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Vin Halsted © -versus- Ricky Rhodes

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AWS Legacy Championship
Pure Rules Match

Vin Halsted © -versus- Ricky Rhodes

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It’s a beautiful summer day with the sun shining brightly over Halsted Manor. The birds can be heard singing but that is quickly drowned out by LYNYRD SKYNYRD music playing loud as an older flat bed Ford Truck approaches the gate of the manor almost hitting it. Ricky Rhodes jumps out of the truck with a beer in his hand & several empty bottles fall out as he opens the door. Ricky runs to the gate jumping on it & shaking it yelling “HONEY I’M HOME” before letting go as Halsted’s security cameras focus in on him. Rhodes then looks up talking to the cameras. 


“VINNY VINNY VINNY!!! It’s about time we finally meet in the ring one on one. You’ve been running from me for years now hiding behind owners & politics to protect yourself from facing real competition. In the XWF I was the only wrestler in the locker room that had the balls to stand up to the corrupt management calling out the BULLSHIT in the back known as XTREME WRESTLING FRIENDS. If I remember right instead of standing up  back then you were in the back hiding & complaining about how you were being bullied & asking “Why is Ricky Rhodes so mean to me?”. I think you deserve an answer to that question Vinny. I simply don’t like you! I don’t respect you. I find you to be weak, spoiled & a poser in a business my family put its blood sweat & tears into to. 


You like to talk about all your titles & how many hall of fames your in. I guess that makes you feel important, but how will you be remembered? Those belts gets rusty, the hall of fames crumble & close so the only thing that matters is how you are truly remembered for what you’ve done for this sport. What have you done? How will you be remembered?”


Rhodes walks over jumps on hood of his truck, opens another beer & continues talking to the cameras. We see the cameras zoom in & have to think that Vin Halsted in inside his mansion watching or listening. 


“Vin your a long way from a champion. Your still just a belt mark that either buys,complains or kisses ass to get titles. You haven’t changed at all over the years. You’ve only gotten more pathetic & I didn’t think that was possible. You knew you’d never beat Ethan Murphy so you weaseled your way into my match. You pulled the same dirty tactics here is AWS than you complained about in XWF. You cheated talent that earned spots into that match so you & Mike Dimter could have spots neither of you earned. The part that makes it worse is you somehow got to Charlie Feigel, a man I once respected. A iron man match winner is the person who has the most pin falls or submissions at the end of the match, but by my count WE WERE TIED. You didn’t earn that AWS LEGAGY TITLE  your wearing no matter what you or “Crooked Charlie” say. 


July 22nd though I will show the fans of AWS who the true legacy champion should be. We will go on a round up & I will get that final fall. You’ve ran from me for years but finally I get you one on one in a ring & no better place than at Central State Hospital. You call me a flash in the pan & well Vin I call you a fake, a fraud & a coward so it’s time to settle it once & for all WHO THE BETTER MAN IS!! You thought I was hard on you way back then, well you haven’t saw nothing until the 22nd. It’s about more than a title, it’s about respect for a business you know nothing about, it’s about showing the fans what a real wrestler looks like & most importantly it’s about showing Charlie Feigel he can try all he wants to keep me down but I AM THE BEST IN THE AWS!!!”


Rhodes jumps off his truck & opens another beer & stands staring at the gate, the mansion behind it & then looks back up at security cameras before throwing his beer bottle at the camera before getting in his truck. 


“See you the 22nd VINNY. Are you ready??” 


Rhodes laughs & speeds away as we see the camera screen again making us think Vin was watching from inside. 

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AWS - Vin Halsted - The Case of the Revisionist History


::The following takes place four years ago just after Halsted received and used the mystical hot tub for the first time. Halsted and Joe Cranston are seen having dinner with Scarlett, Angelina, Margot, Mr. Han, and Caden in the Halsted Dining Hall.::


Cranston: So, Vin, you look like you’ve been healing pretty well after your run in XWF. How are you feeling?


Halsted: Well, I have been feeling a lot better.


Margot: It’s a little weird because you had some pretty serious injuries after that Twisted Metal match with Ashley Slaine. 


Scarlett: I’m surprised you’re even out of bed!


