July 23, 2024Jul 23 *The scene opens with Mystic sitting around a campfire, enjoying a cold alcoholic beverage. He is pondering the upcoming Madness* Mystic: Another match has come to a close, and I’m still standin’ strong. There was the unfortunate match, I just had with a Champion in which I stood toe to toe with him …yet, failed to come out on top. That will not be the case this time at Madness. The fourth Madness of the month, and it's goin’ to kick off with a bang. Such a stacked card with everyone lookin’ to make a mark, and fulfill their New Years resolution of a successful beginnin’ to July here in AWS. I for one, am resolved to continue takin’ down members of Steele Enterprises, and that continues with another match. This time, it will be just the two of us, and there will be no room for excuses …when yet again, my arm is raised in victory. *The camera zooms closer to Mystic, as he changes to a more serious tone and directs his comments towards Mr. Payne* Mystic: Last time Jamel, you let your arrogance get in the way …when you thought for one second, that you had the upper hand and allowed Blackthorne to step into the rin’, and face his demise. Was winnin’ more important to you, than shovin’ the ref out of the way and aidin’ your teammate? Your choices alone, led to what seems to be the end of Blackthorne's career. We did exactly what we said, we were goin’ to do and that was to start dismantlin’ Steele Enterprises piece by piece. It just so happened to be, that you served him up on a silver platter …as the sacrificial lamb. Then, you did nothin’ to help him as he took boot after boot, stomp after stomp. I'm surprised that Kaleb has even continued to allow you to be close to Steele Enterprises. I mean, first you fail in savin’ Blackthorne, and then you attack him? Don't get me started on Bram. He didn't even publicly accost you for allowin’ Blackthorne to take his beating. Is there no personal accountability within Steele Enterprises for those types of failures? Or are we the ones everyone wants to hold accountable? *The camera zooms in closer, Mystic showing no signs of regret or guilt* Mystic: I suppose, I’m expected to feel remorse for goin’ as far as I did …and this match is your chance at retribution. Well, don't think for one second …that this is goin’ to be a cake walk, big guy. I went toe to toe with everyone, and in my last match …I went blow for blow. This time, however, there is no taggin’ out. When exhaustion sets in, after being suplexed over and over, you'll wish someone was there to save you. Now, I'm sure you will do your best to refute all that I have said …and I would expect nothin’ less. The truth, however, remains. Being that your part of Steele Industries B-Team, at best …your A-Game wasn't enough before, and won't be enough this time. Whether it's droppin’ you on the back of your head, and neck …with multiple suplexes, or choppin’ you down at your legs. You're goin’ to find yourself dazed on your back staring at the lights …while the ref counts to Three!! *The camera fades to black, as Mystic continues enjoying his drink, laughing at his future opponent* ~Part Two~ *The scene opens to Mystic sitting alone in the locker room of the Bone Yard. He seems to be deep in contemplation, as the camera comes closer. Mystic looks up, as he strokes his beard and begins to speak* Mystic: For someone who usually would keep his promos short and concise, I must admit …I have never heard a man say so much, yet honestly add so little to the conversation. You exhaustingly set the stage for our match, from the Boneyard and ensured to note in depth …that this is your first singles match against myself. I'm honestly, confused over one thing though. You claimed you're not going into this match with revenge on your mind for someone else …but for the disrespect on your own name, but later you talked about how you weren't goin’ to let what happened to them slide. Sounds to me like, in your own words …there's still some level of revenge being sought after. Maybe you just lost yourself in the circles you're talkin’ in, or the other misinformation you're sharin’. *Mystic stands and begins pacing the room. He comes to a stop in front of mirror, looking into the camera from its reflection. He continues* Mystic: I actually loved your quote about false knowledge, and ignorance …because you were spreadin’ quite a bit of your own. Let's reflect on a few of your misleading comments. You claimed that everyone's lack of trainin’ wasn't what caused them demise, yet that was a big focus durin’ their promos …that they were extremely well trained to be facin’ me. They definitely should have been more prepared goin’ into those matches. The one thin’ you got so very wrong on a couple different occasions, was the result of our match. That match didn't end in a tie, or a draw as you continue to claim. I believe the results stated at Ward was "Winner due to injury, The Homeless Hero." You see, that's what the goal is, victory. Not to allow the weakened opponent to tag in the fresh teammate so the match can continue, but that’s beside the point here. I did exactly what I said am goin’ to do, and exactly what you yourself said would be your game plan if it were you. So, why then should I feel ashamed for what I did? You also claim, I did nothin’ else after the match. If memory serves me correctly, I was puttin’ the boots to someone while the ref checked on some nameless fool …and until other members of Steele Enterprises rushed to make the save. Maybe all that, just happened to slip your mind. However, I do suppose that is enough fact checkin’ ...for the moment at least. *Mystic continues pacing the floor of the locker room. He chuckles to himself before continuing* Mystic: I'm not sure how well the others will take to me referring to them as The B-Team level competition within Steele Enterprises. Both are gunnin’ for Championship gold here in AWS. AND they don't need to rely on a 7-foot, 2-inch frame to accomplish it either …BUT they do rely on their family money! It's almost like you're telling Bram, that if you had the chance …you'd take one or more of those Title shot from him. Easy there, sport. I don't think that's goin’ to go over too well with either of them, although the younger one sucks! Especially after the debacle with the spoiled kid. It might be wise to keep those comments to a minimum. *Mystic returns to his seat at his locker before finishing* Mystic: Now, we've set thin’s straight on how our match transpired. That match also bein’ my first match back here. And I don't forget you had a tag win with someone at the following show. On that same show, I was involved in a five-person free-for-all in which I was victorious. That match sent me into the triple threat match with Eric and Tyler Cross. And yes, after constant double-teaming …I did lose that match. Of course, they did what they had to do to try and neutralize the threat I posed. Then I also lost to Bram, respectfully, in a fair one on one match. Make no mistake, you are far from the level that he is on …yet I survived the brutality of that match, and here I am focused on yet another member of Steele Enterprises. Worry not, though, I will be preparing for own match …and will have no reason to interfere in mine. We'll just see if I can be as forthcoming in the willingness to refrain from intervenin’ on your behalf as well. As I will be prepared for our biggest battle yet in AWS …so should you, because it's goin’ to take more than one lucky punch …to take me out. I'll have an arsenal of trashcans, ready for you to wear you down for the win. *Mystic tattered face curls into a wicked grin, as he speaks one last time* Mystic: Let's hope, the next set of statements you decide to make are more accurate than your most recent. I too, like to keep my promos short and to the point …but when you fill yours with fluff, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies? I must refute them, and always remember …I put the X, in Xtreme!! *Mystic motions the camera away, as it zooms out and fades to black*
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