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Match Four: Bytch Vs. Bliss

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*Match Four*

~Biker Chain Match: Goddess Championship~

Byker Bytch Vs. Summer Bliss

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  • Member ID:  61
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*Part One*

~November 17th, 20222~

{We fade in on a small room that appears to be a viewing room of some sort. It’s quite dark and all that fits in the room is a table along the wall, a chair, and a monitor. It appears as if the cameraman is either standing in the doorway or the camera is placed on the wall. Sitting in front of the monitor in the chair is AWS Goddess Champion – Byker Bytch. She does not speak, but we do hear her voice over the image. There are times in our lives that we cannot get back. The last two years of my life are something, that I cannot get back and I wouldn’t want them back if I could. Fans run up to me all the time, and they ask me if I miss it. If I could go back, would I have not given it all up to work for AWS and leave the biz? They seem to think, that my leaving was a bad thing for my life. The truth is the two-year hiatus gave me something, I could never have gotten had I still been touring the world, two years to watch my children grow}

CC: Now that I’m back, there are some things I wish I did, like train a little more, but I never got out of shape. Some of those people at home, they think that because when they had kids, they gained all this weight that there is no way to stay in shape without working out 24/7. The truth is though, parenting …real parenting, is a hardcore workout. My boys are now eight and six years old and chasing them around and playing ball with them …has been almost as good a workout, as I would have had on the road.

{Byker pauses a moment, as she thinks. She then continues on}

CC: Am I saying, I am ready for the ring? Gods no, yet I am stepping back in it. Why? There’s only one reason why, I love it. I love it so much, that I can’t hold back and I’m a little scared. Scared that if I don’t jump in feet first, I’ll never make it back. So here I am just, days away from my first match in over a month, and I’m watching a tape in a cold dark room.

{Byker slowly turns her head away from the monitor, as whatever tape she was studying comes to an end and static overtakes the screen}

CC: When I put together my first promo in over a month, I may have been too open with you people. I may have let you all in on who I really am, and I have no problem with that. The problem I do have with it, is that you took what I said and didn’t see it for what it really was. I told you that I hadn’t yet had much time to research and you took it as though I was too high and mighty to research you all, but that’s not what I meant at all. I got as big as I am, pardon me, as I use to be by knowing my competition. Those people you guys have heard saying my name these weeks before I showed up here …talk about me for a reason, and that’s because I am always prepared.

{Byker pauses again, as she shakes her head in disbelief. She thought most didn’t understand her, but that wasn’t her worry at this time}

CC: For instance, I took a look at last week's shows, and one thing all of my opponent has in common is, she won. What that means to me is, that you have had a taste of victory, and no one wants to take that way. So, I’ve been preparing all week to face you at your best, because that’s what I expect. I have also been critiquing you on your performances from last week, and the past. And of course, from your recent promos.

{Byker smirks, as she thinks about the footage she just watched. Just like any other time, she wasn’t impressed}

CC: Summer, the one I was originally most worried about …has not shown me much recently. Her in-ring performance last week was lackluster, but her will to win prevailed …failed. The problem is, you cannot always gamble on your will to win and your opponent to leave an opening for you like everyone got last week, and I just these guys know that. So, I should expect her to be more focused going into our match, but I am not. She has yet to utter a word, and the way she looked last week, shows me that I was wrong. The girl may have once been someone I should have been worried about, but now …she’s just appear to be an above-average wrestlers in a slump, and her slump won’t end on the twenty-seventh.

{Byker cracks a wide smile, as she sits there pondering this match-up}

CC: Then we have …well, this other bimbo. I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish standing in the middle of nowhere speaking to the air, and making predictions of our match …that are so vague, they could have been told to me on a psychic hotline. Nor do I know what you were hoping to prove with your match last week, other than the fact that you aren’t very lucky. It seems to me, so far that everyone in this match gets by on pure luck, and says screw Giah-given talent.

