December 1, 2024Dec 1 (The scene opens up in an open plan living room, in a rented hotel in Las Vegas. The dim lighting and the luxury black leather couch in the middle of the room, sits there, a few seconds later in walks TJ Alexander. Dressed in blue jeans and a white short-sleeve T-Shirt with a gold chain around his neck, more importantly the AWS Global championship over his shoulder)“Four is an even number, but to me it’s an unbalance number, it favours one person against me, and it’s been a curse, a nightmare that I have had to deal with inside my head, it screams at me a lot of the days, it’s something that I can’t push away, but this Monday Night on the special edition of Monday Night Ward, I get the ultimate chance at doing so, you see if you don’t know what I’m talking about, the number four is the amount of times Vin Halstead has beaten me since I‘ve returned to AWS in a row, four times we’ve faced off in the ring, and every time his been able to be a little bit better, slightly better and I do mean slightly.”(TJ frowns)“But in between those defeats to Vin Halstead I’ve become the global champion, and now I stand here with gold in my hands defending this title at Monday Night Ward, not by choice, definitely not by choice, but I can’t deny that you haven’t earned this title shot Vin, because in reality, you have, four times over. But by my choice you wouldn’t be touching distance with my title. But here we are Vin, on this special edition of Monday night Wad, I am ready to end this losing streak, I am ready to full stop end you besting me over and over again, and more importantly when it matters, keep my title and not let you have that fifth in a row.”(TJ adjusts his global championship that’s on his shoulders)“When it matters like now dig deeper than I’ve ever had to before to retain my title, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it, and if that also means ending your career then so be it, but I know it’s not gonna be an easy feat to do it, I know how tough you are, even at your age in the game, you’re still going strong, more so than most veterans, most veterans can barely bend down to tie their laces up without bones crackling, but being in the ring with you, I see it, that your different Vin, but I also know me, I know me inside and out and when I’m desperate enough, I’ll do ANYTHING to win.”(TJ smirks with the global championship on his shoulder)“And I mean anything, but Vin when I do break the camel’s back and break this chain around my ankles, and I see you on the mat looking up at me, I’ll finally be free, free from you, free from the number four and I would have cemented my first title defence victory, and with it being you, it will have substance, it will have meaning, it will show the rest of AWS that I’m a true champion. That my victory over Nectra Octavia Kane wasn’t a fluke, that I stand tall as champion.”(TJ smirks)“Vin the four times we’ve wrestled, I haven’t been just losing to you, as it infuriates me to say, I’ve been collecting, I’ve been collecting every little thing that you can do in the ring, and I’ve been storing it in my head, and now I’ve rewatched over and over again in my head, now I know how to beat you. I have had it down in muscle memory of what you can do in the ring, and all of my senses are ready to tear you down, strip away at you, bit by bit, brick by brick. Vin you walk around like you’re a god, and even against me, you’ve got some leverage to that claim. But now all gods come to an end, I am gonna be a god slayer, and bring you down from the mountain you sit at, this match Vin will be my salvation against you.”(TJ adjusts his global championship)“The desert that surrounds Las Vegas must have some stories to tell, because once a lifetime ago, the city of sin was ruled by mob law, they ruled the city and killed anyone who stood in their way or tried to cheat, they would get wacked and carted off into the desert, but none of them stories or deaths are gonna measure up to yours Vin, this is your final resting place, when I put you down into the mat, and plant your head straight to hell, it’s gonna be Game-Over for you sunshine. And Vin you can take it with grace, you can take it with honour, and you can take it to your grave.”(TJ smiles)“Vin I know your gonna come out with the utmost confidence and the arrogance that you’ve already beaten me, that you think that this separate match for my global championship is gonna be a walk in the park for you, but your totally and utterly wrong, I’ve learned my lessons from our previous matches, I’ve studied you more than I’ve studied any of my opponents, I have you engraved in my head, from move to move, I know how to beat you and I WILL.”(TJ smirks adjusting his global championship)“So Vin Halstead come out and chip away at how many times you’ve beaten me, we all know now, but we also know that the only win that matters is the win I have over you to retain my global championship this week on Monday night Ward. So Vin Halstead this time it’s gonna go my way and it’s game over for you.”(Scene ends)
