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Center of Attention © -versus- House of Paine ©

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AWS Tag Team Championships + KORE Tag Team Championships
Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal Tag Team Match

Center of Attention © -versus- House of Paine ©

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*The scene opens in a completely darn room. Just a lonely light hanging from the middle, where the camera is*

DKM: You know, it feels great to be back home in AWS …the place, that we got our start. Where we got our first set of Tag Titles, and do you know what those Titles were? It’s actually the Titles, that we’re having a match for. Centre of Attention, we want to let you know, we’re listen to everything …every team we have ever faced, has had to say. It doesn’t matter, if the things that they were saying was so utterly ridiculous …that it made them look like the biggest clown. From the Barnum Bailey circus, or if they had something interesting, something obtaining to our match. We know you’re coming here to this big company, looking for a quick win …so you can get a Title shot, because with the company just opening. It’s doors for the first time, in a long time …you’re going to have to try a lot harder, and come with a lot better material than bullshyte that you’re sputtering out of your mouth. And well, we think since we’re started here. We’ve become much larger, a much bigger stars than what we ever thought we’d have became. When AWS gave us our chance, to start our careers we took it, and I went to the moon. We’ve obtained more Titles, than we care to count. We have beaten some of the biggest names in this industry, and we have achieved things …that people can only dream of. We’ve became a household name, and you know what? We can say without a doubt, that we’re one of the biggest players of the game. We are a AWS Original. We have held every Tag Title in in The Wrestling World, except for The UHW Titles …And you know Centre of Attention, the match that we’re having right now for the Unified Tag Titles. The things that we’ve heard you spew out of your mouths, tells us two things. One, you live in some fairy tale land …because that promo that you put out, was something that a second grader would put out.

*DKM finally emerges from the dark. He is wearing all black. Black jeans with a few holes in them, and black t-shirt with a red Asylum Logo. His black boots are scuffed up. He smirks, as Jigsaw begins to speak*

Jigsaw: Center of Attention, we need to know something …when have we ever in our entire career …ever, ever, ever, addressed you until just now? You want to sit here, and make claims that we said something about you in the back. Unless I smoke too much weed, and don’t remember. We’ve never even had you on our radar until just now, today and that's the damn truth. We don’t know what happened to you on your flight from …wherever you’re from to the United States to ever think, that we thought about you a day in my life. Because the truth be told, we don’t think you’re on our level …you want to talk about a verbal thrashing. What you need to be worried about is, what we’re going to do to you in the ring. You see, we can tell you’ve never done your homework on HoP. Well, that’s a long story and you know what that’s going to be for another time. What we’re going to be doing here tonight, is addressing you and telling you yes …We know, we’re in your heads …do you want to know how, we know that we’re in your heads?? 

*Jigsaw pauses for a second. He scratches his head, and then wipes his hands through his hair brushing it to the back. DKM chuckles, and speaks again*

DKM: It's because you have this fairy tale, where we addressed you last week in the back. Last week, we had just defeated Shiv and Dario in the Main Event, elsewhere. We were too busy partying it up, with the family …because you know, that’s how The Asylum does. And the last Mother F*cking thing that was on our minds, was your sorry asses. We didn’t know, that we were even booked against you …for another couple days, after the last show. So Centre of Attention, we know we’re in your head …and you want to know the truth of the matter? The truth of the matter is, every single person we end up seeing in the ring …knows, we’re in their heads, prior to the match. Because, we’re the uprising apocalypse. We’re the end all be all, we’re the alpha Omega …we’re perfection at its finest, We Are The House Of Paine! We’re one of the highest ranked, most dangerous, most electrifying, the most show stealing individuals …that’s ever graced their presence inside of a wrestling ring. Now you’re sitting here, hoping to get some kind of upset and take down the giants …to go on to face whoever wants these, Titles. We’re sitting here, already planning our flight back to the Asylum. ‘Cause we already know, we’re going to be in this match …to become the Unified Tag Team Champions, and we’re going to sit there …to celebrate those Titles, and it’s going to be on our waist forever!!