{Byker shakes her head and lets out a deep sigh, before continuing on to the last subject in this match*

CC: Then there is the definition of “I Suck” …the other person that are involved. You were very busy girl last week. You not only show how well trained you are in simple technique, when you couldn’t beat that clown. But you also showed your heart, as you stepped up to one of the most powerful men in America. For that, you have drawn my attention. No, not for your silly little Spiderman joke, but for your style and charisma. For someone who has all the makings of a B-List movie, you have something that the other women in this promotion don’t seem to have …at least not anymore. That is the heart to succeed. You’re dangerous, because of that. You are one small package away from shocking the world, and becoming a star in this federation ...but I will not be your gateway to fame.

{Byker stands up, and starts moving around the small room. Her once happy face has become stern, and focused}

CC: You may think there is nothing I can do to stop you, but I have been in this business for almost twenty years and I have seen it all. I’ve seen girls like you rise to the top, and fall to the bottom. I have figured out a million different ways to avoid ending up as the butt of someone’s joke. So, come the twenty-seventh, Summer …it might come down to blind move, interrupted three counts, and grievous bodily damage as you predicted, but the one thing I’m sure …it’s going to come down to you and me, and who wants it more.

{Byker turns away, and hits eject on the DVD player. Then pops in a new disc, as the camera fades to black}

**Part Two**

{We open up on the cocky grin of one of AWS’s female superstar, Byker Bytch. She is dressed in a crispy new “Reapers” logo T-Shirt and a pair of jeans, with her gym bag draped over her shoulder. She tosses the gym bag aside, and stands with her arms crossed over her massive chest while standing in front of the camera}

CC: Look at me, I am one and one verses this chick, and soon to be back to my winning ways again. Hard to believe, that after twenty years of a career and a two-year hiatus …that I can start again, as a winning veteran. It’s kind of crazy, and weird, but most importantly …it’s great. It’s a great thing to feel like I’m on top of the world with a win, even if it doesn’t last forever …it’s a feeling, that you could become a billionaire with if you could bottle it, and I don’t want it to end.

{Byker pauses for a moment, before speaking again}

CC: That will be tuff though, because even though I am technically in my rookie year here in this great federation, my name still carries some weight and that weight apparently carried me straight to our next House Show. It is my understanding, that it’s not an everyday occurrence that rookies to the federation make the big show, let alone in a match with such implications as a number-one contender match. So, I am honored to be included …Yes, I’m honored, and a little bit nervous.

{Byker’s smile fades just a little, as she steps to the side and takes a seat on the bench next to her revealing a row of lockers behind her}

CC: I know, those of you out there watching this, who know me don’t believe it, but I am nervous. Last month was my first match in over a month, and now in my second match back …I am expected to put my body on the line in a match, versus Summer “Slutty” Bliss. This isn’t quite what I expected, but I’ve never been one to back down from anything. I’ve always rolled with the punches, and this time rolling with the punches will be a little bit easier for me.

{Byker‘s face curls with a devious smirk, due to dealing with Summer several times before. She chuckles a bit, before speaking again}

CC: A few weeks ago, I was up against someone who was virtually unknown to me, someone I had to spend hours researching …just so I would feel comfortable in the ring with. This time, research will be the least of my worries, as I have extensive background on this bimbo. The girl has been around me for most of the end of my career, and I have seen her career begin, and reach some of her highest points. Which isn’t much to brag about, to be honest.

{Byker takes a short pause before digging in. She seems to think long, and hard before uttering his next words}

CC: Since I have been here, I have seen and heard much about this girl, and I probably know enough that I could deal with her. But you never really know what someone like her is thinking ...if she’s even thinking? Just like Scotty last week, it’s so hard to tell what is going on in someone’s mind. You come off like a women of good ethics, but there is really only one reason to cover your face in my opinion. And that is to cover up what you truly are. I believe there is something dark about you, and you try to hide it with makeup and by pretending to be something you are not. A match like this usually brings out the demon in people, and I know it will bring out the cheating and backstabbing bastard in me, what will it bring out in you?

