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House of Paine vs. Society of Destruction

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Trios Match
House of Paine vs. Society of Destruction

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Search: Newest Asylum Wrestling Society Promos

*As we press play on the video, the screen lights up with a man in his late twenties standing in a dull brick training room. That's in front of a row of faded blue lockers. His hair is a mess. Presumably from training, he is only visible from the waist up. Sweat is on his brow, and his black tank top appears slightly moist around the edges*

Man: Some of you may seem excited to see me, and yet ...some of you may have no clue who I am. I don't blame you, I've been out of this business of Professional Wrestling for a long time now ...I cannot say, I was at the top of too many people's lists ...the last time I was around. Just to get to know each other, without going into detail. Let's just say, I've been around the block a few times ...and more than a handful of people, already in this great organization ...have been in the squared circle with me before.

*The man stops, and takes a deep breath. For many of the people who know him well enough. Now he would seem to be nervous to be on camera, but for the people who don't know him. They would also believe, it is in his character to do so*

Man: I was at one point, the one to name names and list my accomplishments ...like a grocery list, but I would like to think I have matured a little past that ...in the last two years. Besides, in a place new to me ...like this, what do my past accomplishments mean anyway? Not too much, I am willing to bet. I am pretty sure, that Bram Connan, Thantos Myssiah, and Sammeal McBane ...don't give a damn about my past accomplishments. Why do I mention them, you may ask? Well, if you've noticed the latest House Show card ...you would already know.

*A small grin overtakes the young man's face, as he prepares to begin talking about his opponents for the first time*

Man: Being new to this place, we don't know much about any of our opponents ...except what we have read in their biographies, and we cannot say that their bios went into great detail about any of them. The first thing that popped up at us though ...is that possibly for the first time in our long career. We will be much smaller than our opponents. Fighting larger men than ourselves, is nowhere near new grounds to us ...in fact, we made somewhat of an art ...out of beating heavyweights in my former promotions. So, to say ...we’re not worried about a couple of men, that’s bulkier than us ...by around seventy pounds, or so. It’s a bit of an understatement. Nor have we ever feared any man, who has to hide his face with sunglasses to get the point across ...that thinks he’s scary and dark. If you're truly scary, and intimidating? You can prove it, with your actions in the ring. We've been where you are ...with the face hidden, and I quickly learned that ...it doesn't do anything, but mask who you truly are.

*The thing in this match that bothers us, slightly. Is that there are two people bigger than us. We have never fathomed in our lives, that we would ever face off with anyone that could possibly be faster or more agile than ourselves. Even though, they are both the size they are. We doubt they actually will be faster or more agile, but it doesn't interest us. Just maybe, it's the one thing that can cause a hiccup in our return*

Man: We dug a little deeper though, and we find that the Society of Destruction are nothing more than wannabe tough guys. That is teetering on the brink of ending up, as a never was. A cable guy, training and succeeding to become a pro wrestler ...sounds more like, a lame Hollywood B-List movie ...than a real-life story to me, but stranger things have happened in professional wrestling. I am more than willing to find out ...just what they have to offer.

*There’s a long pause, and wipes his brow. It is hard to tell if it is the heat of the camera causing perspiration. Or it could be, the fact that he is slightly nervous about returning after all these years. But he continues quickly to try, and keeps any nerves under wraps*[/i]

Man: The one person, who seems like he may be a bit of a real challenge to me ...in this match, is Mayhem. We looked through his bio, and we read up on him just a little ...as we haven't had much time yet to prepare, and we envisioned ourselves two years ago. The ability seems to be there, but doesn't seem quite at full potential. The willingness to put his body on the line, to get the upper hand though ...it's always dangerous, and you can almost never see something like that. Until you've been hit with it, and it is too late. We will study though ...because, that's what we do. We will look deeper, and we will find tendencies ...not only of him, but of our other opponent as well. When the time comes, we will be as ready as we can possibly be. Someone will become ...just another causality, of the Morbid Ending!!