December 2, 2024Dec 2 AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 2: Let There Be Light::As Halsted walks through the Hall of Halsted, reality sets in and he realizes that he is about to reach the first of his trials in the Light. He looks down the line at all of the world championships that he’s captured over the span of his legendary career. He reminds himself what that feeling is like and he closes his eyes. He lets his mind drift to relive each triumph as he recalls lifting each one above his head in victory after putting down the champion before him. With each flash, Halsted is reminded of the pain and suffering that it took to capture each title. He recalls the reactions of the crowd in attendance. Sometimes he had their support and other times he felt their utter hate for him. The hair on his neck starts to rise as goosebumps run up and down his entire body right before he opens his eyes. A bright light forces him to come back to reality and he realizes that he isn’t alone in the hallway. The feeling comforts and reassures him just as he feels a hand on his shoulder.::Mr. Han: Master Halsted, are you alright?::Halsted reassuringly smiles.::Halsted: I’m fine, Mr. Han. Have you returned from your Call to the Light?Mr. Han: Yes, it really was enlightening.Halsted: The Book has a way of putting everything in perspective, doesn’t it?Mr. Han: That it does, Master Halsted.Halsted: Have the others been able to read the text, yet?Mr. Han: I’m not quite sure. I believe I just returned from my venture into the Light.Halsted: Where is the Book, now?Mr. Han: After I returned to the bench in the Labyrinth, I brought the Book with me when I walked back to the kitchen. I’m afraid that I may have left it there, though.Halsted: I wonder who will pick it up next but I’m excited to see how the Light affects them. I hope everyone here gets to experience all that the Light has to offer them.Mr. Han: It’s a transformative experience. I feel that my eyes are open for the first time in a long time.Halsted: This is a different side of you, Mr. Han. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this.Mr. Han: The Light helped me put some things in my past to rest and forced me to come to terms with it. These were things that I thought I long forgot and well before you came into my life.Halsted: Now that seems like something we need to explore more of but not now. I want to sit down with everyone in the Manor once they have all experienced what the Book has to offer. There’s so much to it, but the first reading forces the reader to come to terms with their past. How it does it is a mystery to me for now, but I think we will be able to learn a great deal about it as we each get a chance to explore everything the text has to offer.Mr. Han: I agree… I think each reader will have a unique experience, but we will all be able to help each other as we become more enlightened by what the Book has to offer.Halsted: There are so many questions and answers that we will explore together. We will be able to come to terms with so much and we will be stronger than we have ever been. I, already, feel like a changed and refreshed man with the book in my hand. Have you tried the Hot Tub yet?Mr. Han: I wasn’t sure if I should.Halsted: It will put so much of what you read into perspective. They work together as the Book repairs your mind; the Hot Tub repairs your body.Mr. Han: I’ve noticed a difference in you, Master Halsted, and Margot has said that you are moving like you did when you first met her. I wouldn’t mind if my old back was a little straighter and less stiff.Halsted: Use the Hot Tub, today, Mr. Han. It will fix all of that and more for you.Mr. Han: Thank you, Master Halsted. I’ll do just that.::Mr. Han nods to Halsted and walks towards the Halsted Fieldhouse. Mr. Han uses the locker room to change and then walks over to the Hot Tub. He climbs in and begins to feel the healing water around him. He sits down, rests his head on the back of the Hot Tub as the water quakes while the mystical blue light begins to illuminate. Meanwhile, Halsted returns to his memories of past championship glories. Margot walks in to remind him that it’s time for another training session.::Margot: Hey… are you ready, Vin?Halsted: I’m always ready, Margot. What do you have planned today?Margot: Well, I wanted to see if you can do some of your older spots. You used to do more dives and high flying in your early wrestling career. I think it’s time for you to bring those moves back into your repertoire because TJ seems to think that you’re too banged up to execute moves like that.::Halsted smirks.::Halsted: When is this guy gonna learn that he’s just a placeholder for me?Margot: Let’s take it down a notch, Vin. I realize you’re beaten him all four times you two have faced off, but he is younger than you and he’s an excellent highflyer. I want to see if you can match his movements in the ring like you used to do before you had your wars with Charlie and Ashley.Halsted: Those were some brutal matches, but time heals all wounds.Margot: More like the Hot Tub heals all wounds. I barely recognize you as scars have completely faded and you move like you did fifteen to twenty years ago. Now, I realize that you’re almost forty, but I’ve never seen a forty-year-old man lift, run, and move the way you have been moving ever since you first sat in there.Halsted: If the Book has taught me anything, it has taught me that I will experience trials along the way to the absolute top of AWS. Taking the Global Championship from a punk kid is my first trial. It has said that I will be tested by youth and this brash kid is in need of a lesson in the Light.Margot: I know you believe that, but I need to see it for myself. Get in the ring and show me what you can do.::Halsted nods and climbs into his sparring ring. He starts by running the ropes and bounces back and forth like Bron Breaker. He switches to leaping on and off of the ropes