*You can see how serious DKM is. This is the Brian old House of Paine. When they ate their competitors for breakfast. When they held 2 World Tag Team Titles, and a few singles Titles at once. One of which, was the AWS Tag Titles*

Jigsaw: Do you want to know why the AWS Titles mean so much to us? It’s because, when those Titles were first introduced to this company …we were the first Champion, we actually unified the XWA and the AWS Titles …and we were the Undisputed Champions, until we had to turn the XAW Titles over …because we had to go handle some things, elsewhere. That had nothing to do with wrestling, and it’s honestly none of your business. The only thing that matters now, is we’re facing you for the Unified Tag Team Championship. And you want to talk about your giving us access to weapons? Are you f*cking stupid? Because boys, if there’s weapons allowed to be used in this match? We will injure you, and you will be sitting on the sidelines for a good while. All you got to do, is ask yourselves. You were the last victims, when we were allowed to use weapons in a match …we broke your F*cking Spirits. You may have won the match, but you’re still thinking to yourselves …”Here we go again?!?” And if you don’t know who we really are? Then you’ve been hiding in a closet, and you’ve never really been involved in any real company in this industry. So Centre of Attention, welcome to the limelight …’cause boys, you're going to be in one hell of a match with us and when we’ve get our hands raised in victory …you’ll be lying on the canvas, falling prey to Insanity. Just remember, when you acted crazy and made some fairy tale about us …that’s when you put that target on your back, and that’s a mighty big target.

*You can tell now, that their opponents f*cked up saying the things they said in their promo. Now, HoP is bringing out all the pent-up anger. They have inside, about the things going on in their out of ring lives. This was a huge mistake for anyone to ever make. DKM speaks after a moment*

DKM: And do you want to know, why …we’re going to hurt you in this match? It’s because, you told some fairy tale …that we hurt a woman, or a child. Those are two things, that we would never do. Do you see, coming from the background that we come from …harming women and children, can get you killed. The only message, we’re going to be sending you …is when we step in the ring, and we’re unleash the beast. We’re going to dismantle every part of your being!!

*DKM pauses for a short moment. Allowing the things he said to sink in, as Jigsaw speaks*

Jigsaw: One of the final things, that we have to say to you is this …you’ve never been somebody that we wished to face off with in the ring. Until you put out that bullshyte promo that seems like you pulled it out of the ASS of some worthless junkie …that’s down on Coalfax in Denver Co. The reality is this, if that was one of your wishes and one of your dreams …well, it’s Burger King and you can have it your way bytch. Please tell me, who I have not defeated and that you’ve buried alive …because in our entire f*cking careers, there’s only been three people that we have not defeated. One retired, one is Ki Morbid our manager and Mother dearest. The other is, well …none of your f*cking business. I know for a fact, you’ve never beaten them either!!

*Jigsaw looks deep in the camera now. Finishing off the verbal thrashing that Centre of Attention asked for. He smirks under his mask, as DKM speaks again*

DKM: Doo you really want to know, the last thing we think about that you said …that was one of the most funniest, things I’ve ever heard in our entire f*cking careers? It was you saying, we should have stayed away. Boys, since we came back a few years ago. We have held major Titles, and every single company that we have set our feet into. That includes XWA, that closed down with us leaving as the Tag Team Champions as well as Faction of the Year. We were one of the longest reigning Tag Team Champions, that ever-stepped foot in that company. Even though, it’s closed and gone forever … We’re still the greatest Tag Team Champions, and you know what? We don’t see these Titles leaving our waists anytime soon. If you think, you have it in you ….get ready, and when you’re standing across from Jigsaw and I …the two of the baddest mother f*cking wrestlers to ever grace wrestling, that’s when you’ll regret your decision. But hey, don’t take it personal …it’s just good business, and business is good. It’s really picking up, real fast …I can’t wait to see you in that ring.

*The scene fades to the Asylum Logo*


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The 35th Asylum Society Ward was looking to be one for the absolute history books. Loaded card, a variety of talent. All while taking place in Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia. A relatively quiet southern town that wasn’t about to be so quiet anymore now that the AWS was coming to town!

The tickets were sold out as the Central State Hospital, which was on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, was going to be tastefully turned into a pro wrestling venue. And of all the matches that had a variety of stakes. None had more interesting stakes than Olympia Waybright and Desiree Forte of the Centre Of Attention versus Jigsaw and DKM of House Of Paine with a match that could honestly steal the damn show. Especially since both the AWS and KORE Tag Team Titles were on the line so the winning team would be leaving Milledgeville with a hell of a lot of gold!

