rodriguez Vs. Sorkin
*The scene opens to Dini Sorkin standing with Scotty Paine in their locker room, and are in deep in a private discussion. As the camera draws near, Scotty steps away, as Dini turns towards the camera* Sori: In my last match, I failed to come away victorious against two members of the another roster, and in turn …tasted defeat for the first time, leaving quite the bitter taste in my mouth. Unfortunately, for them, I'm still standing. Regardless of who the Vixens Title belongs to, it will never be safe as long as I'm gunning for it. It is the steppingstone towards more prestigious gold …and I intend to wear gold here in Kore. For the time being, however …the Vixens Title will have to be placed on the back burner, for another challenge presents itself. A potential path towards that Championship may already have arisen, when I have the opportunity to face two vixens at Synergistic. *Dini walks over to her locker, where a calendar is hanging. She pulls out a red marker from a pocket in her bag, uncapping it, and marking off another day. She recaps the marker, and tosses it into her bag before turning towards the camera once again* Sori: One more day. One more day, until perhaps one of the biggest opportunities either Scotty, or myself have had in either run in Kore …or its predecessor. And that's with Kaleb Steele. Call it fate, call it prayers answered, call it whatever you will. It doesn't matter if who granted our wish, to earn a shot at the Title …or if they were in his ear about a potential match. The fact remains, that the opportunity to come face to face with these two is here. The opportunity to show this company, that I deserve the chance to face the reigning Champion. Yes, it bears repeating …because the importance of said opportunity, should not be lost on anyone not even myself. *Dini paces the room, contemplating the match. She finally stops beside a bench, and takes a seat. Resting her elbows on her knees, she looks up towards the camera and continues* Sori: Kay, I'm certainly not going to be placing the cart before the horse going into this match. I do, however …keep playing the different scenarios, that this match could potentially enact in the ring. I won’t let hubris sneak its way into guaranteeing an overwhelming victory. I know the road to victory will not be easy, but it is a viable one. If the numbers game plays any role in the outcome? I know, it's going to be an extremely uphill battle. However, if this stays a fair match, my confidence in my ability to overcome this battle ..is greatly increased. At Synergistic, several questions will be answered. Can I overcome all that you have to throw at me …and show that I belongs in the discussion of some of the best in Kore? Can you prevent the rise of another nemesis to Steele Industries, without using underhanded tactics or outside interference? I can guarantee one thing. Come Synergistic, I will remind Kore …that I’m more than just an up-and-coming Vixen, and I will remind Steele Industries that their reign …is not as cemented, as they might think. *Dini stands, and approaches the camera. Stating her final words clearly with intent* Sori: Rodriguez, we're slated for the first match at Synergistic, and I intend to tear the house down. Ask any member of Steele Enterprises …and they will tell you, that I will not be a pushover. They will tell you, how much of a fight you're going to have on your hands. Bring your A-Game, because you'll be getting nothing less from me. *Dini turns, and walks away as the camera pans back to the calendar on the locker. The camera zooms in on the date for Synergistic, which has been circled in red before fading to black* ~Part Two~ *It’s been a few days but, Dini is seen with her oversized sledgehammer, still bloody from her last few opponents. She smirks, as she looks at the camera. She’s wearing a Asylum t-shirt, torn jeans, and some thigh-high boots, and some dark sunglasses* Sori: Ladies, you don’t remember me d…o you? From back when this was Ikon Wrestling? Back when, you and your partner laid waste to me …and left me out to dry? You two were supposed to have a tag match, against myself and my partner at the time. His name is Scotty Paine. You two jumped me, before the match could happen. *Dini pauses a moment to allow, it all to sink in* Sori: Yea, I’ve waited for a long time to get you in the ring. I’ve waited a very long time, and when you chose to come back. That’s when I knew …I had my chance. You’ve crossed The Asylum in more than one way. While what you have done to HoP, that’s not why …I asked for this match. You still have that one coming. This is retribution for the beating I took. I also must thank you. You taught me a lesson, that I took …and The Asylum was reformed shortly after. I’ve overcome every challenge since. Other than you showing back up …looking for your last chance at glory, you’re the ones that I have to beat. I must make you my bytch, and beat your asses all around the ring. I’ve already shown everyone else, they aren’t on my level. Now, it’s your turn. *Dini laughs an almost evil, twisted laugh. It’s border line manic. She composes herself, and continues speaking* Sori: Now, I watched what you had to say. And I must say, while you claimed you haven’t put the cart before the horse …that’s what you have done. You think in your heads, that you could for a second stand a chance at beating me. Let alone, you and your partner beating The Asylum. You see, we are the best damn team in wrestling history. No other Vixen on the planet, are as decorated as I am. My mentor has held more Titles, than you can think of. He has defended those Titles, against some of the best …Everyone can, attest!! *Dini chuckles a moment, and shrugs* Sori: And here, you thought this was a stepping stone towards the Vixens Title. It’s pure revenge, and you want to know what surprises me the most? You’re not part of “the group” this time. Why is that? Is it Steele knows you two are more washed up, than the biggest hacks in wrestling? That would be the Tyler Family, by the way. Or is it, just by a slim chance you know what I already learned. Kaleb doesn’t have the drive anymore. He has lost it, I learned that …when we squared off in our last match. And you’re about to learn this isn’t the same person that you left to die. It’s the Era of The Asylum, and there is nothing you can do about it. Many have tried. And many have failed …just like your about to do!! *Dini takes her sunglasses off, and stares deep into the camera* Sori: Ladies, I want to make it crystal clear. I said, I want to put the Vixe Title on the back burner. Allow me to shed some light on this bigger picture, you’re looking at. Sabin holds the Kore Vixens title, Scotty has held more Championships …then half this company combined. Add the AXW and Kore Tag Titles. We’re the most decorated Champions, in AWS and Kore has to offer. And you think for a moment, do you have a chance? I don’t need The Asylum to win my matches. They only make sure, the numbers are equal. That’s it. While you’re thinking, that you are somehow going to beat me. Then get a shot at the Vixens Titles. Think again. I believe you’re getting senile, in your old age. *Dini pauses a moment, and then speaks again* Sori: Also, check the history books. The last faction or even Tag Team that rose, and gave The Asylum …or even HoP any trouble at all. Well, that was The Hookers in the Dark …and even they, eventually Felt The Paine! They failed the last time they tried. I’d say more than four, or five times. They were in a row. And they were ten times better than myself. So, does that make it clear enough for you? Talk about numbers. The numbers don’t lie. And they show that you’re way farther out of your realm, than you thought. Yeah, your right …we are slated for the final match on Synergistic. And while you have all these dreams, and farfetched fantasies. The Jesterist is going to show you. Mess with me, and I will make you suffer…I can’t wait, till I hear my music hit. I’m ready, are you?? *Dini tilts her head to the side, as she speaks again* Sori: Are you? You claim, you have played out all the different Scenarios out in your head …just like me? Well, have you played out the scenario …where I come down that ramp, and beat you about your head and shoulders Thus, leaving you lay in a puddle of your own blood, while I stand victorious …crushing your hopes, and dreams of ever coming close to touching any of the Vixens Title?? *Dini puts her sunglasses back on now. She seems to be loosening up some* Sori: Because that’s what fate has in store for you. See, I’ve learned a few things over my years in the business. And I hate to break it to you. You’re not on my level. I’ve stated it, and I repeat it …just to make sure you understand. Like yourself, you can ask anyone in that locker room. They will tell you, don’t even waste your time. I know, I’m coming for a fight. For some reason, you mistake me for someone that doesn’t like to fight. Or is afraid of getting their hands dirty. Personally, I love fighting. And for me to finally get my revenge on you. Well, I usually say don’t take it personal. But, this time … *Dini pauses for a moment* Sori: This time it’s very, very personal. But, it’s still good for business. See you in the ring at Synegistic. *The scene fades to the Asylum Logo, as Dini starts laughing an almost manic laugh* Sori’s Voice: Oh, and as for that Bytch that ran off to the Olympics?? When she gets back, I’m going to kick her Ass too!!