like Rey Fenix. Margot watches on with widened eyes and her jaw dropped.::Margot: I just don’t understand what’s gotten into you, Vin. This is the best I’ve ever seen you move, and I didn’t even hear one snap or crackle as you moved. How do you feel?Halsted: I feel great, Margot. The Light is making me better in every way.::Halsted smiles genuinely at Margot as she continues to look shocked.::Margot: Your tone and demeanor have changed, too, Vin. I think you can face any trial that is thrown at you and absolutely destroy it. Halsted: Nothing is going to stand in my way, Margot. Not a trial of youth, not a ghost from my past, and certainly not time. I’ve been in desperate need of change and the Light is showing me the way. Have you gotten to read the Book yet?Margot: Which book is that?Halsted: The Book of Light.Margot: Is that the one you’ve been going on about?Halsted: Yeah, I think Mr. Han had it last.Margot: I guess I’ll ask him if I can borrow it when he’s done with it.Halsted: He said he left it in the kitchen.Margot: Oh, who knows where it will end up next, then.Halsted: That’s the exciting part!Margot: I’ll take your word for it, Vin, but you need to focus all of this newfound energy in finishing off TJ once and for all. I know he wants to believe that you barely got those previous wins over him and that he’s due for a win.Halsted: The Book of Light says that the Devil always believes he is due, but the Light will always prevail. I’ve shown this heretic four times and yet he still wants to show the AWS Universe that he deserves to hold the Global Title. The youth always want to be right and always wants to have the last laugh but that will be his demise. He may have taken that title from Necra but she knew it was only a matter of time that I would take it from him when she blessed me with The Book of Light and the Hot Tub. She sees the future and she knew this was the path that I was meant to be on. Soon the entire AWS will experience what the Light is all about and let them all be enlightened by their true king. A great unification is coming to AWS, and I am the one to bring it to Light.Margot: Just stay focused, Vin. Everything will come to you if you just stay the course.::Margot looks at Halsted approvingly and Halsted goes back to work in the Halsted Fieldhouse. Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
December 6, 2024Dec 6 AWS - Vin Halsted - From Darkness to Light: Chapter 2: Let There Be Light (Cont.)::The first snowfall of the season has arrived. The sky is grey and the wind comes and goes in strong gusts. The trees are bare and the ground is white. Winter has arrived early and the air is freezing cold. A man walks down an empty road in Downtown Chicago as the sun begins to rise over the lakefront. The wind whips through him even though he’s dressed for the weather. He’s wearing a Ralph Lauren men’s black down insulated Overcoat jacket over a blue Chicago Cubs hoodie, dark blue David Britton Buffalo jeans, and black Rockport boots with a Chicago Blackhawks beanie and a pair of Ralph Lauren black leather gloves. The man is Chicago’s own, Vin Halsted and he’s decided to walk around the city to take in the winter views. He walks by Grant Park and reminisces about the time he and a group of friends decided to hop on the L and witness the Bulls Championship Celebration in 1998. Before the Bulls Dynasty, the only championship Halsted remembered was when the ‘85 Bears won Super Bowl XX. Even though it was the last one the Bulls would have, it was the most memorable. They were the winningest team in the history of the NBA at the time and Halsted was always so impressed with how Phil Jackson kept such an unlikely amount of talents together to play at such a level, and then the celebration ended and the team went their separate ways. Chicago didn’t get to enjoy another championship team until 2005 when the White Sox finally ended their drought of 88 years. Halsted isn’t alone, though, as he walks with his long-time friend, Joe Cranston, who is dressed in similar yet less brand-name fashion.::Halsted: Ya know, Joe. People like to talk about numbers and what they mean.Cranston: I’ve never really given that much thought. I’ve always felt that things happen when the time is right.Halsted: I guess that’s fair, but you didn’t grow up in Chicago.Cranston: What do you mean?Halsted: The people of this city have had to live with the longest droughts in the history of sports. We have endured generations of disappointment and yet we stay loyal. We’ve lived through the driest of droughts in the summer and some of the coldest winters imaginable, but we stay in our hometown vigilantly. We never slump our shoulders or hang our heads. We stand tall and say, “Wait ‘til next year.”Cranston: Is that why you aren’t wearing any Bears gear?Halsted: Eh… We know when to say it and get ready for the next season.Cranston: Ah… hockey season started, right?Halsted: It sure did. We always have another season to fight for and to put our hopes into. Cranston: People need a win at some point.Halsted: Absolutely, but it doesn’t just happen because someone said they wanted a win. It takes time to build a winning team. In order to win, it takes skill, talent, ingenuity, training, patience, learning from more experienced players, patience, mental toughness, studying footage of past games, strategy, creating plays while calling the right plays at the right times, and above all else, persistence.Cranston: So am I your Belichick to your Brady?::Cranston