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This live event contains strong coarse language (L), and intense violence (V) which may be unsuitable for younger viewers. Do NOT try to do reenact anything you see from this event at home.


The event opens to a video of scenes from the latest episodes of Ward and Depravity, "Conflict" by Disturbed plays as every camera takes shots from around the arena of the fanatics, the ring and ringside area. Song Teng stands inside the ring, she raises the microphone to her mouth and begins.


Salmia "Mia" Russo: Good evening, Tokyo! And good evening to those watching around the world.

Benito Manfrin: There are six huge matches in store for this evening, huge implications on the championship front as well.

Gidget Stephensen: You got that right! Tonight, we find out if Vin Halsted remains AWS Pinnacle Heavyweight Champion or if Sammeal McBane becomes the man at the top of the proverbial ladder.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Also tonight, twenty brave souls battle in the AWS Manic Championship Battle Rumble.

Benito Manfrin: Plus, the AWS Tag Team Championships are on the line when The Violent Generation battle whomever answers the call for the open challenge.

Gidget Stephensen: The legendary AWS Parental Advisory Champion Scotty Paine battles TJ Alexander.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: I guess we should just shut up and get to the action. What do yawl think?

Benito Manfrin: Okay, let's do it!

Gidget Stephensen: Song, take it away darlin'.

Song Teng stands inside the ring, she raises the microphone to her mouth ready to begin to make introductions for the first match.

  • Author

Singles Match
Ace Sky -versus- Mike Dimter

Song Teng: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Ace Sky has made his way to the ring, no music or pyro, he climbs through the ropes after ascending the corner steps and onto the apron.

Song Teng: Introducing first, from Houston, Texas! He is Ace Sky!!!!

"Gasoline" by Meek Mill blasts throughout the arena "The Bad Ass" Mike Dimter walks through the fans as the crowd boos then he climbs over the guard rail then he climbs into the ring.

Song Teng: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada! He is the "Bad Ass" Mike Dimter!!!!

The referee calls for the bell.


Salmia "Mia" Russo: Dimter grabs onto Sky and whips him into the ropes, discus clothesline!

Benito Manfrin: Dimter allows Sky to get to his feet, dropkick into the corner!

Gidget Stephensen: Dimter is keeping the pressure on Sky here, he goes over and grabs onto Sky hitting a monkey flip out of the corner. Sky lands on his feet!

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Sky runs full steam, leaps into the air and lands a hard running knee to Dimter's head. Cover!


Gidget Stephensen: Dimter kicked out!

Benito Manfrin: Sky gets up, pulls Dimter onto his feet and leaps over him, standing blockbuster!

Salmia "Mia" Russo: What a move!

Benito Manfrin: Sky kips up, Dimter still on the canvas and Sky drops his knee into Dimter's chest. Cover!


Gidget Stephensen: Dimter kicked out!

Benito Manfrin: That isn't going to beat Dimter.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Sky seems to bask in the glory, showboating for the fanatics.

Benito Manfrin: Dimter kips up, Dimter with a superkick!

Gidget Stephensen: Dimter grabs onto Sky, bashing him in the face with a hard right hand, then follows up with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Sky suddenly finds Dimter getting a second wind here.

Benito Manfrin: Dimter pulls Sky, loops his arms around his body and hits a straightjacket suplex. Cover!


Gidget Stephensen: Sky kicked out!

Benito Manfrin: Dimter immediately onto his feet, he waves his arms around, Sky gets to his feet, Dimter goes for something, but Sky pushes him away and hits a belly-to-belly suplex of his own.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Dimter left reeling from that for sure.

Benito Manfrin: Sky lifts Dimter up, locks his arm and hooks his leg, Dimter spins out of it somehow. Dimter grabs Sky, Sky recovers and hits the Psychedelic Spiral. Cover!


The referee calls for the bell.

Song Teng: Here is your winner, Ace Sky!!!!


Ariake Coliseum, Tokyo, Japan - 19/04/2023 - Psycho Circus PPV

Neon lights burned his retinas as Kieran snuck out of the production truck he had stowed away on during a very hasty journey from Vegas. He stretched his legs that were wrapped in ripped black jeans and cracked his stiff neck under his torn and battered black hoodie before finally cracking the knuckles on his bandaged hands.

KR:  Time to send my message.

He grabbed up the camera and tripod he had secured back at The Boneyard and slunk into the arena. Upon entering he cast the tripod into a production crate and set the camera beside it before looking for the main production area. Kieran must have had his higher power smiling on him as he found it with ease and completely unattended during a lull in proceedings.

He quickly fumbled in his pocket to find a battered but still working memory stick in his pockets. Jamming the device into the equipment and them, using his rudimentary and basic computer knowledge tapped a few keys and uploaded some music before hitting the big green "PLAY" button.

"Maybe I'm a broken man, Maybe I can barely stand..." the opening lines to Always Come Back by NateWantsToBattle fills the arena and a sea of confused faces turn towards the entrance ramp before the lights bathe them in an ominous red glow.

Before making his way out Kieran grabs a microphone and ensures it is live before pushing through the curtain and into a bright white spotlight in the centre of the stage.

KR: Good Evenin' Tokyo an' Good Evenin' AWS an' welcome t' the beginnin' of yer salvation.