Main Event: Aloni Vs. Kane
~We see Everett Aloni and his girlfriend Makilisi Loto out on the town in New Tork. He is wearing a Kore T-shirt, black jeans and sneakers. Makilisi is wearing an old Iron Fist T-shirt, baggy jeans and heels. They are greeted by fans of theirs, and they sign autographs. Then take pictures with them, as they do love to take time out to interact with the fans. They wave to the fans, and they continue to walk down the street~ Makilisi: My love, I cannot believe that I have guided you to the Kore Title and for you to have worked towards it for as long as you have. Aloni: I am glad to be fighting for the Kore Heavyweight Championship, but I want to be that fighting champion I know I can be for the fans. Makilisi: I know, my love. Well, you have to win that Title this week against Necra Kane. Aloni: The one, who calls herself The Goddess Of The Dead. She did earn a shot at the Kore Title, and I am happy for her. It gives me a worthy opponent for the Title. Makilisi: Yes, it does love. Let’s just hope she shows up. Aloni: Yeah, me too. ~They stop in a café, and are seated quickly. Then they start eating a light lunch~ Makilisi: My love, I went to the doctor’s the other week because I felt like I had a stomach flu or something. I have come to found out, that I am a month pregnant with our child. ~Aloni's eyes widen with surprise, and he smiles. They then continue to eat~ ~:~Awhile Later~:~ ~They are now at the abandon prison, and they are hanging out and talking to some of the other wrestlers. Aloni has the Kore Title over his shoulder, as he is proud to be the future Kore Heavyweight Champion. He is wearing his new "Rock Hard Samoan" T-shirt, jeans and black boots. Makilisi is wearing a purple hoodie and heels. Then “Spanky” Evens comes to them, and Aloni smiles~ Spanky: Hello Everett, and Makilisi. Everett, may I have a few moments of your time? The fans want to know, how you feel about facing Necra Kane for the Kore Title?? Aloni: I want her to realize something. I’m going to be a fighting Champion, and this Title will be defended way more than people think. Necra calls herself The Goddess Of The Dead. We will see, how Undead she is …when she has to face someone, that she cannot kill and will not be able to underestimate. Spanky: She will probably have her crew with her. Makilisi: Let her bring them out. We may have found out, that we are expecting our first child …but until I start showing, I will continue to be at ringside. I guided him to the Title match, and I will guide him to win it. Those Shadow People, would be smart to stay out of this match. Aloni: Indeed, and if they wish to …since he’s my little Brother, Malosi is more than welcome to come to ringside as well. I want a fair fight for this Title. ~Aloni looks into the camera~ Aloni: Necra, I hope you were listening …because I want you to realize something. I have been itching for someone to step up, and fight me for this Title. I have wanted to win this Title for the longest time, and there will be no one to stop me from doing so. You are my first target, and you will catch Hades for trying to take it away from me. ~Aloni pauses for a moment, and then continues speaking~ Aloni: You call yourself, The Goddess Of The Dead. Tell me something Necra, what’s so Dead about you? You will have to prove it to me, just how Dead you really are. I have been against those, that think they are “Monsters” …and nine times out of ten, I have put them in their place. ~Again, Aloni pauses for a few moments and then speaks again~ Aloni: Bring your friends. I will have my Brother, and if he wishes Malosi can join her …because this will be a fair match. I will not let this Title be tainted, by shenanigans or interference. Hades No, Necra. It will not go down like that. This Title is with the man, who has the fire and passion for this company. This very business, and for also my woman as well. The fire, that will not be extinguished. I know, I have said it before …but it bears repeating, and you will get burned!! Makilisi: You all like to call yourselves, The Book Of Shadows. But Everett, is the one who will be over Shadowing all of you … ~Aloni pats the Title, before speaking again~ Aloni: All you will be called, is a light shade …looking for someone to blame for your loss, but no one will be there for you to point the finger of blame. It will come to pass, that The Goddes will be put in her rightful place. I will be the one, to put her in her place …and the Kore Heavyweight Title will come to me. The fans can continue to be proud of what I’ve done, and I will be ready for you Necra!! ~Another quick pause, as he glares into the camera and then continues~ Aloni: Look in my eyes, and you will see that I’m not one to mess with. I have been in this business for a long time, and I have seen so called “Monsters” come and I have seen them go. You will be no different, trust me. Let your crew come to ringside, I will have mine …and your crew will bear witness to The Goddess being engulfed in flames, because you play with fire …just a little, too much! Necra, you are going to get burned. I may have my head stuck in a little Jar, but I do big things! When it comes to Synergistic, you will find this out. See you soon, Necra. Thank you for the interview, Spanky. Spanky: No, thank you and congratulations on the news. Aloni: Thank you, very much. You, little dork. ~Spanky heads off, and Aloni looks down at the Title. Makilisi rubs it, as “Warrior’s Song” by Wounded Warrior Project plays into a commercial~ **Part Two** ~What a night for The Rock Hard Samoan. Aloni has secured a shot at the Kore Heavyweight Championship. He asserted his dominance, by laying waste to his last opponent. Which led to him becoming one of the contenders for the Kore Championship. The show ended, with The Rock Hard Samoan standing tall amidst the carnage. Moments after the show went off the air for the evening, he was seen in the backstage, laughing, in a good mood about what he just did. He was stopped by James Evens, or as they like to refer to him as, Spanky~ Spanky: It was quite an eventful week, for The Samoan Tao. From you earning a shot at the Kore Championship, to Malosi making his debut …then to what happened during Malosi's match, how are you guys feeling? Aloni: It feels good, Spanky. It feels good to be a Championship contender, once again! Woo!! *He laughs* Now that the Kore Championship is almost in the hands of the toughest son of a bytch in the whole damn universe …I want all the others in the locker room, whether they're in this company or watching from “the shadows” that if they want some? Oohrah, come get some!! I will not back down from a challenge. If they think, they can take that Championship away from me …then they can, try their luck. Just know, that it's not going to be an easy task to pry that Championship out of my grasp …because I plan on holding onto that Championship, for a long, long time. Malosi: What happened out there, was a just small reminder of how dominant my Brother is. I admit, he hasn't been the same …since he lost the opportunity at another Championship, but with the addition of Makilisi, and myself to the team. He has become stronger than ever. That sad sack may not like how things went down, but we did state on multiple occasions …that Big E’s willing to do whatever it takes to become the next Kore Champion. Even if it means, resorting to tactics like what transpired earlier. One way or another, the Kore Championship will be in this man’s possession. They can whine and cry all they want, but I want to witness the beatdown that we suffered at hands of others …it’ll serve as an example, of what happens when you get in our way. I want everyone, who dare gets in our way …to watch what The Rock Hard Samoan dose to this so called Goddess, because she will suffer the same fate. With my big Brother becoming the new Kore Champion …part one of the prophecy will be complete. Part two, and three of the prophecy will be complete when we become the AWS Tag Team Champions. It's only a matter of time, before The Samoan Tao is draped in gold, and we'll be back where we belong …back on top of the mountain. I can guarantee you, that we are going to end 2024 with all of us holding a Championship Title in our hands. Now if you would excuse us, it's time for us to celebrate!! ~The Brothers Tao begin to cheer, as they make their way past Spanky then head back to the locker room to change before they celebrate the night away~