{Byker smirks, letting her words sink in. She knew this chick all too well. She finally stands up from the bench, and walks towards the weight-lifting area}

CC: This bimbo is kind of perplexing to me. She’s listed at forty-one years of age, a time in your life when most people are hanging up their boots, yet here is a woman just like myself in this federation. It makes it hard for me to quite gauge what she is as a wrestler, seeing as her list of accomplishments here is slimmer than a piece of paper …all I can assume is that, she must have some tricks up her sleeve if she is still performing at this level at that age.

{Byker takes a seat on the bench-press, as she continues to speak}

CC: Almost the complete opposite of these other gals, is yourself. I have such huge amounts of these young ladie's work. I have seen them come up through the ranks in the past, and I have a list of their accomplishments here, and yet just like themselves …I have no clue who they really are. That’s the question of the day, who are these ladies? Are they the women that fought through Loss after Loss, until they finally got an opportunity in the past? Are they the women, that worked until they couldn’t work anymore and won the very title, we are working for …becoming the number one contender for? Or are they the women that dropped the ball every time they were given the chance to escape the cellar of wrestling? Are they the woman, that was rising to new heights in a company, only to crash back to the bottom? No one, not even they seem to know. All I can make from all of them is this, if history repeats itself, they will fall.

{Byker leans back, and does a couple of reps. She pauses for a few seconds, and does another quick set of reps}

CC: Summer Bliss? Not sure what to call you anymore, but I sure know where you and I stand …on bad terms. In the past, it was always you chasing after my shadow. You and your little friends always trying to start fights with the big dogs in the company, hoping some of what little talent you had would shine through in the fight, but it never seemed to work. You stayed in my shadow, and couldn’t fight your way out until I was gone. Now here we meet again, and I’m the big dog this time. You’re the one that has all the recognition here. I bet you’re even thinking the tables have turned, and now I’ll be the one chasing after you. But unlike you, when we’re in the same ring at Synergistic I will shine, and you will realize you never even got out of my shadow. You couldn’t take over the top spot when I was around, and you won’t be able to slow me down from rising past you here either.

*The smile returns back to her face, as she stands up and looks deep into the camera as if she is now talking to someone specific*

CC: The real challenge of this match though, is the lackluster rules. There might as well not even be anyone else in this match, but the two best Vixens. It seems like it was meant to be, that the two of us meet quickly here in Kore. It might be the bookers, or maybe fate made it so. We’ve fought all over the globe. Summer, although you just got here the week before me …you hold an advantage, you’ve been here before. You know the layouts of this ring, and that’s an advantage that I really can’t afford to give up to you. We’ve been through hell against each other, and know each other inside and out. We both started together and learned to be what we’ve become today, together. Not as friends, but as rivals, and here we are again. The setting doesn’t seem to matter as much, as it matters that it is me and you once again. Ladder, chairs, or whatever else gets thrown around in this match, it will not matter, because in the end …I can guarantee it will come down to only two of us fighting for the win. I can’t guarantee that I will come out on top, but I can guarantee you this …you want to know who really wants to win this shot, I do!!

{Again, Byker pauses to let her words settle in. Now she’s really focused, her voice becomes more forceful}

CC: I don’t want this for the same reason you do, to build a foundation …but I want this. I want this, because it’s been far too long since I have mattered in professional wrestling. It’s been far too long since people have looked at me, and said there is a champion. It’s been far too long since, I have felt like I am the best, and even though it is supposed to be like being the best of the worst …I still want this. One more thing you can count on as well, if I do get this and I do move on to keep this championship. No one, and I mean no one …will look at this belt as the best of the worst again. They’ll just look at it as the best. That’s what I want from Summer, the only question left …is who is going to want it enough to win it!!

{Byker turns, and begins to work out once more}

CC: Before this match though, I’m going to need to learn that layout. There’s no way, I’m giving you an advantage at all. It’s as simple as, I’m The Most Dominate Bytch in Professional Wrestling!!

{Byker’s last words trail off, as she exits the room and flags someone down presumably to give her a tour of sorts}


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