The crowd start to jeer as Kieran splays is arms out and soaks in the ridicule, possibly from him being an unknown entity and speaking in a grandiose fashion or perhaps it was the hybrid English/Texan accent.

KR: Yall don' know me yet bu' you will in time. My name is Kieran Redhead an' I have come t' wash away your sins an' lead you all t' the promised land in th' purest way possible. Through pain an' blood.

Bu' first le' me tell you abou' lil ol' me. I grew up in a seedy town in England called Coventry. I never fi' in anywhere, even wit' those tha' were my kin. I was always scrappin' and ge'in' intuh fights cause I found pleasure in others sufferin'

Then a' 15 I ran away from home and landed myself in Texas a' a commune where they taught me how t' channel their pain t' service a higher power. An' I never fel' more alive. Sadly af'er a difference o' opinion on how "extreme" my methods were I was asked t' leave.

Af'er a few weeks of roamin' around th' US figh'in' for money I saw tha' there was an openin' in a cer'ain rumble match happening tonigh' and I though' this would be a perfec' opportunity to spread my message internationally.

So all o' you here an' every single person in th' back can ge' ready as paymen' will be taken, either willingly or by force. Startin' tonigh'.

See you soon.

Kieran drops his mic as the lights cut out to pitch black before being restored with the only trace of him left being the microphone on the ground.


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AWS Parental Advisory Championship
Japanese Barbwire Death Match
TJ Alexander -versus- Scotty Paine ©

Song: Our next match is set for one fall, and is for the Parental Advisory Championship ...

*The crowd pops off in a mixed reaction, as Song continues announcing the match*

Song: Introducing first, the challenger from London, England. Weighing in at One Hundred  Eighty-Eight pounds ...he is "The Game Changer" T.J. Alexander!!

*"The Touch" By Stan Bush plays over the PA system, as TJ makes his way out onto the entrance ramp. He shows off to the crowd a bit, and then makes his way towards the ring. He plays to the fans, giving a few of them a high-five. He then walks up the steel steps, and climbs into the ring. He does a few poses, and then waits for his opponent*

Song: And his opponent, from The Asylum. Weighing in at Two Hundred Forty-Five pounds ...he is the AWS Parental Advisory Champion, "The Crow" Scotty Paine!!

*”Here Comes The Pain” by Slayer blasts out of the PA System, as Scotty pushes a shopping cart full of hardcore goodies out onto the stage. He pauses at the top of the ramp, and strikes a cross-like pose before continuing down the long steel ramp. He shoves his cart up alongside the ring apron, and then climbs into the squared circle. Scotty takes a seat in the corner, with his back resting against the bottom turnbuckle. He whips his nose with a heavily taped fist, as a wicked snicker escapes his lips*

*Before the bell rings, the audience is on their feet as the electricity is being fed off of them to the men in the ring. The ring-announcer gets out of the ring. The competitors stand on opposite sides of the ring, both slightly warming up by jumping around but then stop as the referee calls them both over. They walk to the middle of the ring and get into each others faces. Scotty unsnaps his belt and hands it to the referee. The referee grabs it and holds it in the air, showing that its on the line. He then walks away from the two to hand it to the timekeeper. Meanwhile, both men are seen talking shit to each other, until TJ bitch slaps Scotty. Scotty just turns his head slightly but then looks at TJ, angrily. He gets face to face with him just as the referee breaks them up. They stand back and Scotty can be seen nodding at TJ and grinning from the slap. The referee motions and the bell rings to begin the match!*

Benito Manfrin: What a cheap shot by the challenger!

Gidget Stephenson: But Scotty took it in, and I guarantee that it isn't going to help TJ one bit.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: I will remind you folks at home, that this IS a No Disqualification match. That means no holds barred, weapons can be used, anything goes!

Bentio Manfrin: Salmia, just tell them that it's going to be one hell of a match and if you're easily offended by hardcore violence, it may be best to turn away.

Gidiet Stephenson: Ok, this is going nowhere.

Benito Manfrin: Nope.

*Scotty and TJ pace around the ring and get closer as they do. Scotty then lunges at TJ and TJ catches him. They get each other in a hold and try to push each other around, but neither can gain a strength advantage. They break the hold, but then try it again in the middle of the ring! Scotty starts gaining ground on TJ until TJ suddenly stops him and turns the tables. He starts pushing Scotty towards the ropes until Scotty stops him as well. TJ then knees Scotty in the stomach, sending him to a knee. He then elbows Scotty in the back and gets him into a head lock. Scotty puts a hand on TJ's back and pushes him into the ropes. TJ bounces off the ropes and Scotty gets him into a sleeper-hold! TJ waves his arms a little bit and moves enough get his right arm around Scotty's waist. TJ starts punching Scotty in the oblique and gets him to break the hold. He then knees Scotty in the abdomen again and grabs him by the back of the head. He puts his head under his arm and tries to lift him for a suplex but Scotty has it locked. Scotty then lifts TJ off the ground and hits him with an inverted Atomic Drop. TJ jumps a little in pain but then dodges a following clothesline by Scotty. Scotty runs to the ropes and bounces off. TJ then catches him into a spine-buster!*

Gidiet Stephenson: The match is underway and it's going back and forth.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Of course, it is, nobody's winning. Quit saying the obvious, jackass.