Hector Venegas vs. Brody Steele
<>The scene opens with Brody Steele sitting at a bar taking a drink of an amber liquid. Most likely bourbon. He drains the glass, and looks up at the commercial for the upcoming AWS event. He hasn’t even spoken to Hector yet. Brody takes his phone out, and goes to his Social Media Live account. It’s time he speaks about his upcoming match<> Brody: Hector, a name that is known all over the wrestling industry. Some call him a Legend. Some call him an Icon. I call him, next. My next victim. My next opponent, who will fall by my hands. You see Hector. You allowed your old friend Kaleb, to get you into a wreck. You know why, he won’t be with me Hector? It is because, he trusts me. I’m not Bram. Who turned his back on trying to be a Champion. *He shakes his head no* Kaleb knows I can, and will be. He said, I was too unstable, and he couldn’t put his name on me. He was ashamed of the monster, I’ve become. So, what does he do? He lines you up to face me. And what will I do? I will first beat Hector, and then I will be facing none other than Jenny Kay …once again!! <>Brody chuckles at himself. The thoughts were racing around in his head. Seemingly becoming unhinged. He looks back towards the camera<> Brody: You see Hector, AWS closed the last time …saving you all. And since then, I’ve traveled the Indies. Making a name for myself, as I went. Looking, and waiting for AWS to finally reopen. And it’s poetic, that it’s in the place it started. Because the time of Venegas, will end as fast as it started. And after I am finished with you, I will finish my quest next. You’re just the beginning once I tear past you … Nygma can’t run. There isn’t anyone else he can hide behind. At Hot Summe’s Night, I will win the American Title. The mark, I am making in AWS will go down in the history books. Since Ikon went back to being known as AWS …I have been training. I was supposed to take my Father’s place in the old office. And who was chosen? Bram, and what did he do? Did he fall in line? No!! He went against all of you, and now his plague runs deep. <>Brody pauses to read some of the fans remarks. He smirks<> Brody: Me facing Hector, comes down to two things. One is who will the man across the ring is. The coward that’s been hiding in the depths, and barely making himself noticed. Or two, the man that came out and placed the first defeat to the notorious Jenny Kay? Either way, I’m ready. He doesn’t stand a chance at beating me. <>Brody pauses reading a remark again. This time he, looks surprised<> Brody: Hector is someone, that I’m not even putting a focus on. The end effect is, I am going to beat you. You will look up at me, with my music playing. Hand raised in victory. I hope you’re ready. And I hope you bring the same Eric, that Bram faced. I want you to be clear-minded. With that Hector, I’ll see you in the ring. It seems several people believe, you will take me down a few pegs. But I will show you along with the rest of AWS. See you soon, Hector. *The Social Media Live account comes to an end. Brody seems mad from a few comments Hector’s fans had to say* **Part Two** <>The scene opens with Brody wearing a T-shirt that says, “Wrestling World Acknowledges Wealth”. He has worn down jeans with holes in his knee, his hands are taped, and you can see from the sweat outlines on his shirt that he's been training. He has on some wrestling boots, that you can see visible from underneath the legs of his jeans. Off in the distance you, see Bram Connan taking a drink of his water. He looks over at Brody, who is just beginning to cut his promo<> Brody: Hector, make no mistake about it. I respect you. I realize you’re a Legend in the business. To be the best, you have to first defeat them. As far as beating you ... <>Brody pauses for a moment, and then continues<> Brody: I’ve talked to Bram. He turned his back on me. He said, I wasn’t stable enough. I’m too much of a wild card. And make no mistake there, either. I must be a mad man to team with KD, and go against the best the business has to offer. So far, KD hasn’t given me a reason to turn on him. And like they say. If you’re not with us, your against us. So, while you have made it clear who you have with you. I know, who will be at ring side with you. The question remains. Will they watch you lose to me? <>Brody gets closer to the camera<> Brody: Will you, Hector? Or will you come up to me, and show me the respect I f*cking deserve? Because we all know to stand in the ring with an Icon. That speaks for itself. Now Hector, I see which version I’m getting …and the version, that I was hoping for. Will I achieve the unthinkable here? Can I beat you? I’m excited for our match. And I’m giving it my all, Hector. I’m asking the same of you. Give me all you got, and give me some more. I want your blood. If you can collect mine, then so be it. <>Brody gathers his last thoughts<> Brody: And your remarks about my next match. It’ll be for the Title. Now if I have learned one thing, it’s that I better be on my A game …cause I plan on taking that Title home. As far as viewing you as enemies. At this point you are. You’re my next opponent, and my next victim. After this match, we can shake hands, if that’s what you want. Cause Hector, I’ve looked up to you my entire childhood and early on in my career. One of two things will come out of this match. Either, we shake hands. Win or lose. Or we become bitter rivals. I’m not cocky. I’m confident, I’m confident, that I’ll push you farther than you have ever been before. Whether or not, I win or lose …isn't the question, cause you see Hector. I noticed something when it comes to you, you get a fixation on something, and it doesn't let up. Your fixation on Bram and Steele Enterprises …and everything about them. It shows a character flaw with you. And it’s a character flaw, that I am willing to exploit to do the unimaginable. And that’s to beat a Legend. We have something in common. Neither of us have ever come out the same, after facing Bram. <>Brody takes a glass from sitting at the office desk, and he walks over to a little shelf in the corner that has various kinds of liquor and different bottles. He takes up amber collar liquid. He takes a smell and pours two fingers worth in his glass<> Brody: Hector, I don’t underestimate you. Not by any means, do I underestimate anybody …that I’m going to be having as an