Posted December 23, 2024Dec 23 Women's Tag Team Tournament MatchSerenity Hunter and Summer Rayne vs. Daughters of Texas (Averi Michelle & Karli Rae)
January 31Jan 31 The scene is seen taking place in a Mexican restaurant in historic and beautiful Mexico where the ladies of the AWS/IKON show Stardom is doing a ladies only show. There was people seen having dinner and drinks. One of those ladies who was going to be wrestling on the special show was a returning Hall of Famer. The camera paned upwards to let the fans know that it was the woman who is known as "Lady Tigeress " Serenity Hunter aka Miss Hall of Famer herself. She's there to take on the Daughters of Texas, Averi and Karli in a tag team match but lo and behold, the beautiful brunette beauty was not going to be fighting all by herself. She's going to be having another Hall of Famer to wrestle by her side. Who's the woman that's going to be teaming up with the Tigeress herself, you might be asking yourselves? It's the equally talented Summer Rayne. She was seen taking a few sips from her strawberry margarita and say with her blue piercing eyes looking dead straight into the camera.Serenity: You see, life really do throw you absolute wicked curveballs, do they? Summer, I really can't wait to team up with you. You are equally amazing in the ring too. We are going to show the entire Stardom show who in the hell we truly are! To our opponents, we are going to show them that once you mess with us, we're going to strike back like no other. Summer, you provide the rainstorms and I'll provide the Claw scratching of their lives. Daughters of Texas, you both have reawaken the fight that me and my tag team partner Summer is so 100 percent full blown ready to unleash on you two skanks! If you both want a full blown heart attack war, you both are going to get everything that you both wish that should have not asked for in the beginning. Get ready for your stars to get knocked the fuck out. I'm Serenity Hunter and it's time for me and Summer to see you as our targets. Skanks, me and Summer never miss our targets. We are so ready! Are you two even ready? Her eyes turned from the beautiful baby blues to cold as strong ice brown. She's ready for the comeback of her life. AWS/IKON has really pissedoff the wrong lady.
January 31Jan 31 The scene comes on with Summer Rayne in the backstage of the arena. Summer Rayne stops and speaks up. Summer Rayne:Tick tock goes the clock and not a peep from either one of you two? Hopefully that is because the cat has got your tongue because if it isn't that then you two are nothing more than cowards. Now I don't take kindly to cowards and that just gives me even more motivation to kick your ass in the middle of that ring later on here tonight. I know I have said this before and I will say this until I am blue in the face. I am the best damn female wrestler that this federation has to offer at this point in time. I am a legend in this business and I am one of the most dominate people the two of you will ever step into a ring against. For all you know this could be the only chance you get to be in the ring with someone as great as I am. If you two don't think that I am willing to do whatever it take to make sure I walk out of this match as the winner of the match then you are dead wrong. If that is what you think then you have another thing coming to you. If the conditions warrant it then I can be the most ruthless and cruelist bitch you will ever cross in that ring. Do you honestly think that I would think twice about ending you career once and for all if it means I could spare my self from having to see you pathetic faces around my company? No I wouldn't think twice about it because I would just do it. If given the opportunity I will break both of your legs. So maybe we could rename you the wheelchairs of Texas or the Crutches of Texas. Either name would suit the two of you well but right now your name is The Cowards of Texas. Just when everyone thought I was gone and they started to forget about me you two come back. Why is that? Is it because you know with me out of the picture that you actually stood a chance in this federation? That has to be in but you had no idea that you would be facing the team of Serenity Hunter and Summer Rayne here tonight and now you have run off with your tail tucked between your legs. So right now I am back here looking for any signs of your pathetic asses but there is none to be found.So that tells me that either you are going to show up at the very last second like a certain person used to do or you are just going to No Show and waste my precious time. If you waste my precious time then there will be hell for you to pay down the road. I don't like wasting time and I loath my time being wasted for nothing. No this isn't going to be a one off appearence of Summer Rayne even though you two are hoping to make sure that is the case. Say what you want about me. Talk like you two are the greatest thing since sliced bread but don't forget who the real queen of that very ring is. Don't forget I helped build this modern era of this federation. I guess you could call me the female version of WWE's Undertaker. The two of you are going to be wishing that death would fall upon the both of you. However death would be to good for you so thankfully I know CPR and I can bring your asses back to life just to kick your asses some more. Welcome to my world, my federation, and more importantly welcome to my playground. You will walk into my playground with your head held high. With your head filled with the fantasy that you two actually mean to something to these fans. You will walk into my playground only to get all of the crushed like a cock roach on the bottom of my boot. You two will be lucky if I even allow the two of you to walk out of my ring instead of being hauled off to the hospital in back of an ambulance. So Daughter of Texas I hope you have you cemetery plots already picked out because when we are done with you that is where you will be going and everyone will forget that the two of even existed. Even your own families will forget that and probably be even happier. Summer continues roaming the back halls as the scene fades.
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