*With Scotty's legs still wrapped around TJ's waist, he grabs the legs and tries to lock Scotty into a Sharpshooter. Scotty gets his right leg free and kicks TJ in the abdomen from the ground. He then kicks him in the chest and gets TJ to let go. Scotty quickly gets to his feet just in time for TJ to lock up with him again. TJ wraps his arms around Scotty's chest and goes for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, but Scotty lands on his feet! TJ gets to his feet quickly only to be kicked back down by a dropkick from Scotty! TJ lands on his back as Scotty runs up and goes for a big elbow drop. TJ rolls out of the way in time and gets to his feet. He grabs Scotty by the left and then stomps on the knee. He does it again and once more for good measure. He tries to lock in a single leg Boston crab but Scotty instead rolls up TJ into a small package!* 


*Both get to their feet and Scotty dodges a right-hand punch by TJ. Scotty then kicks TJ in the stomach and hits a knee lift! TJ rolls over on the ground as Scotty grabs him by the head and picks him up again. Scotty hits TJ in the face with his elbow twice, before TJ rakes Scotty in the eyes! He holds his eyes in pain as TJ grabs Scotty and hits an oblique-to-belly suplex, dropping Scotty onto his right shoulder!*

Gidiet Stephenson: And we see our first cheap tactic in this match!

Benito Manfrin: With something like the Parental Advisory Championship on the line, you knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

*TJ gets to his feet and taunts Scotty as h lies on the ground holding his shoulder. TJ gets onto the turnbuckle and perches, waiting for Scotty. Scotty gets off of the ground, holding his shoulder, and DODGES a flying neck-breaker from TJ! TJ lands on his back but the momentum pushes him to his feet as he reaches for his back. TJ turns around and Scotty charges him. TJ grabs the ropes and pushes him up over a spearing Scotty causing him to ram into the turnbuckle! A loud POP is heard as his shoulder slams into the pole. Scotty holds his right shoulder in pain as TJ pulls Scotty back by his tights and locks in a German Suplex. He tries to hit him with one but Scotty locks him with his leg. He then pushes himself off the turnbuckle with his legs and forces both of them onto the ground, TJ underneath. He rolls over TJ, grabs him by the head and pulls him up all in one motion into a sleeper-hold! TJ waves his arms around frantically until Scotty lets go of him and then lifts him up by his left leg. He then drops him, tibia-first, into Scotty's own femur! TJ rolls off of Scotty's leg and holds onto his shin in pain. Scotty stands back up and grabs TJ by the head, helping him up. He puts him against the ropes and delivers a stiff chop to TJ's chest! The crowd Wooos! to the chop, and to the next chop as Scotty gives TJ another one! JTJ punches Scotty in the head and then hits a stiff chop! Scotty chops TJ again, but TJ responds with another chop. TJ then chops Scotty one more time, hits one hand over Scotty's head and punches him. He then chops Scotty one more time before dodging a desperate clothesline by Scotty. He gets behind Scotty, and puts his face under his arm and hits him with a Reverse DDT! Scotty lands right onto the back of his head!*

Salmia "Mia" Russo: OH! What a big move by the challenger!

*TJ gets to his feet and quickly catches his breath. He stomps Scotty in the chest a couple of times before standing over him. He bends down and starts yelling at Scotty to his face, before Scotty thumbs TJ in the eye! TJ stumbles but then Scotty wraps his arms around TJ's legs and sweeps him onto his back! Scotty gets himself to his feet with his arms still around TJ's legs. He pulls his legs up and tries to turn TJ into a Boston Crab submission hold. TJ holds onto Scotty's leg, keeping him from turning all the way. He then whips Scotty one way, then whips him off the ground and onto the mat with his leg strength, breaking the hold! Scotty quickly gets to his feet only to be greeted by TJ with a running knee to the face. Scotty falls to one knee as TJ then smacks Scotty in the back. Scotty plants his shoulder against TJ's stomach, grabs his legs, and flips him onto his back! Scotty goes for a Boston Crab again, but TJ refuses to let him, and tries to flip him off of him again. Scotty widens his stance to prevent it, but then stops trying to turn him over. He then drops back and slingshots TJ towards the turnbuckle. TJ catches himself though and then jumps back trying to catch Scotty into a crossbody. Scotty however catches him and puts TJ onto his shoulders. He then runs to the turnbuckle and hits a reverse Samoan drop, somersaulting over TJ and getting onto the second rope of the turnbuckle. He then jumps up to the third rope, backflips, and hits a moonsault onto TJ!*

Salmia "Mia" Russo: WHAT a chain of moves by Scotty!

Gidiet Stephenson: We finally get someone coming out on top after a long hard fought battle. All money on The Resident Psycho!

*Scotty gets to his feet, but then drops back down onto TJ and goes for a pin.* 


*Scotty gets on his knees and puts his hands on his hips, thinking of something to do. He gets to a knee and helps TJ up by the head. Scotty puts him into the turnbuckle then starts stomping away at him, foot to stomach. He gets him down onto his butt then starts choking him out with his boot. Scotty gets off of him and takes a couple of steps back. He then runs up and goes for a dropkick into TJ, but he rolls over the bottom rope and out of the ring as Scotty slides out of the ring himself! He looks around for TJ but he finds Scotty first, running and jumping off of the ring steps and clobbering Scotty with a lariat takedown! TJ gets to his feet and goes to the other post. He motions for him to get up as Scotty uses the ring steps to help himself up. Scotty turns around to TJ, who clobbers Scotty with a knee to the face to the steps! TJ catches himself from flipping over the steps and regains control. Scotty sits helpless against the stops as TJ looks around for something. He pushes the timekeeper away and grabs his seat, a steel chair*


Gidiet Stephenson: We knew this would happen!