And by god Olympia and Desiree were going to make sure that it was them! They did all of the classic preparation. It was the Centre Of Attention way to watch match films and getting ready through workouts against the House Of Paine. Finding their physical limits in practice and meeting, if not EXCEEDING them on the way to the promo for any match which was set in an unusual scene.

This scene started before the show took place with Olympia and Desiree in a scenic park near Miillegedville. Beautiful trees, sun shining on them just right in the Georgia sky, while they still carried their AWS tag team titles on them Olympia faced the camera wearing some cleavage-flaunting top with her share of the tag team titles on her shoulder while Desiree had her back turned to the camera while wearing short-shorts that hugged her ass with her share of tag team titles on her her waist. Giving the viewing crowd some sex appeal but there was a reason for their eye-candy display. All while still wearing the signature red, silver, and black colors that the COA was known for even in their outdoorsy gear

And it would all become clear the very second that they spoke. With Desire looking back with a smile while she spoke first. A rare sight.

Desiree Forte: I know we have your attention now. Me and Olympia not only in our street clothes but in one of the most beautiful parks in Georgia. You see. I convinced my fellow Canadienne Olympia to treat you lucky people with the sight of pure, natural, beauty. Beautiful park, with beautiful women, because tonight at Ward when we fight the House Of Paine with the AWS and KORE tag team titles on the line things will be anything BUT beautiful…

Olympia Waybright: I couldn’t have said it better myself. Giving you lucky people the sweet view of your champions looking beautiful in the wilderness because once that bell rings at Ward tonight we’ll be dressed to fight Jigsaw and DKM. Wrestling gear on, sweaty, bruised, bloody, looking like hell on earth. But not only will we retain the AWS Tag Team Titles but we will GAIN the KORE Tag Team Titles!

Desiree Forte: Si beau what a beautiful thought! We can start building a collection of titles starting with the KORE Tag Team ones. And all we need to do is defeat DKM and Jigsaw. Easy enough right?

Olympia Waybright: It should be with how we fight. Here’s the thing you masked clowns have to realize. As pretty as we look we didn’t become champions without being able to fight when that bell rings we become two of the baddest, nastiest, bitches in all of the Asylum Wrestling Society. And if you don’t believe me ask the Daughters Of Darkness how their matches against us have gone. Ask the Undying Twins from the hospital bed after the beating we put on them. Ask MK-127 from the back of the line where they’re STILL trying to recover from after we defeated them!

Desiree Forte: Bad things happen to teams who face us. You don’t just lose, you get humbled, humiliated, sent limping and bleeding to the back of the line like the absolute LOSERS you are!

Even if this wasn’t in their usual promo spots they were sure to cover every single damn base with honesty in their words. Burning the House Of Paine with their words, hyping up the show, stating their confidence and their dominance as champions. And it was well deserved. Representing the Centre Of Attention Desire and Olympia were the first AWS World Tag Team Champions and among the longest reigning in the company’s new run. Successfully managing to maintain their same overness and star quality from Ik0n to the revived Asylum Wrestling Society. Very few wrestlers managed to beat them in singles competition much less tag wrestling due to how damn good they were in the ring. Blending stunning sex appeal with masterful tag team cohesion. Showmanship, technical skill, and using that to win matches and please fans. Not that they cared about that.

That’s right. Neither Desiree or Olympia said they were doing this for AWS fans. They were just spectators and paying customers to the fierce females. People who’d cheer and chant while watching their war against the House Of Paine. Even if they weren’t cheering for them exactly. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s for damn sure.

And speaking of House Of Paine the ladies weren’t done verbally shredding them…

Olympia Waybright: It’s a good thing you two wear those masks because you’re going to have to hide the shame you’ll feel by losing to me and Desi tonight at AWS Ward when we walk out with your KORE tag team titles and send you limping back with your tails between your legs to your overrated boyfriend Scotty!. C’mon Desi. Let's get ready. We’re done here.

Desiree Forte: Yeah the soon-to-be ex Kore tag champs got the message

Their time talking trash in the park was over. They’d soon pack up and go to the arena. But even as the outdoors promo ended the red, silver, and black logo appeared to formally end the promo. The next time people saw the lovely ladies they’ll be ready to look less-than-lovely to say the very damn least. They’ll be dressed to compete at AWS Ward, ready to fight House Of Paine.

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