opponent especially one that's highly decorated as yourself. What’s funny to me is, you take what I say and you misconstrue or you twist it into this thought in your head …that I don’t like you. I view you and AWS as enemies. You also think, that just because we both hate my Father and Steele Industries that we should somehow form an alliance. Well, it's not just me that you would have to convince to come to your side, it would be my partner KD as well. I also see that that 5150 Title cuts deep …that’s the same Title that Bram is hunting, right now. So, the question is …after we get done with our match, are you going to call Bram out for a chance at the Title? Are you going to earn your shot at that Title? ‘Cause me, myself, I have a date with Nygma and those dates coming up quick. And when he and I are standing across the ring from each other …there will be no love lost, and I will do anything I can to obtain the American Title. Then I’ll move towards the Legacy, then finally the Asylum Title. You see Hector, you’re not seeing the bigger picture here …and that offer, that you’re offering me to join the mid-carders? Well, that’s a conversation for you and Bram to have and then after you guys have your ducks in a row. Well, you know my number …you can reach me and KD anytime. You can make us another offer; we can't refuse. It seems like there's a lot of tag teams among AWS, and well we all can’t hold the Tag Team Titles …now, can we? So, with that said, Hector …I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in our match, and that match cannot come soon enough.
Match Five: Paine Vs. Sythe
*The camera opens, now later in the afternoon from our earlier locker room segment involving Scotty Paine. Once again, with a familiar set of surroundings as for the second time in hours. We see the locker room door shot of The House of Paine. However, unlike before the cameraman doesn't even get a chance to venture inside. Not, because he can’t the door. It abruptly swings wide open revealing good ole' Scotty himself, this time with Ki Morbid in tow alongside as the duo step out. Without even noticing the camera is close behind them. Scotty & Ki shortly set off down the hallway with their usual smirks of confidence intact as well. And judging from the direction they're heading, it would appear they're on the way out toward the afternoon's sellout arena crowd! At this juncture, the two finally begin moving further and further ahead of the original cameraman. We shift out to an arena shot facing the stage area. An area that's within less than another minute or so re-introduced to the effects of …Suddenly, the arena lights begin to flicker off and on as the crowd rises to its feet immediately in anticipation, a combination of loud guitar riffs and the following words slowly begin to echo and scroll across the Xtreme-Tron* “I am the new hell on earth The lord of agony divine Domination, intimidation Lives within these eyes Reign of power Remorseless anarchy I am arrogance in the flesh Unleashed intensity” … *soon after the member of The House of Paine emerges from behind the curtain with the gorgeous Ki Morbid at their side! Thereafter, once finished making their way on down the ramp to a deafening uproar of crowd pops, the grizzled veteran then finishes making his way on up the ring steps, taking great care to assist his vixen of a female counterpart inside initially. Once inside the ring moments later himself, he proceeds to lean over toward the ropes, and taunt off momentarily to this entire sellout crowd joining us here tonight. He follows that up by moving to fiercely grab the nearest mic, and make his way to stand directly in the center of the ring. Not too long afterward, at continued to be greeted by a mixture of the crowd reactions. He finally raises a hand to signal quiet, whereupon he prepares to speak momentarily toward this sellout Kore crowd on hand for the afternoon* ~Scotty~ Quite simply, legacies ... *Impressive opening pop for this phrase of Scotty’s long career* ~Scotty~ Indeed, indeed …in such a business, an industry, a routine, a daily way of life as this is non-stop for every single man and woman back there in the back, who belongs to this company …in such an atmosphere, as that we all come to know and learn over time just how pivotal the art of forming your own legacy as a combatant in this very ring is …You know, there was a time once when as some of you may well remember I myself hoped, dreamed, and prayed at every possible opportunity to begin forming a legacy all my own in the Asylum Wrestling Society ...Heh, many a day before I was even thought of as being associated with professional wrestling I would sit back there in the back, or at home on my couch as a young man. I'd sit back there excitedly watching my own family. Yes, my own family members, my own flesh and blood Thomas and Jaycion, as they gradually developed their own legacies step by step. For instance, Thomas as you all know …formed his legacy by after many miserably failed Hardcore title attempts joining Aiden …joining him to become an infinite symbol of tag-team wrestling and to capture something that I'm sure will always be close to his heart in that first-ever XWA Tag-Team Championship reign, one earned over three equally famous fandoms on AXW Xtreme X-Mas of '02 if you'll recall. Then, then beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt …Jaycion has hit it unbelievably big in the AXW to form his own legacy too, he went from some no-name, lackluster jobber in X-Division Title contention to gaining the support of Kaleb and in turn the first of two U.S. Titles, and eventually Jaycion went on to face his eternally greatest rival in Rockin’ Lunatic sometime later on the grandest stage of them all XWA’s Bloodymainia …I in the Co-Main Event, for the World Heavyweight Championship. A Title which in relation to his most recent Championship reign, he still lives and breathes for to this day. *Scotty pauses for a few moments, and then continues* ~Scotty~ So yes, with this in mind …anyone and everyone who knows me as a wrestler well enough. Knows that coming from the family dynasty of House of Paine talent, that I do. I'm expected, and assumed to be highly bred for success at certain points. The success of majorly memorable proportions, when it comes right down to it. And speaking of this type of success, I'd have to very much place this upcoming Title defense of mine …right up there, as one of the best …I'll ever behold, no doubt about it!! *Another short pause, before speaking again* ~Scotty~ But hey, surprising as this may sound to some …I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the sheer thrill of having to perform under such pressure-filled circumstances, as the ones currently placed on me by those such as Thomas …when this type of pressure is soon enough on it's a given. That I'm expected to have my best showing to date, as a professional wrestler this coming week. Hades, if anything I feed …I thrive, I leech off insane amounts of pressure. Those are in these types of competitive tight spots …it gives me just the right amount of drive, I need to finish what I start inside this ring. Sythe, since we both know you're watching …then come to Synergistic, you can bet your ass. Whatever I start, will end up being finished in the end …of however much a bloodbath, our warzone of a matchup deteriorates into ... *A sudden wave of "Hiccup" chants