smirks and chuckles to himself.::Halsted: I guess you could say that. I definitely brought this city a number of championships to instill pride in me. Cranston: Sure… but that didn’t happen until I found you and put you in a ring. You were just a lowly bouncer on the Southside until I came along.Halsted: Lowly, huh?Cranston: I mean… you had a reputation. I just had to see it for myself.Halsted: Fair enough. Have you gotten to read the Book of Light yet?Cranston: Umm… Which book is that again?Halsted: You’ll know when you find it.Cranston: Mmkay.Halsted: Ya know, this city survived a fire in 1871.Cranston: Wasn’t it started by a cow that kicked over a lantern?Halsted: That’s how the story goes but that fire burned for almost three days killing about three-hundred people and it destroyed most of the city. The survivors stayed and rebuilt the city instead of packing their things and moving West. There are plenty of jokes about people from Chicago but we don’t let that bother us because we stand tall and move forward no matter what life brings us.Cranston: Those are some hard life lessons.Halsted: Persistence, Joe. That’s the key. We get knocked down but we always get back up. I guess that’s why TJ is so persistent about getting away from having to suffer his fourth loss to me.:Cranston looks at his friend sharply.::Cranston: You say that like it’s already going to happen.Halsted: Well, tell me what has he done to change, to grow, and to improve?Cranston: You know better than me. You know I don’t get involved with your business anymore.Halsted: Well, he still thinks that I’m an old man with weak knees. I think I proved that in our third match just that.Cranston: Oh, I know you did.Halsted: Wait… you just said…Cranston: I may not get involved but I always have an ear to the ground, Vin. Margot tells me everything when you aren’t around. She can’t believe how you’ve been able to rehab and develop yourself like you have never before. She said that you’re bigger, faster, and stronger than ever. Plus, she said that all of your scars, muscle tears, and any other ailments you’ve had over the years have vanished. She said that she’s never seen anything like it and you’re a walking miracle.Halsted: I mean…Cranston: What’s gotten into you?::Halsted takes a deep breath of cold air.::Halsted: I think it’s the Light and I think I need to spread it throughout AWS.Cranston: Well, let there be light, then, Vin, but tell me more about the numbers.Halsted: Sure… so, 23 and 49.Cranston: Ok… what about those two numbers?Halsted: Those are the two longest droughts in NHL Stanley Cup history and both are owned by the Chicago Blackhawks.Cranston: Those are definitely long periods of time to wait but aren’t there longer ones?Halsted: Of course… The Chicago Bulls didn’t win an NBA Title until 1991 and they were founded in 1996. Plus, they haven’t won since Krouse and Reinsdorf disbanded the Dynasty in 1998.Cranston: Wow… so 25 years before the first one and 26 years since the last one.Halsted: Sure, but it gets worse. The Chicago Bears didn’t win a Super Bowl until the twentieth season of the Super Bowl Era and they haven’t won since then.Cranston: That was like 39 years ago.Halsted: Oh… it doesn’t end there. The White Sox had an 88 year drought before they won in 2005 and the Cubs suffered for 108 years until they finally snapped their drought in 2016.Cranston: That’s some generational suffering right there.Halsted: It really is, but a new day is dawning in Chicago and it’s time I changed things here. It’s been a couple of years since I stood tall over the AWS Universe and it was short-lived.Cranston: That it was and it’s time you finally stood above them all and showed them the kind of champion you are and have always been.Halsted: That’s exactly what the Book of Light has written in its text. It says that a new dawn is upon us and the Light will shine brighter than ever before with the prophet standing tall.Cranston: I’m gonna have to take a look at this book.::Halsted stops and turns to his friend.::Halsted: You really should. It says that the prophet must stand in contention of three trials and unify two worlds. I believe it means that I need to take the Global Title and the AWS Title into my possession. In doing so, I will usher in a new era in AWS, the Era of Light.Cranston: So, I guess TJ is the first to fall.Halsted: Upon his fall, he will be introduced to the Light. It will be up to him how he decides to proceed from there. However, if it’s taken him this long to learn from failing so many times, then maybe he won’t change at all.Cranston: Sucks for him.Halsted: I guess but that’s on him. The next trial will come when I meet the AWS Heavyweight Champion.Cranston: Is that Drake Nygma?Halsted: He has it for now, but the Light tells me someone else may come along before I can stand the next trial.Cranston: You beat him, too, didn’t you?Halsted: He might still be sleeping off a Halsted Hangover but the title wasn’t on the line.Cranston: How is it that you haven’t taken these two titles yet if you’ve beaten both champions already.::Halsted shrugs.::Halsted: Eh… I don’t ask questions. I just show up when I’m booked and wreak havoc like I always do. The Book says that I need to be patient and persistent as all things will come to me as the Light has planned for me.Cranston: I say again… Let there be Light!!Halsted: Indeed, brother… my time is near!!::Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::
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