*The screen goes black, and we are greeted by other past promos of this man. This is also available on YouTube.com*

~:~Part Two~:~

*We fade in on a small room, that appears to be a viewing room of some sort. It’s quite dark, and all that fits in the room is a table along the wall. Along with a chair, and a small monitor. It appears as if the cameraman is either standing in the doorway, or the camera is placed on the wall. Sitting in front of the monitor on the chair, is the newest Kore signees. They do not speak, but we do hear their voices over the image*

Jigsaw: There are times in our lives, that we cannot get back. The last two years of our lives ...are something, that we cannot get back and we wouldn’t want them back...even if we could.

*Jigsaw shifts in the chair, making sure that his face isn't seen. He looks at the monitor, and chuckles wickedly to himself before continuing. At this time, we hear DKM speak*

DKM: Fans run up to us all the time, and they ask us if we miss it. You know, wrestling ...If we could go back, would we have not given it all up ...to work for Mr. Steele, and leave the business? They seem to think, that our leaving was a bad thing in our lives. The truth is ...the two-year hiatus, gave us something ...we could never have gotten, had we still been touring the world ...two years, to watch my children grow up.

*A smile curls on DKM’s hidden face, as he keeps his eyes locked on the monitor. Again, Jigsaw chuckles to himself and then speaks loudly*

Jigsaw: Now that we’re back, there are some things we wish we did ...like train a little bit less, but we never really got out of shape. Some of those people at home, think that because when they had kids ...they gained all this weight. They think, that there is no way to stay in shape ...without working out twenty-four-seven. The truth is though, parenting is a hardcore workout. My kids are now eight, and six years old ...and chasing them around, and playing ball with them ...has been almost as good a workout, as we would have had on the road.

*Jigsaw laughs a bit, as he thinks back to the old days. He runs his pointer finger down the image on the screen, and then DKM speaks again*

DKM: Are we saying, we’re ready for the ring? Hades no ...yet we’re stepping back in it. Why, you ask? There’s only one reason why ...we love carnage. We love it so much, that we can’t hold back the urges anymore ...and we’re little scared. Scared, that if we don’t jump in with both feet ...we’ll never make it back. So here we are, just days away from our next match ...and we’re watching tapes, in a cold dark room!!

*DKM slowly turns his head away from the monitor, as whatever tape he was studying comes to an end. Static overtakes the screen, as he lets out a devious laugh. Jigsaw speaks again*

Jigsaw: When we put together, our first promo in over a year ...we may have been too open with you people. we may have, let you all in on who we really was ...and we have no problem with that. The problem, we do have with it ...is that you took what we said, and didn’t see it for what it really was. We told you, that we hadn’t yet had much time to research. Yet, you took it as though ...we were too high, and mighty to research you all. That’s not what we meant, at all. We got as big as we are, by working our @$$es off. Pardon us, we’re used to knowing our competition. Those people, you have heard them saying our names ...these last few weeks, before we showed up here. They're talking about us, for a reason ...and that’s because, we’re always prepared to compete!!

*Jigsaw shifts in the chair again, as half of his face is now uncovered. A quick smirk comes over his face, as he quickly jerks his head to the side. His shaggy blond hair returns to covering his face, as DKM continues*

DKM: For instance, we took a look at last week's shows ...one thing all of our opponents have in common, is they didn't face us What that means to us, is that you all had no clue ...what we’re capable of, and no one wants to give us that. So, we’ve been preparing this week, to face all of you at your best. And that’s what we expect. We have also been critiquing all of you, on your performances from last week ...and the past, and of course ...from your recent promos.