startup, these prompting the next short-lived stint of silence on the mic* ~Scotty~ Oh yes, rest assured …there will be more than your everyday amount of bloodshed in this match. There's just no way around it when two forces such as us, are subjected to such a severe collision. Not to mention, an unspeakable amount of Paine, and suffering at the bare hands of one another …as this is to be between you, and me on both a personal and professional level. *Scotty cockily reaches up to scratch his scruffy face in thought before continuing* ~Scotty~ In retrospect, the truth be told …I've learned more than you sir, will ever know from watching all my past heroes of the wrestling world …such as Thomas, Jaycion, Dominic, and even Erron at one point form their respective legacies …and come Synergistic when I walk back into the arena the entrance doors. When I come to the mere moment of truth, when I lace up my boots and assume my position for my entrance, and come to the ultimate point of Synergistic …when I have my arm raised high above my head in ecstatic victory. Those Sythe, THOSE are the moments …I'll know this is at last my time, my chance, my shot, MY point of achievement …at which to say, I've officially broken through as the next wrestling anti-hero for all these fans. And that I've officially and undoubtedly established my own illustrious legacy for years upon …years to come! Sythe, that title you so badly want to put around your pesky little waist. That Championship gold you want so much, just as those like House of Paine have before you …that's an object I treasure with everything, I have to offer as a living breathing human being. It's something that if you can attain gives you a lifetime's worth of prestige, adoration, respect, and envy in the wrestling world …all in all, it's something I'll snap every last motherfucking bone in your body if I must …to pry it from that newly-found death grip, you want to sealed upon it. Sythe, you still may not be able to understand this …since you're naturally the only one in your family, wherever the Hades you came from amounts to anything in the business world. But believe me …I want this win, worse than you do …for the sake of myself, and my family legacy! That will now stretch between potentially of multi icons …men in this industry, two other icons …who like me, shall stand up for what they believe is right in their wrestling careers …and also just as I shall, they will come out on top …when it mattered most!! *As soon as Scotty’s done speaking, he moves to get directly into the camera’s lens to continue* ~Scotty~ So just riddle me this, Sythe …if you're so much better than everyone, and if you're so very much smarter than “Lil’ Krazy” me … then why is it, you've yet to show your face toward me personally …out here, in the middle of this ring? And why is everything you have to say backstage …is a Whooooole Lot of nothing in a nutshell? The absolute essence, of retardation in its simplest form? Well, if you'll allow me …and if you the oh-so-gratifyingly wrestling fans, would allow me to ... *Scotty is cut off by the crowd’s pop benign big time for support* ~Scotty~ Yes, yes …if you two figures of AWSW’s staff would allow me, I'd like to in closing for the present time …answer my own question here, Sythe. The fact of the matter is, that surprise-surprise you're NOT better than me! Believe it or not, you are NOT smarter than me either … you don't possess even half the charisma it takes to keep this belt in your grasp …after such a historic match, as this week on Synergistic promises to be. Really, and truthfully Sythe …just learn to think, and make acceptance of it like this. You're just a never-was on the brink of entering the greatest downward spiral of your career …in a negatively noticeable way. Meanwhile, during your head-on collision with a loss …I'm going to, as of this week …be heading the exact opposite way, as I blow by you …in your fall from grace and surge ahead. Ahead oppositely in the positive of straight up the wrestling world ladder, toward that anxiously awaiting Championship I have. Sythe, just like I'm sure in some twisted way …you do I have something to prove this week, I must prove to my family members, my legions upon legions of loyal Asylum Mates …and to most of all, myself …that MY day of forming MY everlasting legacy is at hand. It's time, the tides were turned for my side in this battle …and come this week Sythe, come Synergistic…I’II is ready to engrave my incumbent champion of a challenger, for I am the next link in my ever-famous and sadistic family has got one Hades Damnation l …Of A Legacy, To Live Life Up To!! *Thereafter, "Here Comes The Paine" by Slayer hits the PA system once again. Thus, prompting Scotty to carelessly toss his mic aside, and make his way to taunt off consecutively from all four turnbuckles. At each corner, it draws a deafening roar of approval from everyone in the crowd. Afterward, he holds up two lone fingers toward the camera to signify the number of sites given for Hector. The House of Paine exits the ring, and makes their way slowly up the ramp and to the backstage area with one last message towards Scotty’s opponent* ~Scotty’s Voice~ I Dare You, Come Feel The Paine!! ~Part Two~ *Scotty stands there, completely blank faced. He shrugs a few times, as he waits for an answer. That may never come, yet he still stands there as if stuck in time itself* ~Scotty~ No Way, In Hades’ Damnation …Am I going let you sit there, silent this time around. Say whatever you want to, The Truth Hurts …but right now, I don’t give two shytes!! Say anything, Sythe. Us Fire Signs don’t relax easily. The anxiety, we share …is killing me, slowly. Kick me, beat me, turn me down …it’ll hurt less, I’m used to it. My Last Name Is …“Paine”!! *Scotty again, stares deep into the camera. Yet, this time it’s not the standard grunge and psychotic look we’re used to. Scotty had his long, shaggy hair pulled back into a ponytail. It’s all stuck under an Onyx Black and Royal Purple bandana, and he’s wearing his glasses. The typical black tattered hoodie is worn but his hood is back away from his face. The black smeared makeup is gone, and his prized leather jacket. Is hung up, on the chair behind him* ~Scotty~ Every last one of you, have all started the same Hades’ Damnation way …please, tell me your vast wisdom is smarter than your mundane peers. “Let’s Keep This Professional, And It’s Nothing Personal” ...Way too damn late for that!! Both feet, all four of them are already in The Leo’s Flames. This is Way Beyond a Professional Wrestling, Relationship. It’s blossomed so far past that, it’s scary isn’t it?? I mean, in the years before “The Redneck Wrestling Machine” …there was another man, there was “The Bionic Redneck”. Brian Blades, the first guy that even went toe to toe with me. And quick frankly, I got my @$$ Kicked!! He used to tell me, “I’d Work Anywhere, But The E” …He was right, I never needed Vinny Mac’s help. Not a dime of that Million Dollar Wrestling Genius’ Money, ever helped me get over. Yet, my thick skulled, stubborn @$$ worked for Kaleb Antonio Steele instead?? *Again, Scotty stops shortly, to let those thoughts settle into the opponent’s head. Scotty stands there, with his usual deranged smile, yet this one shows years of wisdom and knowledge. Suddenly, the resident psycho doesn’t look so insane after all* ~Scotty~ I’ve asked time, and time again. ”I’m as crazy