*TJ exposes the steel chair to the crowd and turns to an unsuspecting Scotty with a sadistic look; an evil grin. He stalks Scotty with the chair in hand and waits for him to push himself up. Scotty finally gets himself up, he's wobbly, but he's up. Scotty turns around to TJ with his arms at his side. TJ lifts the chair and swings at Scotty, but he ducks and TJ slams the chair into the ring post! The vibration of the chair hitting the post knocks the chair out of TJ's hands. He waves his hands off of pain as Scotty then hits with him with a European Uppercut. TJ flails back and Scotty hits him again, putting him against the barricade. Scotty then chops TJ in the chest, the smacking sound hitting the whole arena. Scotty then pulls him away and hoists him up in the air with a military press. Scotty tries to drop him onto the barricade, but TJ slips back behind him. He then gets behind Scotty and pushes him full-strength into the barricade, abdomen first. Scotty turns around and TJ clotheslines him over and into the crowd! Scotty is scrambling to his feet as TJ leaves off camera for a second. Scotty pops his head up over the barricade and gets a foot on top of it, when TJ SLAMS a chair into his head! Scotty loses his footing and slips back into the crowd! TJ uses the chair to prop him up as he catches his breath.*

Salmia "Mia" Russo: WHAT A SHOT TO THE HEAD!

Gidiet Stephenson: That was cleverly used! Put your money on TJ Alexander!

*TJ slides the chair into the ring and goes back to the barricade. He grabs Scotty and pulls him back over to the ringside. He picks him up and rolls him into the ring, sliding in right after. He goes for the pin-fall* 


*Scotty got his right shoulder up in time! TJ gets a knee and looks at the referee in disbelief. He grabs the chair and walks around the ring. TJ pulls the hair out of his face and waits for Scotty to get up. He uses the ropes to help him up and turns to TJ. TJ runs and swings the chair down, Scotty dodges, and the chair bounces off the top rope and nails TJ in the head! He stumbles around as Scotty then kicks him in the stomach and hoists him up for the Impaler Suplex! The crowd gets to their feet as Scotty holds him in the air. TJ kicks his legs frantically and falls back behind Scotty, and even catches the ropes to keep him from falling to the mat completely. TJ mule kicks Scotty in the hamstring, kicking his leg out from under him. TJ turns around and runs past Scotty. He bounces off the ropes and runs at Scotty looking for the Shining Wizard, but Scotty catches him, quickly gets to his feet, and quickly slams TJ down with a powerbomb! He lands on his shoulders as Scotty slips and falls onto his ass. He shakes his head quickly, knocking some sense into him. Scotty pushes himself up as TJ rolls around in pain*

Gidiet Stephenson: Scotty with a great counter!

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Put your money on Scotty, folks! He's gonna win it all!

*Scotty grabs the chair by its legs and the crowd goes crazy, until at least Scotty drops it. He rolls out of the ring and looks around under the ring. He pulls something out a ladder! A normal sized ladder is removed from under the ring and set to the side next to the announcer's table. He then grabs another ladder and slides it out, this time much bigger. He hoists it up and holds it against the ring as then TJ baseball slides into the ladder and into Scotty, knocking him back! Scotty rolls back onto his back, dropping the ladder to his side and crashing it down onto the announcer's table. Scotty holds his ribs in pain as he pushes himself up. TJ rolls out of the ring, still woozy from earlier. He grabs the big ladder and creates a low bridge by putting it onto the apron and having it rest between the apron and the announcer's table. TJ punches Scotty and gets him up against the announcer's table. He then gets up close to Scotty and knees him in the groin! Scotty wants to fall to his knees, but TJ keeps him up and hoists him up onto the ladder, laying him on top of it. TJ slides into the ring and catches a quick breath before running to the opposite side. He bounces off of the ropes, jumps onto the top rope, and springboards off and hits Scotty with a Springboard Shooting Star Press onto the ladder! The ladder tips over to its side and both men roll off of it onto the ringside, but Scotty starts flopping like a fish, trying to grab his back as its in so much pain*


Benito Manfrin: He's being Reckless! I love it! Put your money on TJ Alexander!

*TJ struggles to pull himself up and puts his hand on his chest; the exciting move hurt him as well. Scotty however is bent on the ground, his abdomen in the air as he bends his back the wrong way. TJ grabs the ladder by the steps and brings it completely into the ringside. Scotty starts pulling himself up using the apron as TJ tries to open the ladder up. He sets up just as Scotty turns to him. TJ's eyes widen and he pushes the ladder into Scotty's face, knocking him back down to his knees. He keeps the ladder upright and walks under the ladder. He grabs Scotty by the hair and punches him over the head. He pulls him towards the announcers table and punches him again. Scotty punches TJ in the abdomen and fights Jack off. Scotty gets to his feet and delivers another swing at TJ, but he ducks under it and punches Scotty right in the throat! Scotty holds his throat in pain before TJ picks him up into a fireman's carry. He throws him over his shoulders and into his knee, hitting the Perfection Ten! Scotty puts his arms over his abdomen. TJ looks down at Scotty, then up at the standing-tall ladder. He then grabs Scotty and rolls him on top of the announcers table, and slowly begins to climb the ladder. TJ gets to the top and looks down at Scotty, still lying on the table holding his stomach. TJ turns to him, and the crowd gets to their feet. TJ then quickly jumps off, doing a 630 Splash! He crashes into AN EMPTY TABLE as Scotty rolls off the edge just in time! The table seems to explode underneath TJ as the walls of it come blasting out from under*


Benito Manfrin: Amazing! I cant believe Scotty got out of the way in time! Put your money on Scotty Paine, folks!