Angelina: I’m glad that you finally got out of bed. I was afraid you’d be in there a lot longer. You kept refusing to leave. 


Mr. Han: We were all pretty worried about you.


Caden: Hey… Not me!!


Cranston: Now, Caden… be nice to Vin.


Caden: What??


::Cranston stares at Caden and Caden just shrugs.::


Halsted: Look, everyone, I know that things in XWF were pretty hard on me and The Enforcer. No matter how great and dominant we were, we just couldn’t gain the momentum we wanted to as the newcomers in that fed. They had a small circle of friends that the owner favored, and no one was going to break through that glass ceiling no matter how many brass rings we took.


Scarlett: At least you two accomplished what you were originally there to do.


Margot: Yeah… You two did win the tag titles and held them for more than two months.


Caden: Well, until the SuperFriends decided to band together and take them away from you two so that their little group could have all of the gold for themselves.


Cranston: Caden, you don’t have to rub it in. Hasn’t Vin had to go through enough as it is?


Mr. Han: Maybe, Master Halsted can finally re-evaluate his goals after that terrible experience.


::Halsted groans and takes a deep breath.::


Halsted: Look, I appreciate that everyone is concerned about me, but I think The Enforcer and I did as much as we could there. We stayed for a tumultuous nine months and took the fight to them, unlike others. We fought hard against Daniel, Ashley, and Sheena. They controlled the entire fed before we even got there but we left our marks. I got a win over Daniel, we held the tag titles, I destroyed Ashley’s brother, and I beat down Ashley in a way that she had never experienced. The only reason why she is still holding the XWF World Heavyweight Championship is because she couldn’t honor our contract. The Enforcer and Justice stayed out of Twisted Metal whereas Daniel and Sheena weaseled their way in and kept me from walking out as the new champion. There she was, laying completely and utterly decimated in the first cage, and Daniel crawled out and prevented me from getting to the door while Sheena dragged her little friend out to safety. It is what it is, and I’m a man of my word, I left XWF as that was the condition of our contract.


Scarlett: I still don’t think that was right.


Cranston: She did breach the contract so you could have stayed for a renegotiated rematch.


Caden: Nope… He signed a contract that stated that if he didn’t walk out of Twisted Metal as XWF World Heavyweight Champion then he would leave XWF.


Mr. Han: Yes, but the owner offered to negate that when Miss Ashley broke the contractual agreement of no interference on either side.


Halsted: Look, the truth is that I was never going to get a fair shot at Ashley, even though I’m way more talented than she could ever dream of, but just look at how she got past The Enforcer and how Sheena beat Justice. The SuperFriends were never going to let anyone knock them off. The XWF Council was completely enthralled with them, and they were never going to let anyone knock them off. It really sucks when joining a fed that has their core group that can’t ever taste defeat or ever let a better talent take their spot. It ruins it for everyone and now look where XWF is… It’s shut down and its history has been erased from existence. I take that as a win because we were the ones who finally let the world know how much of a shitshow that place was.


Caden: Language!!


Cranston: Yeah, Vin… that’s another dollar for the swear jar.


::Halsted rolls his eyes and reaches into his pocket. Caden runs over to him with his hand open for another swear jar payment.::


Halsted: Doesn’t he have enough for a full ride at Northwestern University by now, Joe?


::Cranston cackles and shrugs.::


Margot: With all of that, though, Vin, I’m still shocked that you’re moving around so well.


Halsted: Well, Margot, I can thank you for that.


Scarlett: How so, Vin?


Halsted: Well, Margot’s training has really toughened me up and that hot tub she got has done wonders on healing me up from all of my injuries that have mounted up over the years.


Margot: I keep telling you that I didn’t order it for you and don’t know where that hot tub came from.


Halsted: Sure, Margot.


::Halsted looks around the table to see if anyone else fesses up to ordering the hot tub, but no one says anything. He shrugs and continues to eat dinner.::


Cranston: Let’s just all agree that we’re happy it’s helping you heal.


Mr. Han: Here… Here!!