as they say I am” …or am I just smart enough to make them think so?? Truth be told, you’re the only one here to actually know The Truth!! Worlds Can Not Be Offered, Only The Best I Can Do & Some Days …That Just Won’t Be Good Enuff!! What needs to be said or done, in order to prove our actions …Nothing, nothing whatsoever on Your Behalf. As Bytched out as this is going to seem, it’s All About Me & My Beloved PTSD!! Your words are amazing, your actions Ten-Fold. And truthfully, I’m about to use a word I absolutely Hate …”But” I’ve heard it all before, I’ve been here and know the Paine that comes from them. Much, more like yourself …then you’ll ever admit. I can paint you the prettiest picture ever seen. Say words, you’ve only dreamed of. You are, and always will be My Endless Hatred …”Come 100%, Or Don’t Come At All” …It stood then, and it does now. Offers have been laid on the table, for you to shrug or brush them off …take your time, I am not going anywhere! I’ve been here far too long, for me to sit back …and let A, a fool like you …walk into My Asylum, affect me the way you do, and Not Fight For What I Want!! A Title Match, A Signature Match …Against, someone like yourself?? I came here to help You, and Your Career …I mean, Goddess Honesty. Do You really think, I need another World Heavyweight Championship?? Do You, seriously think …I need One More Asylum Match, before I’m done?? *Scotty stands there, as tears roll down his tattered face. His knees buckle, and his stomach almost turns on him. His bottom lips bounces, like a baby boy lost in the wild blue yonder* ~Scotty~ If by now, You Don’t Know What I really Want?!? Then, I’m the failure …I always knew I was, and I’m Sorry. All week, I’ve repeated “So Much To Say, So Little Time For It To Be Said” Red, Orange, Yellow, and The Ring Of Life …means nothing to the outside world, yet …you couldn’t wait to give me your answer. “In A Heartbeat” …words, that sung Majik into my Black Broken Heart. An organ that should have been sealed off, from the naysayers, the hypocrites, and people that have doubted me for years. A million rhythmic verses can’t explain how I feel …not now, not ever. I can tell you everything, far beyond the reaches that’s already been foretold. Southern Preachers, and Fools Know More Than I …But, that word I Hate so much!! “When it comes to Hatting You, I’m Shameless!! It’s outta my hand, I’m a Fool!!” Is that what you need?? A Lyrical Assassination, by all means …Let’s Play Some Music!! Just who in Hades’ Damnation are you, to Fix My World?? “Someone has too” …Great, out-effin-standing. Yet, what on my resume is so impressive …you had to have me come here?? To fix your career …Nah, ain’t buying it man. Was it, my hardcore nature?? Possible, yet I still think it’s more …Do I remind you, of the Co-Founder of The Crow’s Nest?? I have in me …what My Dearly, Departed Brother Had. In Giah’s name we pray, So Mote It Be!! *Scotty’s eyes quickly shift from the calm loving demeanor, to absolute anger in a simple blink of an eye. Suddenly, the happy go lucky lunatic. Has gone far beyond Hannibal Lector insanity* ~Scotty~ I know, they told me. I could stand here for, not one …not two, but three two-hour promos. I don’t even see the reason to, honestly. I’m going to say everything, I have to say now and let the Wrestling World deal with it. I could, I should, and everyone know Damn Well …I would, stand here and run my mouth all day long. Facts are, we both know how we feel inside. Only in the darkest, most Paineful sections of our minds. Yeah, time and again …I know, who you are … Run, hide, feel like you want to Die. Always remember, some of us have and are in your World. I don’t need my Celtic-Wiccan Warrior Pride, to invade your heart, mind, and soul. I’m already, so far behind those personal lines …Even I’m Scared!! To lose a match, I Didn’t Want?? To be the Rightful AWS, Deathmatch Champion?? And prove to everyone, without a shadow of a doubt …I’m the most hardcore son-of a bytch in professional wrestling today?? Is that, truly what you think I Want?? Not only have I Failed, Myself …but You all as well!! *Scotty shakes his head in disbelief, as more tears stream down his face. He rips off a chunk of his $OA Skull t-shirt, and whips away his smeared vision. He places his glasses on the desk next to him, as his Paine filled voice rings out once more* ~Scotty~ Go back in time, just a few weeks back. Not even a month ago …we had a match, elsewhere. You remember, you didn’t say a word to me. The O’Mighty, was stumped by a lyrical master. “I only face men, I hate facing the prissy girls. F*ck, I don’t do lesser Championship ...I’m passed all that” Cool, ball up that fist and hit me with every ounce of hatred you have!! I Dare You, Come Feel The Paine!! And the next time one of your ignorant toadies, tell me how to pronounce your name correctly …I’m going to slap the taste out of their mouths, with a barbed wire wrapped 2x4!! Why, why must I love to hate you?? Effin’ naysayers, all you disrespectful bastards, can say is “The Only Reason You’re Here or Have That Title, Is Because You’re Friend’s The Owner” …Why?? Why, ‘Cause, just like anyone else in this industry …You’re a threat to me, and what I preach. You don’t have to like, or agree to my statements …just acknowledge, they’ve been said. Simple Life Plan, really. “Do As Thou Wilt, Bring Harm To None”. Always Mind The Rules Of Three: What You Put Out, Comes Back Three-Fold” …Love & Light, So Mote It Be. They say, people like us have made a career based on “Garbage” Wrestling. Personally, I say …”You Couldn’t Fathom, What It Means To Be Hardcore!!” You, you know far too well what Being Truly Hardcore Means …on a Personal Level. One on One, Emonno-Emonno, Face to Face, and Down Right “Nitty-Gritty” …I love that about you. No running, no hiding, and No “I can out think, this opponent”. Isn’t going to happen, come match time. Ring the bell, and watch me do what I do Better Than Anyone Else …Make Another Person, Bleed!! Hardcore To The Bone. My Home-Your Home, We’re Going Into The Terror Zone! Welcome To The Playground, It’s Where I Spent Most Of My Days. Forever Living Within A Dark Haze, Yet Simple Words Said …I’m Still Amaze, Your Body Ablaze. Back To Reality, Where Paine Is All Too Real, Can You Deal …Don’t Walk In My World To Steal, F*ck That …I’m Real. I Too, Know How You Feel …I’m Also As Crooked As Mr. Steele. I’ve Also Been Sent Straight To Hell!! Yeah, I’ll Admit It …I Fell, straight into your plan that fooled me so Well. I’m blinded by your dysfunctional world. Inside me, a piece of self-loathing dies …the mental health issues, don’t need man made “brain fries” ...No pill does what you did, and the Entire Wrestling World knows …I’m the most sadistic, brutally honest, @$$Hole on this side of the United States of America!! Why, you ask?? Why me, why would someone do this or say that to me?? Ditto dude, and just like you’d want …I know it’s what Eric would want, but not what I Want. Whether It’s Mentally Or Physically …You Will Feel My Paine!! “Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence …whether much that is glorious, whether all that is profound …does not spring from disease of thought, from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.” So It Has Been Said, So Shall It Come To Pass … -Quoth The Crow, Forevermore!! *The scene fades out, yet Scotty doesn’t strike his usual cross-like pose. Instead, this time he stands there and blows a kiss into the camera’s lens*