*TJ lays in the mess, appearing to be unconscious, as Scotty is shown moving around slowly. He stumbles to his feet, using the apron and the bottom rope to help him up. He stumbles around aimlessly for a couple seconds before regaining his sea legs. He stumbles towards TJ and pins him, but the referee refuses to saying the pin must be made in the ring. Scotty nods his head, no arguing, and grabs the lifeless TJ by the arm and the leg, pulling him up into a fireman's carry. He gets to the apron and rolls his lifeless body into the ring and rolls in after him. He quickly moves him away from the ropes and pins him*


*Scotty looks at the referee in disbelief, but then pins him again, hooking the leg* 


*Scotty hooks both legs, with a huff*


*Scotty rolls up TJ into a school-boy pin*


*TJ refuses to let Scotty win and Scotty hits the mat with his fist. He sits there on his knees and ponders for a second. He looks around and snaps his fingers, his face lights up with an idea. He gets up and begins to leave, but turns around and stomps on TJ, then turns back around and leaves the ring. He looks under the ring for something He puts on some gloves and pulls it out, a mess of barbed wire*

Gidiet Stephenson: Oh my God, I think Scotty's going to take this match too far!

Benito Manfrin: That's why you need to put your money on him; he's doing whatever it takes to put TJ away!

*TJ grabs onto the ropes and tries to pull himself up, trying not to put any weight on his horribly cut leg. Scotty climbs out of the barbed wire as well, looking just as bad as TJ. Its like car wreck in the ring, and the survivors of it are staring at each other. Scotty kicks the barbed wire to the side and TJ wobbles out of his side of the ring. Scotty motions to TJ to bring it, and he grins while blood drips off his lips and to the canvas. TJ, putting most of his weight on his healthier foot, jogs to Scotty and greets him with a right hand. Scotty punches back, TJ follows him up with another, and Scotty lays a good one into TJ's face! TJ stumbles back and then collapses on his weak leg to his knee. Scotty tries to grab TJ by the head, but TJ punches him in the stomach not once, but twice. He starts getting back to his feet and knees Scotty in the stomach with his bad leg. TJ then scratches Scotty across the eyes; also working the cuts on his face! TJ puts Scotty onto his shoulders into the Torture Rack, the Game Over coming up next! Wait, Scotty drops to his feet out of the move as TJ's leg collapses again! He turns around and Scotty then hits TJ with his patented "Feel The Paine" DDT! The crowd cheers loudly as Scotty collapses on top of TJ, totally out of energy but manages to lay on top of him for the pin* 


Song: Here is your Winner, and Still AWS Parental Advisory Champion ..."The Crow" Scotty Paine!!

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Laura Anderson runs up to Scotty Paine who is seated in the trainer's office, a wicked grin on the face of Paine sort of catches her off guard for a moment.

Anderson: Congratulations first of all on your hard-fought victory and retaining the AWS Parental Advisory Championship.

Paine just smirks at her, it creates some tension between the two.

Anderson: Are you going to say anything?

Paine: Darlin' I left everything in that ring, nothing changes the ass kicking that TJ took.

Anderson: He's going out there again later, supposedly entered the battle rumble for the AWS Manic Championship.

Paine: Darlin' he is a grown ass man, what the hell would I care anyway. Go get 'em kid! Fuck that ain't me. Far as I'm concerned, I won't be out there, not because I don't want to collect the gold because I do want all the gold. I just know I'm too damn old to do more than one ass kicking in a night. So, fuck off will y'all.

Anderson nods to the camera and we return to the commentary team.

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AWS Goddess Championship
Triple Threat Match
Zoey Epsilon -versus- Veronica Rodriguez -versus- Jenny Kay

Song Teng: The following triple threat contest is for the AWS Goddess Championship!

Anime is a heavy influence on Zoey and it shows. The second Zoey hits the stage copies the same hand-gestures and poses that her favorite anime characters have over the span of seconds before walking down the ramp with a smile and touching the hands of her fans. A sign that she has “powered up” and is ready to fight for them!

Song Teng: Introducing first, from Sacramento, California! She is Zoey Epsilon!!!!

"Zombie" hits the PA as the fans start murmuring eliciting a mixed reaction. The lights go off as violet colored smoke rises up from the stage, entrance ramp, and ringside area giving the arena a rather foul smell. A pyro shoots up from the entrance ramp as Vero walks out to the ramp with a scowl on her face. She begins her slow descent down the ramp with her still not acknowledging the crowd nor making any contact. Once she reaches the end of the entrance ramp, she looks at the crowd around her, surveying her surroundings before running towards the ring and sliding under the ropes. She heads straight for the upper left turnbuckle and climbs it surveying the crowd without any taunt, like an animal stalking their prey. She then heads towards the opposite turnbuckle and does the same. She descends the top right turnbuckle and does stretches using the ropes as she waits for the bell to ring or for her opponent to arrive.