::Everyone raises a glass to toast Halsted’s speedy recovery before eating their remaining dinners on their plates.  Scene fades to black. END SCENE.::


::Present day - Scene opens as Halsted is relaxing in the cabin of his private jet with Scarlett. They are mid-flight when Scarlett receives a message from irate neighbor. She opens the message and watches the attached video from the neighbor’s Ring camera in horror. It shows the recent actions of Ricky Rhodes as he bashes their gates and screams in a drunken rage. Once she finishes the video, she hops into the chair next to Halsted. She elbows him to show him the video. He watches the video and laughs a few times much to Scarlett’s dismay.::


Scarlett: What’s so funny, Vin?


Halsted: Come on, Scarlett. This guy is an absolute joke. He can’t even figure out where the Manor is. He’s a complete drunken moron who can live up to his family name so he drowns himself in alcohol. 


Scarlett: This is from someone in the neighborhood, though, they’re terrified and have filed a complaint with the local authorities.


Halsted: Tell them not to worry and to drop the complaint. I’ll handle him this week and he’ll never show his face anywhere near the Manor again.


Scarlett: Are you sure?


Halsted: Look, obviously, Little Ricky has a lot of issues. He seems to think that his little two month run in XWF was notable, but he was Daniel Slaine’s bitch that entire time. He won one time before losing twice to Daniel. He threw a temper tantrum in the locker room and got fired for it. No one gave two shits about him, and he was gone in a blink of an eye.


Scarlett: Well, you had your issues there, too.


Halsted: True, but I’m the reason why it doesn’t exist anymore. I exposed the corruption and burned that place down with The Enforcer and Justice at my side. XWF is dead because we killed it. Ricky just cried like a little bitch and then crawled into a bottle for five years. He’s done nothing but drool over my legacy since then.


Scarlett: You definitely have continued to be a champion in every fed you went to since then.


Halsted: Scarlett, my legacy is that I have been the best in every fed and era I’ve competed in. I’ve beaten every great, hero, legend, and champion everywhere I’ve gone every time I’ve walked through the doors. My legacy is that I am the past, present, and future of this business and no one is at my level. I have taken the AWS Legacy Championship and I have elevated it to a level of prestige that is completely unmatched. No championship whether it’s a heavyweight, universal, undisputed, or anything else can be compared to it because it is above all others. It is the one championship that only a true immortal can possess, and that immortal is the Iconic King Vin Halsted.


Scarlett: Well, what are you going to do with this unhinged maniac?


Halsted: It’s simple, Scar, I’m giving him an opportunity to settle his make-believe issue with me. He doesn’t understand that I was always the man to carry the weight of the AWS Legacy Championship and I asked Charlie to book this match.


Scarlett: Why would you do that?


Halsted: He’s a simple-minded little bitch who thinks the world is against him because he can’t accept that he’s just a complete and utter failure, an embarrassment to his family name, so he blames everyone for his shortcomings. The problem is that he doesn’t realize that when you point a finger at something, three fingers point back at him. I’m simply going to prove to him that he is the only one to blame for his demise.


Scarlett: He didn’t do anything to earn the right to challenge you, Vin.


Halsted: Sometimes, I have to make an example and Ricky was chosen for that purpose. I’m giving him an opportunity to prove to the AWS higher-ups that he can compete with the best of AWS. The problem is that I’m going to completely obliterate him and send him back into his bottle for another five years. I’m doing Charlie a favor. 


Scarlett: Are you trying to politic in AWS?


Halsted: No… the one who is coming needs me to clear the path for him. I’m merely the prophet of what’s to come. By destroying as many souls as I can, the Dark One will reap the rewards and rule AWS as he was meant to do. Ricky is just another irrelevant victim and his attempt to rewrite XWF history has become a nuisance to me. I need to shut him up and remind him of how irrelevant he truly is. He just doesn’t know it yet. He will learn how real all of this is and thankfully we’re in the right place for him to receive immediate medical attention when he sees what his true purpose is. I have never run from a fight, I have taken on every single opponent and destroyed them at my own leisure. Thankfully, the Central State Hospital will be his final resting place and for anyone else who wants to try to stop what’s coming. The Reign of Terror is upon us, Scarlett, and no one can stop it from ushering in the Era of the Book of Shadows as it has been written, so it will be done. It’s time to close the book on the revisionist history and bring the Book of Shadows to light.


::Scarlett feels a chill run up her spine as Halsted’s eyes blacken. END SCENE.::

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