Match Four: Bytch Vs. Bliss
*Part One* ~November 17th, 20222~ {We fade in on a small room that appears to be a viewing room of some sort. It’s quite dark and all that fits in the room is a table along the wall, a chair, and a monitor. It appears as if the cameraman is either standing in the doorway or the camera is placed on the wall. Sitting in front of the monitor in the chair is AWS Goddess Champion – Byker Bytch. She does not speak, but we do hear her voice over the image. There are times in our lives that we cannot get back. The last two years of my life are something, that I cannot get back and I wouldn’t want them back if I could. Fans run up to me all the time, and they ask me if I miss it. If I could go back, would I have not given it all up to work for AWS and leave the biz? They seem to think, that my leaving was a bad thing for my life. The truth is the two-year hiatus gave me something, I could never have gotten had I still been touring the world, two years to watch my children grow} CC: Now that I’m back, there are some things I wish I did, like train a little more, but I never got out of shape. Some of those people at home, they think that because when they had kids, they gained all this weight that there is no way to stay in shape without working out 24/7. The truth is though, parenting …real parenting, is a hardcore workout. My boys are now eight and six years old and chasing them around and playing ball with them …has been almost as good a workout, as I would have had on the road. {Byker pauses a moment, as she thinks. She then continues on} CC: Am I saying, I am ready for the ring? Gods no, yet I am stepping back in it. Why? There’s only one reason why, I love it. I love it so much, that I can’t hold back and I’m a little scared. Scared that if I don’t jump in feet first, I’ll never make it back. So here I am just, days away from my first match in over a month, and I’m watching a tape in a cold dark room. {Byker slowly turns her head away from the monitor, as whatever tape she was studying comes to an end and static overtakes the screen} CC: When I put together my first promo in over a month, I may have been too open with you people. I may have let you all in on who I really am, and I have no problem with that. The problem I do have with it, is that you took what I said and didn’t see it for what it really was. I told you that I hadn’t yet had much time to research and you took it as though I was too high and mighty to research you all, but that’s not what I meant at all. I got as big as I am, pardon me, as I use to be by knowing my competition. Those people you guys have heard saying my name these weeks before I showed up here …talk about me for a reason, and that’s because I am always prepared. {Byker pauses again, as she shakes her head in disbelief. She thought most didn’t understand her, but that wasn’t her worry at this time} CC: For instance, I took a look at last week's shows, and one thing all of my opponent has in common is, she won. What that means to me is, that you have had a taste of victory, and no one wants to take that way. So, I’ve been preparing all week to face you at your best, because that’s what I expect. I have also been critiquing you on your performances from last week, and the past. And of course, from your recent promos. {Byker smirks, as she thinks about the footage she just watched. Just like any other time, she wasn’t impressed} CC: Summer, the one I was originally most worried about …has not shown me much recently. Her in-ring performance last week was lackluster, but her will to win prevailed …failed. The problem is, you cannot always gamble on your will to win and your opponent to leave an opening for you like everyone got last week, and I just these guys know that. So, I should expect her to be more focused going into our match, but I am not. She has yet to utter a word, and the way she looked last week, shows me that I was wrong. The girl may have once been someone I should have been worried about, but now …she’s just appear to be an above-average wrestlers in a slump, and her slump won’t end on the twenty-seventh. {Byker cracks a wide smile, as she sits there pondering this match-up} CC: Then we have …well, this other bimbo. I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish standing in the middle of nowhere speaking to the air, and making predictions of our match …that are so vague, they could have been told to me on a psychic hotline. Nor do I know what you were hoping to prove with your match last week, other than the fact that you aren’t very lucky. It seems to me, so far that everyone in this match gets by on pure luck, and says screw Giah-given talent. {Byker shakes her head and lets out a deep sigh, before continuing on to the last subject in this match* CC: Then there is the definition of “I Suck” …the other person that are involved. You were very busy girl last week. You not only show how well trained you are in simple technique, when you couldn’t beat that clown. But you also showed your heart, as you stepped up to one of the most powerful men in America. For that, you have drawn my attention. No, not for your silly little Spiderman joke, but for your style and charisma. For someone who has all the makings of a B-List movie, you have something that the other women in this promotion don’t seem to have …at least not anymore. That is the heart to succeed. You’re dangerous, because of that. You are one small package away from shocking the world, and becoming a star in this federation ...but I will not be your gateway to fame. {Byker stands up, and starts moving around the small room. Her once happy face has become stern, and focused} CC: You may think there is nothing I can do to stop you, but I have been in this business for almost twenty years and I have seen it all. I’ve seen girls like you rise to the top, and fall to the bottom. I have figured out a million different ways to avoid ending up as the butt of someone’s joke. So, come the twenty-seventh, Summer …it might come down to blind move, interrupted three counts, and grievous bodily damage as you predicted, but the one thing I’m sure …it’s going to come down to you and me, and who wants it more. {Byker turns away, and hits eject on the DVD player. Then pops in a new disc, as the camera fades to black} **Part Two** {We open up on the cocky grin of one of AWS’s female superstar, Byker Bytch. She is dressed in a crispy new “Reapers” logo T-Shirt and a pair of jeans, with her gym bag draped over her shoulder. She tosses the gym bag aside, and stands with her arms crossed over her massive chest while standing in front of the camera} CC: Look at me, I am one and one verses this chick, and soon to be back to my winning ways again. Hard to believe, that after twenty years of a career and a two-year hiatus …that I can start again, as a winning veteran. It’s kind of crazy, and weird, but most importantly …it’s great. It’s a great thing to feel like I’m on top of the world with a win, even if it doesn’t last forever …it’s a feeling, that you could become a billionaire with if you could bottle it, and I don’t want it to end. {Byker pauses for a moment, before speaking again} CC: That will be tuff though, because even though I am technically in my rookie year here in this great federation, my name still carries some weight and that weight apparently