Song Teng: And her opponents, introducing next, from San Diego, California! She is Veronica Rodriguez!!!!

She comes out and does Kylie Rae's stage pose (See the "All Smiles" entrance in 2k23), then gives hugs to the fans, while running towards the ring. She does a victory lap type thing around the ring before sliding in and once again, doing Rae's pose.

Song Teng: And their opponent, from Dallas, Texas! She is Jenny Kay!!!!

The referee calls for the bell.


Salmia "Mia" Russo: Rodriguez right out of the gate goes after Epsilon, smashing her with a running knee.

Benito Manfrin: The bell barely rung, and Vero is showing why she has been a great champion before.

Gidget Stephensen: Rodriguez turns around, gets blasted by a superkick by the former AWS Pinnacle Champion Jenny Kay.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Kay picks up Rodriguez, fireman's carry and twists around making Rodriguez kick Epsilon and dropping her with a F5. Cover!


Benito Manfrin: Epsilon kicks out!

Gidget Stephensen: Kay grabs onto Rodriguez and locks her into the Octopus hold.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Oh my god, Epsilon struggling to get off the canvas, but she musters enough strength to bulrush into Kay as Rodriguez is about to tap out.

Benito Manfrin: Kay forced to break the hold, Rodriguez is down and rolling out of the ring.

Gidget Stephensen: Kay gets up to her knees, Epsilon with a stomp smashing Kay face first into the canvas. Cover!


Benito Manfrin: Kay kicks out!

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Epsilon lets out a primal scream, she can feel it.

Benito Manfrin: Epsilon pulls up Kay, hits her with the Gum Gum Lariat. Cover!


Benito Manfrin: Kay kicks out!

Gidget Stephensen: Rodriguez comes into the ring at the very last second but is not needed as Kay kicked out barely.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Rodriguez grabs onto Epsilon, Kay from behind dropkicks both knocking their heads together. Cover!


Benito Manfrin: Epsilon kicks out!

Gidget Stephensen: Rodriguez moves over to Kay. Cover!


Benito Manfrin: Kay kicks out!

Salmia "Mia" Russo: A frustrated Rodriguez pounds the canvas, Epsilon grabs on locking the crucifix in and rolling Rodriguez up. Cover!

The referee calls for the bell.


Song Teng: Here is your winner and NEW! AWS Goddess Champion! Zoey Epsilon!!!!

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Backstage TJ Alexander is seen getting his head stapled closed and blood cleaned from his face and chest, the cameras catch him coughing up blood but there is no rest for the wicked as he's scheduled for another match in just a few.

Doctor: You shouldn't go out there you've been through hell and then some.

Alexander: Yeah, you're probably right but that doesn't mean I'm not doing this.

Doctor: You're not medically cleared to compete in this match, I refuse to sign on to you participating. You hear me, don't go out there.

Alexander: Over my dead body is some doctor going to hold me back from getting the Manic Championship tonight.

Doctor: Well, you could sign a waiver so you can't sue me for your own negligence.

Alexander: Hand it to me doc and leave me the hell alone.

Doctor: Last chance to back out.

Alexander signs the waiver and walks out of the trainer's room, stops for a second in the hallway before walking away.


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AWS Manic Championship
Battle Rumble Match

The show returns to the ring where there are at least twenty competitors in the ring for the big Manic Championship rumble.

Song Teng: The following contest is a twenty-person battle rumble for the AWS Manic Championship!

The remaining men and women trickle down the ramp as the fanatics are on the edge of their seats for this huge match with huge implications for the top lunatics in the promotion. The last lunatic KD Feigel enters the ring, and the referee calls for the bell.


The match went from zero to one hundred in seconds and the fanatics were on the edge of their seats the whole time, KD Feigel was last to enter and first to leave followed closely by The Hooligans all by Matthias. Matthias went after everyone else that had a pulse, he would soon eliminate five jobbers and Sarah Frost soon after joining them on the floor. Everyone still left immediately went after Matthias as they should have, he pummeled them, but the numbers game soon diminished. The House of Paine were next out after being dumped over by Kieren Redhead and then Matthias dumped him over pretty quickly. TJ Alexander still very exhausted was dumped over by The Gold Metal Crew and Lia Rose, another pair of jobbers soon followed. Matthias soon flipped all three of them over the ropes and they were eliminated. Three more jobbers exited the ring, each eliminated by Dan Anderson, Matthias and Anderson fought tooth and nail banging each other with their finishing touches but neither gave in. Another jobber eliminated himself, it was down to two. Matthias rumbled forward to catch Anderson with a clothesline, but Anderson pulled the top rope down and the bigger man nearly went over but landed on the apron feet first. Anderson kicked Matthias but the big man just backed up, Matthias smashed Anderson into the post and Anderson held on barely, Matthias went to kick Anderson and slipped falling feet first onto the floor.

The referee calls for the bell.


Song Teng: Here is your winner and NEW! AWS Manic Champion! Dan Anderson!!!!

