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Assault Results {67/9/24}

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Show Date: July 9th, 2024 @ 5pm PST

Location: The Blue Horizon: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

 *Opening Segment*

*As “I’m Not Jesus” by Apocalyptica ft. Cory Taylor plays over the PA system, Kaleb Steele makes his way out onto the stage. He waves to the fans, as his music dies down. He slowly brings the mic to his mouth, as he speaks*

 Steele: Greetings fans, tonight we have another great card lined up for you. Last week, we stated out quest to crown a new Kore Champion …tonight, we start another adventure. We will see the first ever Trios Matches in Kore History. We will see Hell Hath No Fury taking on Vendetta, and House Of The Rising Sun verses World Elite. We will also get to see Vin Halsted one on one against James Walker ….in a Philadelphia Street Fight for our Main Event! I seriously hope, everyone enjoys the show!!


*Match One*

~Xtremist Match~

Thantos Myssiah Vs. Xavior Croft

Summary: *This was a close match up, that seemed to go back and forth. At one point, they even took a breather. That’s when Thantos used a cheap tactic to get the upper hand, and quickly delivered the Hades Driver for the win!!*

Winner: Thantos Myssiah

 *Match Two*

~Trios Match~

Hell Hath No Fury Vs. Vendetta

Summary: *This was a blow out, and was highly disappointing. Vendetta couldn’t get anything going, and Hell Hath No Fury ran away with it. It wasn’t long before they put this match away for good. Hell Hath No Fury is your Winner!!*

Winner: Hell Hath No Fury

 *Segment Two*

*The scene jumps backstage, with “I Don’t Speak Human” by Omina playing I the background. The camera pans around, and quickly comes upon Thantos. He’s standing there, wearing a wolf pelt that covers most of his face. He was trying to figure out why his words had been ignored. Ever since his mask had been removed, it seemed as if the wrestling world had forgotten about him. He shrugs, as he snickers to himself and then begins to speak*

 Thantos: Hello Asylum Wrestling Society, it’s the man you want to forget about …it’s the one, you want to dismiss. Fools, that isn’t going to happen. The mask was a ploy, and not that it’s gone …Not even Hades, can stand in my way. Something was taken from me, and I fully plan to get it back!!

 *Thantos glares into the camera, as visions of him holding up the Apex Title are seen in the background. He tilts his head to the side, as he speaks again*

 Thantos: Eathan, you slide by me …I didn’t think you had it in you, to win. But, that’s my mistake and I won’t make it again. If you survive your war with Necra, I’ll be right there to bury you alive! That’s right, don’t even bother celebrating …I’m going to be right there, breathing down your neck!!

 *Thantos shakes his head, and takes a deep breath. He knew his friend stood a very good chance at becoming the new Asylum Champion, but if not? He was going to be right there, challenging Murphy for what he believed was still his*

Thantos: All you main streamers, think you can tale whatever you want …And it’s up to people like myself, to take back what should have never been taken!!

 *As the scene fades back to the announce table, the fallowing words are heard*

 Voice: Do You See, What I See??

 *Match Three*

~Double Non-Title Match~

Summer Bliss Vs. Necra Kane

Summary: *This was another close one, that went back and forth. Both put everything they had into this match, but Necra squeezed out a win. It ended with The Mummification!!*

Winner: Necra Kane

 *Segment Three*

*The scene opens in Kaleb Steele’s office. As he files through a stack of paperwork, the door swings open with a thud. Kaleb’s eyes pop open, as he looks up at Vin Helsted with a sideways grin. He shakes his head, as he addresses Vin*

 Steele: Well, Vin …can I help you, sir??

 *The Legacy Champions scuff, and almost glairs at Kaleb. Vin just shakes his head, as he speaks*

 Vin: Let me get this right, I get whoever wins at Synergistic?

 *Kaleb nods his head with a wild smirk, before speaking again*

 Steele: Yes Sir, I have gone to the Board of Directors and named you the number one contender for the Kore Title.

 Vin: As nice as that sounds, what if it’s Necra?? I’m not exactly into violence against women.

 *Kaleb shakes his head, and smirks wildly as he speaks again*

 Steele: Vin, don’t underestimate her. She’s a very tough lady, and has held her own for years …

 *Vin cuts Kaleb off, with a quick reply*

 Vin: Seriously, I’d rather face that military guy …what’s his name, Aloni??

 Steele: Yeah, well …Necra’s beaten Everett several times before. That’s why this match makes the most sense, it’s a great feud.

 *Vin just shakes his head, and scuffs. He believes, he should be in this match*

 Vin: I hope you know what you’re doing, Steele. Friend or foe, I’m going to make an example of them!!

*With that, Vin exits Kaleb’s office. Steele leans back in his chair, lights a cigar, and chuckles to himself*

 *Match Four*

~Trios Match~

House Of The Rising Sun Vs. World Elite

Summary: *Truth be told, this was yet another one-sided match. HofRS made this look easy, taking change at the being of the match and kept going. After hitting the Zero, this one was over!!*

Winner: House Of The Rising Sun

 *Match Five*

~Pink Slip Match~

Ace Sky Vs. Kordell Graves

Summary: *This match was pretty close, and went back and forth for a while. Ace did well for himself, but Kordell proved to be a bit stronger. He uses a schoolboy rolled him up for the win!!*

Winner: Kordell Graves

 *Main Event*

~Philadelphia Street Fight: Non-Title Match~

Vin Halsted Vs. James Walker

Summary: *This was a one-sided match, from start to finish. Vin walked in, and took control early, and never looked back. It wasn’t long, before Vin hit the Helsted Hangover for the win!!*

Winner: Vin Halsted

 *Closing Segment*

*The scene opens backstage, somewhere. As the camera pans around, we can hear the ever-famous deranged laughter of Scotty Paine. Withing a few moments, the camera lands upon the resident psycho as he’s huddled on the floor. He continues to laugh for a few seconds, before speaking*

 Scotty: It’s come to my attention, that somehow …some way, I’ve been booked against a former advisory. A man, that hasn’t been cleared to wrestle in a very long time. Now, how he’s been given the right to face me …is beyond me. For my Deathmatch Title, at that …

 *Scotty shuffles around on the floor for several moments, then stops suddenly. His eyes peer out from under his shaggy hair, before speaking again*

 Scotty: This vagabond, has nothing to offer any of you …or even this company. He hasn’t been seen, or heard from in almost half a year. Yet, because yours truly, kicked his head in …they want to compensate him, by letting him wrestle me?? I’m not sure, if that’s just …but they’ve already signed the paperwork. You should have signed his death certificate …if he even knows how to sign his name??

 *Again, Scotty snickers to himself as he shifts around. He shakes his head, as if he’s confused. He slaps at the side of his head, as if to restart his brain. He slowly speaks again*

 Scotty: The last time this guy, actually showed up …he was tossed out of the match so fast, we didn’t even get a whiff of his stinky ass. I guess, that’s a Giah’s Blessing. But in all reality, this is just another way to make my Legendary Career look foolish. And just like every time before this, it isn’t going to happen. Sythe, this time I’m going to make sure …I end your career, Forever!!

 *Scotty shifts again, before looking dead into the camera and speaks one last time*

 Scotty: So It Has Been Said, So Shall It Come To Pass …Quoth The Crow, Forevermore!!


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