carried me straight to our next House Show. It is my understanding, that it’s not an everyday occurrence that rookies to the federation make the big show, let alone in a match with such implications as a number-one contender match. So, I am honored to be included …Yes, I’m honored, and a little bit nervous. {Byker’s smile fades just a little, as she steps to the side and takes a seat on the bench next to her revealing a row of lockers behind her} CC: I know, those of you out there watching this, who know me don’t believe it, but I am nervous. Last month was my first match in over a month, and now in my second match back …I am expected to put my body on the line in a match, versus Summer “Slutty” Bliss. This isn’t quite what I expected, but I’ve never been one to back down from anything. I’ve always rolled with the punches, and this time rolling with the punches will be a little bit easier for me. {Byker‘s face curls with a devious smirk, due to dealing with Summer several times before. She chuckles a bit, before speaking again} CC: A few weeks ago, I was up against someone who was virtually unknown to me, someone I had to spend hours researching …just so I would feel comfortable in the ring with. This time, research will be the least of my worries, as I have extensive background on this bimbo. The girl has been around me for most of the end of my career, and I have seen her career begin, and reach some of her highest points. Which isn’t much to brag about, to be honest. {Byker takes a short pause before digging in. She seems to think long, and hard before uttering his next words} CC: Since I have been here, I have seen and heard much about this girl, and I probably know enough that I could deal with her. But you never really know what someone like her is thinking ...if she’s even thinking? Just like Scotty last week, it’s so hard to tell what is going on in someone’s mind. You come off like a women of good ethics, but there is really only one reason to cover your face in my opinion. And that is to cover up what you truly are. I believe there is something dark about you, and you try to hide it with makeup and by pretending to be something you are not. A match like this usually brings out the demon in people, and I know it will bring out the cheating and backstabbing bastard in me, what will it bring out in you? {Byker smirks, letting her words sink in. She knew this chick all too well. She finally stands up from the bench, and walks towards the weight-lifting area} CC: This bimbo is kind of perplexing to me. She’s listed at forty-one years of age, a time in your life when most people are hanging up their boots, yet here is a woman just like myself in this federation. It makes it hard for me to quite gauge what she is as a wrestler, seeing as her list of accomplishments here is slimmer than a piece of paper …all I can assume is that, she must have some tricks up her sleeve if she is still performing at this level at that age. {Byker takes a seat on the bench-press, as she continues to speak} CC: Almost the complete opposite of these other gals, is yourself. I have such huge amounts of these young ladie's work. I have seen them come up through the ranks in the past, and I have a list of their accomplishments here, and yet just like themselves …I have no clue who they really are. That’s the question of the day, who are these ladies? Are they the women that fought through Loss after Loss, until they finally got an opportunity in the past? Are they the women, that worked until they couldn’t work anymore and won the very title, we are working for …becoming the number one contender for? Or are they the women that dropped the ball every time they were given the chance to escape the cellar of wrestling? Are they the woman, that was rising to new heights in a company, only to crash back to the bottom? No one, not even they seem to know. All I can make from all of them is this, if history repeats itself, they will fall. {Byker leans back, and does a couple of reps. She pauses for a few seconds, and does another quick set of reps} CC: Summer Bliss? Not sure what to call you anymore, but I sure know where you and I stand …on bad terms. In the past, it was always you chasing after my shadow. You and your little friends always trying to start fights with the big dogs in the company, hoping some of what little talent you had would shine through in the fight, but it never seemed to work. You stayed in my shadow, and couldn’t fight your way out until I was gone. Now here we meet again, and I’m the big dog this time. You’re the one that has all the recognition here. I bet you’re even thinking the tables have turned, and now I’ll be the one chasing after you. But unlike you, when we’re in the same ring at Synergistic I will shine, and you will realize you never even got out of my shadow. You couldn’t take over the top spot when I was around, and you won’t be able to slow me down from rising past you here either. *The smile returns back to her face, as she stands up and looks deep into the camera as if she is now talking to someone specific* CC: The real challenge of this match though, is the lackluster rules. There might as well not even be anyone else in this match, but the two best Vixens. It seems like it was meant to be, that the two of us meet quickly here in Kore. It might be the bookers, or maybe fate made it so. We’ve fought all over the globe. Summer, although you just got here the week before me …you hold an advantage, you’ve been here before. You know the layouts of this ring, and that’s an advantage that I really can’t afford to give up to you. We’ve been through hell against each other, and know each other inside and out. We both started together and learned to be what we’ve become today, together. Not as friends, but as rivals, and here we are again. The setting doesn’t seem to matter as much, as it matters that it is me and you once again. Ladder, chairs, or whatever else gets thrown around in this match, it will not matter, because in the end …I can guarantee it will come down to only two of us fighting for the win. I can’t guarantee that I will come out on top, but I can guarantee you this …you want to know who really wants to win this shot, I do!! {Again, Byker pauses to let her words settle in. Now she’s really focused, her voice becomes more forceful} CC: I don’t want this for the same reason you do, to build a foundation …but I want this. I want this, because it’s been far too long since I have mattered in professional wrestling. It’s been far too long since people have looked at me, and said there is a champion. It’s been far too long since, I have felt like I am the best, and even though it is supposed to be like being the best of the worst …I still want this. One more thing you can count on as well, if I do get this and I do move on to keep this championship. No one, and I mean no one …will look at this belt as the best of the worst again. They’ll just look at it as the best. That’s what I want from Summer, the only question left …is who is going to want it enough to win it!! {Byker turns, and begins to work out once more} CC: Before this match though, I’m going to need to learn that layout. There’s no way, I’m giving you an advantage at all. It’s as simple as, I’m The Most Dominate Bytch in Professional Wrestling!! {Byker’s last words trail off, as she exits the room and flags someone down presumably to give her a tour of sorts}