  • Author

AWS Tag Team Championships
Tag Team Ladder Match
The Violent Generation © -versus- Stone Enterprises

Song Teng: The following tag team contest is for the Pinnacle Tag Team Championships!

Allie Landon and her tag partner Ms. James along with Erin Stone walk out and taunt the crowd. They then hit the ring as they wait their opponents.

Song Teng: Introducing first, the challengers, accompanied by Erin Stone, the team of Allie Landon and Ms. James! They are Stone Enterprises!!!!

Shannon Douglas and Dina Dudley walk out on stage with their "Down with The Sickness" theme music playing with the swagger of a pair of runway models. Cool and composed faces while walking down the ramp as if it was a catwalk with Shannon flipping her hair. But once they get into the ring that’s where the differences between the two ladies shine. Shannon stands on the turnbuckle facing the camera with her arms spread wide and talks a little trash to the crowd while Dina strikes the classic “3D” hand sign that one of her mentors D’von Dudley did. Then they stepped right to the center of the ring.

Song Teng: And their opponents, accompanied by Zoey Epsilon, the team of Shannon Douglas and Dina Dudley! They are the reigning and defending AWS Pinnacle Tag Team Champions! The Violent Generation!!!!

The referee calls for the bell.


Salmia "Mia" Russo: These four women go at it with reckless abandon, throwing haymakers at one another as if they don't like one another.

Benito Manfrin: The gold is on the line.

Gidget Stephensen: They are indeed.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Haymakers turn to knees to the guts and James slides from the ring, her partner joins her, and they dig under the apron for ladders.

Benito Manfrin: Dudley kicks them both in the teeth with a baseball slide.

Gidget Stephensen: Douglas leaves the ring; she too looks under the apron skirt and grabs onto a steel chair and starts to throw it and other weapons inside the ring.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Dudley picks up the chair after climbing inside, literally blasting James as she makes her way onto the apron causing her to crash into her partner and into the barricade.

Benito Manfrin: Douglas lifts a 20-foot ladder into the ring and slides in after it.

Gidget Stephensen: That is one big ladder.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: They begin setting up the ladder, both begin to climb each side and Landon comes in smashing Dudley in the backside with a steel chair. Dudley then gets blasted with a superkick by James.

Benito Manfrin: James ascends the ladder; she catches up to Douglas and smacks her headfirst into the top of the ladder over and over again.

Gidget Stephensen: James reaches up grabs onto one of the belts but can't get the other one or pull it down.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Dudley is knocked into the ladder and James' weight forces the belt with her hand to come loose. It bounces down onto the canvas and then Douglas grabs onto the other one and begins hanging on it in the air.

Benito Manfrin: Landon and Dudley fighting to get the other belt on the ground, at the moment.

Gidget Stephensen: James' hands start to come loose, suddenly the belt and James falls right onto Landon.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Dudley grabs onto the other belt and we now have a conundrum here.

The referee calls for the bell, however the bell does not ring.

Benito Manfrin: How the hell?

Gidget Stephensen: We have double champions?

Suddenly, a voice can be heard, and the face of AWS Secretary Sophie Masterson comes on and the fans begin cheering.

Sophie Masterson: Due to both Ms. James coming down with one of the championships and Ms. Dudley retrieving the other we have no choice but to announce that this match will continue as a regular sudden death match. Meaning the ladders and weapons will be cleared and the first team to get a pin fall or submission will become champions. Clear the ring!

The referee and several members of the crew quickly clear the ring of ladders, chairs and other items. The referee calls for the bell to ring.


Salmia "Mia" Russo: It doesn't take long, Landon and James attack Dudley and Douglas and beat them down.

Benito Manfrin: Landon hits the Allie Bye quickly and covers Douglas while James holds back Dudley.


The referee calls for the bell.


Song Teng: Here are your winners, and NEW! AWS Pinnacle Tag Team Champions! Stone Enterprises!!!!

Post match, Michael Russo tries to get a word with the new AWS Pinnacle Tag Team Champions and Erin Stone, but they just walk away.

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AWS Pinnacle Heavyweight Championship
Hangman's Horror (aka Bloody Gallows of Retribution) Match
[Where a competitor must hang their opponent by a dog collar or chain until they submit or pass out.]
Sammael McBane -versus- Vin Halsted ©

Song Teng: It's time for our Main Event, and it is for the AWS Pinnacle Championship. Introducing first, the challenger hailing from The Black Forest. Weighing in at Two Hundred Eighty-Five pounds ...he is "The Shadow Walker" Sammeal McBane!!

~As "Voodoo" by Godsmack starts playing, the lights go dim. A red haze fills the stage area. Soon, a masked man walks out onto the stage. He pauses for a few seconds, then he makes his way down the ramp. He leans to one side, jerking his body to the beat of the music. He takes a few more steps and repeats the same motions on the opposite side. He continues towards the ring, and slowly climbs into the ring, almost snake-like ~

Sing: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois'. Weighing in at Two Hundred Sixty pounds ...he is the AWS Pinnacle Champion, "The Enforcer" Vin Halsted!!