*DKM chuckles for a bit, as he found everyone lacking the proper skills to remain the Champions. Jigsaw turns to look at the camera, but kept his face hidden under his blond hair*

Jigsaw: AWS …or Kore, the one we were originally most worried about ...has not shown us much recently. Their in-ring performance last week was lackluster. Their will to win, actually DIDN’T prevailed. The problem is, you cannot always gamble on your will to win or for your opponent to leave an opening ...for you, like they got a few weeks ago. We’re sure, they know that. So, we should expect them to be more focused, going into this next match. They have yet to utter a word, and the way they looked last week ... shows me, that we might be wrong. They may have once been someone, we should have been worried about. But now, they just appears to be ...slightly above-average wrestlers, in a slump. As for their recent slump? It won’t end, when we meet either.

*Jigsaw turns away from the camera, and shakes his head in disbelief. As he thinks about the wrestlers in this match, he really couldn't think of any that posed a real threat to them. He lets out another sinister laugh, before DKM speaks again*

DKM: Then we have ...Mr. and Mrs. "I Keep My Real Name Hidden". I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish ...By standing in the middle of nowhere, speaking to the air, and making predictions of this match ...that is so vague. It could have been told to us on a psychic hotline. Nor, do I know what you were hoping to prove ...with your last match? Other than, the fact that you got lucky. It seems to us, so far ...that everyone in this match, gets by on pure luck! And then you said, "Screw your Gods given talent."

*DKM shakes his head, and lets out a deep sigh. Then Jigsaw talks about the last subject of this match*

Jigsaw: Then there's the reason, we're even doing this ...this quote-unquote "Big Match'' ...SOD, you were very busy people last week. You not only showed how well trained you are in simple technique ...when you signed to some local circus. But you also showed your heart, as you stepped up to one of the most powerful teams in America. For that, SOD …you have drawn our attention. No, not for your silly little Spiderman costumes. It's due to your thoughtless style and lack of charisma. For someone, who has all the makings of B-List wrestlers ...you have something, that the other men in this company don’t seem to have ...at least not anymore. That is the heart, to keep failing. You’re dangerous, because of that little fact. SOD, you are one small package away from shocking the wrestling world, and becoming a star in this federation ...but, we will not be your gateway... to fame!!

*Jigsaw flips his hair out of his masked face, and finally lets the rest of the contestants see that he’s now wearing his “Puzzle Boy” mask. His eyes dance with uncontrolled excitement, as he peers deep into the camera. DKM speaks one last time, with a burst of disturbing laughter*

DKM: You may think, there's nothing we can do to stop you? But we have been in this business for ten years, and we have seen it all. We’ve seen teams like you, rise to the top ...and fall to the bottom. We have figured out a million different ways to avoid ending up, as the butt of everyone’s joke. So, SOD, it might come down to blind fate ...Simply interrupted three counts, and grievous bodily damage ...but the one thing we’re sure of, is that it’s going to come down to you and us ...and who, really wants it more!!

*DKM turns away from the camera, and hits eject on the DVD player. Then pops in a new disc, as the camera fades to black*

Jigsaw's Voice: There's only one last thing to say ...We Dare You, Come Feel The Paine!!

Both Men: ”No remnants were ever found of it

Feeling the hot bile

With every fake smile

Though no evidence was ever found

It never went away completely

I try to appellate a holy sound of it

Another day gone

Another night's drawn

Dark forces pull me underground

And never went away completely” …

*As their singing fades out, the scene becomes narrow and only Scotty’s face can be seen. His tattered face curls into a wicked smile, as he speaks*

Scotty: Society of Destruction, you’ve picked the wrong time to bring yourselves back into the fold …while you were off licking your wounds, my boys have been destroying everything and everyone in their path. All but one, have tasted the bitterness of defeat. And that was way before the Titles, come back to The Asylum. Out of your whole group, only one stands to impress …and he more than likely, already fears your fate. Most of these Champions, past or present …know, when you step into the ring with the House of Paine …you’re never the same AGAIN!! You may pin us, you may submit us, but you’ll never defeat us!! 


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