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Sanctum vs. Las Sagritas

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Asylum Rules Tag Team Match
Sanctum vs. Las Sagritas

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[The camera fades in to a dimly lit room, the sound of crackling fire echoes as shadows dance across the stone walls. In the center, a large wooden table is adorned with Viking artifacts - a horned helmet, a battle axe, and a weathered shield. Hrothgar and Ragnarr, the fearsome Viking warriors known as Sanctum, stand with stoic expressions. Hrothgar, with his braided beard and piercing blue eyes, holds a torch. Ragnarr, his face adorned with war paint, grips his battle axe. Their presence exudes raw power and intimidation. The camera zooms in on Hrothgar as he begins to speak in a deep, commanding voice.]

Hrothgar: "Andres, Miguel... Los Sagritas. You stand at the precipice of a battle you cannot comprehend. The sagas of old tell tales of warriors, of blood and glory, of honor and defeat. But you... you are stepping into a world of darkness and chaos, a realm where only the strongest survive."

[He slams the torch into a nearby iron holder, the flames casting an eerie glow on his face. Ragnarr steps forward, his voice a low growl.]

Ragnarr: "We are Sanctum. We are the embodiment of the storm, the fury of the gods, the relentless force of nature. When we enter that ring, we bring with us the wrath of our ancestors, the power of our lineage, the bloodlust of the battlefield. Can you feel it, Los Sagritas? The cold embrace of fear wrapping around your hearts?"

[Hrothgar picks up the horned helmet, his fingers tracing the engravings.]

Hrothgar: "You may have your speed, your agility, your tricks. But we have something far more potent... we have purpose. Every strike we deliver, every hold we lock in, is driven by the spirit of our forefathers, by the honor of our clan. This isn't just a match for us; it's a rite of passage, a testament to our legacy."

[The camera cuts to Ragnarr, who raises his battle axe high.]

Ragnarr: "You will face the fury of the North, the unyielding might of the Vikings. We will break you, not just physically, but mentally. With every blow, we will strip away your confidence, your pride, until nothing remains but the hollow shell of who you once were."

[Hrothgar steps closer to the camera, his eyes blazing with intensity.]

Hrothgar: "Andres, Miguel, prepare yourselves. For when the storm descends upon you, there will be no escape. You will be consumed by the chaos, crushed under the weight of our power. In the end, you will realize that stepping into the ring with Sanctum was your greatest mistake."

[The camera zooms out as both warriors raise their weapons high, their voices echoing in unison.]

Hrothgar and Ragnarr: "We are Sanctum! And we will be your undoing!"

[The screen fades to black, the sound of the crackling fire lingering in the silence.]

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Legado Azteca are seen walking into The Boneyard n Las Vegas 

Andres Sagrita:Hola damas y caballeros, mi nombre es Andrés Sagrita y soy el hijo de una leyenda de la lucha libre y estoy aquí con mi hermana Carmen y somos el Legado Azteca y nos estamos besando para regresar a Asylum Wrestling Society y nos enfrentamos al equipo llamado Sanctum

(English Translation)

Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Andrés Sagrita and I am the son of a wrestling legend and I am here with my sister Carmen and we are the Legado Azteca and we are kissing to return to Asylum Wrestling Society and we face the team called Sanctum

Carmen Sagrita:Hola psicópatas Mi nombre es Carmen Sagrita y esta noche mi hermano y yo vamos a limpiar el piso con el equipo de Sanctum y esta noche le demostraremos al mundo por qué somos el mejor equipo de lucha libre......Esta noche vamos a mostrarle al mundo por qué somos el mejor equipo prometedor.

(English Translation)

Hello psychopaths My name is Carmen Sagrita and tonight my brother and I are going to clean the floor with the Sanctum team and tonight we will show the world why we are the best wrestling team......Tonight we are going to show the world why we are the best promising team.

Andres Sagrita:Esta noche vamos a mostrarle al mundo que vamos a patear traseros y tomar nombres y esta noche vamos a mostrarles a nuestros antepasados aztecas por qué este negocio está en nuestra sangre... nuestro padre nos entrenó para hacer esto y vamos a demostrar que el legado azteca no ha muerto

(English Translation)

Tonight we are going to show the world that we are going to kick ass and take names and tonight we are going to show our Aztec ancestors why this business is in our blood... our father trained us to do this and we are going to show that the aztec legacy is not dead

Legado Azteca walk away

Scene Fades

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