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Match Two: Halsted vs. Steele

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*Match Two*

~Xtremist Match: Bunkhouse~

Vin Halsted Vs. Napalm Steele

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AWS - Vin Halsted - The Hour Draws Near


::The following takes place about a week before Synergistic. Halsted wakes up from his dreamscape and stares out into the darkness of his master bedroom in the Halsted Manor. He looks completely bewildered while panting as if he doesn’t recognize the familiar surroundings. Sweat rushes down his brow as he rubs his eyes. The sweat stings as it races down around his eyelids. He jumps to his feet and begins to pace back and forth.::


Halsted: The time is almost here. The Dark One is ready to reveal himself. I have to talk to Sammeal and KD.


::Halsted refocuses and spots his Samsung Z Fold 6 on the charger. He races over to it and texts the following cryptic message to Sammeal and KD:




He waits a few minutes and doesn’t receive a response. He looks at his phone and check the time: 2:43 AM CST.::


Halsted: Damnit… Why is it so late at night right now?!?!?


::Halsted goes back to pacing back and forth for another ten minutes. No response. He throws his head back and groans in frustration, then decides to take a walk through the halls of the Halsted Manor. He, eventually, makes his way to the mystical hot tub in the Halsted Fieldhouse. The glowing blue water calls to him as a means to calm his mind. He yawns and gives in to its call as he removes his loungewear and enters the bubbling, steamy waters. He sits down and rests his head on the rim of the tub as he slowly drifts off.::


::Approximately four hours later, Margot walks into the Fieldhouse and turns on the lights for the usual training session with Halsted. She walks in and is shocked to find Halsted floating on his back in the hot tub. She calls out to him as she approaches but he is completely despondent. She shakes her head and reaches over to shake him awake and still no response. She begins to worry as she frantically screams at him to wake up while relentlessly shaking him. She slaps him as hard as she can, then again… and again, and then as if he were waking up from a deep sleep, his eyes pop open widely. He looks around as if he doesn’t know where he is and freaks out to see Margot shrieking in front of him.::


Margot: What the Hell… I thought you were… I thought you were… Oh… My… GOD!!!!


Halsted: WHAT?!? WHO?!? WHERE?!? Oh… Good… It’s just you Margot.


Margot: What’s that supposed to mean?


Halsted: Nevermind… Can you please hand me my phone?


::Margot look at Halsted as if he were crazy and shakes her head, then bends down to sift through his clothes on the floor. She reaches into his lounge pants pocket and pulls his phone on. It shows several missed calls and multiple unanswered texts from Sammeal and KD. She hands the phone to Halsted as he hangs over the top of the hot tub. He frantically responds as he doesn’t remember sending the initial text.::


Margot Could you please get out of there and put some damn clothes on?!?


::Halsted looks up at Margot and shrugs.::


Halsted: What?


::Margot huffs and barks back at Halsted.::




::Halsted slumps his shoulders and closes his phone.::


Halsted: Jeez… Ok, Margot.


::Halsted climbs out of the hot tub and walks through the Hall of Halsted while air drying and dripping all over the floor. Scene fades to black as Margot continues to shake her head at Halsted as he walks away. END SCENE.::


::Present Day - Halsted and Scarlett are sitting in the Lear jet as they make their way to Warwick, New York. Scarlett is listening to her favorite podcast, “My Favorite Murder”, while Halsted is seemingly napping. He begins to toss around in his chair while repeating the same thing over and over again. First as a whisper then his voice gets louder and louder.::




::Scarlett removes her earbuds and looks up at Halsted.::


Scarlett: What did you say?




::Scarlett jumps out of his seat and rushes over to Halsted as he continues to thrash around in his seat. She kneels down beside him and starts to shake and scream at him.::


Scarlett: Hey, Vin… You need to wake up!! YOU’RE SCARING THE HELL OUT OF ME!!




::Scarlett looks at Halsted with widening eyes and begins to slap him awake. Halsted finally wakes up and looks completely startled.::


Halsted: Why are you hitting me??? STOP!!! I’m awake… I’m awake!


Scarlett: Good God, Vin. What’s going on with you?


Halsted: I don’t know…


Scarlett: Well, get it together. You have a lot to focus on between this match with Napalm Steele, defending the AWS Legacy Championship and taking the KORE World Heavyweight Championship.


Halsted: I know… I know… I’m not too worried about Napalm Steele. I think word is getting out that I’ve leveled up to a point where I’m beyond untouchable. He hasn’t even showed up and probably won’t even make it to the Mid-Orange State Prison for our match. 


Scarlett: We’ll see, Vin.


Halsted: Scar… I’ve been steam-rolling through everyone they put in front of me. Just look at Ricky Rhodes. That bum actually thought he could step to me, and now where is he? No… I’ll answer that… he’s off to Never Neverland.


Scarlett: I’m sure the neighbors are glad to hear that.


Halsted: What a jackass… but at least he tried to show up. Napalm Steele is yet another coward unwilling to show his face once the contract is signed. I don’t even know why these guys decide to be in this business if they can’t even show up when the time comes. That’s not AWS Legacy material. 


Scarlett: True and you need to show all of them what that looks like.


Halsted: Every time I go out there, I fight to establish this championship. It never be taken by an overnight sensation, a flash-in-the-pan, or someone who is desperately trying to establish themselves. This title is for the true legends who have been up and down every road, competed on every continent, and have taken world championships in every federation they’ve ever walked into. This is for the one percenters. Those who have bled, sweat, drank, ate, sacrificed, and cried for this business. The ones who literally live, breathe and die in that ring for all the world to see whether they’re loved or hated. This championship is above all others. No universal, unified, or heavyweight championship is in its league. Like me, it’s in a league of its own.


Scarlett: That’s what I’m talking about! That’s the Vin Halsted I know.


Halsted: I never left, Scar. I’m just getting started. The Reign of Terror is upon AWS and there’s no stopping it. I’ve heard the whispers and I will be damned if I lay down for anyone just to let them hold this title. This title needs to be earned. Anyone who wants to face me will have to go through Hell to get to me and then I will obliterate them and send them back off to the land of Irrelevance. There they will suffer and beg to be released but no one will ever hear from them again. They will all bend the knee and say, “All hail The Iconic King, King Vin Halsted!!”


::As the Lear jet begins its descent, the scene fades to black. END SCENE.::

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