*Blue strobe light over the white smoke. Gold sparks fly all around him as he stands at the top of the stage in the midst of the smoke. He stretches his arms out as the crowd chants “Hal-sted”. He spins around once before sauntering down the aisle. He wipes his feet before climbing into the ring to take the center for one more spin and outstretched pose*


*Helsted hands the Title off to the ref, as he then lifts it high into the air, showing this is for the Championship. He lowers the belt and passes it off to the ring announcer. The bell has been rung. Halsted is clearly the smaller of the two in this match. Sammeal, looks evil as possible. Halsted rushes towards Sammeal and pounds away on his chest, trying to phase the big man but it isn't working well as Sammeal takes his hand and places it on the head of Jayson before throwing him down to the mat. Halsted rolls back up to his feet and grabs the top rope. He springboards, jumping backwards, trying for a crossbody but he just bounces off Sammeal. He smirks as Halsted quickly exits the ring as the crowd gives him a few words of encouragement. Sammeal goes over the top rope, leaving the ring himself*

Gidget Stephenson: Vin's head on attack isn't going to work, he needs to think of a plan.

Benito Manfrin: I think that's what the crowd is for.

*Sammeal goes to the time keeper's table and grabs a steel chair and slams it shut. He walks towards Halsted who flips the ring apron up and looks underneath the ring for something to help him out. Halsted pulls out a trash can lid, as he sees Sammeal nearing him. Halsted gets back into the ring and invites Sammeal back in. He does but as he gets up, Halsted hits him in the back with the trash can lid. Then he hits him a second time as the lid is pretty well dented by this point. Sammeal is still getting back up to his feet as Halsted grabs the chair away from Sammeal. Halsted lifts the chair up high and them slams it in the back of Sammeal. He goes down to his stomach as Halsted drops the chair. He runs towards the ropes and jumps off the middle, hitting a quebrada on the back of Sammeal*

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Impressive move by the young Vin Halsted.

Benito Manfrin: No doubt. But I hardly think this is near enough to put Sammeal McBane away.

*Sammeal flips him over for a cover, but Halsted sticks his hand up and gets Sammeal in the goozle. He sits up with his hand around the throat of Halsted. He is begging for him to let go as Sammeal gets up to his feet. Instead of lifting him for a chokeslam, Sammeal throws him into a corner. The impact makes Halsted slump down, but the ropes are holding him up. Sammeal grabs the chair he originally brought into the ring for his own use and hits Halsted in the head. Halsted fully slumps down now as Sammeal sets the chair over the face of Halsted. Sammeal runs, bounces off the ropes and hits a chair assisted facewash! The crowd lets out that "OHHH" sound as Sammeal has that sadistic smile on his face*

Gidget Stephenson: Wow, that was sick.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: First time, I've seen something like that.

*Sammeal pulls Halsted out of the corner as we see he's been busted
open. Blood is pouring down the face of Halsted as Sammeal covers him*


*Halsted is able to get his left shoulder off the mat. Sammeal picks him up and throws him out of the ring. Halsted lands on the floor as his face has become a crimson mask. Sammeal goes out himself now, as he lifts up Halsted once again. This time, Sammeal throws Halsted into the ring barrier like a heat seeking missile. Halsted falls on his head as Sammeal looks underneath the ring. He pulls out a bag and empties the contents onto the ringside mat. It's thumb tacks not that it really surprises anyone*

Salmia "Mia" Russo: This could end up, very badly.

Gidget Stephenson: Those thousands upon thousands of thumb tacks.

*Sammeal does a cut throat motion now as he goes back to Halsted. The blood loss is getting huge now as there is a puddle of blood where he was laying. Sammeal lifts Halsted and gets him in the power bomb position, which would mean the Into The Shadows is coming. Sammeal takes him over to the thumb tacks as the crowd gets on their feet. However, Sammeal takes too long, and Halsted has enough wits left about him to swing his legs around and head scissor Sammeal onto the thumb tacks. Halsted, in one swift motion, jumps onto the ring apron and then jumps back off with a double foot stomp and forces the tacks further into Sammeal's body. The crowd begins to cheer as Halsted is staggering around*

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Ouch. That's going to hurt tomorrow.

Salmia "Mia" Russo: Yeah, no kidding.

*Halsted looks underneath the ring and pulls out ladder that was used earlier tonight. He sets it up on the outside of the ring and starts to climb. While this is going on, Sammeal has pulled out a table while the tacks are sticking out of his back. He sets it up next to the ladder as he sees Halsted towards the top of the ladder. Sammeal starts to climb himself as Halsted starts to pound on him. Sammeal tries to throw a right hand on Halsted but he's able to block it. Using what's left of his strength, Halsted pulls Sammeal over the top of the ladder and butterflies his arm. He then jumps up, flips over Sammeal and tries hits his Halsted Hangover! But Sammeal just throws his weight backwards, and crushes Vin through the table. The crowd is going insane as Sammeal slowly covers*

*The referee warns Sammeal that he must hang Halsted and make him submit or pass out.*

Sammeal pulls Halsted off the table and pulls him over to the corner of the ring, there is a rope hanging over the turnbuckle complete with a noose. Sammeal puts the noose around Halsted's head and then picks Halsted up and over the top rope sweeping his legs and Halsted is hanging, and flailing around a soon loses conciseness.

The referee calls for the bell.


Song: Here is your Winner and NEW AWS Pinnacle Champion ...Sammeal McBane!!

*The bell rings as the crowd are in shock but yet still cheering loudly despite this fast-paced match.*

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